Chap 48 PDF
Chap 48 PDF
Chap 48 PDF
Chapter 48
Nuclear Steam Generators
Nuclear steam generators provide the principal iso- single pass. The other fundamental design used by a
lation barrier between the primary coolant system in number of suppliers and in the CANDU PHWR is a
contact with the reactor core and the secondary power recirculating steam generator (RSG) where only part
cycle system, as discussed in Chapter 46. Nuclear of the feedwater is converted to steam as the water
steam generators also serve two other functional re- passes through the unit. After the steam is separated
quirements as they transfer energy from the primary from the water, the steam is sent to the turbine for
reactor coolant system to the secondary-side power- power generation while the water is returned to the
producing system. The first functional requirement is tube bundle for additional steam generation. These
as the heat sink for the reactor core. The decrease of steam generator designs use a vertical shell and an
primary coolant temperature through the steam gen- inverted U-tube heat exchanger bundle, with steam
erators is virtually the same as the increase of the pri- separation equipment located inside the top shell of
mary coolant temperature through the reactor core. the RSG. With this design there are significant dif-
Any difference is attributable to the fluid energy sup- ferences between suppliers and between different
plied by the reactor pumps, less any heat loss to ambi- models regarding materials of construction, thermal
ent. The second functional requirement is to generate hydraulic parameters, manufacturing techniques and
the flow rate of steam from the feedwater supply at the tube supports, all of which can significantly influence
temperature, pressure and enthalpy conditions neces- performance.
sary to efficiently drive the steam turbine/electric gen- A few other commercial PWR steam generator de-
erating system. signs have been used, primarily in early units. The
Each commercial pressurized water reactor (PWR) first commercial U.S. power reactor at Shippingport,
power system combines two to four steam generators Pennsylvania, used two different horizontal tube
with a nuclear reactor, pressurizer, and multiple pri- bundle steam generator designs. NPD (Nuclear Power
mary coolant pumps to form the nuclear steam sup- Demonstration), the first CANDU power reactor, had
ply system (NSSS). The 69 operating PWR systems one horizontal U-tube, U-shell steam generator. Cur-
in the United States (U.S.) use a total of 209 steam rent Russian PWR plants use horizontal bundle steam
generators. In addition, the 22 Canada Deuterium generators. No horizontal units are in commercial op-
Uranium (CANDU) pressurized heavy water reactor eration today in North America.
(PHWR) systems installed in Canada employ a total A variety of aging issues have been observed in the
of 184 with as many as 12 steam generators per reac- existing fleet of PWR steam generators. These factors
tor, although 4 is more typical. have reduced the performance of some steam genera-
There are two fundamental steam generator de- tors and thus effectively reduced their useful life. In-
signs used in commercial power systems in North tergranular attack, stress corrosion cracking, tube
America. The Babcock & Wilcox Company (B&W) denting, tube wall thinning, fretting wear damage,
once-through steam generator (OTSG) is a vertical foreign object damage and other issues have all had
shell counterflow straight-tube heat exchanger design an impact on unit performance because of the need
which directly generates superheated steam as the to plug significant numbers of steam generator tubes.1
feedwater flows through the steam generator in a In some cases, the degradation has reached a stage
where repair is no longer a viable option and steam tubes. The steam generator is a once-through design
generator replacement is needed. These replacement in that the secondary fluid makes only one pass through
steam generators employ new technologies to address the unit. Because the OTSG produces superheated
the aging issues and to extend their useful life. steam, it does not require steam separators or dryers.
The balance of this chapter focuses on the funda- Referring to Figs. 1 and 3, the feedwater flows
mentals of steam generator design and on the design downward within the annular region formed by the
improvements that are incorporated into the replace- lower shroud and the steam generator inside wall.
