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AFU AG New Pattern Model Set in Help For Ag App

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AFU AG New Pattern Model Set in Help For Ag App.

1. ML2T-3I-1 is the dimensional formula of ?
a. Resistivity b. Electrical field c. Potential difference d. Capacitance
2. A wooden block , 120 Kg floats in water and its density is 600 kg/m 3 . What mass can be put on the
block to make it just sink?
a. 40 Kg b. 80 Kg c. 20 Kg d. 60 Kg
3. The cloud floats in the atmosphere because of :
a. Their low temperature b. Their low pressure
c. Their low density d.Creation of low pressure
4.The half life of a radio active sample depends upon,
a. Temperature b. Pressure c. Nature of substance d. all
5. A body A moving in north with 3Km/s and B with 4Km/s East . What is the relative velocity of a body A
with respect to B ?
a. 5 Km/s west of north b. 5Km/s east of north
c. 5 km/s towards north d. 5Km/s towards west
6.Two periodic waves of intensities I1 and I2 pass through a region at the same time the same direction.
The sum of the maximum and the minimum intensities is,
a. I1 + I2 b. (√ + √ )2 c. (√ - √ )2 d. 2(I1 + I2)
7. A plane glass slab is placed over letters of different colours. Which letter appears to be raised most
a. Red b. Violet c. Yellow d. Blue
8. What is the room temperature for a day when the humidity is 100% and the dew point is 30°c
a. 30°C b. 60°C c. 70°C d. 27°C
9. When a charged particle enters a strong magnetic field then its KE
a. Increases b. Decreases
c. Remains constant d. First increases then decrease
10. A body takes 5 min to cool from 90 to 60°C.If the temperature of the surrounding is 20°C, the time to
cool from 60 to 30°C will be
a. 5 min. b. 8 min. c. 11 min. d. 12 min.
11. The focal length of conversing meniscus lens of refractive index 1.5 and the radii of surfaces 5cm and
10cm is
a. 20cm b. 15 cm c. 20/3 cm d. 5 cm
12. If the half-life of 4 g of radioactive sample is 693 years its mean life is
a. 693 years b. 500years c.1000 years d.100years
13. If energy E, velocity V and time T are taken as fundamental units , the dimensional formula for surface
tension is
a. EV-2 T -2 b. EV -2 T2 c. E0V-2T -2 d. EV2 T2
14. Whatever may be the direction of the two forces 6N and 2N acting on a body of mass 2Kg, the
minimum acceleration of the body cannot be less than,
a. 4 m/s b. 2m/s2 c.2.5 m/s2 d. 3m/s2
15. Two masses m and 4m are moving with equal KE , the ratios of magnitudes of their momentum is,
a. 4:1 b. 1:2 c. √ : 1 d. √ : 1

