Chap 15
Chap 15
Chap 15
Chapter 15
CycloneTM Furnaces
The Babcock & Wilcox Company (B&W) developed tion in a boiler furnace, the volatiles burn without
the CycloneTM furnace concept in the 1940s to burn difficulty; however, combustion of the fuel carbon char
coal grades that are not well suited for pulverized coal particles requires special measures that ensure a con-
(PC) combustion. The ash from these coals has a low tinuing supply of oxygen to unburned carbon par-
melting (fusion) temperature and would enter the su- ticles. A thorough mixing of coal particles and air must
perheaters of PC units in a molten state, creating se- occur with sufficient turbulence to remove combustion
vere slagging. products and to provide fresh air at the particle surface.
The Cyclone furnace was originally designed to take PC firing achieves these requirements by reducing
advantage of: the coal to a very fine powder, nominally 70% of which
1. lower fuel preparation capital and operating costs passes through a 200 mesh (74 micron) screen. This
powder then mixes with the turbulent combustion air.
(crushers only),
2. a smaller furnace, and After this initial phase, the small particles are carried
3. less flyash and convection pass fouling (15 to 30% in the air stream with much less mixing. Without the
of the fuel ash enters the convection pass instead
of 80% for PC firing).
Principles of operation
To understand the Cyclone concept, the basics of
solid fuel combustion must first be considered, particu- Fig. 1 CycloneTM furnace boiler showing air, flue gas, water and
larly as they relate to PC firing. During coal combus- steam flows.
continued rapid mixing action, the coal particulate low. The air injection locations are identified in Fig. 2
combustion must be completed through diffusion of the and later in Fig. 5.
oxygen and combustion products around the particle. The primary air enters the burner tangentially in
The relatively large PC furnace provides sufficient the same rotational direction as the secondary air,
residence time for oxygen to penetrate the combustion carrying the coal into the Cyclone. This primary air
product’s blanket around the particles as well as cool- controls the coal distribution within the main Cyclone
ing of the ash to minimize convection pass fouling. chamber. For optimized operation, the primary air is
The Cyclone furnace, on the other hand, fires rela- typically minimized to avoid throwing the raw coal too
tively large crushed coal particles of which approxi- deep or near the vortex, but must not be set so low as
mately 95% pass through a 4 mesh screen (nominal to create a fuel buildup near or in the burner. Ad-
0.187 in. or 4.75 mm) and is dependent upon the fuel equate velocity must be maintained to allow for proper
type being fired. Fuel of this size is too large to burn coal distribution into the cyclone.
completely in suspension and would pass through the The tertiary air enters the center of the burner along
PC-fired boiler without burning all of the carbon. the Cyclone axis, directly into the Cyclone vortex. It
Therefore, the large particles must be retained in place helps keep the cyclone burner door cool and controls
with the air passing over the particle (air scrubbing) the vortex vacuum which consequently determines
for complete combustion to occur. The Cyclone furnace the position of the main combustion zone, the primary
accomplishes this by forming a molten sticky slag layer source of radiant heat. As a negative effect, too high
which captures and holds the heavier particles. While an amount of tertiary air reduces the vortex vacuum
the large particles are trapped in the slag layer, the at the burner, allowing the main combustion zone to
volatiles and fine coal particles (recommended at about move deeper into the Cyclone toward the re-entrant
10+% passing 200 mesh) burn in suspension provid- throat and main boiler furnace.
