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Journal of Athletic Training 2002;37(3):293–299

q by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, Inc


Nonthermal Effects of Therapeutic

Ultrasound: The Frequency Resonance
Lennart D. Johns
Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT

Lennart D. Johns, PhD, ATC, provided conception and design; acquisition of the data; and drafting, critical revision, and final
approval of the article.
Address correspondence to Lennart D. Johns, PhD, ATC, Quinnipiac University, 275 Mount Carmel Avenue, Hamden, CT
06518. Address e-mail to Lenn.Johns@Quinnipiac.edu.

Objective: To present the frequency resonance hypothesis, ultrasound affects enzyme activity and possibly gene regulation
a possible mechanical mechanism by which treatment with non- provide sufficient data to present a probable molecular mech-
thermal levels of ultrasound stimulates therapeutic effects. The anism of ultrasound’s nonthermal therapeutic action. The fre-
review encompasses a 4-decade history but focuses on recent quency resonance hypothesis describes 2 possible biological
reports describing the effects of nonthermal therapeutic levels mechanisms that may alter protein function as a result of the
of ultrasound at the cellular and molecular levels. absorption of ultrasonic energy. First, absorption of mechanical
Data Sources: A search of MEDLINE from 1965 through energy by a protein may produce a transient conformational
2000 using the terms ultrasound and therapeutic ultrasound. shift (modifying the 3-dimensional structure) and alter the pro-
Data Synthesis: The literature provides a number of exam- tein’s functional activity. Second, the resonance or shearing
ples in which exposure of cells to therapeutic ultrasound under properties of the wave (or both) may dissociate a multimolecular
complex, thereby disrupting the complex’s function. This review
nonthermal conditions modified cellular functions. Nonthermal
focuses on recent studies that have reported cellular and mo-
levels of ultrasound are reported to modulate membrane prop- lecular effects of therapeutic ultrasound and presents a me-
erties, alter cellular proliferation, and produce increases in pro- chanical mechanism that may lead to a better understanding of
teins associated with inflammation and injury repair. Combined, how the nonthermal effects of ultrasound may be therapeutic.
these data suggest that nonthermal effects of therapeutic ultra- Moreover, a better understanding of ultrasound’s mechanical
sound can modify the inflammatory response. mechanism could lead to a better understanding of how and
Conclusions: The concept of the absorption of ultrasonic en- when ultrasound should be employed as a therapeutic modality.
ergy by enzymatic proteins leading to changes in the enzymes Key Words: immunology, injury, signal transduction, molec-
activity is not novel. However, recent reports demonstrating that ular mechanism, wound healing, cytokines

ltrasound has become a common therapy for a number in the field of cellular and molecular biology, specifically the
of clinical conditions: sprained ligaments, inflamed activation of proteins and signal-transduction pathways that
tendons and tendon sheaths, lacerations and other soft may result in modifications to cellular function.
tissue damage, scar tissue sensitivity and tension, varicose ul-
cers, amputations, neuromata, strained and torn muscles, in- Thermal Effects of Ultrasound
flamed and damaged joint capsules, fasciitis, and delayed-on-
Ultrasound is capable of producing thermal therapeutic ef-
set muscle soreness.1,2 Recent uses include the accelerated
fects.2 In 1987, Dyson1 suggested that the tissue must reach a
healing of fractures,3–5 muscle injury,6 and thrombolysis.7–16
temperature of 408C to 458C for at least 5 minutes to be ther-
Over the past several years, research investigating the cel- apeutic in nature. Experiments performed with nonperfused
lular and molecular effects of nonthermal levels of ultrasound tissue demonstrated that ultrasound could increase the tissue
has accumulated. While clinicians state that ultrasound is used temperature at a rate of 0.868C/min (1 W/cm2, 1 MHz).17
to accomplish heating within deep tissue, there is a common, However, the results of these experiments were difficult to
whispered belief that heating alone cannot account for the clin- interpret because they were performed in nonperfused tissue.
ical effects, especially when ultrasound is delivered at non- In living tissue, as the temperature increases, the normal blood
thermal settings. My purpose is to review the past 4 decades flow to the area dissipates the heat. More recent, direct in vivo
of ultrasound research and to propose a molecular mechanism measurement of tissue temperature during ultrasound treatment
whereby the mechanical properties of ultrasound interact with has resolved the question of tissue heating.18–21 Draper et
the molecular and multimolecular complexes within the cell. al,18,19 Ashton et al,20 and Chan et al21 inserted thermistors to
The frequency resonance hypothesis incorporates past research various depths (5 cm or less) and measured the increase in
demonstrating ultrasound’s mechanical properties (absorption, muscle temperature during a 10-minute treatment with either
cavitation, acoustical streaming) with current knowledge with- 1-MHz or 3-MHz ultrasound. The data show that treatment