16. If a gas at costant temp.and pressure expands then its:
a. Internal energy decrease b. Internal energy remains same
c. Internal energy increase d. Entropy increases and then decreases
17. For a single molecule of gas in closed vessel:
a. Vrms>Vav>Vmp b. Vrms=Vav=Vmp
c. Vrms>Vmp>Vav d. Vav>Vrms>Vmp
18. A compound having C and H has 20% hydrogen.The molecular formula of compound is:
a. C6H6 b. C2H6 c. C2H4 d. CH4
19.If mercury is used as cathode in the electrolysis of aq.NaCl solution the ions discharged at cathode are?
a. H+ b. Na+ c. OH - d. Cl -
20.In which of the following stage of transition will the energy be maximum?
a. n=2 to n=0 b. n=5 to n=4 c. n=1 to n=0 d. n=3 to n=1
21. SO2 acts as:
a. Oxidizing agent only b. Reducing agent only
c. Both oxidizing and reducing agent d. Neither oxidizing nor reducing agent
22. The PH of 0.01 M NaOH solution is:
a. 2 b. 10-2 c. 12 d. 0.01
23. Unit of specific conductance is
a. Ohm-1cm-1 b. Ohm cm c. Ohm-1 cm d. Ohm cm-1
24. Half life is independent of initial concentration in:
a. Second order b. First order c. Third order d. Zero order
25. Canizzaro’s reaction is not given by
a. Trimethyl aldehyde b. Benzaldehyde
c. Acetaldehyde d.Formaldehyde
26. Which of the following comounds would have highest boiling point?
a. CH3CH2CH2CH3 b. CH3NH2 c. CH3OH d. CH3OCH3
27. The compound having only primary hydrogen atom is
a. isobutene b. 2,3-Dimethyl butene c. cyclohexane d. propane
28. Moving from top to bottom in periodic table:
a. Basic nature of oxide increases b. Electronegetivity increases
c. Basic nature of oxide decreases d. None of above
29. Determine the volume of water to be added to HCl to prepare 500cm3 of solution:
a. 400 cm3 b. 250 cm3 c. 500 cm3 d. 300 cm3
30. If the 100ml of an aqueous HCl of PH 1,900 ml of more distilled water is added, the P H of the resultant
solution will become :
a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 7
31. Which of the following is lewis base?
a. AlCl3 b. Ag+ c. NH3 d. BF3
32. The rate constant of a zero order reaction is ‘k’ and the initial concentration is ‘a’ the half life of
reaction will be:
a. b. c. d.
33. NaOH is manufactured by the electrolysis of Brine solution.The products of electrolysis are:
a. H2 and Cl2 b. Cl2 and Na-Hg c. Cl2 and Na d. Cl2 and O2
34. According to the equation, . The spontaneous of reaction will occur when the value of
will be:
a. Positive b. Negative c. Zero d. Infinite
35. Highest melting point is exhibited by:
a. Covalent solid b. Ionic solid c. Pseudo solid d. Molecular solid
36. Which one is not correct for homologous series ?
a. All members have a general formula
b. All members have same chemical properties
c. All members have same physical properties
d. All members have same functional group
37. Dead cells are connected by
a. Desmosome b. Plasmodesmata c. Glycocalyx d. Pit
38. A mitotic poison is
a. colchicine b. ephedrine c. atropine d.morphine
39. Horse shoe shaped embryo sac is found in
a. Anatropous b. Orthotropous
c. Amphitropous d.Circinotropous
40. Aleuron layer is
a. Haploid b. Diploid c. Triploid d. Polyploid
41. Stilt root is not present in
a. Sugarcane b. Maize c. Screwpine d. Asparagus
42. Sago palm is
a. Seed of Cyacs b. Seed of Pinus c. Seed of Ephedra d. Seed of Palm
43. Underground dark brown stem of fern is called
a. Rhizoid b. Rhizine c. Rhizome d. Sucker
44.. Hepatitis-B virus is
a. ds DNA b. ss DNA c. ds RNA d. ss RNA
45. Choose the true moss
a. Club moss b. Spike moss c. Reinder moss d. Cord moss
46. Green data book informs us about
a. Threatened plants and animals b. Medicinally important plants
c. Agriculturally important plants and animals d. Ecosystem
47. Potassium exchange theory is concerned with
a. Photosynthesis b. Opening and closing of Stomata
c. Transpiration d. Guttation
48. ATP is not released in
a. Glycolysis b. Kreb’s cycle c. ETS d. EMP pathway
49. ‘Botanical snakes’ are :
a. Bryophytes b. Algae c. Pteridophytes d. Spermatophytes
50. Deuteromycetes lack:
a. sexual reproduction b. asexual reproduction c. spores d. hyphae
