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A Harmonic Drive Model Considering Geometry and Internal Interaction

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A harmonic drive model considering geometry and internal interaction

Article  in  ARCHIVE Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 1989-1996 (vols 203-210) · December 2015
DOI: 10.1177/0954406215621097


22 8,633

5 authors, including:

Tao Tao Gedong Jiang

Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an Jiaotong University


Xuesong Mei
Independent Researcher


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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part C:

J Mechanical Engineering Science
A harmonic drive model considering 0(0) 1–16
! IMechE 2015

geometry and internal interaction Reprints and permissions:

DOI: 10.1177/0954406215621097

Chuang Zou1, Tao Tao1,2, Gedong Jiang1,2, Xuesong Mei1,2 and

Junhui Wu1

A new harmonic drive model considering the geometry, internal interactions and assembly error of key parts is proposed
in this paper. In this model, a single tooth pair is used to represent the transmission mechanism of harmonic drive. The
meshing stiffness between the flexspline and the circular spline, the torsional stiffness of the flexspline cylinder, and the
radial stiffness of the thin-walled ball bearing are included and formulated. The kinematic error is fitted using a low-
velocity test, and its generating mechanism is analysed. The friction of the harmonic drive is formulated at the tooth
meshing section and at the ball bearing, where its parameters are identified based on experimental results. Based on the
new model, velocity step simulations are conducted. For comparison, velocity step experiments at eight different
velocities from 60 to 3000 r/min are performed, and the simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental
results. The new model reveals the dynamic behaviour of the harmonic drive system; therefore, it will be useful for the
dynamic design and precision control of harmonic drive systems.

Harmonic drive, transmission mechanism, kinematic error, stiffness, friction torque

Date received: 10 November 2014; accepted: 12 November 2015

Introduction knowledge to change their design and process param-

The concept of harmonic drive was presented in 1955 eters to improve the performance of their systems.
for the development of space technology.1 Because of To offer a theoretical basis for the dynamic design
its large transmission ratio, small backlash and com- of a harmonic drive system, it is necessary to construct
pact size, harmonic drive systems have been gradually a harmonic drive model that can consider the geom-
applied in various types of manufacturing equipment etry and the interactions of the internal parts and can
and measuring devices such as industrial robots, elucidate the motion and force transmission process.
machine tools, optical scanners and laser mirror As shown in Figure 1, a harmonic drive system is
positioning mechanisms. Because the harmonic drive composed of three key components: a wave generator,
is the key transmission component of the above elec- a flexspline with outer teeth and a circular spline with
tromechanical systems, its performance may have a inner teeth. The wave generator is an assembly of a
great impact on the systems’ manufacturing or mea- thin-walled ball bearing fitted onto the periphery of
suring accuracies. Both Good et al.2 and Hidaka an elliptical cam. Different configurations of these
et al.3 noticed the effect of the harmonic drive attri- three components could play different roles in trans-
butes on system dynamics early in 1985. Tuttle4 found mission, including as a reducer, speed increaser and
various problematic dynamic behaviours such as kine- differential. In most circumstances, a harmonic drive
matic inaccuracies, energy dissipation and significant is used as a reducer in which the wave generator is
or unpredictable jumps in the operating velocity of the
harmonic drive. To address these problematic 1
School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, P.R.
dynamic behaviours, it is essential to thoroughly China
understand the mechanism of harmonic drive and to 2
State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xi’an
recognise the factors that affect its performance. Jiaotong University, Xi’an, P.R. China
Various models have been proposed to explain the
Corresponding author:
harmonic drive mechanism,4–17 but these models are
Gedong Jiang, State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems
developed based on various macroscopic properties, Engineering, West Fifth Building, No.99, Yanxiang Road, Yanta District,
such as total stiffness and total friction torque, and do Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, P.R. China.
not provide designers and manufacturers with the Email: gdjiang@yeah.net

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2 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)