Journal of Athletic Training 293

with 1-MHz or 3-MHz ultrasound resulted in a time- and dose- organelles and molecules of different molecular weight exist.
dependent increase in tissue temperature.18–21 The 3-MHz fre- While many of these structures are stationary, many are free
quency increased tissue temperature at a faster rate than the floating and may be driven to move around more stationary
1-MHz frequency.19 More recently, Ashton et al20 and Chan structures. This mechanical pressure applied by the wave pro-
et al21 employed similar techniques to study increases in tem- duces unidirectional movement of fluid along and around cell
perature in the patellar tendon and the effects of coupling me- membranes.25
dia on increases in tissue temperature. While a number of Cavitation is defined as the physical forces of the sound
questions remain unanswered with respect to the thermal ef- waves on microenvironmental gases within fluid. As the sound
fects of ultrasound, the purpose of my review is to focus on waves propagate through the medium, the characteristic com-
the nonthermal effects of ultrasound. I will not include the pression and rarefaction causes microscopic gas bubbles in the
various therapeutic applications of ultrasound that have re- tissue fluid to contract and expand. It is generally thought that
cently been reviewed elsewhere.22 the rapid changes in pressure (caused by the leading and lag-
ging edges of the sound wave), both in and around the cell,
may cause damage to the cell. Substantial injury to the cell
Nonthermal Effects of Ultrasound can occur when microscopic gas bubbles expand and then col-
A number of experimental designs appear to have success- lapse rapidly, causing a ‘‘microexplosion.’’ Although true mi-
fully isolated the nonthermal from the thermal effects of ul- croexplosions, referred to as unstable cavitation, are not
trasound within cellular systems.1,2,23–25 In vivo, a portion of thought to commonly occur at therapeutic levels of ultrasound,
the energy from the ultrasound wave is absorbed into the tissue pulsation of gas bubbles may disrupt cellular activity, altering
structure and converted into heat energy.2,24 The amount of the function of the cell.27
heating is determined by the frequency and intensity of the Early studies investigating the gross effects of acoustic
ultrasound (dosage) and the type of tissue that is exposed to streaming and cavitation on cells showed growth retardation
acoustic energy. A 1982 report demonstrated a direct relation- of cells in vitro,28–31 increases in protein synthesis,32,33 and
ship between the absorption of ultrasound and amount of pro- membrane alterations.34,35 Combined, these results may sug-
tein.26 More simply, as the concentration of protein increased, gest that ultrasound first ‘‘injures’’ the cell, resulting in growth
the absorption of ultrasound increased. In normal tissue, the retardation, and then initiates a cellular recovery response
absorption of ultrasound energy varies depending on the characterized by an increase in protein production. These find-
amount of protein in the tissue.26 In 1980, Love and Kremkau23 ings encompass both continuous and pulsed ultrasound at ther-
demonstrated that by eliminating extracellular tissue structures apeutic levels ranging from 0.1 to 1.7 W/cm2.28–35
(collagen, fibrin, elastin, etc) and placing only the cells in tis-
sue culture media maintained at 378C, they could treat cells at Attraction of Immune Cells to the Injured Area
therapeutic levels without significant increases in temperature
(less than 0.58C over a 10-minute exposure). Our data confirm The natural course of tissue injury can be categorized into