51. Which of the following includes a diploid structure:
a. Gametophyte and sporemass b. Gametophyte,archegonia and oospheres
c. Gametophyte and capsule d. Gametophyte,antheridia and sperm
52. Largest sperms belong to:
a. Cycas b. Pinus c. Dryopteris d. Selaginella
53. The enzyme that joins the ends of two different strands of nucleic acid Is
a. Helicase b. Polymerase c. Ligase d. Synthetase
54.Glumes are modified
a. Stamen b. Bract c. Calyx d. Petal
55.Terminal product of aerobic respiration
a. Carbon dioxide b. Oxygen c. ATP d. Water
56. When fruit is developed without fertilization then called as
a. Parthenocarpy b. Parthenogenesis c. Polyembryony d. Apomixis
57. Species is:
a. Population of one type
b. A group of interbreeding populations
c. A group of individuals inhabiting a geographical area
d. Populations of individuals having same genotype and phenotypes
58. Whale belongs to the order
a. Carnivora b. Chiropetra c. Rodentia d. Cetacea
59. The study of migration of birds is known as
a. Phenology b. Nidology c. Phrenology d. Nephrology
60. Pupa of mosquito is called
a. Tumbler b. Nymph c. Maggot d. Imago
61. Which of the following organs is vestigial in human body?
a. Vermiform appendix b. Wisdom teeth c. Nictitating membrane d. All
62. In rabbit fertilization of ova takes palce inside
a. oviduct b. fallopian tube c. vagina d. uterus
63. Which cell is used to see color?
a. iris b. rod cell c. cone cell d. corneal cell
64. Typhoid is the disease in which there is the infection of
a. stomach b. large intestine c. Duodenum d. Small intestine
65. In fishes, teeth are
a. Heterodont b. Thecodont c. Acrodont d. Diphyodont
66. Male genital aperture in Earthworm is found in
a. 19th segment b. 10th segment c. 17th segment d. 14th segment
67. Which one of the following is correct digital formula for the phalanges of rabbit?
a. 0,2,2,3,3 b. 0,3,3,3,3 c. 2,3,3,3,3 d. 2,2,3,3,3
68. Islet of Langerhans is a part of
a. Gonads b. Pituitary
c. Ductless part of pancreas d. Exocrine part of pancreas
69. For origin of life most important condition is the presence of
a. Oxygen b. Nitrogen c. Carbon d. Water
70. Study of functional anatomy is called:
a. Anatomology b. Histology c. Hematology d. Tectology
71. Which one is a true fish?
a. Devil fish b. Cuttle fish c. Silver fish d. Flying fish
72. Syncitial epidermis is found in:
a. Earthworm b. Paramecium c. Hydra d. Ascaris
73. Mammals doesn’t have :
a. Pinna b. Renal portal system c. Diaphagram d. all
74. Orientation of the body in response to stimulus at a constant angle is knownas:
a. Mnemotaxis b. Menotaxis c. Tropotaxis d. Telotaxis
75. Slime moulds belong to:
a. Fungi b. Protista c. Monera d. Plantae
76. In cold environment, a person will not show:
a. Vasoconstriction of peripheral vessels
b. Increased secretion of thyroid and adrenal medulla
c. Increased heart beat and volume per stroke
d. Shivering
77. Body temperature is regulated by
a. Lungs, muscles and skin b. Circulatory system c. Skeleton system d. Skin only
78. Fossils is best described as :
a. dead animal b. organic remains c. stritted animals d. minerals
79. Which of the following is true for the perfect negative correlation?
a. -1 r 1 b. -1 1 c. r=-1 d. r=0
80. If ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral then:
a. sin(A+C)=1 b. sin(B+D)=1 c. cos(A+C)=1 d. cos(A+C)= -1
81. The area of quadrilateral having vertices (2,1),(-1,3),(-3,-1) and (3,-4) is
a. 18 b. 21.5 c. 22.5 d. 42
82. The straight line y=2x+λ doesn’t meet the parabola y =2x if
a. λ<1/4 b. λ>1/4 c. λ=1/4 d. λ=1/2
83. The coefficient of variation(C.V) of A is 9% and that of B is 3.5%. Which has more uniformity?
a. A b. B c. Both A and B d. none
84. If log10{log10{log10x}}=0 then x=
a. 1010 b. c. 102 d. 1000
85. The equation has
a. no roots b. one roots c. two equal roots d. 3 roots
86. The fourth term of G.P is 2 then the product of first seven term is
a. 25 b. 26 c. 27 d. 24
87. The root of the equation (q-r)x +(r-p)x+(p-q)=0 are
a. ,1 b. ,1 c. ,1 d. ,1
88. If the coefficient of 5th and 6th term in the expansion of (1+x)n are equal then n=
a. 10 b. 9 c. 12 d. 8