but the representation of kinematic error in the har-

monic drive model was not analysed in detail.
Tuttle4 and Preissner10 modelled the friction in a
harmonic drive using various empirical fits, such as
fits using power or trigonometric functions with respect
to the operation velocity, whereas other research-
ers5,12–15 modelled the friction using the theories of
Coulomb friction, viscous damping, the Stribeck
effect and structural damping. Tjahjowidodo16 mod-
elled the friction by using a parallel connection of
Maxwell-slip elements. When addressing friction’s rep-
resentation in the harmonic drive model, most
researchers considered it as a total torque or force.
From the viewpoint of the harmonic drive operation,
Figure 1. Components of a harmonic drive system. the thin-walled ball bearing and tooth pairs are two
different sources of friction that should be modelled
splined to the motor as the input of transmission, the separately.
flexspline is coupled to other successive actuator as Most of the researchers mentioned above predicted
the output, and the circular spline is fixed to the dynamic performance of the harmonic drive for
the ground. When a reducer configuration is used, the purpose of control system design, but were not
the periodic elastic deformation of the flexspline concerned with the internal components and the inter-
makes the flexspline rotate in an opposite direction actions between them. They described the harmonic
under the engagement between the teeth of the flexs- drive mechanism as a grey or black box model with
pline and circular spline. There are two or three fewer several dynamic characteristics; their harmonic drive
teeth on the flexspline compared with those on the models are all based on empirical equations or fitting
circular spline; therefore, when the wave generator expressions of experimental data. Because these
(input) performs one revolution, the flexspline models do not consider the geometric parameters of
(output) only rotates by an angle corresponding to the harmonic drive system, they are seriously influ-
two or three teeth. Thus, a harmonic drive system enced by the experimental results used in the empirical
realises transmission with a large single-stage reduc- fits, and they cannot be used to improve the harmonic
tion ratio, ranging from 30:1 to 320:1. drive dynamic performance through adjustments in
Because harmonic drive is a type of friction gearing the design and manufacturing process. Therefore, it
composed of flexible elements and an assembly of is necessary to select a modelling method that con-
three components, its compliance, friction and kine- siders the geometric parameters and the internal inter-
matic error are the main attributes responsible for its actions of the system.
transmission performance gradation. These attributes On the modelling of a harmonic drive, the work of
have been studied extensively over the last twenty Tuttle must be mentioned. He established a single
years. tooth pair model4 that facilitates an understanding
Ghorbel5 and Zhu6 modelled the compliance as an and analysis of the transmission mechanism of the
integrated stiffness coefficient with known data. Tuttle harmonic drive, but only the compliance between
et al.4 performed specific measurements of the com- the wave generator and flexspline and the friction at
pliance and modelled it through the fitting of an the meshing zone are included as the total compliance
experimental curve. Taghirad et al.7 and Dhaouadi and total friction in his model. Huimin Dong pre-
et al.8 expressed the compliance as an empirical poly- sented research on the dynamic simulation of har-
nomial and identified the coefficients by least-square monic gear drives considering tooth parameters
estimation. However, the relation between the using FEM,17 but only the flexspline stress distribu-
stiffness and the structural parameters was rarely dis- tion and the load characteristics of the teeth were
cussed in their work. Rheaume9 presented a finite- analysed.
element model of a harmonic drive and reproduced In summary, a model that can help one to under-
the behaviour of the integrated torsional stiffness but stand the motion and force transmissions of a har-
did not discuss the dynamic performance of the monic drive is clearly necessary. To establish such a
harmonic drive. complex model that considers the geometry and inter-
Most researchers4,5,10,11 have modelled the nal interactions, many aspects need to be considered:
kinematic error using experimental data. Because
kinematic error is caused by manufacturing or assem- (a) the compliances of the three key components of
bly error, it must be obtained through careful experi- the harmonic drive must be modelled individually;
mentation at low, uniform driving velocities. Only (b) manufacturing or assembly error that induce the
Ghorbel5 explained the cause of kinematic errors, kinematic error must be included;

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Zou et al. 3

Figure 2. Operation of the harmonic drive. ni , input rotational velocity; no , output rotational velocity.

(c) the friction of the thin-walled ball bearing and inner teeth on the round rigid circular spline. As a
tooth pairs must be included; result of the meshing effect, the teeth on the flexspline
(d) geometric parameters of the harmonic drive cause it to rotate in the opposite direction of the input
system must be considered; motion. There are three types of engagement condi-
(e) the model must not be difficult to solve. tions in the harmonic drive: engaging out, engaging
into and disengagement.
Considering the above aspects, a new model for the The translational model of the harmonic drive
interpretation and prediction of harmonic drive system shown in Figure 3 was established to explain
behaviour will be investigated in this paper. This the transmission mechanism: The input shaft drives
paper will be organised as follows. In the following the rigid elliptical cam to the right and forces the
section, the transmission mechanism of a harmonic thin-walled flexspline to deform in the vertical direc-
drive is analysed through an actual case, a model con- tion using the thin-walled bearing, and the interaction
sidering the geometry and internal interactions is between the ‘engaging into’ tooth pairs then pushes
established, and the calculation methods of the key the flexspline to move to the left. With the elliptical
attributes in the model are proposed. In the Test cam in motion, the ‘disengagement’ tooth pairs will
experiment and attribute evaluation section, a testing become the ‘engaging into’ teeth, and the ‘engaging
apparatus is set up, the attributes of this specific out’ tooth pairs will gradually become uncoupled. It is
system are calculated, and the experimental data are therefore possible to substitute the engagement
analysed to verify or identify the model’s key attri- between the ‘engaging into’ tooth pairs for the com-
butes for a high precision prediction. In the plete gearing role of the harmonic drive. The single
Verification and discussion of model performance sec- tooth pair model of a harmonic drive proposed by
tion, the mathematical equations of the model are Tuttle4 is a good explanation of the harmonic drive
solved, the theoretical response are predicted and transmission mechanism. However, in this model, the
compared with the experimental response, and the stiffness was modelled only between the wave gener-
model performance is discussed. In the last section, ator and the flexspline, and the friction was only mod-
some conclusions are given. elled at the meshing zone. To fully understand the
harmonic drive dynamic behaviour, an improved
single tooth pair model considering the geometry
Harmonic drive model formulation effect (geometric parameters and kinematic error)
and the internal interactions (elasticity and friction
Transmission mechanism of the harmonic drive among all the parts of the harmonic drive) was
Figure 2 shows a picture of the actual operation of the implemented.
harmonic drive, and the partial enlargements clarify
the deformation of the flexspline and the change in the An improved single tooth pair model of a
teeth engagement condition. Note that when the har-
harmonic drive
monic drive is in operation, the elliptical cam rotates
and forces the round flexspline to deform elliptically The geometric model of a real harmonic drive is
through the thin-walled ball bearing to push the outer shown in Figure 4(a), which shows the transmission
teeth near the major axis of the flexspline into the attributes of a harmonic drive. According to the