that cell cultures treated with either 1-MHz or 3-MHz ultra- 4 distinct phases: acute inflammation, clearance of tissue de-
sound at intensities of 0.5 W/cm2 sustained less than 0.58C bris, cellular proliferation, and tissue remodeling.1,36
increases over a 10-minute exposure (unpublished observation, With the early arrival of immune cells to the injured tissue,
1998). At first it may seem that these data are contradictory the immune system can be destructive in nature. When soft
to those of Draper et al,18,19 Ashton et al,20 and Chan et al21; tissue is injured, platelets and mast cells are activated and re-
however, the 2 experimental protocols were significantly dif- lease chemokines, attracting polymorphonuclear cells and
ferent. The in vivo measurements performed by Draper et blood monocytes (macrophages). Once activated, macrophages
al,18,19 Ashton et al,20 and Chan et al21 recorded actual in- produce a unique set of proteins that aid in the destruction of
creases within intact muscle and tendon. The tissue culture damaged tissue and attract additional lymphocytes to the area.
protocol eliminates the extracellular structural proteins (col- A concerted recruitment of lymphocytes is accomplished by
lagen, fibrin, elastin, etc)23,26 that are responsible for most of the production of chemokines and the activation of adhesion
the increase in temperature observed within the intact tis- molecules on the surface of the local capillaries. Adhesion
sues.18–21 Moreover, the tissue culture protocol makes it pos- molecules can be viewed as docking proteins that grab circu-
sible to ‘‘eliminate’’ the thermal effects of ultrasound and to lating lymphocytes and aid in their migration to the injured
study the mechanical effects of ultrasound in an attempt to tissue.37,38 Reports39–42 suggest that the nonthermal effects of
identify a mechanical mechanism of action. ultrasound aid the immune response by inducing vasodilation
While exposure of single cells to ultrasound does not in- of arterioles and activation of adhesion molecules. Both va-
crease the overall temperature of the experimental system,23 it sodilation and the activation of adhesion molecules are regu-
is difficult to determine whether larger temperature increases lated by signal-transduction pathways,37–42 suggesting that the
occurred at the cell surface or within the microenvironments ultrasound treatment modified cellular activity by modulating
of the cell. Theoretically, larger increases in temperature could one or more signal-transduction pathways. In general, signal-
occur within microenvironments of the cell as a result of cav- transduction pathways are composed of a series of enzymatic
itation.24 However, direct measurements of these types of mi- proteins that are turned on and off by the addition and deletion
croenvironmental changes in temperature are currently not of phosphate molecules. Phosphate modifications to a mole-
possible. cule lead to distinct changes in conformation (3-dimensional
Therapeutic ultrasound produces a combination of nonther- configuration) and regulate the enzymatic activity of protein.
mal effects (acoustic streaming and cavitation) that are difficult A simple analogy for changes in 3-dimensional shape altering
to isolate. Acoustic streaming is defined as the physical forces function is a pocketknife. When the knife is open, the blade
of the sound waves that provide a driving force capable of is functionally available and can cut; however, when the knife
displacing ions and small molecules.24 At the cellular level, is closed, the blade is functionally not available. Similarly,