89. ( )=
a. e b. e -1 c. e -2/3 d. e2/3
90. ∫ =
a. b.

c. d.
91. The relation “less than” in the set of natural number is
a. only symmetric b. only transitive
c. only reflexive d. equivalence relation
92. If cosA+cosB+cosC=3/2, then the triangle is:
a. scalene b. isosceles c. right angled d. equilateral
2 2 2 2
93. If pairs of lines x -2pxy-y =0 and x -2qxy-y =0 be suc h that each pair bisects the angle between the
other pair,then
a. pq=1 b. pq=-1 c.p/q=1 d. p/q=-1

94. There was a misunderstanding ……………….him and me.
a. between b. among c. beside d. with
95. The students have an exam ……………………. Monday.
a. on b. at c. the d. none
96. ……………….. father arrived late yesterday.
a. the b. a c. an d. none
97. wet:dry
a. scold:praise b. devil:wrong c. rise:walk d. food:pleasure
98. The girls life was saved because the doctors …………………….. so promptly.
a. would have acted b. have acted c. have been acted d. acted
99. Which is in a active voice?
a. He was made to do the chore. b. The work will be finished.
c. I was frightened. d. I accused him of cheating.
100. Let’s go, …………………….?
a. shall we b. will you c. both d. none
101.The meaning was postponed.
a. put on b. put up at c. put off d. called off
102. She ……………….. you if she were here.
a. would have told b. told c. would tell d. had told
103. Not all birds ……………………. .
a. fly b. are flying c. flew d. flies
104.An unmarried women is
a. celibate b. bachelor c. spinster d. divorced
105. Hypothesis means
a. guess b. theory c. postulates d. facts
106. I did nothing but ………………. the whole day.
a. studies b. study c. studied d. studying
107. You’d better tell your story, ……………..?
a. hadn’t you b. wouldn’t you c. both a & b d. shouldn’t you
108. The actress, along with her manager and some friends, ……………..to a fancy party tonight.
a. are going b. had gone c. is going d. have gone
109.The passive form of “ Help them.” is:
a. Let them be helped. b. They should be helped.
c. You are requested to help them. d. All
110.He got his brother…………………. a taxi.
a. call b. to call c. called d. calling
111. I’m fine too. Its negative form is:
a. I’m not fine too. b. I’m not fine as well.
c. I’m not fine,either. d. I’m fine either.
112. White Tiger is……………..unique creature.
a. an b. the c. a d. none
113. Minstrel synonym is:
a.musician b. begger c. bleak d. depressed
114. An apple of discord means:
a. to be born into royalty b. to be taken by surprise
c. an area of dispute/quarrel d. to do a dangerous job

115. Who is the father of green revolution?
a. DR. Norman Borloug b. Dr.Ms Swaminath
c. V.V.. Dockuchaev d. Rudolf Steiner
116. NARC stands for
a. National Agriculture Research Center b. Nepal Agriculture Research Council
c. National Agriculture Research Council d. Nepal Agriculture Research Council
117. Pink revolution is termed for revolution of
a. Cotton revolution b. Milk production
c. Meat production d. Lether production
118. Gautam is a variety of
a. Rice b. Millet c. Barley d. Wheat
119. Gestation period of buffalo is
a. 282 b. 307 c. 151 d. 350
120. The term love is related to the game
a.Football b. Golf c. Table tenis d. Basketball
1. c V= Work/charge = W/It = F.d/It = ML2T-3I-1
2. b density of liquid = mass of solid/volume of solid inside liquid ⇒1000= ⁄
⇒x= 80 kg 3. C 4. c Radioactive
decay doesn’t depend upon any physical factors but only upon the nature of the substance. 5. a VAB= VA+(-VB) =

