Dynamic Analysis of A Linear Motion Guide Having Rolling Elements For Precision Positioning Devices
Dynamic Analysis of A Linear Motion Guide Having Rolling Elements For Precision Positioning Devices
Dynamic Analysis of A Linear Motion Guide Having Rolling Elements For Precision Positioning Devices
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(Manuscript Received October 9, 2006; Revised June 15, 2007; Accepted July 12, 2007)
Linear motion (LM) guides supported by rolling elements can be used to ultra-accurately position precision ma-
chines. For accurate positioning, the micro and macro dynamic behavior of the LM guide must be understood, but the
research on this subject is rather limited. In this investigation, experiments to reveal the dynamic characteristics of the
LM guide were performed and a simplified model to predict the observed dynamics of the LM guide was developed.
Several experiments conducted in the present research demonstrated the hysteretic behavior as well as frequency- and
force-dependent phenomena of the LM guide. The validity of the proposed modeling method was checked with theo-
retical and numerical analyses.
Keywords: Linear Motion (LM) guide; Micro-friction model; Contact analysis; Dynamic analysis
Table 1 shows the eigenfrequencies of the LM Except the first eigenmode (i.e., the horizontally-
guide system, which were extracted from the meas- translational mode), the mechanics behind the every
ured frequency response functions shown in Fig. 3. rigid body modes is somewhat obvious; the elastic
Fig. 4 shows the mode shapes of the steel block that deformations of the bearing balls which lay between
correspond to the eigenfrequencies listed in Table 1. the LM block and the LM rail were responsible for
Four to six eigenfrequencies exist in each excitation the 2nd to 6th vibration modes. At a glance, however,
direction. To characterize the mode shapes, each the mechanism generating the first mode was not
mode shape is referred to as the (horizontally- clear. Its eigenfrequency considerably varied depend-
)translational, rolling, yawing, pitching, or bouncing ing on the experimental conditions, such as the mag-
and high-order rolling mode. Five modes from rolling nitude of the excitation force. Earlier investigations
to high-order rolling modes were also observed in [14, 15] reported the nonlinear behavior related to the
earlier researches [11, 12]. The flexural modes caused first mode, but the physics behind it has not been fully
by the elastic deformation of the LM block or the LM explained.
rail were not present in the frequency range con-
cerned, for they have relatively higher natural fre- 3. Elastic deformation-induced dynamics
quencies than the rigid body modes.
In this section, the theoretical analysis to predict the
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Typical frequency responses obtained by excitations Fig. 4. Mode shapes: (a) translation, (b) rolling, (c) yawing,
in the (a) horizontal, (b) lateral and (c) vertical directions. (d) pitching, (e) bouncing and (f) high-order rolling.
Y. -S. Yi et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 22 (2008) 50~60 53
2nd up to the 6th eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes, a simplified model based on the elastic foundation
which are associated with the elastic deformation of concept [17] is used in this investigation.
the LM block, LM rail and bearing balls, will be pre- The contact plane between a bearing ball and the
sented. The key procedure in this analysis is the esti- LM rail, which is shown in part A in Fig. 5(a), is re-
mation of the equivalent stiffness and effective mod- placed by the elastic foundation of height, H , which
eling of the LM guide system. For these two tasks, rests on a rigid base, and is compressed by a rigid
contact analysis was carried out. Though some earlier indenter as in Fig. 5(c). The profile of the indenter
investigations used the contact mechanics approach h( x, y ) is taken as the sum of the profiles of the con-
for the LM guide systems, they, however, were tacting two bodies – h1 ( x, y ) of the LM rail and
mainly concerned with fatigue analysis and lifetime h2 ( x, y ) of the bearing ball as shown in Fig. 5(b),
estimate [16].
3.1 Evaluation of equivalent stiffness
h ( x, y ) h1 ( x, y ) h2 ( x, y ) . (1)
The Hertz contact model is most widely used for
contact analysis. However, it needs the solution of If the curved profile of the indenter is assumed to
complicated integral equations. To facilitate analysis, be continuous up to its second derivative in the con-
tact region, the profile may be written as:
1 2 1 2
h ( x, y ) x y (2)
2 Rc 2 Rcc
(a) G h( x, y ) G ! h
u z ( x, y ) ® (3)
¯ 0 G dh
(b) p ( x, y ) u z ( x, y ) (4)
KG § x2 y 2 ·
p ( x, y ) ¨1 2 2 ¸ (5)
H © a b ¹
where a 2G Rc and b 2G Rcc denote the semi-
Fig. 5. (a) Section view of the LM block and the rail, (b)
enlarged diagram of part A and (c) schematic diagram of axes of the ellipsoidal contact area.
the elastic foundation model. The integration of the pressure in Eq. (5) over the
54 Y. -S. Yi et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 22 (2008) 50~60
contact area yields the total load, which is that the equivalent stiffness varies only with G 2 .
