A Harmonic Drive Model Considering Geometry and Internal Interaction
A Harmonic Drive Model Considering Geometry and Internal Interaction
A Harmonic Drive Model Considering Geometry and Internal Interaction
Article in ARCHIVE Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 1989-1996 (vols 203-210) · December 2015
DOI: 10.1177/0954406215621097
22 8,633
5 authors, including:
Xuesong Mei
Independent Researcher
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A new harmonic drive model considering the geometry, internal interactions and assembly error of key parts is proposed
in this paper. In this model, a single tooth pair is used to represent the transmission mechanism of harmonic drive. The
meshing stiffness between the flexspline and the circular spline, the torsional stiffness of the flexspline cylinder, and the
radial stiffness of the thin-walled ball bearing are included and formulated. The kinematic error is fitted using a low-
velocity test, and its generating mechanism is analysed. The friction of the harmonic drive is formulated at the tooth
meshing section and at the ball bearing, where its parameters are identified based on experimental results. Based on the
new model, velocity step simulations are conducted. For comparison, velocity step experiments at eight different
velocities from 60 to 3000 r/min are performed, and the simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental
results. The new model reveals the dynamic behaviour of the harmonic drive system; therefore, it will be useful for the
dynamic design and precision control of harmonic drive systems.
Harmonic drive, transmission mechanism, kinematic error, stiffness, friction torque
Figure 2. Operation of the harmonic drive. ni , input rotational velocity; no , output rotational velocity.
(c) the friction of the thin-walled ball bearing and inner teeth on the round rigid circular spline. As a
tooth pairs must be included; result of the meshing effect, the teeth on the flexspline
(d) geometric parameters of the harmonic drive cause it to rotate in the opposite direction of the input
system must be considered; motion. There are three types of engagement condi-
(e) the model must not be difficult to solve. tions in the harmonic drive: engaging out, engaging
into and disengagement.
Considering the above aspects, a new model for the The translational model of the harmonic drive
interpretation and prediction of harmonic drive system shown in Figure 3 was established to explain
behaviour will be investigated in this paper. This the transmission mechanism: The input shaft drives
paper will be organised as follows. In the following the rigid elliptical cam to the right and forces the
section, the transmission mechanism of a harmonic thin-walled flexspline to deform in the vertical direc-
drive is analysed through an actual case, a model con- tion using the thin-walled bearing, and the interaction
sidering the geometry and internal interactions is between the ‘engaging into’ tooth pairs then pushes
established, and the calculation methods of the key the flexspline to move to the left. With the elliptical
attributes in the model are proposed. In the Test cam in motion, the ‘disengagement’ tooth pairs will
experiment and attribute evaluation section, a testing become the ‘engaging into’ teeth, and the ‘engaging
apparatus is set up, the attributes of this specific out’ tooth pairs will gradually become uncoupled. It is
system are calculated, and the experimental data are therefore possible to substitute the engagement
analysed to verify or identify the model’s key attri- between the ‘engaging into’ tooth pairs for the com-
butes for a high precision prediction. In the plete gearing role of the harmonic drive. The single
Verification and discussion of model performance sec- tooth pair model of a harmonic drive proposed by
tion, the mathematical equations of the model are Tuttle4 is a good explanation of the harmonic drive
solved, the theoretical response are predicted and transmission mechanism. However, in this model, the
compared with the experimental response, and the stiffness was modelled only between the wave gener-
model performance is discussed. In the last section, ator and the flexspline, and the friction was only mod-
some conclusions are given. elled at the meshing zone. To fully understand the
harmonic drive dynamic behaviour, an improved
single tooth pair model considering the geometry
Harmonic drive model formulation effect (geometric parameters and kinematic error)
and the internal interactions (elasticity and friction
Transmission mechanism of the harmonic drive among all the parts of the harmonic drive) was
Figure 2 shows a picture of the actual operation of the implemented.
harmonic drive, and the partial enlargements clarify
the deformation of the flexspline and the change in the An improved single tooth pair model of a
teeth engagement condition. Note that when the har-
harmonic drive
monic drive is in operation, the elliptical cam rotates
and forces the round flexspline to deform elliptically The geometric model of a real harmonic drive is
through the thin-walled ball bearing to push the outer shown in Figure 4(a), which shows the transmission
teeth near the major axis of the flexspline into the attributes of a harmonic drive. According to the
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the harmonic transmission mechanism. ni , input rotational velocity; no , output rotational velocity; vi ,
elliptical cam tangential velocity; vo , flexspline tangential velocity.