294 Volume 37 • Number 3 • September 2002

Cellular and Molecular Effects of Nonthermal Ultrasound on Wound Healing
Increase in Protein or Cellular Function Producing Cell Type Effector Function

Osteoblasts, monocytes General inflammatory mediator
Interleukin-248 T cells T-cell growth
Interleukin-845,50 Osteoblasts Endothelial cell migration and proliferation
Vascular endothelial growth factor45,50 Osteoblasts, monocytes Endothelial cell migration and proliferation
Basic fibroblast growth factor45 Osteoblasts Endothelial cell migration and proliferation
Fibroblast growth factor50,53 Monocytes Fibroblast growth
Collagen5,45 Osteoblasts, fibroblasts Wound healing
Chloramphenicol acetyl transferase56 HeLa, NIH/3T3, C1271 Gene expression of liposomal transfection
Increased proliferation45 Fibroblasts Enhanced wound healing
Increased proliferation45 Osteoblasts Enhanced wound healing
Lymphocyte adhesion41 Endothelial cells Enhanced lymphocyte trafficking
Vasodilation39,40,42 Capillary, endothelium Enhanced blood flow

proteins have an ‘‘active site’’ that can be either available or ability, calcium flux, and proliferation), possibly activating sig-
not available, depending on the 3-dimensional shape of the nal-transduction pathways that lead to gene regulation (Ta-
protein. ble).37,39–42,45,48,53,56,57 Importantly, exposure to ultrasound
caused an increase in intracellular calcium in fibroblasts, sug-
Inflammatory Response, Injury Repair, and gesting that the mechanical effects disrupt the normal function
Therapeutic Ultrasound of the membrane, permitting leaking of calcium into the cell.49
After ultrasound exposure, the cells rapidly expelled the cal-
Later in the inflammatory process, immune cells alter their
cium and returned to a homeostatic state. Mortimer and Dy-
course of action, aiding in the clearance of tissue debris and
son49 eliminated the effects of transient cavitation and gross
stimulating tissue remodeling. This pivotal action is directed
heating as possible mechanisms for the resultant increases in
by cytokines. For example, the arrival of T cells in an injured
intracellular calcium. Cells employ calcium as a cofactor in
area may enhance the immunologic response by releasing T-
regulating the activity of enzymes, many of which are asso-
cell growth factors (interleukin [IL]-2 and IL-4) and immu-
ciated with signal-transduction pathways. Activation of calci-
noregulatory cytokines (IL-10 and interferon-g).43 At a certain
um-sensitive signal-transduction pathways (protein kinase C
point in the immune intervention, anti-inflammatory cytokines
and cyclic AMP) commonly results in gene activation. The
(largely transforming growth factor-b) are either produced or
resultant protein production could modulate intracellular func-
activated. These anti-inflammatory cytokines down-regulate T-
tions and the activity of surrounding cells.58–60 A number of
cells and redirect the cellular activities toward proliferation of
the experiments reviewed in the Table demonstrated increases
fibroblasts, collagen production, and remodeling of the dam-
in specific proteins after exposure of cells to therapeutic levels
aged tissue.36,44
of ultrasound. Combined, these findings suggest that therapeu-
A number of reports have demonstrated that ultrasound af-
tic ultrasound can modulate signal-transduction pathways that
fects cells that are centrally involved in the immune response.
lead to gene regulation or the modulation of RNA translation
Specifically, ultrasound has been shown to modulate vasocon-
to a protein product, or both.
striction; lymphocyte adhesion properties of endothelium, mast
cell degranulation, phagocytosis by macrophage, production of
growth factors by macrophages; calcium fluxes in fibroblasts; Frequency Resonance Hypothesis
angiogenesis; proliferation of T-cells, osteoblasts, fibroblasts, Cumulatively, the data may suggest that the mechanical en-
and a number of proteins associated with inflammation and ergy within the ultrasound wave and the shearing force of the
repair (IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, interferon-g, fibroblast growth wave combine to produce mechanical properties that pertur-
factor-b, vascular endothelial growth factor, collagen) (Ta- bate the cellular membrane and the molecular structures within
ble)1,34,40–42,45–53; and to accelerate thrombolyisis.7–16 In gen- the cell. The central premise of the frequency resonance hy-
eral, most of these researchers used a frequency of 1 MHz or pothesis is that the mechanical energy within the ultrasound
3 MHz, and the intensities ranged from 0.1 to 1.5 W/cm2. An wave is absorbed by proteins, altering the structural confor-
alternative therapeutic protocol employs a frequency of 45 mation of an individual protein or the function of a multi-
kHz. An intensity range of 5 to 100 mW/cm2 was shown to molecular complex. Moreover, the ultrasound wave may in-
increase the production of IL-1, IL-8, vascular endothelial duce resonant activity in the protein, modulating the
growth factor, fibroblast growth factor-b, and collagen; pro- molecule’s or multimolecular complex’s effector function.
mote bone healing; and accelerate thrombolysis.5,45,54,55 The The following discussion employs enzymatic proteins as a
long-wave (45-kHz) ultrasound increases penetration depth molecular model. One can view an enzymatic protein as a
and, therefore, seems to be more appropriate than traditional physical machine performing a physical function within a cell.
high-frequency ultrasound (1 MHz and 3 MHz) for promoting Enzymes are commonly found in 1 of 2 conformational
revascularization and bone healing at greater depths. shapes: on or off. Movement between these 2 conformations
(or 3-dimensional shapes) requires a change in the state of
Ultrasound, Signal Transduction, and Gene energy, which is normally accomplished by the addition or
Regulation removal of a phosphate molecule. Once an enzyme within a
Additional reports suggest that ultrasound alters cellular signal-transduction cascade is activated, the signal is amplified
membrane properties (cellular adhesion, membrane perme- to execute an effector function.