Therefore, the stiffness of the LM guide can be con-
K S abG
P (6) trolled by the preload, which is caused by the nega-
tive clearance of the bearing balls.
K E*
It is well known that 0.60 should be
H r
used for the case of axisymmetric contact [17] where 3.2 Analysis results
r is the contact radius and E * is given by
Eq. (12) is used to compute the stiffness of a linear
1 1 Q 12 1 Q 2 2
( E : Young’s modulus, Q : spring in the analytic solution and finite element
E* E1 E2 analysis of the LM guide system, and these analyses
Poisson’s ratio). Thus, one may replace r with the check the validity of our proposition in explaining
correctly the modal behavior of the system from the
equivalent radius ab 2 2G Rc 2G Rcc 2
2nd to the 6th eigenmode shown in Table 1 and Fig. 4.
In earlier works, the lowest five natural frequencies
2 RcRcc 4 G 2 and the following load-penetration
were obtained analytically as follows (for details, see
relation is obtained: Appendix).
0.60 E * S RcRcc 4 3 3
P G2 CG 2 . (7)G 1 2 L( K1 K 2 sin 2 E )
2 f bouncing (13)
2S M
By representing the groove radius of the LM rail by 1 L3 ( K1 K 2 sin 2 E )
f pitching (14)
r1 and the ball radius by r2 , the rail profile h1 and 2S 6J y
the ball profile h2 can be written as
1 K 2 L3 cos 2 E
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 f yawing (15)
h1 x y x y y 2 (8) 2S 6J Z
2R1c 2R1cc 2uf 2r1 2r1
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ° f rolling Z1 / 2S
h2 x y x y . (9) ® (16)
2 R2 2 R2cc 2r2 2r2 °̄ f highrolling Z2 / 2S
Substituting Eqs. (8) and (9) into Eq. (1) yields the In Eq. (16) Z1 and Z2 satisfy the following
profile h of the rigid indenter: equation:
1 2 § 1 1 · 1 2 1 2
h h1 h2 x ¨ ¸ y2 x y § ª p MZ2 p2 º·
2r2 2
© 2r 2r1 ¹ 2Rc 2Rcc Det ¨ « 1 0 (17)
¨ 2»¸
©¬ p2 p3 J xZ ¼ ¸¹
p1 2 K 2 L cos 2 E
Therefore, the relative principal radii of the rigid
p2 K 2 L(2b cos 2 E c 2 sin 2E )
indenter may be identified as
p3 2 L( K1c12 K 2 b 2 cos 2 E K 2 c22 sin 2 E K 2 bc2 sin 2E )
1 r1 r2 (18)
Rc r2 R '' (11)
1 1 r1 r2
r2 r1 In preceding equations K1 and K 2 denote the
equivalent stiffnesses of the upper and lower row of
Differentiating Eq. (7) with respect to G yields
the bearing balls, M the total mass of LM block and
the equivalent stiffness k due to the elastic defor-
steel block, J x , J y and J z the moment of inertia
mations of the bearing ball and the rail:
of the LM block and steel block about the x-, y- and z-
dP 3 § S 0.60 E * 1/ 4 ·
3 1 axes, respectively. The x-axis corresponds to the mo-
k ¨ RcRcc ¸ G 2 { CG 2 (12) tion direction and the y- and z-axes correspond to the
dG 2© 2 ¹ 2
lateral and vertical direction, respectively, and they
Since E * is the material property and Rc and have the origin at the mass center. What L , b , c1 ,
Rcc are geometrical data, one can see from Eq. (12) c2 and E represent is shown in Fig. 6.