√ = 5 km/s west of north 6. d Imax+Imin = (√ I1+√ I2)2+(√ I1-√ I2)2= 2(I1+I2) 7. b Violet. If a plane glass slab is
placed on letters of different colors, red letters are raised by least amount & violet by most amount. Hint:
⇒ . Also, ⇒ A.D Thus, apparent depth for red light is greatest which means it
is raised by least amount
8. a R.H. =
A wooden plank and a heated iron rod will be felt equally hot at 37 degree celcius. 9. c When a moving charge enters
into magnetic field(a)Its speed remains unchanged (b)K.E. remains constant (c) Workdone = 0 but in electric field work
is done on the charge so its speed increases. 10. c According to Newton’s law of cooling , (T-T0) T and
Caution always use mean temperature at the place of T in the equation.
11. a Here according to Lens Maker’s formula; 12. c1000 yrs Mean life ( ) = = 1000 years

13. a Surface tension = = energy/length2 = energy/ (velocityXtime)2 = EV-2T -2 14. b Fmin= 6 - 2 = 4N ⇒mXamin= 4
⇒ amin= 2 m/sec2 15.b P2= 2mE ⇒ P √m ,then P1/P2 =√ = 1:2
16. b 17. b -for single molecule of gas in closed vessel, Vrms=Vav=Vmp & -for no.of molecules of gas, Vrms>Vav>Vmp &