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4 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)

Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the harmonic transmission mechanism. ni , input rotational velocity; no , output rotational velocity; vi ,
elliptical cam tangential velocity; vo , flexspline tangential velocity.

geometric model, an improved single tooth pair model The ordinary differential equations for the har-
considering the kinematic error and the elastic monic drive model considering the geometry and
deformation and friction among all the parts is internal interactions can be written as
shown in Figure 4(b). 8
In Figure 4(b), the input axis rotation angle i >
> x1 ¼ i rg tan n
drives the wedge that is substituting for the elliptical >
> Kb ðx1  x2 þ eÞ þ Cb ðx_ 1  x_ 2 þ eÞ
cam to move and produces the radial motion x1 of the >
> 2
> ¼ Jg x€ 2 =rg þ Km ðx2 sin t  y1 cos t Þ sin t
bearing inner circle. The flexspline tooth that repre- >
< þFfm cos t
sents all the ‘engaging into’ teeth is pushed in a radial
motion x2 , and the meshing effect produces the tan- >
> Km ðx2 sin t  y1 cos t Þ cos t
> 2 2
gential motion y1 of the flexspline teeth. The rotation > ¼ Jg y€ 1 =rg þ Kt ðy1  y2 Þ=rg þ Ffb þ Ffm sin t
of the flexspline drives the tangential motion y2 of the >
> Kt ðy1  y2 Þ=r2g ¼ Jo y€ 2 =r2g
output axis, where Kb and Cb denote the radial :
o ¼ y2 =rg
stiffness and damping of the thin-walled ball bearing,
respectively; e is the cyclic pattern of the eccentric ð2Þ
error e0 that leads to the kinematic error; Ffb and The equations describe the internal motion and
Ffm are friction caused by the thin-walled ball bear- force constraints of the harmonic drive. If attributes
ing and teeth meshing, respectively; Km is the gear such as friction, compliance, damping and eccentric
mesh stiffness; Jg is the inertia of the flexspline; rg is error have been calculated and incorporated into this
the radius of the flexspline neutral layer; t is the model, the response of the output axis for a given
gear tooth angle; Jo is the equivalent inertia of the input rotation angle will be determined. The calcula-
output axis; Kt is the torsional stiffness of the flex- tion method used to obtain these attributes will be
spline cylinder; and o is the rotation angle of the discussed in the following three sections.
output axis.
The angle n of the wedge representing the elliptical
cam ensures that in the absence of any friction, com-
Modelling compliance in the harmonic drive
pliance or kinematic error, the harmonic drive model Because the compliance in the harmonic drive will
is simply an ideal representation composed only of the produce transmission inaccuracies5 and exhibit sub-
gear reduction and gear tooth angle. This angle can be stantial vibrations,4 it is a critical factor that must
represented as4 be recognised in the dynamic model. However, in
  past research, only an integrated stiffness has been
1 considered rather than the stiffness of every compo-
n ¼ arctan ð1Þ
N tanðt Þ nent in the harmonic drive, preventing the designer
from determining how the structural parameters and
where N is the gear ratio of the harmonic drive. material of each component affect the dynamic

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Zou et al. 5

Figure 5. Meshing section of ‘engaging into’ teeth.

The coordinate of the boundary point of the ‘enga-

ging into’ section ðxc , yc Þ can be found as follows

< x2c y2
2 ¼ 1
ðdf =2!Þ2
þ ðd =2þ!Þ
: d2c
x2c þ y2c ¼ 4

Figure 4. Harmonic drive model considering geometry and

internal interactions. (a) Geometric model of the harmonic where df is the reference diameter of the flexspline, ! is
drive and (b) improved single tooth pair model. the maximum radial deformation of the flexspline
caused by the wave generator, and dc is the reference
diameter of the circular spline. The number of ‘enga-
behaviour of the harmonic drive. Three different stiff- ging into’ teeth can be approximated as
ness attributes were therefore calculated and incorpo-
rated into the harmonic drive model in our research:  2 3
the meshing stiffness between the teeth of the flexs- Zc   2 arccos 2jdxcc j
pline and circular spline Km , the torsional stiffness ZR ¼ 6
7 ð5Þ
6 4 7
of the flexspline cylinder Kt and the radial stiffness
of the thin-walled ball bearing Kb . The radial damping
Cb of the thin-walled ball bearing is also important in where Zc is the number of teeth of the circular spline.
terms of the performance of the harmonic drive model To calculate the stiffness of one practical tooth pair
and will be discussed in this section. Kms , the deformation of each tooth at the meshing
point along the direction of the unit meshing force
Meshing stiffness. A harmonic drive is a type of gearing must first be obtained. As every tooth in harmonic
with dozens of tooth pairs engaged simultaneously. drive is still rigid body in small scale, the method
The meshing stiffness of the equivalent single tooth proposed by Cornell18 is used to evaluate the tooth
pair Km is determined by the number of ‘engaging deformation. The practical tooth is simplified as a
into’ teeth ZR and the stiffness of one practical trapezoidal tooth whose lower bottom length and
tooth pair Kms as follows height are Lb and Ht respectively, for ease of calcula-
tion, as shown in Figure 6. The tooth is divided into n
Km ¼ ZR Kms ð3Þ short cantilever beams, and the thickness, section area
and section modulus of the ith beam are Ti , Ai , and
When the harmonic drive is in operation, the flexs- Ii , respectively, as shown by the shading in Figure 6.
pline deforms approximately in the style of the ellip- The distance along the x-axis from the beam to the
tical cam; therefore, the half of the teeth in the meshing point j is Lij , half of the tooth thickness at
intersection area between the reference circle of the the meshing point is yj , Poisson’s ratio is , the elastic
circular spline and the elliptical reference circle of modulus is E, and the angle between the unit meshing
the flexspline are considered as the ‘engaging into’ force Fj and the y-axis is j . The deformation Bij at
teeth, as shown in Figure 5. point j caused by the ithbeam considering the