geometric model, an improved single tooth pair model The ordinary differential equations for the har-
considering the kinematic error and the elastic monic drive model considering the geometry and
deformation and friction among all the parts is internal interactions can be written as
shown in Figure 4(b). 8
In Figure 4(b), the input axis rotation angle i >
> x1 ¼ i rg tan n
drives the wedge that is substituting for the elliptical >
> Kb ðx1 x2 þ eÞ þ Cb ðx_ 1 x_ 2 þ eÞ
cam to move and produces the radial motion x1 of the >
> 2
> ¼ Jg x€ 2 =rg þ Km ðx2 sin t y1 cos t Þ sin t
bearing inner circle. The flexspline tooth that repre- >
< þFfm cos t
sents all the ‘engaging into’ teeth is pushed in a radial
motion x2 , and the meshing effect produces the tan- >
> Km ðx2 sin t y1 cos t Þ cos t
> 2 2
gential motion y1 of the flexspline teeth. The rotation > ¼ Jg y€ 1 =rg þ Kt ðy1 y2 Þ=rg þ Ffb þ Ffm sin t
of the flexspline drives the tangential motion y2 of the >
> Kt ðy1 y2 Þ=r2g ¼ Jo y€ 2 =r2g
output axis, where Kb and Cb denote the radial :
o ¼ y2 =rg
stiffness and damping of the thin-walled ball bearing,
respectively; e is the cyclic pattern of the eccentric ð2Þ
error e0 that leads to the kinematic error; Ffb and The equations describe the internal motion and
Ffm are friction caused by the thin-walled ball bear- force constraints of the harmonic drive. If attributes
ing and teeth meshing, respectively; Km is the gear such as friction, compliance, damping and eccentric
mesh stiffness; Jg is the inertia of the flexspline; rg is error have been calculated and incorporated into this
the radius of the flexspline neutral layer; t is the model, the response of the output axis for a given
gear tooth angle; Jo is the equivalent inertia of the input rotation angle will be determined. The calcula-
output axis; Kt is the torsional stiffness of the flex- tion method used to obtain these attributes will be
spline cylinder; and o is the rotation angle of the discussed in the following three sections.
output axis.
The angle n of the wedge representing the elliptical
cam ensures that in the absence of any friction, com-
Modelling compliance in the harmonic drive
pliance or kinematic error, the harmonic drive model Because the compliance in the harmonic drive will
is simply an ideal representation composed only of the produce transmission inaccuracies5 and exhibit sub-
gear reduction and gear tooth angle. This angle can be stantial vibrations,4 it is a critical factor that must
represented as4 be recognised in the dynamic model. However, in
past research, only an integrated stiffness has been
1 considered rather than the stiffness of every compo-
n ¼ arctan ð1Þ
N tanðt Þ nent in the harmonic drive, preventing the designer
from determining how the structural parameters and
where N is the gear ratio of the harmonic drive. material of each component affect the dynamic
< x2c y2
2 ¼ 1
ðdf =2!Þ2
þ ðd =2þ!Þ
: d2c
x2c þ y2c ¼ 4
bending, shearing and compression of one tooth can of flexspline will be produced and make the harmonic
then be determined as follows18 drive different from rigid planar gear in teeth contact
condition. But the flexspline teeth and circular teeth
( " #
Fj 1 2 2
T3i þ 3T2i Lij þ 3Ti L2ij keep engaged deeper at cup mouth of flexspline while
Bij ¼ cos j more shallow at the opposite end of the teeth (the end
E 3Ii
2 close to the cup bottom) because of this deformation.
Ti yj þ 2Ti yj Lij ð6Þ And the tooth can still be considered as rigid body in
cos j sin j
2Ii small scale. So the contact deformation cj at point j of
mj ¼ j f þ j c ð10Þ
_ 23 d3
7 f0 ð0 i Þ
Ffb ¼ 10 m
sgn _i ð18Þ
where f0 is a coefficient determined by the bearing and
lubrication style, 0 is the viscosity of the lubricant,
and dm is the pitch diameter of the bearing.
The friction Ffm between the gear teeth is as follows
n o
Ffm ¼ Fc þ ðFs Fc Þ exp _i =vs þ c_i sgn _i
Figure 9. Experimental and fitted friction torque at the input where Fc is the Coulomb friction that leads to the
axis. constant component of the friction torque, Fs is the
static friction, vs is the Stribeck velocity, is the shape
coefficient, and c is the viscous coefficient.