-Vrms=√ ,Vmp=√ , Vav= √ 18. b H=20% and C=100%-20%=80%

Atoms % Relative no.of atoms
C 80 80/12
H 20 20/1
i.e. C:H= : = 1:3. So the empirical formula is 1:3 and molecular formula will be (CH 3)n where n=1,2,3,…………i.e.C2H6
19. b In presence of mercury electrode preferential discharge of Na+(in comparison to H+)occurs. 20. c more closer
the distance of an atom from the nucleus more will be its energy and as a result more will be the transition energy.
line spectra is the characteristic of atom. Band spectrum is the characteristic of molecule 21. c
SO2,H2O2,H2SO3,HNO2,NaO2,Na2SO3,O3 etc acts both as oxidizing and reducing agents. Elements in intermediate O.S
acts both as oxidizing and reducing agents. 22. c PH=-log[H+] ⇒ POH=-log[OH-] = -log[0.01] = 2 ⇒ .ˈ.PH=14-
POH=14-2=12 23. a Specific resistance(ρ)= = Ohm cm & b Specific conductance= = Ohm-1cm-1 24. b Half lifeof
reaction, t1/2 [a]1-n , Where, n=order of reaction and a= initial concn 25. c Canizzaro’s reaction is given by
aldehyde which doesn’t contain -H. Among these Acetaldehyde contain -H so it don’t give canizzaro’s reaction 26.c
Propane & methoxy methane can’t form H-bond. So, they have less b.pt than alcohol & amine group.Along amine &
alcohol, alcohol having compound have more H-bondig capacity.
27. b
2,3-Dimethyl butene
28. a (Moving tip to bottom in periodic table,I.E,E.N,E.A decreases but metallic character and basic nature of oxide
Atomic radius
29. a N1V1=N2V2
×(500-x) = ×500
500-x = ×500×
.ˈ. x = 500-100=400 cm3
30. b PH=1
Or, -log[H+]=1
Now, N= = = 0.01 = [H+]
So, PH=-log[H+] =-log[0.01] = 2
31. c NH3,OH-,CN- are electrophiles i.e lewis bases. CO2,SO2,SO3 are nucleophiles i.e. lewis acid. Electron acceptor
is acid and electron donor is base in lewis concept.
32. d t1/2 a1-n
⇒In zero order reaction,t1/2= a ⇒In 1storder reaction, t1/2= a0
⇒In 2nd order reaction, t1/2=
33. a (During electrolysis the species discharged at cathode are cations.
The product of electrolysis of Na2SO4 solution are H2 and O2.
Electrolysis of molten NaCl leads to the formation of Na and Cl 2.(i.e. Down’s process)
34. b
When , is -ve⇒process spontaneuous . When , is +ve⇒process non-spontaneuous . When , is
0⇒process is at equilibrium
35. b Ionic solid consists of +ve and –ve on lattice points bound to each other by electrostatic force of attraction.
36. c
37. d Desmosome: connection of animal cells , Plasmodesmata: protoplasmic connection between living cell ,
Glycocalyx: outermost layer of animal cell , Pit: connection of dead cell
38. a Mitotic poisons: colchicine,chelones,cyanides,azides
39. c Anatropous: common in angiosperm and pinus. Orthotropous: primitive, gymnosperm except pinus .
Circinotropous: body of ovule is coiled.
40. c Aleurone is highly proteinous layer present around endosperm of maize and is triploid.
Nucellus is diploid. Every structure inside embryo sac(egg cell, synergids, antipodals) is haploid except secondary
nucleus which is diploid.
41. d Asparagus has fleshy, fasciculated roots which are used for food storage. Stilt roots are found in
42. a Sagopalm: high starch seed of cycas , Chilgoza: seed of pinus(edible) , Coralloid roots are found in Cycas
whereas Mycorrhiza in Pinus.
43. c @Rhizoid: a filamentous outgrowth or root hair on the underside of the thallus in some lower plants,
especially mosses and liverworts, serving both to anchor the plants and to conduct water.
@Rhizine: The composite body of a lichen is thallus, the body is anchored to its substrate by hairlike growth called
rhizine.@Rhizome: perennial fleshy underground stem found in Dryopteris,Ginger etc. @Sucker: special non-green
slender stem branch which arises from the underground base of an erect shoot or crown. Eg:Chrysanthemum,Wild
banana,Pineapple. 44. a ds DNA=hepatitis-B,bacteriophage, ss DNA=parvovirus,coliphage, ds RNA= rotavirus,
mycophage , ss RNA=HIV
45. d True moss:
Common/Green/Cord moss Funaria
Hair cap moss Polytrichum
Peat/Tuft/Bog moss Sphagnum
False moss:
Reindeer moss Cladonia(Lichen)
Iceland moss Centraria(Lichen)
Wolf moss Letharia(Lichen)
Club moss Lycopodium(Pteridophyta)
Spike moss Selaginella(Pteridophyta
Irish moss/sea moss Chondrus(Red algae)
Spanish moss Tillandsia(Angiosperm)
46. c Red data book=about threatened plants and animals
47. b Malate or K+ ion pump hypothesis;hypothesis of guard cell photosynthesis and classical starch hydrolysis theory
are concerned with the mechanism stomatal movement. 48. b
49.c 50.a 51.c 52.a 53. c Helicase=unwinds the DNA double helix , Ligase=joins two strands of DNA
Polymerase=formation of chain of nucleic acid 54. b - Graminae have empty glumes 55. d - Produced from
atmospheric oxygen by taking electrons and protons produced from glucose molecules 56. a ( Parthenogenesis =
embryo development with or without fertilization from an unfertilized egg) 57. b
58. d Carnivora: Carnivores , Chiropetra: Bat , Rodentia: Porcupines,Rat,Squirells,Guinea pigs, Lagomorpha: Rabbit and
Hares 59. a Phrenology = study of mental faculties of brain, Ctelogy = Acquired character , Cetology= Whales and
dolphins , Nidology = Nest of birds , Nephrology = study of kidneys 60. a Larva of mosquito= wriggler,Larva of
housefly=Maggot ,Larva of Butterfly/silk= caterpillar
61. d Also, muscles of pinna, caudal vetebra, nipple of male, body hair in male 62. b At the ampulla of fallopian
tube. 63. C Cone cell has iodopsin, helps in day light or color vision. Rod cell,has rhodopsin, helps in nocturnal
vision.64. d
65. c Teeth are of various types. In fishes and amphibians the teeth are generally homodonts, acrodont and
polyphydont. In mammals = heterodont, thecodont and diphyodont.
66. b Male organs:
Testes and Testes sac 10th and 11th
Seminal vesicles 11th
Common prostatic and spermatic 10th
duct/male genital aperture
Accessory gland 17th and 19th
Female organs:
Ovaries 12th and 13th
Oviduct 13th
Female genital aperture 14th
Spermatheca 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9
67. c For forelimb: 2,3,3,3,3 & For hindlimb: 0,3,3,3,3 68. c Islets of Langerhans=Endocrine & Acini=Exocrine 69.d
Water and ammonia are considered the first compound molecules of primitive earth. 70. d Histology=study of tissues
, Hematology=study of blood71. a Silverfish is an arthropod. Devil fish and cuttle fish belong to Molusca. Flying fish
belongs to pisces 72. d Multinucleated epidermis is called syncitial epidermis. 73. b Renal system is found in all living
vertebrates excrpts hagfish, lampreys and mammals. Pinna ,Diaphragm, Pons varolli are the characters of mammals
only.74. b Mnemotaxis=complex stimuli ,i.e. more than two stumulli at a time.
Menotaxis=also called light compass response Tropotaxis=shown by bilaterally symmetrical animals.Straight towards
the stimuli. Telotaxis=2 stimuli of same intensity operate at a same time then bilaterally animals will orient at any one
of the stimuli.75.b 76.c 77.a 78. b
79. c Perfect positive correlation, γ = +1 Perfect negative correlation, γ =-1 Correlation coefficient lies between -1 to
80. dABCD is cyclic quadrilateral i.e. A+C=180 as, (A+C)=cos180° = -1 81. bArea of quadrilateral
A= | | 82. b(2x+λ)2=2x. Solving these, we get 4x2+2x(2λ-1)+λ2=0. Line doesn’t meet the parabola if:
b2-4ac<0. & λ>1/4. 83. bLess the C.V more will be the uniformity, consistency and vice versa. 84. aUse hit and trail
method.85. b x=1(only one value i.e. one root.) 86. c Suppose seven terms are: (4th
term is a=2) 87. b x=1 is one root (by inspection).Product of roots= .β =c/a⇒1.β = ⇒β= 88. b coefficient of 5th