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6 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)

bending, shearing and compression of one tooth can of flexspline will be produced and make the harmonic
then be determined as follows18 drive different from rigid planar gear in teeth contact
condition. But the flexspline teeth and circular teeth
 ( " #
Fj 1  2 2
T3i þ 3T2i Lij þ 3Ti L2ij keep engaged deeper at cup mouth of flexspline while
Bij ¼ cos j more shallow at the opposite end of the teeth (the end
E 3Ii
 2 close to the cup bottom) because of this deformation.
Ti yj þ 2Ti yj Lij ð6Þ And the tooth can still be considered as rigid body in
 cos j sin j
2Ii small scale. So the contact deformation cj at point j of

2 12ð1 þ ÞTi 2 Ti a tooth is approximated as follows18

þ cos j þ sin j
5Ai Ai
cj ¼ ð8Þ
E0:9 B0:8 F0:1
The deformation Bj at point j caused by all of the
short cantilever beams of one tooth is thus where B is the tooth width.
The deformation j of each tooth at the meshing
point j along the direction of the meshing force can
Bj ¼ Bij ð7Þ therefore be obtained as follows

Because of the stretching effect of wave generator j ¼ Bj þ cj ð9Þ

and meshing effect, an approximate cone deformation
After the tooth deformation of the flexspline and
circular spline are calculated through the method
above, the meshing deformation mj of one tooth
pair is obtained as follows

mj ¼ j f þ j c ð10Þ

where j f is the flexspline deformation at the meshing

point and j c is the deformation of the circular spline.
During operation of the harmonic drive, the mesh-
ing depth of every tooth pair at the same time is dif-
ferent; therefore, the position of the meshing point
varies for each tooth pair. The two extreme meshing
conditions are shown in Figure 7. Two different values
of Lm , which represents the distance from the tooth
tip to the force point, are used to evaluate the deform-
ation under two extreme meshing conditions. The
average of the two deformation results is used to
approximate Kms as follows
1 1 1
Figure 6. Equivalent trapezoidal tooth model used to calcu- Kms ¼ þ ð11Þ
late the deformation of one tooth.
2 mj 1 mj 2

Figure 7. Two extreme meshing conditions of a tooth pair in a harmonic drive.

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Zou et al. 7

where mj 1 is the deformation under the initial mesh-

ing condition and mj 2 is the deformation of the dee-
pest engagement status.

Stiffness of bearing and cylinder. The problem of solving

for the stiffness of the flexspline cylinder can be mod-
elled as a torsion problem of an ordinary cylinder with
a thin bottom. Note that the structure under tooth root
is also considered as part of cylinder. According to
material mechanics, the torsional stiffness of the flexs-
pline cylinder can be determined from the equation

Eðd4WR  d4RB Þ Eðd4WR  d4BD Þ

Kt ¼ þ ð12Þ
64l ð1 þ Þ 64lb ð1 þ Þ

where l is the length of the cylinder, lb is the thickness

of the cylinder bottom, dWR is the diameter of cylin- Figure 8. Measurements of kinematic error.
der’s outer circle, dRB is the diameter of the cylinder’s
inner circle and dBD is the diameter of the location
hole in the middle of the bottom. as the deviation between the actual output rotation
The thin-walled ball bearing radial stiffness Kb and and the expected output rotation, and this error can
radial damping Cb are representations of the radial be represented by the following equation
stiffness and damping of the wave generator, and
their values can be approximated according to the i
ke ¼o  ð15Þ
method of stiffness and damping calculation for an N
ordinary ball bearing.19
The kinematic errors of two real harmonic drive
Integrated compliance. The three stiffness attributes systems may be different due to random manufactur-
above can be combined as a torsional stiffness KHD ing or assembly errors; therefore, these errors have to
that indicates the relation between the torsion and be obtained through careful measurement and
torque on an axis. According to the geometric prin- characterised in the harmonic drive model using
ciple of the harmonic drive, this combined torsional experimental data. Figure 8 shows the kinematic
stiffness at the output axis KHD f is determined from error experimental data from our measurements in
the equation the Kinematic error measurement and mechanism
analysis section. As shown in Figure 8, the kinematic
1 1 1 1 error is composed of a series of harmonics; in particu-
¼ þ þ , ð13Þ
KHD f Km r2g cos2 ðt Þ Kt Kb r2g cot2 ðt Þ lar, a fundamental harmonic with a frequency of two
cycles per input motor revolution is found.
and the torsional stiffness at the input axis KHD w can According to the literature,5 a Fourier series
be represented as expansion ke sim can be used to analytically express
the kinematic error as a function of i as follows
1 N2 N2 N2 tan2 ðt Þ
¼ þ þ ð14Þ
KHD w Km r2g cos2 ðt Þ Kt Kb r2g a0 Xk
ke sim ¼ þ ½an cosð!n i Þ þ bn sinð!n i Þ ð16Þ
2 n¼1
The simulated result for the torsional stiffness KHD
will be compared with the experimental results in the
Stiffness measurement and verification section to where !n is the angular frequency of the harmonic,
verify the rationality of the three-stiffness model which exhibits a higher amplitude in the fast Fourier
above. transform (FFT) results for the kinematic error; k is
the number of Fourier terms; and a0 is a DC compo-
nent that represents that the impact of the positive
Modelling kinematic error in the harmonic drive part of the kinematic error is larger than that of the
Due to manufacturing and assembly errors, kinematic negative part. The constants an and bn are the
inaccuracies will occur in the harmonic drive and may coefficients of the harmonic components and are
excite vibrations that produce dramatic torque losses determined from the fit of the experimental data
and velocity fluctuations, affecting the dynamic ke rsp via numerical integration.
performance and precision positioning4; therefore, Kinematic error is caused by a change in the
the kinematic error should be included in the har- position between the teeth of the flexspline and the cir-
monic drive model. The kinematic error ke is defined cular spline due to eccentricity5; therefore, the cyclic