Journal of Athletic Training 295

streaming relates to the movement of objects from one place
to another as a function of the force of the wave. In terms of
ultrasound therapy, phonophoresis is commonly used to move
medication transdermally. Second, cavitation relates to the os-
cillation of microscopic gas bubbles that may, in turn, affect
the cell or cellular process. However, the frequency resonance
hypothesis relates to the absorption of ultrasound by proteins
and protein complexes that may directly result in alterations
Figure 1. The resonating mechanical force produced by the ultra- to signaling mechanisms within the cell, either by inducing a
sound wave may induce transient conformational shifts. Molecules conformational shift or by disrupting a multimolecular com-
are normally found in one of two 3-dimensional shapes, an ‘‘active’’ plex.
or ‘‘inactive’’ conformation. In the original experiment investigating whether ultrasound
could alter protein activity, the researchers reported no effect
with respect to the monomer or dimer form of the enzyme
creatine kinase.61 However, Chetverikova et al61 reported that
ultrasound decreased the activity of the dimeric and tetrameric
forms of creatine kinase and suggested that the decrease in
activity was due to the disruption of the multimolecular forms
of creatine kinase (represented in Figure 2). The authors in-
ferred that ultrasound did not directly affect enzyme activity
and that the primary acousto-biological interaction appeared
Figure 2. Resonant or shearing forces produced by ultrasound to be occurring at a higher level of organization complexity.
may result in the disjunction of a multimolecular complex with a However, more recent investigations7–16,54,55 have shown that
subsequent loss of function or decrease in activity. ultrasound increases thrombolysis, demonstrating that ultra-
sound can increase enzyme activity (represented in Figure 1).
These data support the tried research saying, ‘‘The absence of
proof is not the proof of absence.’’
The concept of the absorption of ultrasonic energy by en-
zymatic proteins leading to changes in the enzymes’ activity
is not novel61,62; however, the demonstration that ultrasound
can increase or decrease protein activity and possible gene
regulation is more recent.7–16,54–56 While considerable data ex-
Figure 3. Resonant or shearing mechanical forces produced by
ist, a model suggesting a molecular mechanism for how the
ultrasound may dislodge an inhibitor molecule, leading to activa-
tion of a signal-transduction pathway.
absorption of ultrasound by proteins affects the cell function
is novel and is presented here for the first time.
Frequency resonance is one possible explanation of why
The frequency resonance hypothesis suggests that the en- exposure to ultrasound increased enzymatic activity, resulted
ergy provided to the enzyme by the ultrasound wave may in- in thrombolysis, and did not alter the activity of the enzymes
duce transient conformational shifts in certain enzymatic pro- creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, hexokinase, and pyru-
teins, altering the enzyme’s activity (ie, kinases or vate kinase.7–16,54,55,61 A simple analogy would be 2 tuning
phosphatases) and the overall function of the cell (Figure 1). forks located at one end of a room, with different frequencies
Alternatively, ultrasound’s resonating force may result in the A and B. At the opposite end of the room is a third tuning
dissociation of functional multimolecular complexes (Figure fork with the same frequency as fork A. Fork A is struck,
2) or the release of a sequestered molecule by dislodging an generating a sound. The sound waves travel through the air
inhibitor molecule from the multimolecular complex (Figure and are absorbed at the other end of the room by fork A to
3). In essence, the mechanism of ultrasound’s action in Figures produce the same resonating sound, while fork B remains si-
2 and 3 is the same. Ultrasound disrupts a multimolecular lent. The possibility exists that thrombolysis is affected by the
complex. However, Figure 2 represents a functionally active frequencies ‘‘designated’’ as therapeutic, while creatine kinase,
complex, while Figure 3 represents a functionally sequestered lactate dehydrogenase, hexokinase, and pyruvate kinase are
molecule. One can view an inhibitor molecule as a ‘‘safety not.7–16,54,55,61 Importantly, these reports do not directly dem-
block’’ that functionally inhibits or sequesters a protein from onstrate that a conformational shift is occurring in these en-
working. When the safety block is released, the protein is then zymes but support the hypothesis.
operable. On the surface, it may appear that the observed decrease in
Shearing forces produced by ultrasound may also play a role creatine kinase activity and an increase in thrombolytic activity
in the dissociation of multimolecular complexes. Hypotheti- are contradictory; however, a fundamental difference exists.
cally, frequency resonance may imply that different frequen- The decrease in activity of the creatine kinase was, most likely,
cies (1 MHz, 3 MHz, 45 kHz, and others) establish unique a result of the disruption of the multimolecular dimeric or
resonant or shearing forces (or both). Moreover, various fre- tetrameric (or both) forms of creatine kinase (Figure 2), while
quencies may affect combinations of proteins or multimolec- the increased thrombolytic activity may be more associated
ular complexes in different ways, lending to the possibility of with activation through harmonic resonance (Figure 1).
targeted effects at the cellular and molecular levels. In any case, the mechanical effects of ultrasound may result
The frequency resonance hypothesis differs from acoustic in either the activation or inactivation of an enzymatic protein
streaming and cavitation at the basic levels. First, acoustic or a dissociation of a protein complex, leading to alterations in