ing the intense radiant heat required for slag layer com-
bustion. Ideally, all of the large coal particles become Heat rates
trapped in the molten slag where they complete carbon Within the Cyclone, the fuel burns at a heat release
burnout, leaving behind ash to replenish the slag layer. rate of 450,000 to 800,000 Btu/h ft3 (4.66 to 8.28 MWt
With most of the combustion occurring in the con- /m3), developing gas temperatures of more than 3000F
fines of the Cyclone furnace, the main boiler furnace (1649C). Heat absorption rates by the water-cooled
can be relatively small compared to a pulverized coal walls are relatively low as the unit has a relatively
furnace design. small surface protected by a refractory coating –
40,000 to 80,000 Btu/h ft3 (414 to 828 kW/m3). The
Cyclone combustion high heat release and low heat absorption rates com-
In the Cyclone, fuel is fired at high heat inputs and bine to ensure the very high temperatures needed to
under very turbulent operating conditions to maxi- complete the combustion and maintain the slag layer
mize combustion efficiency. Injecting the main com- in a molten state. The high temperature and high heat
bustion air tangentially at high velocities creates a swirl- release rate characteristics of Cyclone firing also pro-
ing motion which throws the large coal particles against vide the conditions to produce very high uncontrolled
the Cyclone inside surface, where they are trapped in nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission levels. The Cyclone
the slag layer and burn to completion. The hot gases then furnace traps and burns only as much coal as it can
exit through the Cyclone core and depart through the handle. The excess passes into the main furnace and
re-entrant throat into the main boiler furnace. boiler back-end as unburned carbon carryover. Dur-
ing overfiring, long term corrosion and/or erosion with
Air distribution associated tube deterioration could occur in the Cy-
The cyclonic gas flow does not follow a simple cork- clone and/or lower furnace regions. In addition,
screw path from entry to exit. (See Fig. 2.) The main overfiring may cause problems in the main furnace,
combustion air (secondary air) enters the Cyclone fur-
nace tangentially at high velocity and passes along
the Cyclone periphery, also known as the recircula-
tion zone. In this zone, the air-gas flow along the
chamber is away from the exit opening and toward
the burner, pulled along by the vortex vacuum cre-
ated near the burner end of the Cyclone. Closer to the
center of the Cyclone, the general gas flow is toward
the exit (re-entrant throat). Eventually, the hot com-
bustion gases flow from the recirculation zone to the
Cyclone core, known as the vortex. Once in the vor-
tex, the gases and particulate are immediately pulled
out of the Cyclone and into the main furnace. The fuel
residence time in the recirculation zone is affected
directly by the velocity of the secondary air and in-
versely by the size of the re-entrant throat opening.
The balance of the combustion air is admitted as
primary and sometimes tertiary air as discussed be- Fig. 2 Cyclone furnace gas recirculation pattern.
proper combustion. For subbituminous coals with For some coals and/or other solid fuels, the T250 value
moisture contents typically in the 25 to 30% region, of the slag can be lowered by altering its ash base to
other Cyclone modifications including reduced sized, acid (B/A) constituent ratio (discussed in Chapter 21)
tight gap re-entrant throats and segmented second- through the addition of a fluxing agent (e.g. limestone,
ary air velocity dampers are required to maintain good dolomite, etc.). Although B&W does not generally rec-
Cyclone operating conditions. Improved coal fineness ommend this approach, sometimes it is the only alter-
operation is also imperative to achieve good Cyclone native to improve operation. Fluxing system design
combustion when firing subbituminous coals. Particu- considerations must incorporate the capability to ac-
larly high moisture fuels may require the pre-dry sys- curately, uniformly, and continuously distribute the
tem used on lignite-fired Cyclone-equipped boilers. flux material with the fuel stream.
Operating experience demonstrates that coal ash If a Cyclone unit must burn high fusion tempera-
has a tendency to concentrate iron, initiate slag tap- ture fuel, the best approach is to adjust the T250 value
ping problems, and/or result in a corrosive iron sul- by blending in a different coal or solid fuel; however,
fide attack on the refractory and Cyclone furnace. This this usually represents higher fuel handling costs.
can be evaluated by comparing the total amount of Both fuel blending and fluxing create concerns with
sulfur to the iron/calcium and iron/magnesium ratios. maintaining acceptable consistency.
(See Fig. 4.) Frozen iron puddles found on the Cyclone Co-fired fuels must be evaluated on an individual
or furnace floor during outages provide an indication basis with emphasis placed on the resulting ash con-
of the magnitude of the potential problems. tent as a percentage of the total heat input.