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8 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)

The velocity-dependent friction at the ball bearing

can be modelled based on the Palmgren empirical
equation,20 that is

_ 23 d3  
7 f0 ð0 i Þ
Ffb ¼ 10 m
sgn _i ð18Þ
where f0 is a coefficient determined by the bearing and
lubrication style, 0 is the viscosity of the lubricant,
and dm is the pitch diameter of the bearing.
The friction Ffm between the gear teeth is as follows
n    o  
Ffm ¼ Fc þ ðFs  Fc Þ exp  _i =vs þ c_i sgn _i

Figure 9. Experimental and fitted friction torque at the input where Fc is the Coulomb friction that leads to the
axis. constant component of the friction torque, Fs is the
static friction, vs is the Stribeck velocity,  is the shape
coefficient, and c is the viscous coefficient.
pattern of the eccentric error e is added to the har- According to the proposed harmonic drive model,
monic drive model as an effect of the kinematic error. the overall friction torque at the harmonic drive input
According to the geometric relation of the harmonic Tf can be represented as
drive model, e can be calculated as follow
Ffm df sinðt Þ
ke sim rg Tf ðvÞ ¼ Ffb rg þ ð20Þ
e¼ ð17Þ 2N
tanðt Þ
Ffb can be calculated according to parameters in the
The experiments to identify the parameters in corresponding literature or manual, but parameters
equation (16) will be carried out in the Kinematic such as Fc , Fs , vs , , c in Ffm have to be identified
error measurement and mechanism analysis section. through the friction measurement experiment that
will be discussed in the Friction torque measurement
Modelling friction in the harmonic drive
The experimental results show that the friction torque
in the harmonic drive appears with the Stribeck effect, Test experiment and attribute evaluation
a constant component and a velocity-dependent com-
Test apparatus
ponent.4,13 In our experiment, which will be discussed
in the Friction torque measurement section, similar A test apparatus was established to measure the kine-
friction properties of the harmonic drive were matic error, compliance and friction in a harmonic
found, as shown in Figure 9. In a harmonic drive drive.
system, there are two friction sources: the tooth As shown in Figure 10, the test rig is composed of
meshing section and the thin-walled ball bearing. an AC servo motor with an encoder, a harmonic drive
The relative motion between the flexspline tooth system, a high-precision encoder, and an inertial load.
and the circular spline tooth is similar to the The harmonic drive system is manufactured by HD
motion between two flat surfaces; therefore, dry, slid- Systems Inc., its type is Unit Type CSF-25, its reduc-
ing and viscous rubbing between the gear teeth are tion ratio is 120, and it was configured as a reducer
considered as Stribeck friction and linear viscous directly attached to the servo motor. The servo motor
friction. The friction at the ball bearing can be produces the input motion of the harmonic drive; its
represented as a nonlinear friction–velocity relation. type is SGMJV-02 of YASKAWA, and its servo amp-
In our research, the friction of the harmonic drive lifier is SGDV.
consisted of the Stribeck effect, a constant compo- A motor encoder with a resolution of 8192 lines is
nent and a velocity-dependent component. used to measure the input rotation angle of the har-
The Stribeck component and constant component monic drive. A HEIDENHAIN high-precision enco-
originated from the tooth meshing section, while der with a resolution of 18,000 lines is used to measure
the velocity-dependent component was composed of the output rotation angle of the harmonic drive. The
two parts: viscous friction in the tooth meshing sec- torque at the input of the harmonic drive is measured
tion and a nonlinear velocity-dependent friction at through the torque monitoring port at the servo
the thin-walled ball bearing. amplifier.

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Zou et al. 9

Figure 10. Schematic diagram and photograph of the testing apparatus.

The motor rotation angle from the servo amplifier

is measured by a CNT32 counter card, the signal of
the high-precision encoder is acquired through an
IK220 counter card, and the torque from the servo
amplifier’s monitoring port is measured using a
DAQ2005 analogue data acquisition card. All the sig-
nals can be acquired simultaneously using a public
clock from the IK220.
To measure the compliance of the harmonic drive,
the output axis is fixed. To measure the kinematic
error and friction, the inertial load is removed.