Y. -S. Yi et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 22 (2008) 50~60 55
Two analysis models are used for finite element ance between the balls and the rail, each of the spring
calculation. One model treats the LM block and the elements is compressed by an initial displacement of
steel block as a rigid body while the other, as solid 7 μm. This value is the mean value of the negative
brick elements. For the rigid body modeling, a con- tolerance estimate given by the manufacturer, THK
centrated mass is placed at the mass center with an Co. Ltd., which ranges from 4 μm to 10 μm. Though
equivalent moment of inertia, and then a rigid body is it was not possible to measure the exact tolerance
constructed by linking the springs and the mass center value, the validity of using it was checked indirectly
with massless rigid beams. For the solid brick ele- by the experiments conducted by Choi et al. [18].
ment modeling, 8-node brick elements are used, Analysis results for natural frequencies are presented
which were meshed by the Altair HyperMesh soft- in Figs. 7, 8 and Table 2. Analytical and FEM-based
ware. The bearing balls are replaced by equivalent numerical results showed good agreement. Especially,
linear spring elements, and therefore, 14 spring ele- the analytic solution and the FEM results with rigid
ments are located at each row, respectively. For mo- body modeling showed very similar results. Note that
dal analysis, the block Lanczos method of the the sa me concentrated mass and the mo-
ANSYS 7.0 is used. ment of inertia are used and the LM block is treated
To model the prestress effect by the negative toler as a rigid body for both methods. Because the flexural
modes of the LM block and the steel block are much
\ higher than the frequency range of concern, that is,
Steel block their stiffness are much higher than those of the bear-
ing balls, treating the blocks as rigid bodies is reason-
I The predicted eigenfrequencies by the analytic and
O y
T numerical solution are somewhat different from the
experimental eigenfrequencies for higher modes. This
LM block
D b might be because very simple one-dimensional
#4 #1
equivalent stiffness was used and the nonlinearity
#3 #2
shown in contact analysis was not applied. Consider-
E ing that the modal orders and mode shapes well agree
c2 with the experimental results and the errors for lower
Fig. 6. Geometry of the LM guide system. modes are less than 15%, however, the results appear
quite satisfactory.
1 1 1
DEC 2 2004 DEC 2 2004 DEC 2 2004
Y X 13:42:22 13:43:03 Y X 13:44:40
SUB =2 SUB =3 SUB =4
FREQ=136.303 FREQ=502.508 FREQ=585.314
DMX =.496805 DMX =.485561 DMX =1.104
(d) (e)
Fig. 7. Mode shapes obtained by FEM analysis using rigid elements: (a) rolling, (b) yawing, (c) pitching, (d) bouncing and (e)
high-order rolling.
56 Y. -S. Yi et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 22 (2008) 50~60
1 1 1
STEP=1 DEC 2 2004 STEP=1 DEC 2 2004 STEP=1 DEC 2 2004
SUB =2 14:11:36 SUB =3 14:12:50 SUB =4 X Y 14:13:45
FREQ=132.981 FREQ=467.9 FREQ=561.943
DMX =1.085 Z DMX =1.092 DMX =1.295
(d) (e)
Fig. 8. Mode shapes obtained by FEM analysis using solid elements: (a) rolling, (b) yawing, (c) pitching, (d) bouncing and (e)
high-order rolling.
Table 2. Analysis results by the Euler-Lagrange equation and applied force is apparently smaller than the maximum
the finite element method (FEM I: rigid modeling, FEM II: static friction force, quite significant hysteretic mo-
solid modeling).
tions are observed. From the viewpoint of classical
Mode shape Experiment Theory FEM I FEM II friction, there should be no motion, that is, there
should be no stiffness for the motion.
Rolling 153 137.3 136.3 133.0
The mechanics behind these phenomena is not fully
Yawing 422 468.4 502.5 467.9 understood, but the micro-scale elastic and plastic
Pitching 487 545.3 585.3 561.9 deformations of the balls and the contacting regions
Bouncing 1190 1389 1388 1324 caused by friction are likely to be responsible for the
hysteretic force-displacement relation. Earlier re-
High rolling 1450 1889 1890 1728
searches reported similar phenomena between two
sliding plates or in the rotor-bearing system. However,
4. Friction-induced dynamics these researches considered quasi-static characteris-
tics more important than dynamic characteristics.