Slag viscosity factor – T250 value The most important The general characteristics of coals suitable for Cy-
evaluation consideration for Cyclone coals is the slag clone furnace firing are summarized in Table 1.
viscosity characteristic or T250 value. This ultimately
separates coals into categories suitable and unsuitable
for Cyclone operation. The T250 value denotes the tem- Cyclone coal burner types
perature at which the coal slag has a viscosity of 250 In the United States (U.S.), Cyclone furnaces have
poise. At this viscosity the slag flows on a horizontal been equipped with three primary coal burner types
surface. A slag with a higher viscosity would fail to flow – scroll, vortex and radial (two sub-types), as shown
steadily from the Cyclone and main furnace and in Fig. 5. All types inject coal from the front end of the
would be too stiff to trap the unburned coal particles Cyclone and impart a swirl to the crushed coal in the
for proper combustion. The currently recommended same rotation as the secondary (main) combustion air.
maximum T250 value for all Cyclone bituminous coals To protect the burner coal inlet from excessive erosion,
is 2450F (1343C). With the advent of increasing low all utilize a protective wear liner known as the wear
sulfur subbituminous coal use in the 1990s, B&W blocks. The material used for these blocks is normally
established a T250 limit of 2300F (1260C) for subbitu- comprised of metal, ceramic, or a combination of the
minous coals fired in standard Cyclones. This value two. Finally, the burners are normally kept cool with
compensates for the effect of increased coal moisture the addition of a water-cooled jacket on the burner
on Cyclone combustion temperatures. door and the burner scroll. The main purpose of the
The preferred method of establishing the T250 value cooling jacket is personnel protection along with re-
is by experimental measurements on actual fuel ash ducing the operating temperatures of the burner it-
samples. However, due to the large database accumu- self. Since untreated water is normally used for the
lated from past testing, the T250 value can also be esti- cooling media, corrosion and pluggage can be encoun-
mated based upon calculations using the coal mineral tered with time. Although not normally recommended,
ash analysis. (See Chapter 10.) this water cooling capability has been removed by some
Table 1
Summary of Cyclone Furnace Coal Suitability
Fig. 4 Coal suitability for Cyclone furnaces based on tendency to Coal ash iron/sulfur tendencies See Fig. 4
form iron and iron sulfide.
unburned carbon in the flyash, higher particulate bin system, a short crusher outage does not interrupt
loadings, increased maintenance, etc.). New larger boiler operations. An existing bin system can be up-
diameter, higher capacity Cyclone designs are feasible graded to fire high moisture coals by converting the
and could be incorporated if the additional capital costs coal piping into a simple pre-dry system (see Fig. 9).
associated with such an overall retrofit can be justified The direct-fired system uses a smaller separate
versus the associated increased boiler/turbine output. crusher, sometimes called a coal conditioner, between
As illustrated in Fig. 6, the Cyclone furnace has the coal feeder and burner on each individual Cyclone
been used on three general boiler arrangements – furnace. These crushers are swept by hot air which
single wall firing with screen, open furnace single wall removes moisture from the freshly crushed coal. This
firing, and opposed wall firing. Full boiler drawings produces an advantage by improving crusher perfor-
are provided in Figs. 1, 7 and 8, respectively. Boiler mance and fuel ignition when firing coals with a mois-
and Cyclone furnace arrangements have ranged from ture content up to 30%. The direct-fired system has
one 6 ft (1.8 m) Cyclone on a single wall unit to twenty- also been used where the existing plant layout could
three 10 ft (3 m) Cyclones on an 1150 MW opposed not accommodate the bin system.
wall unit. In all cases, the main furnace is relatively The direct-fired with pre-dry system represents the
small to maintain furnace temperature over the fur- Cyclone fuel preparation system for firing lignite and
nace floor slag taps and to promote slag flow on the other high moisture coals. In addition to the hot air-
furnace walls. The lower furnace chamber also con- swept individual crushers, this system can also include
tains a protective refractory lining held in place by crusher classifiers and mechanical cyclone moisture
thousands of pin studs which are welded to the tubes. separators. The classifiers increase the coal fineness
Generally, the Cyclone boiler can be operated continu- which results in more moisture extraction and better
ously down to about 50% of total capacity. Below this
point the slag freezes on the furnace floor and plugs
the floor taps. Many units have been equipped with
larger floor slag taps to improve slag removal.