Stiffness measurement and verification

When the stiffness of the harmonic drive was mea-
sured, the output axis of the harmonic drive was
fixed, and the motor was then rotated through an
Figure 11. Input stiffness curve of the harmonic drive.
angle at which the output torque would not exceed
the rated torque of the harmonic drive. The input
torque and torsion were measured to obtain the the calculated torsional stiffness at the output axis
input stiffness curve. The torsion at the output axis of the harmonic drive is 2:85  104 N  m=rad. This
needs to be subtracted from the input torsion because value is close to the stiffness (3:1  104 N  m=rad)
of the unavoidable deformation of the output axis. given by the user manual. Hence, the three key stiff-
The equivalent torsion difference w , which is ness parameters Kms , Kt and Kb can be incorporated
defined as the abscissa of the stiffness curve, is into the response calculation of the harmonic drive
model. The radial damping Cb of the thin-walled
w ¼i  No ð21Þ ball bearing is set as 1:8  103 N  s=m.19

The experimental stiffness curve is shown in Kinematic error measurement and

Figure 11. The experimental stiffness at the input
mechanism analysis
axis of the harmonic drive is represented as the
slope of the curve and is 2:0 N  m=rad. Ghorbel demonstrated that the kinematic error of a
The stiffness of the harmonic drive was also calcu- harmonic drive could be decomposed into a basic
lated according to equations (3) to (12) in the component and a stiffness-related component.5 To
Modelling compliance in the harmonic drive section, obtain the basic component of the kinematic error,
and the parameters used are shown in Table 1. experiments should be conducted at very low rota-
The calculation results of the three key stiffness tional velocity to avoid the excitation of vibrations
parameters Kms , Kt and Kb are 5:28  107 N=m, due to flexibility. By controlling the motor to operate
3:05  105 N  m=rad and 1  108 N=m, respectively. at a slow rotational velocity of 15 r/min, the kinematic
According to equation (14), the calculated torsional error was tested. The kinematic error curve for five
stiffness at the input axis of the harmonic drive is motor rotations is shown in Figure 12.
1:981 N  m=rad, which is almost the same as the In the experiment, the data for the kinematic error
experimental stiffness. According to equation (13), were sampled at time intervals and not at position

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10 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)

Table 1. Parameters used in the calculation of the stiffness.

Parameter value

Gear ratio (N) 120

Flexspline neutral layer radius (rg ) 35.25 mm
Flexspline reference diameter (df ) 72 mm
Flexspline maximum radial 0.5 mm
deformation (!)
Circular spline reference diameter (dc ) 72.6 mm
Circular spline teeth number (Zc ) 242
Poisson’s ratio () 0.26
Elastic modulus (E) 2:06  1011 Pa
Angle between meshing 30
force and y-axis (j )
Number of short beams (n) 60 Figure 13. Spectrum of displacement variation magnitudes
Distance from tooth tip to 0/0.4 mm with respect to cycles per input revolution.
force point (Lm ) for
initial/deepest engagement
Tooth width (B) 12 mm Table 2. Frequencies and coefficients of the Fourier series.
Lower length of tooth (Lb ) for 0.91/0.92 mm n !n an (103 deg) bn (103 deg)
flexspline/circular spline
Height of tooth (Ht ) for 0.76/0.76 mm 1 2 0.2057 4.5000
flexspline/circular spline 2 4 0.0110 1.0000
Length of flexspline cylinder (L) 37 mm
Diameter of cylinder’s outer circle (dWR ) 71 mm
Diameter of cylinder’s inner circle (dRB ) 70 mm
Thickness of the cylinder bottom (lb ) 1 mm
Diameter of the location 18 mm
hole on bottom (dBD )

Figure 14. Comparison between the simulated kinematic

error results and experimental data.

that the resampled result ke rsp coincides with the

experimental data ke .
A FFT of the resampled kinematic error was cal-
culated with respect to the input motor revolutions
Figure 12. Experimental data of the kinematic error and the (see Figure 13). Note that the FFT results have sig-
data after resampling. nificant peaks at 2 and 4 revolutions. A Fourier series
expansion ke sim was used to analytically express the
kinematic error as a function of i through the method
in the Modelling kinematic error in the harmonic
intervals. To acquire the position frequency informa- drive section. The frequencies and coefficients of the
tion of the kinematic error, the experimental data Fourier series ke sim are shown in Table 2, and the
were resampled at a position interval of 0:036 using simulated and experimental results of the kinematic
a high-precision cubic spline method. Figure 12 shows error are shown in Figure 14.

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Zou et al. 11

Figure 15. Mechanism of kinematic error induced by assembly error. (a) Assembly error in harmonic drive and (b) further analysis
on the meshing condition.