4.1 Hysteresis test
The mean slope of the hysteresis loop in Figs. 9(a)-
To understand the type of nonlinearity involved in (c) could be regarded as the linear stiffness. As the
the first eigenmode, a number of experiments were excitation force increases, the mean slope decreases
conducted in which the excitation force was varied and the inside area of the loop increases. This means
from 0.2 N to 4.2 N. The steel block was excited in that the apparent system stiffness decreases and the
the horizontal direction and the displacement of a dissipated energy increases as the force increases.
point in the block was measured by the laser Doppler This dependency on the excitation force level causes
vibrometer (LDV). In the present experiments, a very nonlinearity such as variable natural frequency for the
low excitation frequency (under 1 Hz) was selected to first translational mode.
minimize the inertial effect of the block and effec- The effect of the excitation frequency is shown in
tively show the static relationship between the excita- Fig. 10. The excitation force level is fixed, and then
tion. the system response is observed for various excitation
These experiments gave the following findings. frequencies. When the excitation frequency is below
When the excitation force exceeded approximately 20 Hz, the overall loop pattern is similar to that ob-
4.2 N, which was the maximum static friction force, tained in the earlier results shown in Figs. 9(a)-(c). If
the balls rolled, as shown in Fig. 9(d). Even when the we presume that the equivalent stiffness of the system
Y. -S. Yi et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 22 (2008) 50~60 57
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 9. Force-displacement relation for various force levels (a), (b), (c) before rolling and (d) after rolling.
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ena by an equivalent one-degree-of-freedom model
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Mz 2Ceq z1 dz 2Ceq sin E z2 dz sin E
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60 Y. -S. Yi et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 22 (2008) 50~60
caused by the minus tolerance and z2 the initial J xI 2L(K1c12 K2b2 cos2 E K2c22 sin2 E K2bc2 sin2E )I
displacement of lower rows. If the system is assumed L(2K2b cos2 E K2c2 sin2E ) y 0
to reach static equilibrium at dz 0 , the following (A9)
relation between the initial displacement of balls in
the upper and lower rows can be obtained: J yT (1 sin 2 E )T 0 (A10)
§ KL3 · (A11)
§ z1 ·
3/ 2
J z\ ¨¨ cos 2 E ¸¸\ 0
¨ ¸ sin E (A3) © 6 ¹
© z2 ¹
Eqs. (A7)-(A11) represent the equations of motion
For simpler analysis, the arrays of the balls can be or high-order rolling, bouncing, rolling, pitching and
assumed to be continuous. Then, the spring constant yawing mode, respectively. From Eqs. (A8), (A10)
K per unit length can be written as and (A11), the natural frequencies are easily obtained
because z , T and \ are uncoupled.
Nk (A4)
1 2 L( K1 K 2 sin 2 E )
f bouncing (A12)
2S M
where N and L represent the average number of balls
in the load zone and the length of load zone on the 1 L3 ( K1 K 2 sin 2 E )
f pitching (A13)
circuit of the recirculating balls, respectively. 2S 6J y
Using the notation used in section 3.2, the kinetic
1 K 2 L3 cos 2 E
energy of the 5 degree-of-freedom system becomes f yawing (A14)
2S 6J Z
1 1 1 1 1
T My 2 Mz 2 J xI 2 J yT 2 J z\ 2 (A5)
2 2 2 2 2 Because y and I are coupled, the natural fre-
quencies for rolling and high order-rolling modes can
The potential energy by the elastic deformation of be obtained by solving the following equations:
the ball bearings can be formulated as the integration
for loading length. y Ye jZ t , I ) e jZ t
ª p1 MZ 2 p2 º Y ½ 0½
« 2 »® ¾ ® ¾
2 L³/ 2
K 1 ^ y aI l\ cos D z c1I lT sin D `
(A6) ¬ p2 p3 J xZ ¼ ¯) ¿ ¯0¿
K 2 ^ y bI l\ cos E z c 2I lT sin E `
K 2 ^ y bI l\ cos E z c 2I lT sin E `
2 where
K 1 ^ y aI l\ cos D z c1I lT sin D ` dl
@ p1 2K2 L cos2 E
p2 K2 L(2b cos2 E c2 sin2E )
where K1 denotes the equivalent stiffness of the p3 2L(K1c12 K2b2 cos2 E K2c22 sin2 E K2bc2 sin2E )
upper rows and K 2 the stiffness of the lower rows. (A16)
Using T and U , the following five equations of
motion can be derived from the Euler-Lagrange equa- To obtain a non-trivial solution, the determinant of
tions: the square matrix in Eq. (A15) must be zero. The
results are
My (2K1L cos2 E ) y K2 L(2b cos2 E c2 sin 2E )I 0
(A7) ° f rolling Z1 / 2S (A17)
Mz 2 L( K 1 K 2 sin 2 E ) z 0 (A8) ®
°̄ f high rolling Z 2 / 2S