Miami-Dade County Public Schools Data Collection: Latency
Miami-Dade County Public Schools Data Collection: Latency
Miami-Dade County Public Schools Data Collection: Latency
Class/Teacher ________________________________________________________________________________
• Write down the behavior that you will be observing and its definition
• Note the antecedent (what happened immediately before the target behavior occurred
• Note when the opportunity is presented (e.g., request given) and when the student begins the
response (e.g., compliance with request)
• Use a stopwatch to record the start time and stop time on the data sheet
• Calculate the average latency (average time it takes for the behavior to start (this is what you graph)
• Write any notes if applicable
Example: Abby’s teacher assigned work 4 times during the observation. Abby took 60 seconds, 90
seconds, 35 seconds and 50 seconds to start the four assignments. So, 60 + 90 + 35 + 50 = 235/4 =
58.75. Abby took an average of 58.75 seconds to start her assignments during the observation period.
How to calculate the data: