-against- Petition
For Writ of
Habeas Corpus
The undersigned Petitioner respectfully alleges upon information and belief that:
3. [Check box(es) if either or both parties are in or recently returned from active military service]:1
Petitioner is on active duty, deployed or temporarily assigned to military service as
follows [specify type of service, military branch or National Guard unit, anticipated dates and location of
duty and how duty is likely to affect custody or visitation, if at all]:
Inapplicable if the party is based at a permanent duty station or had a permanent reassignment of station.
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Respondent returned from active duty, deployment or temporarily assignment to military service
as follows [specify date of return, type of service, military branch or National Guard unit, anticipated dates
and location of duty and how duty is likely to affect custody or visitation, if at all]:
5. Petitioner has requested the return of the child(ren) from Respondent and Respondent has failed
and refused to return the child(ren) to the custody of the Petitioner. [Delete if inapplicable].
b. G The father of the child(ren) who (is)(are) the subject(s) of this proceeding has not been
legally established.
7. [Applicable to cases in which mother is not a party]: The name and address of the mother is [indicate
if deceased or if address ordered to be kept confidential pursuant to Family Court Act §154-b(2) or
Domestic Relations Law §254]:
8. During the last five years, each child who is the subject of this proceeding resided at:
[specify address or indicate if ordered to be kept confidential pursuant to Family Court Act §154-b(2) or
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9. The name and present address of the person(s) with whom each child resided during the past five
years are as follows [specify address or indicate if ordered to be kept confidential, pursuant to Family
Court Act §154-b(2) or Domestic Relations Law §254]:
Name Address Duration (from/to)
10. Petitioner has has not participated as a party witness other [specify]:
in other litigation concerning the custody of the same child(ren) in New York State Other State or
other jurisdiction [specify]: . If so, specify type of case,
capacity of participation, court, location and status of case:
I know of no person(s) not a party to the proceedings who claim(s) to have custody or
visitation rights with respect to the child(ren) affected by this proceeding.
12. A custody or visitation proceeding concerning the same child(ren) G is G is not pending in New
York State. [If pending, give court docket number and status of case]:
13. The custody or visitation of the child(ren) has been determined or agreed upon in the following
instruments [specify court, if any, and date and attach true copy of instrument(s)]:
G Custody order
G Stipulation
G Judgment of Divorce
G Separation Agreement
14. [Check applicable box]: GPetitioner G Respondent obtained custody of the child(ren) on [specify
date]: , as follows:
15. a. The child(ren) Q are Q are not the subject(s) of any order, mandate, judgment or decree of
any court of competent jurisdiction, nor has any appeal been taken from any such order, mandate,
judgment or decree, [delete if inapplicable]: (except [specify, including court, county, date, docket or
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16. An Order of Protection of Temporary Order of Protection was issued [check applicable box(es)]:
against Respondent against me in the following criminal, matrimonial or Family Court
proceeding(s) [specify the court, docket or index number, date of order, next court date and status of case,
if available]:
The Order of Protection Temporary Order of Protection) expired or will expire on [specify]:
Visitation rights should be granted to Petitioner for the following reasons [specify]:
18. The subject child(ren) are are not Native-American child(ren) subject to the Indian Child
Welfare Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. §§ 1901-1963).
WHEREFORE, Petitioner requests that a Writ of Habeas Corpus be directed to the Respondent(s),
commanding the Respondent(s) to produce the child(ren) in this Court, in order that (s)he may be given
the custody visitation rights to the child(ren).
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this day of