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I.Objective:: Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

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Using varied picture, the students will be able to:

a. Identify the words the begins with the big and small letter Ll.
b. Give the importance of the sound of the letter
c. Trace the big and small letter /Ll/.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Letter /Ll/
Reference: Brewer, Jessica
Reading Readiness pp.26-27, 2013 Edition
Materials: charts, pictures



Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Let us all stand for the prayer In the name of the father and of the sin and of
the holy soirit Amen!
2. Greetings
Goodmorning children! Goodmorning Teacher!
Please take your seat. Thank you teacher!

3. Drill
Do you still remember what was our lesson
yesterday? Yes teacher!

What it is all about? It’s all about viwels teacher

Yes! Very good!
How many vowel sound are there in the Five teacher!
Yes teacher! (A,E,I,O,U)
What are the vowel sound? Can you enumarate
Yeas teacher!
Do you still remember the alphabet song?

We will sing the alphabet song together. A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W
,X,Y, and Z. Now I know my ABC 26 letters
from A to Z.
,X,Y, and Z. Now I know my ABC 26 letters
from A to Z.

What do you call letters in the alphabet Consonant teacher!

except (A,E,I,O,U) represents? They are?

Our lesson for today is about consonant No, teacher!

Do you know what letter is this?

This is letter Ll.

Letter Ll Teacher.
What letter is this?

Very good!

This is the big letter L and this is the small

letter l.

The sound of the letter is Llll. L,L,L,L,L

What is the sound of the letter Ll?

Very good.

I have here some pictures. Can you guess
what picture is this?
Lion, teacher!

Very good!

The letter that begins of the name lion is Letter Ll teacher.

letter Ll.
What letter begins from the word lion?
Yes correct!
How about this one? Lizard, teacher!
Very good!
The letter that
begins of the
name lizard is Letter Ll, teacher
letter Ll.
What letter begins from the word lizard?
Yes correct!

I will call some students to go to the board
and write the big and small letter Ll.

Jerrah can you write the big letter L? This one teacher?

Yes! Very good. This is the big letter L.

How about the small letter l? Who can write Me, teacher!
it on the board?
Okay miss mae. Write the small letter l on Done, teacher!
the board.
Very good mae.

I have here some pictures, and you have to Yes, teacher.

choose and incircle the letter of the
beginning sound of the picture.

Bb Cc Ll


Kk Ll Mm

IV. Evaluation/ Assesment:

Box the letter Ll of the word.

1. Lizard 2. Lion
3. Leaf 4.Lamb
5. Butterfly


Cut out pictures that name begins with the letter Ll and paste it in your
activity notebook.

Prepared by: Angelica Nelmida

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