term=coefficient of 6th term⇒nC4 =nC5 ⇒4+5=n ⇒ n=9 89. c ( ) ( ) 90. c Convert

[∵ loge=1]91. B 92. d
93. b If apair of st.lines x +2m1xy-y =0 and x +2m2xy-y2=0 be such that each pair bisects the angle between the other
2 2 2

pairs then m1m2=-1 So, (-p)(-q)=-1 ⇒pq=-1

94. a between:for two entities beiing compared, among: for more than two entities being compared 95. a‘on’ is
used for days of the week, for dates, for activity. 96. d Don’t use any article before names of relatives.97. a98. D 99. D
100. aLet’s has “shall we” and let us has “will you” in the tag.101.c 102. c 103. A 104. C 105. B 106. b 107. a
‘d+V1/rather=would & ‘d+V3/better=had 108 c along with,as well as,with,together with etc take verbs acc. to former
subjects. 109. d All are correct passive form of imperative sentence under command,obligation and request form.
110. b Sub+get+agent+to+V1+(obj) , Sub+get+object+V3 111. c too→either , already→yet , some→any 112. c Eg:a
European, a unicorn, a union, a one rupee note 113. A 114. c Blue blood: to be born into royalty , Blot from the
blue: to be taken by surprise , Bell the cat: to do a dangerous job.
115. a V.V Dochuchaev is father of soil science. Rudolf steiner is a philosopher. 116. C In NARC, N stands for Nepal not
National and C for council. 117. C Black Revolution – Petroleum Production, Blue Revolution – Fish Production, Brown
Revolution – Leather/non-conventional(India)/Cocoa production,Golden Fibre Revolution – Jute Production, Golden
Revolution – Fruits/Overall Horticulture development/Honey Production,Green Revolution – Food grains,Grey
Revolution – Fertilizer, Red Revolution – Meat & Tomato Production 118. d Varieties of; Rice- Basmati, jasmine,
ram, mansuli Wheat-Gautam,tillotama Millet-pearl,foxtail,little Barley-commander,
compass,bass,nagivator,oxford 119. b Gestation period of Dog-56-65 days Donkey-365 days Elephant-617 days(for
Asian) and 645 days (for African) cow- about nine months
120. c Double,fast break are related to basketball. Alley, back alley, back court ,baseline are used in badminton and
Par, bogey, eagle are used in golf.

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