296 Volume 37 • Number 3 • September 2002

signal transduction. The frequency resonance hypothesis may However due to pharmocokinetics (ie, administration, absorp-
describe the molecular mechanism or mechanisms responsible tion, distribution, and elimination of a drug), higher concen-
for alterations in cellular membrane properties,34,39,41,46,49 in- trations and multiple doses per day are normally required to
creases in protein production,* and modulation of enzyme ac- achieve clinical efficacy.
tivity.7–16,54–56 While general recommendations for ultrasound treatment
Frequency resonance and shearing forces on multimolecular suggest 5 to 10 minutes of exposure and 1 to 3 treatments per
complexes may combine to produce the nonthermal effects of day, clinical treatments are almost exclusively done once a
therapeutic ultrasound. Collectively, the experiments reviewed day. The possibility exists that clinical treatment protocols
here support the frequency resonance hypothesis and demon- commonly employed for ultrasound are not sufficient for ther-
strate that therapeutic ultrasound may modulate signal-trans- apeutic efficacy. In the review by Robertson and Baker,63 both
duction pathways and gene products associated with the in- of the methodologically acceptable studies showing clinical
flammatory response and cells directly involved in the healing efficacy used pulsed ultrasound (1:4) with treatment times of
response (see Table). 15 minutes, resulting in energy densities of 60 and 150 J/cm2,
respectively.64,65 Conversely, the remaining 5 studies lacking
efficacy employed pulsed ultrasound and exposure times of 2
Clinical Implication of Ultrasound Research at the
to 10 minutes, resulting in overall energy densities of 2 to 40
Cellular and Molecular Levels
J/cm2.66–70 The frequency resonance hypothesis may suggest
The purpose of this paper is to raise the awareness that that different ultrasonic frequencies (1 MHz, 3 MHz, 45 kHz,
therapeutic levels of ultrasound (1 MHz, 3 MHz, and 45 kHz) and other) may require different durations of exposure (time),
stimulate cellular and molecular effects within cells that are different energy densities (J/cm2), or both, to reach therapeutic
centrally involved in the inflammatory and healing processes efficacy.
(Table).1,5,7–16,34,40–42,45–55 Cumulatively, these reports pro- The identification and scientific understanding of therapeu-
vide important information that may lead to a better under- tic ultrasound’s nonthermal mechanisms may lead to a com-
standing and clinical application of therapeutic ultra- prehensive and effective clinical strategy. Further research is
sound.1,5,7–16,34,40–42,45–55 Currently, no clear guidelines exist needed on 2 fronts: (1) cellular and molecular research to de-
that provide the clinician with protocols directing when in the termine whether the mechanical mechanisms proposed by the
injury and healing response ultrasound should be adminis- frequency resonance hypothesis can be elucidated and provide
tered, nor are there guidelines on the frequency, intensity, insight into a comprehensive strategy for the clinical indica-
treatment times, or number of treatments required for efficacy. tions of therapeutic ultrasound at various frequencies, and (2)
In a recent review of the literature, a wide spectrum of ultra- methodologically sound clinical research designed to provide
sound treatment protocols was found.63 In the 10 papers found meaningful input and outcome measures related to clinical ef-
to be scientifically acceptable, a broad range of treatment set- ficacy. Both avenues of research should strive to establish time
tings and methods was used, including (1) nine different clin- and dose-dependent response curves.
ical indications, (2) five different frequencies, (3) continuous
and pulsed output, (4) W/cm2 ranging from 0.02 to 2.6, (5) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
treatment time ranging from 2 to 15 minutes, and (6) energy
density ranging from 2 to 150 J/cm2.64–70 Due to the variety A portion of the time spent developing this manuscript was sup-
of clinical indicators and methods employed,63–70 sufficient ported by a grant from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association
Research and Education Foundation.
clinical data are currently not available to generate scientifi-
cally sound recommendations for treatment protocols.
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