ment OTSG and RSG units. Steam generator service Near the bottom of the downcomer the feedwater
issues are discussed in Chapter 49, Nuclear Services passes through the adjustable orifice plate, and then
and Operations. Steam generator manufacturing is turns inward toward the bottom of the bundle. The
discussed in Chapter 50. fluid then flows upward around the tubes, passing
From Reactor
B&W once-through nuclear steam Reactor
Coolant Inlet
generator (OTSG)
Design configuration and flow
The B&W once-through nuclear steam generator
(see Fig. 1) is a vertical, straight tube and shell,
counterflow heat exchanger, approximately 73 ft
(22.25 m) tall and 13 ft (3.96 m) in diameter, each
weighing approximately 570 tons (517 tm). Each steam
generator produces approximately 5.4 million lb/h
(680.4 kg/s) of steam at 925 psi (6.38 MPa) and 595F Support Plates
(313C). This provides 60F (33C) of superheat. The (Typ.)
more than 15,000 Inconel 600 tubes in each steam
generator are positioned by broached tube support Steam Outlet
plates (see Figs. 1 and 2) which are set within the bundle
shroud, which is in turn positioned to the vessel shell by To
shroud pins. These plates are spaced to minimize tube Turbine
vibration. The distance between tubesheets is 52.1 ft
(15.9 m). Aspirated Steam
to Downcomer
As shown in Figs. 1 and 3, primary coolant enters
at the top, flows downward through the tubes, and
exits at the bottom through two primary outlets. The
carbon steel shell surfaces exposed to the primary side
coolant are clad with stainless steel to avoid corrosion Feedwater Inlet
in the primary side chemistry environment. The gen-
erator functions as a counterflow heat exchanger, i.e.,
the primary coolant flows downward within the tubes From
and the secondary fluid flows upward around the Annulus Water System
Tube (Typ.) Downcomer
Broached Flow
Passages (3)
Tube Diameter
0.625 in.
Tubesheet (Typ.)
Reactor Coolant
Tube Support
Lands (3)
To Reactor
Coolant Pumps
Table 1
Once-Through Steam Generator (OTSG) Operating and Design Information
Oconee (177)
Plant Information
Power level, MWt 2568
Power level, MWe 846
No. steam generators 2
reaches the high nineties, there is insufficient liquid graduated in percentage of full (operating) range, from
to wet the tubes and nucleate boiling gives way to film 0% at 102 in. (2.6 m) above the lower tubesheet to 100%
boiling. Still farther up the generator where the mois- at a height of 394 in. (10.0 m). Whereas the common
ture content of the fluid is depleted and the steam upper tap of the startup and operate range levels ex-
begins to superheat, heat transfer is by forced convec- tends into the tubed region, their lower taps are in the
tion of vapor. The primary and secondary fluid tem- steam generator lower downcomer. Feed and steam sys-
peratures and the modes of secondary heat transfer tem measurements also indicate steam generator status.
are indicated in Figs. 5 and 6. The secondary-side tem- These include steam pressure and the pressure drop
perature remains at saturation through the nucleate across the feedwater control valves. The flow rate of main
and film boiling regions. The counterflowing primary feedwater is indicated in two ranges: startup to 15% of
fluid gradually cools as it flows through the steam gen- full flow range, and operating range. The majority of
erator. The drop in primary fluid temperature in the these steam generator measurements are supplied to the
upper areas of the unit is relatively slow due to the plant computer and the integrated control system.
less efficient heat transfer in the film boiling and su-
perheater regions. In the lower regions of the unit, the
primary fluid temperature change is much more rapid Recirculating steam generator (RSG)
due to more efficient nucleate boiling heat transfer.
Design configuration and flow
Instrumentation Recirculating steam generators are supplied by a
The steam generator thermal performance mea- number of manufacturers worldwide as part of PWR
surements include fluid pressure, temperature, and and PHWR (mainly CANDU) systems. Two, three or
level. Shell temperatures are measured at five equally four steam generators are supplied for each PWR sys-
spaced locations along the length of the generator. tem and 4 to 12 steam generators are supplied for each
These measurements are used to determine tube to CANDU system. They range in height from approxi-
shell temperature differentials. A steam generator mately 38 to 73 ft (11.6 to 22.3 m) weighing from ap-
downcomer temperature measurement indicates the proximately 50 to 790 tons (45 to 717 tm) each. See
temperature of the incoming feed; this temperature Fig. 7 for selected comparisons of sample units.