Coal preparation
The Cyclone equipped boilers feature three fuel de-
livery systems – bin, direct-fired, and direct-fired with
pre-drying configurations. (See Fig. 9.) The bin sys-
tem, the simplest, least expensive and most common,
uses a pair of large crushers in a central location to
prepare the coal for overhead storage bunkers (bins).
Because the Cyclone- required crushed coal has a rela-
tively large particle size, the storage hazards as com-
pared with pulverized coal systems are lessened, but
not eliminated. Adequate venting to remove freshly
released combustible gases from the crushed coal sys-
tems must still be maintained along with all associ-
ated dust control systems. Safety requirements are
imperative for low rank, high volatile coals. With the
combustion. The mechanical cyclone separators re- fusion or other difficult-firing coals, every attempt should
move the moisture and fines from the coal-air mixture be made to produce the highest percentage of coal fines.
and vent the mixture directly to the boiler furnace
through the gas recirculation plenum area. The ex- Coal feeders
clusion of moisture from the main coal increases Cy- A number of different feeders have been used with
clone combustion temperatures and subsequently Cyclones since their inception. Early units had small
enhances slag tapping. With moisture separators, this table type feeders, followed by drag types, then volu-
system, designed for lignites with moisture higher metric belt types and now gravimetric belt types, some
than 36%, handles poor Cyclone quality, low sulfur of which have been upgraded with microprocessor con-
coals as easily as standard bin system Cyclones fire trols. With the introduction of each model, the control
high grade bituminous coal. and continuity of the coal flow improved.
The preferred coal size distribution for various coal The preferred feeder type today is the gravimetric
grades is shown in Fig. 10. With high moisture, high ash (weighing) type with a microprocessor control upgrade.
Fig. 8 Universal Pressure (UP®) boiler with opposed-wall Cyclone furnaces and bin system for coal preparation and feeding.
units, multiple Cyclones are housed within common Sectional secondary air control dampers
windboxes for the supply of secondary air. This ar- Cyclone furnaces can be equipped with sectional
rangement inherently makes it more difficult to ac- dampers (2 or 3 blade sections) across the width of the
curately monitor air to individual Cyclone furnaces. secondary air inlet. This arrangement provides an ad-
As a result, larger Cyclone equipped boilers have typi- ditional level of control for the Cyclone furnace com-
cally been operated at higher excess air levels than bustion. Biasing these dampers permits adjustment to
smaller units. Modern measurement and control tech- the Cyclone combustion pattern and increases fuel
niques are improving the accuracy of air flow mea- retention time. The effectiveness of this additional
surement. Although new devices are being designed control technique is greater when difficult to burn fu-
with more repeatable measurements, it is still advis- els are being fired (e.g., high moisture/low sulfur coal,
able to field-verify the equipment by performing air cali- higher ash fusion fuels, etc.).
brations after installation. When retrofitted with accu-
rate gravimetric coal feeders for each Cyclone, such de- Low load operations
vices permit tighter individual Cyclone furnace control.
With the advent of the Cyclone air staging technol- Typically, Cyclone furnaces firing a good Cyclone
ogy to help reduce NOx emission levels, the importance bituminous coal can not operate below half load with-
of maximizing the accuracy of the fuel/air flow mea- out the slag freezing. In addition, the main boiler fur-
surements and controllability has increased. Improv- nace floor typically stops tapping slag below half load.
ing this accuracy not only enhances the NOx reduc- When firing subbituminous type coals, this minimum
tion capability of the system, but also maintains the re- low load level is higher due to the more difficult na-
quired characteristics for acceptable Cyclone operation. ture of firing that fuel in Cyclone boilers. In either
case, the slag taps tend to plug solid. An individual Cy-
clone can continue to operate and should eventually start
Operation retapping. However, a boiler with a solidly plugged floor
tap must be shut down for manual slag removal.