To evaluate the fitting precision of the simulated harmonics is acceptable, the mechanism whereby the
results, the normalised mean-square-error (MSE) kinematic error is introduced and its representation in
method is used as follows the harmonic drive model is seldom discussed.
Ghorbel5 proposed an explanation for this error, as
100 X N shown in Figure 15(a). The misalignment of the
MSEðke sim Þ ¼ 2
½ke sim ði Þ  ke ði Þ2 circular spline due to assembly error and/or shaft
N0 i¼1
deflection would cause the flexspline teeth (position
ð22Þ A) to move deeper into the circular spline than
toward the opposite side (position B). A greater
where N0 is the number of the selected experimental mesh depth results in the load translating faster
data and 2 is the kinematic error variance. If the when the wave generator rotates (angle 1 ¼ 90 in
mean of the actual errors ke is used for evaluation Figure 15(a)), which in turn results in the negative
(i.e. ke sim ¼ke for all i ), MSE will be 100; therefore, slope in the kinematic error waveform. During the
an MSE of less than 5.0 indicates a good fit, and an next 90 (angle 2 ) of the rotation of the wave gener-
MSE of less than 1.0 indicates an excellent fit.21 ator, the motor will produce a positive slope in the
The MSE of the Fourier series ke sim of the experi- kinematic error waveform. Based on Ghorbel’s
mental data is 0.71; therefore, the Fourier series is a research, further analysis of the mechanism whereby
very good representation of the actual kinematic error the kinematic error is introduced was performed, as
in the harmonic drive can thus be incorporated into shown in Figure 15(b). When the major axis of the
the harmonic drive model. wave generator rotates at the position A-B in
Although, according to the results from the litera- Figure 15(a), the misalignment will cause the flexs-
ture5,10 and from our research, the performance of pline tooth at position A to move from the ideal
modelling the kinematic error using sine or cosine position, represented by a solid line in Figure 15(b),

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12 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)

to the actual position (dotted line) for the same motor This result means that the maximum kinematic
revolution. The flexspline attached to the output shaft error, which may occur at position A in Figure
will rotate for an additional slight angle displacement 15(a), corresponds to the maximum friction torque,
under the meshing effect, and subsequently, the actual which corresponds to the highest meshing depth. It
output will lead the ideal output. The positive part of can therefore be obtained that the positive maximum
the kinematic error waveform is thus produced. The kinematic error occurs at the position (position A)
teeth in the range of 1 ¼ 90 have the same meshing where a higher depth is found, as the mechanism of
condition. Similarly, when the major axis of the wave kinematic error analysed above. The explanation
generator rotates at position C1–C2, the distance remains the same for the other angle positions and
between the ideal flexspline tooth (solid line) and the demonstrates the mechanism of kinematic error.
actual tooth (dotted line) at position C2 caused by the
misalignment will cause the teeth to mesh at a later
Friction torque measurement
time than in the ideal transmission, which in turn will
produce the negative part of the kinematic error The friction curve shown in Figure 9 was generated by
waveform as well as the teeth at 2 ¼ 90 . The meshing measuring the mean torque required to operate the
condition at position B will not produce a positive or harmonic drive at several constant velocities for a
negative displacement of the flexspline relative to the number of complete wave generator revolutions. To
ideal transmission, and the meshing force at position obtain the Stribeck effect of the harmonic drive fric-
C1 will lag the input motion, as shown in Figure tion, the velocity interval of the low-velocity zone was
15(b). However, a difference exists between our set to a smaller value, and the friction torque mea-
research and Ghorbel’s research. It is believed that sured at low velocity can be seen in the partial
the slope of the kinematic error waveform becomes enlargement of Figure 9.
positive at 3 ¼ 90 for the gradual change from the The model proposed in the Modelling friction in
negative maximum error position to the positive max- the harmonic drive section was used to explain the
imum error position, and the slope of the kinematic friction curve for a harmonic drive. The unknown
error waveform becomes negative at 4 ¼ 90 . A kine- parameters in this friction torque model were identi-
matic error waveform with a frequency of two cycles fied through experimental data by a genetic algorithm.
per motor rotation is thereby produced. The parameters chosen for the nonlinear friction
An extra experiment to demonstrate the mechan- torque of the thin-walled ball bearing and the identi-
ism of kinematic error was performed in our research. fied Stribeck and linear viscous parameters are shown
Due to the difficulty in measuring the meshing depth, in Table 3.
the friction torque of the harmonic drive input was A comparison between the simulated friction
measured in the kinematic error experiment to evalu- torque and the experimental data for forward and
ate the meshing condition, with a larger torque reverse rotation directions is shown in Figure 17.
considered in addition to a higher meshing depth.
As shown in Figure 16, the friction torque waveform Verification and discussion of model
at the harmonic drive input changes in the same
manner as the kinematic error waveform (see
Figure 12), and the phases of its extreme points are Because the attributes in the new model proposed in
almost the same as those of the kinematic error. the section on An improved single tooth pair model of
a harmonic drive can be computed theoretically or
identified experimentally, all of the attributes were
obtained and substituted into equations (2), and

Table 3. Parameters of the friction torque model.

Parameter Numerical value

Coefficient determined by bearing 1.8

and lubrication style (f0 )
Viscosity of lubricant (0 ) 80 mm2/s
Pitch diameter of bearing (dm ) 58 mm
Coulomb friction (Fc ) 346.852 N
Static friction (Fs ) 468.856 N
Stribeck velocity (vs ) 2 r/min
Shape coefficient () 1.1095
Figure 16. Friction torque measured in the kinematic error Viscous coefficient (c) 0:0067N  min=r