is used in the temperature compensation of level. Each RSG is a vertical shell, inverted U-tube heat
There are three ranges of steam generator level mea- exchanger with steam-water separation equipment
surement: full, operate and startup. The operate range located above the tube bundle inside the upper shell
begins 8.5 ft (2.59 m) above the lower tubesheet. It is (or steam drum). A cylindrical shroud or bundle wrap-
Temperature, F (C)
Steam Outlet
To Turbine
Upper Shell or
Steam Drum
Primary Steam
Separator (Typ.) Recirculated
Return Water
Steam/Water Feedwater
Mixture Inlet Flow
buildup of any contaminants, a blowdown system is Additional tube supports or restraining systems are
located in the bottom of the RSG near or as part of required in the upper bundle U-bend area (see Fig. 14).
the tubesheet to remove a controlled quantity of wa- These maintain the position of the tubes and prevent
ter inventory. Blowdown is not very efficient at removal excessive flow-induced vibration as the high velocity
of many feedwater contaminants but it is the only steam-water mixture flows out through the U-bends.
way, other than moisture carryover, for feedwater con- Key information on the various RSG designs is pro-
taminants to be removed from the steam generator dur- vided in Table 2.
ing operation. Contaminants remaining in the steam
generator can deposit onto the tubes and to a lesser de- Steam-water separation
gree build up on the tubesheet and tube supports. High efficiency steam-water separation is a vital
Preheater (integral economizer) designs are also function in all recirculating steam generators, as dis-
used for some RSGs. Here the feedwater is introduced cussed in Chapter 5. This is particularly true in
near the tube bundle cold leg outlet to increase over- nuclear RSGs. Low moisture carryover in the steam
all thermal efficiency. Several options have been used improves turbine efficiency and total power output,
for this integral economizer section: counterflow, axial and minimizes the carryover of any contaminants into
flow and split flow (cold leg side of the tube bundle). the turbine. The traditional limit for nuclear RSG
Simplified schematics are shown in Fig. 10. moisture carryover at full power is less than 0.25%
Horizontal tube supports (support plates and/or lat- moisture by weight, while more recent requirements
tice bar grids) are provided at various elevations along have been for 0.10% or less.
the vertical straight tube bundle section (see Fig. 8). Low steam carryunder (steam entrainment) within
A variety of supports have been used in the various the downcomer return water maximizes the down-
original equipment designs (see Fig. 11). The tube sup- comer annulus driving head, thereby maximizing the
ports provide lateral support to the tubes during steam internal circulation rate. Low separator pressure drop
generator manufacturing, shipment and operation also increases the natural circulation rate through the
and protect against seismic loads. They are spaced at bundle by lowering the overall flow resistance.
intervals to minimize the likelihood of flow-induced vi- The B&W steam separation system combines curved
bration and are designed to provide adequate open arm primary (CAP) separators (see Chapter 5, Fig. 23)
area for the recirculating flow. Many of these designs with cyclone secondary separators (see Fig. 15) to ac-
were prone to accelerated corrosion, particularly if made commodate the necessary steam throughput.2 The ac-
of carbon steel (see Reference 1). B&W’s advanced lat- tual moisture carryover as measured at steam genera-
tice grid tube supports (Figs. 12 and 13) have addressed tor startup has been well below 0.10% moisture by
many of these issues. weight in all B&W replacement RSGs.
Baffles (Typ.)
Feedwater Feedwater Nozzle
Inlet Inlet
Nozzle Nozzle
Tubesheet Tubesheet
(a) Baffled Counterflow Type (b) Split Flow Type (c) Axial Counterflow Type
High High
Bar Bar
(a) Drilled Hole Design
Plate Tube
Low Bars
Tube In Plane
Flat Bar
Tube Out of Plane Restraints
Fig. 12 B&W lattice grid tube support assembly. Fig. 14 B&W flat bar U-bend restraint system.