pattern of the eccentric error e is added to the har- According to the proposed harmonic drive model,
monic drive model as an effect of the kinematic error. the overall friction torque at the harmonic drive input
According to the geometric relation of the harmonic Tf can be represented as
drive model, e can be calculated as follow
Ffm df sinðt Þ
ke sim rg Tf ðvÞ ¼ Ffb rg þ ð20Þ
e¼ ð17Þ 2N
tanðt Þ
Ffb can be calculated according to parameters in the
The experiments to identify the parameters in corresponding literature or manual, but parameters
equation (16) will be carried out in the Kinematic such as Fc , Fs , vs , , c in Ffm have to be identified
error measurement and mechanism analysis section. through the friction measurement experiment that
will be discussed in the Friction torque measurement
Modelling friction in the harmonic drive
The experimental results show that the friction torque
in the harmonic drive appears with the Stribeck effect, Test experiment and attribute evaluation
a constant component and a velocity-dependent com-
Test apparatus
ponent.4,13 In our experiment, which will be discussed
in the Friction torque measurement section, similar A test apparatus was established to measure the kine-
friction properties of the harmonic drive were matic error, compliance and friction in a harmonic
found, as shown in Figure 9. In a harmonic drive drive.
system, there are two friction sources: the tooth As shown in Figure 10, the test rig is composed of
meshing section and the thin-walled ball bearing. an AC servo motor with an encoder, a harmonic drive
The relative motion between the flexspline tooth system, a high-precision encoder, and an inertial load.
and the circular spline tooth is similar to the The harmonic drive system is manufactured by HD
motion between two flat surfaces; therefore, dry, slid- Systems Inc., its type is Unit Type CSF-25, its reduc-
ing and viscous rubbing between the gear teeth are tion ratio is 120, and it was configured as a reducer
considered as Stribeck friction and linear viscous directly attached to the servo motor. The servo motor
friction. The friction at the ball bearing can be produces the input motion of the harmonic drive; its
represented as a nonlinear friction–velocity relation. type is SGMJV-02 of YASKAWA, and its servo amp-
In our research, the friction of the harmonic drive lifier is SGDV.
consisted of the Stribeck effect, a constant compo- A motor encoder with a resolution of 8192 lines is
nent and a velocity-dependent component. used to measure the input rotation angle of the har-
The Stribeck component and constant component monic drive. A HEIDENHAIN high-precision enco-
originated from the tooth meshing section, while der with a resolution of 18,000 lines is used to measure
the velocity-dependent component was composed of the output rotation angle of the harmonic drive. The
two parts: viscous friction in the tooth meshing sec- torque at the input of the harmonic drive is measured
tion and a nonlinear velocity-dependent friction at through the torque monitoring port at the servo
the thin-walled ball bearing. amplifier.
Parameter value
Figure 15. Mechanism of kinematic error induced by assembly error. (a) Assembly error in harmonic drive and (b) further analysis
on the meshing condition.
To evaluate the fitting precision of the simulated harmonics is acceptable, the mechanism whereby the
results, the normalised mean-square-error (MSE) kinematic error is introduced and its representation in
method is used as follows the harmonic drive model is seldom discussed.
Ghorbel5 proposed an explanation for this error, as
100 X N shown in Figure 15(a). The misalignment of the
MSEðke sim Þ ¼ 2
½ke sim ði Þ ke ði Þ2 circular spline due to assembly error and/or shaft
N0 i¼1
deflection would cause the flexspline teeth (position
ð22Þ A) to move deeper into the circular spline than
toward the opposite side (position B). A greater
where N0 is the number of the selected experimental mesh depth results in the load translating faster
data and 2 is the kinematic error variance. If the when the wave generator rotates (angle 1 ¼ 90 in
mean of the actual errors ke is used for evaluation Figure 15(a)), which in turn results in the negative
(i.e. ke sim ¼ke for all i ), MSE will be 100; therefore, slope in the kinematic error waveform. During the
an MSE of less than 5.0 indicates a good fit, and an next 90 (angle 2 ) of the rotation of the wave gener-
MSE of less than 1.0 indicates an excellent fit.21 ator, the motor will produce a positive slope in the
The MSE of the Fourier series ke sim of the experi- kinematic error waveform. Based on Ghorbel’s
mental data is 0.71; therefore, the Fourier series is a research, further analysis of the mechanism whereby
very good representation of the actual kinematic error the kinematic error is introduced was performed, as
in the harmonic drive can thus be incorporated into shown in Figure 15(b). When the major axis of the
the harmonic drive model. wave generator rotates at the position A-B in
Although, according to the results from the litera- Figure 15(a), the misalignment will cause the flexs-
ture5,10 and from our research, the performance of pline tooth at position A to move from the ideal
modelling the kinematic error using sine or cosine position, represented by a solid line in Figure 15(b),
to the actual position (dotted line) for the same motor This result means that the maximum kinematic
revolution. The flexspline attached to the output shaft error, which may occur at position A in Figure
will rotate for an additional slight angle displacement 15(a), corresponds to the maximum friction torque,
under the meshing effect, and subsequently, the actual which corresponds to the highest meshing depth. It
output will lead the ideal output. The positive part of can therefore be obtained that the positive maximum
the kinematic error waveform is thus produced. The kinematic error occurs at the position (position A)
teeth in the range of 1 ¼ 90 have the same meshing where a higher depth is found, as the mechanism of
condition. Similarly, when the major axis of the wave kinematic error analysed above. The explanation
generator rotates at position C1–C2, the distance remains the same for the other angle positions and
between the ideal flexspline tooth (solid line) and the demonstrates the mechanism of kinematic error.