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Zou et al. 13

Figure 17. Experimental and simulated friction torque in a Figure 19. Comparison between simulated outputs and
harmonic drive. experimental outputs. Vi , values of objective input rotational

rotational velocities are smaller than 1800 r/min,

which means that the performance of the new model
is good at these velocities. At the step rotational velo-
cities of 2400 and 3000 r/min, although there are amp-
litude and phase differences between the simulation
and the experimental output (response) velocities,
their fluctuation frequency is consistent.
There may be three reasons for the deviation
between the simulation and experimental output
responses at input rotational velocities of 2400 and
3000 r/min. First, the kinematic error model was
established using a low-rotational-velocity experiment
(15 r/min) in which not only the stiffness-related com-
ponent but also the friction increment induced by
increased velocity was ignored. Second, all of the
Figure 18. Input velocity step data. Vi , values of objective output response experiments have their own starting
input rotational velocities. positions; therefore, the phase deviations of response
velocities caused by return-to-zero errors are unavoid-
able. Third, some attributes in the simulation, such as
subsequently, the mathematical model describing the the radial damping coefficient of the bearing and the
entire nonlinear, a second-order harmonic drive viscous damping coefficient of the friction torque,
system was established. The mathematical model were selected according to experience and therefore
could be solved by using a Runge–Kutta method have to be painstakingly adjusted.
with varying steps. After a motion input is given, The comparison between the step-velocity simula-
the output of harmonic drive can be calculated and tion and experiment shows that this new model cap-
predicted. Velocity-step experiments were used to tures the main attributes of the harmonic drive system
verify the accuracy of this harmonic drive model. At and is reasonable for expressing the dynamic perform-
eight different input step velocities of rotation Vi , 60, ance of the harmonic drive system. In the new model
120, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, and 3000 r/min (as of the harmonic drive, the internal interactions of the
shown in Figure 18), the output velocity response of three components are clearly shown, and the kine-
the mathematical model was simulated. To verify the matic error, friction torque and compliance are
accuracy of the new model, velocity-step experiments placed at locations that have definite physical mean-
at the eight velocities were also performed. The simu- ings; the new model is hence a convenient way to
lation output velocities were compared with the understand the transmission mechanism and dynamic
experimental output velocities in Figure 19. behaviour of a harmonic drive. Engineers, especially
Figure 19 shows that the simulation results of the design engineers might find that this model could give
new model are generally in good agreement with them an intuitive understanding of the operation
the experimental results. The simulation and experi- behavior of harmonic drive, and help them to adjust
mental results are almost the same when the step the operational or structural parameters of harmonic

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14 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)

drive to good dynamic behavior. The controller of Funding

the harmonic drive system will find that this The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial
model provides a simple way for obtaining the key support for the research, authorship, and/or publication
attributes like stiffness, kinematic error and friction of this article: This study is supported by the National
torque. Natural Science Foundation of China program (grant
number 51175400) and the Program for Chang Jiang
Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University
Conclusions (grant number IRT1172).
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Appendix n number of short cantilever beams
Notation ni input rotational velocity
no output rotational velocity
an ,bn coefficients of the harmonic compo- N gear ratio of the harmonic drive
nents of kinematic error N0 number of the selected experimental
a0 DC component of kinematic error data in MSE
Ai section area of short cantilever beam rg radius of the flexspline neutral layer
B tooth width Tf overall friction torque at the harmonic
c viscous coefficient of Stribeck model drive input
Cb radial damping of the thin-walled ball Ti thickness of short cantilever beam
bearing vi elliptical cam tangential velocity
dc reference diameter of the circular spline vo flexspline tangential velocity
df reference diameter of the flexspline vs Stribeck velocity
dm pitch diameter of the bearing Vi values of objective input rotational
dBD diameter of the location hole in the velocities
middle of the cylinder bottom xc x coordinate of the boundary point of
dRB diameter of cylinder’s inner circle the ‘engaging into’ section
dWR diameter of cylinder’s outer circle x1 radial motion of the bearing inner circle
e cyclic pattern of the eccentric error x2 radial motion of the ‘engaging into’
e0 eccentric error that leads to the kine- teeth
matic error yc y coordinate of the boundary point of
E elastic modulus the ‘engaging into’ section
f0 coefficient determined by the bearing yj half of the tooth thickness at the
and lubrication style meshing point
Fc Coulomb friction of the friction torque y1 tangential motion of the ‘engaging into’
Ffb friction caused by the thin-walled ball teeth
bearing y2 tangential motion of the output axis
Ffm friction caused by the teeth meshing Zc number of teeth of the circular spline
Fj unit meshing force ZR number of ‘engaging into’ teeth
Fs static friction
Ht height of the trapezoidal tooth n angle of the wedge representing the
i subscript, represent the position of elliptical cam
short cantilever beam t gear tooth angle

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16 Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)

j angle between the unit meshing force ke kinematic error

and the y-axis ke rsp fit of the kinematic error experimental
 shape coefficient of the Stribeck model data
Bij tooth deformation caused by one short ke sim Fourier series expansion used to express
cantilever beam the kinematic error
Bj tooth deformation caused by all of the o rotation angle of the output axis
short cantilever beams 1 wave generator angle range where
cj contact deformation at meshing point kinematic error is positive
of a tooth 2 wave generator angle range where
j deformation of one tooth at the mesh- kinematic error is negative
ing point 3 wave generator angle range where
j c circular spline deformation at the kinematic error slop is positive
meshing point 4 wave generator angle range where
j f flexspline deformation at the meshing kinematic error slop is negative
point ke mean of the actual kinematic errors
mj meshing deformation of one tooth pair  Poisson’s ratio
mj 1 tooth deformation under the initial 2 kinematic error variance
meshing condition 0 viscosity of the lubricant
mj 2 tooth deformation of the deepest ! maximum radial deformation of the
engagement status flexspline
w equivalent torsion difference between !n angular frequency of the harmonic of
input and output kinematic error
i input axis rotation angle

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