Table 2
Selected OEM Recirculating Steam Generator Operating and Design Information
(Reference 3, Supplemented)
RSG Series Model or Type System 67 System 80 Series 44 Series 51 Model F D2/D3
Plant Information
Plant capacity MWt 2,700 3,817 1,520/2,200/3,000 1,650/2,660/3,300 3,425 2,800/3,411
Plant capacity MWe 865 1,270 470/700/1,000 560/833/1,100 1,150 930/1,180
No. steam generators 2 2 2/3/4 2/3/4 4 3/4
Note: SI Conversions: C = (F−32) x 5/9; mm = in. x 25.4; m2 = ft2 x 0.09290; kg/s = lb/h x 0.000126; MPa = psi x 0.006895
ratios (up to 6.0) have been a significant feature in 5. wall thinning/wastage/pitting involving sludge
B&W designs. near the tubesheets,
6. denting or permanent deformation of the tubes at
the carbon steel support plates due to corrosion
Replacement steam generators product buildup and volume expansion,
Of the 69 operating PWR nuclear power plants in 7. fretting wear,
the U.S., 56 had 163 individual steam generators re- 8. tube circumferential cracking due to high fre-
placed or awarded by 2005. Additional RSG replace- quency fatigue,
ments are anticipated as the remaining installations age. 9. erosion-corrosion in higher velocity regions, and
The previously unanticipated aging issues experi- 10. foreign object damage.
enced by nuclear steam generators generally involve
In many cases, the affected tubes are plugged when
complex interactions between the materials of con-
significant leakage is detected or when degradation
struction, water chemistry operation and contaminant
reaches a critical level. However, with time the over-
ingress, tube support arrangements, fabrication tech-
all bundle degradation can reach a stage where re-
niques, and local thermal-hydraulic conditions. These
pair is no longer a viable option and steam generator
only became apparent with long-term operation of the
replacement is needed. References 1 and 3 explore this
equipment. Examples of this damage include:
in more depth.
1. intergranular attack, B&W’s advanced series replacement steam generators
2. stress corrosion cracking (SCC), are designed with the most current technology available
3. primary- and secondary-side cracking at the to overcome the steam generator issues while still meet-
tubesheet expansion transitions, ing or exceeding all of the steam generator functional
4. primary-side cracking at the U-bends, requirements. Replacement units must fit within the
Table 3
Replacement Recirculating Steam Generator Design Features
Fig. 18 Replacement recirculating steam generators can be supplied that use the original upper shell, which remains in containment.
Table 4
Replacement Once-Through Steam Generator Design Features
2. Parkinson, J. R., et al., “Steam Separation Uprate by Manufacturing Development of pressure vessel
Elimination of Capacity-Limiting Mechanisms,” American welding and tube-to-tubesheet
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Winter Annual welding techniques
Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, November 17-22, 1985. Steam separation Testing of primary and secondary
3. Cohn, P. Ed., The ASME Handbook on Water in Ther- separators to improve overall
mal Power Systems, American Society of Mechanical En- performance
gineers, New York, New York, 1989. Maintenance Testing of new ECT, UT, and video
4. Klarner, R., Boyd, J.T., and Keck, M., “Once Through services probes for tube examination
Times Two,” Nuclear Engineering International, April, 2004. Tube plugging, sleeving, and
waterlancing equipment
Tubing Passivating tube inner surfaces to
reduce primary radiological
Inconel is a trademark of the Special Metals Corporation group of activation
Kakaç, S., Ed., Boilers, Evaporators and Condensers, Klarner, R., Fluit, S., and Schneider, W. G., “Replacement
Wiley-Interscience, New York, New York, 1991. See Chap- Steam Generators for Calvert Cliffs, Oconee and Future
ter 9, “Nuclear Steam Generators and Waste Heat Boil- Replacement Designs,” Fourth CNS International Steam
ers” by Collier, J.G. Generator Conference, Toronto, Canada, May, 2002.
Klarner, R., Albert, J., and Schneider, W.G., “SG Replace- Schneider, W. G., Klarner, R. and Smith, J., “Replacement
ment, Operation and Support,” PLIM & PLEX 2003 Con- Steam Generators,” Nuclear Engineering International,
ference, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 13-14, 2003. January, 2002.
Tong, L. S. and Weisman, J., Thermal Analysis of Pres-
surized Water Reactors, Third Ed., American Nuclear
Society, La Grange Park, Illinois, 1996.