actual tooth (dotted line) at position C2 caused by the
misalignment will cause the teeth to mesh at a later
Friction torque measurement
time than in the ideal transmission, which in turn will
produce the negative part of the kinematic error The friction curve shown in Figure 9 was generated by
waveform as well as the teeth at 2 ¼ 90 . The meshing measuring the mean torque required to operate the
condition at position B will not produce a positive or harmonic drive at several constant velocities for a
negative displacement of the flexspline relative to the number of complete wave generator revolutions. To
ideal transmission, and the meshing force at position obtain the Stribeck effect of the harmonic drive fric-
C1 will lag the input motion, as shown in Figure tion, the velocity interval of the low-velocity zone was
15(b). However, a difference exists between our set to a smaller value, and the friction torque mea-
research and Ghorbel’s research. It is believed that sured at low velocity can be seen in the partial
the slope of the kinematic error waveform becomes enlargement of Figure 9.
positive at 3 ¼ 90 for the gradual change from the The model proposed in the Modelling friction in
negative maximum error position to the positive max- the harmonic drive section was used to explain the
imum error position, and the slope of the kinematic friction curve for a harmonic drive. The unknown
error waveform becomes negative at 4 ¼ 90 . A kine- parameters in this friction torque model were identi-
matic error waveform with a frequency of two cycles fied through experimental data by a genetic algorithm.
per motor rotation is thereby produced. The parameters chosen for the nonlinear friction
An extra experiment to demonstrate the mechan- torque of the thin-walled ball bearing and the identi-
ism of kinematic error was performed in our research. fied Stribeck and linear viscous parameters are shown
Due to the difficulty in measuring the meshing depth, in Table 3.
the friction torque of the harmonic drive input was A comparison between the simulated friction
measured in the kinematic error experiment to evalu- torque and the experimental data for forward and
ate the meshing condition, with a larger torque reverse rotation directions is shown in Figure 17.
considered in addition to a higher meshing depth.
As shown in Figure 16, the friction torque waveform Verification and discussion of model
at the harmonic drive input changes in the same
manner as the kinematic error waveform (see
Figure 12), and the phases of its extreme points are Because the attributes in the new model proposed in
almost the same as those of the kinematic error. the section on An improved single tooth pair model of
a harmonic drive can be computed theoretically or
identified experimentally, all of the attributes were
obtained and substituted into equations (2), and
Figure 17. Experimental and simulated friction torque in a Figure 19. Comparison between simulated outputs and
harmonic drive. experimental outputs. Vi , values of objective input rotational
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Jo equivalent inertia of the output axis
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Appendix n number of short cantilever beams
Notation ni input rotational velocity
no output rotational velocity
an ,bn coefficients of the harmonic compo- N gear ratio of the harmonic drive
nents of kinematic error N0 number of the selected experimental
a0 DC component of kinematic error data in MSE
Ai section area of short cantilever beam rg radius of the flexspline neutral layer
B tooth width Tf overall friction torque at the harmonic
c viscous coefficient of Stribeck model drive input
Cb radial damping of the thin-walled ball Ti thickness of short cantilever beam
bearing vi elliptical cam tangential velocity
dc reference diameter of the circular spline vo flexspline tangential velocity
df reference diameter of the flexspline vs Stribeck velocity
dm pitch diameter of the bearing Vi values of objective input rotational
dBD diameter of the location hole in the velocities
middle of the cylinder bottom xc x coordinate of the boundary point of
dRB diameter of cylinder’s inner circle the ‘engaging into’ section
dWR diameter of cylinder’s outer circle x1 radial motion of the bearing inner circle
e cyclic pattern of the eccentric error x2 radial motion of the ‘engaging into’
e0 eccentric error that leads to the kine- teeth
matic error yc y coordinate of the boundary point of
E elastic modulus the ‘engaging into’ section
f0 coefficient determined by the bearing yj half of the tooth thickness at the
and lubrication style meshing point
Fc Coulomb friction of the friction torque y1 tangential motion of the ‘engaging into’
Ffb friction caused by the thin-walled ball teeth
bearing y2 tangential motion of the output axis
Ffm friction caused by the teeth meshing Zc number of teeth of the circular spline
Fj unit meshing force ZR number of ‘engaging into’ teeth
Fs static friction
Ht height of the trapezoidal tooth n angle of the wedge representing the
i subscript, represent the position of elliptical cam
short cantilever beam t gear tooth angle