Power requirements
Cyclones can be equipped with either No. 2 oil or
natural gas igniters, with oil igniters being the more Cyclone furnace boilers have significantly different
common option. On coal-fired Cyclones, both igniters power requirements than do pulverized coal units.
are located at or near the Cyclone front in the second- Fuel preparation power consumption for Cyclone boil-
ary air throat outlet. The oil igniter is installed exter- ers is very low because the coal is only crushed, not
nal to the Cyclone and is a retractable design to pre- pulverized, and the primary air fan is not used. How-
vent overheating of the igniter and related problems ever, the forced draft fan power usage is substantially
with the oil atomizer. The gas igniter is a fixed design higher due to the relatively high Cyclone windbox to
and installed inside the secondary air duct immedi- furnace pressure drop [typically 25 to 45 in. wg (6.2
ately ahead of the exit into the Cyclone. Original Cy- to 11.2 kPa)]. This is illustrated in Fig. 13. The differ-
clones were equipped with either a 10 × 106 Btu/h (3 ence between Cyclone and PC firing is dependent
MWt) or 17 × 106 Btu/h (5 MWt) oil igniter that em- upon the fuel type and heating value. PC firing has
ployed mechanical atomization, or a 17 × 106 Btu/h (5 an advantage for high heat content and high
MWt) stationary gas igniter. Both fuel igniter designs grindability bituminous coal firing applications. Cy-
made use of high voltage ignition. clone firing has an advantage for low heat content
Demand for increased oil igniter heat release and and lower rank fuels such as subbituminous, lignite and
decreased opacity, especially during cold start opera- brown coals which are also harder to pulverize. In the
tions, led to the development of a larger, air atomized case of the high heat content bituminous coals, the lower
oil igniter with high energy spark ignition system. This operating costs of PC firing must be balanced against
new igniter, the CFS model, is capable of an input rat- the lower capital costs of Cyclone-based firing systems.
ing of 25 x 106 Btu/h (7.3 MWt) under specific condi-
tions. These higher input oil igniters require a slightly
larger tube opening than was supplied on original Cy-
clones and would require some tube modifications if Corrosion and erosion within the Cyclone are the
installed on these older units. two most critical maintenance items. The Cyclone’s wet
Minor design changes and field testing of the stan- slagging environment produces a potentially corrosive
dard stationary gas igniter led to a revised igniter ca- iron sulfide attack on the pressure part tubing.
pacity on natural gas to approximately 30 x 106 Btu/ Erosion is also a problem in an area opposite the
h (8.8 MWt), thereby providing similar capacity on ei- secondary air throat where a protective slag coating
ther gas- or oil-fired Cyclone igniters. can not form. The coal particles wear away the edges
Cyclones firing only oil and natural gas as the main of the protective flat studding and can cut a channel
fuels have additional igniter options with respect to between the studs and potentially damage the tubes.
location. The retractable CFS oil and/or gas igniter can
be located axially down the center of the retired coal Tubing – pin studs and refractory
burner or through the modified burner door. In areas coated by molten slag, the tubes are pro-
For further information on oil and gas igniters, re- tected by a refractory layer held in place by pin studs
fer to the igniter section in Chapter 11. (Fig. 14). In addition to retaining the refractory, the
Coal crusher
Fig. 13 Auxiliary power requirements for typical high-capacity,
pressure-fired Cyclone furnace and pulverized coal units.
Cyclone coal crushers have generally remained un-
changed over the years. With the increased use of dif-
ficult to fire subbituminous low sulfur coals and the
need to crush the fuel as fine as possible, a change in
pin studs cool the refractory surface in contact with
maintenance practice is recommended. Cages should
the corrosive slag and retard the corrosive chemical
be adjusted and mills should be reversed more fre-
action. The pin studs protect the refractory and the
quently than with standard Cyclone furnace coals. In
refractory in turn protects the pin studs. Over time,
addition, the hammers should be discarded at their
experience has demonstrated that tighter, or denser,
half life to maintain adequate striking mass. To im-
pin stud spacing improves refractory performance. The
prove fineness to a greater degree, fine grind cages
denser pin stud patterns have provided very good per-
can be installed. This normally reduces the original
formance in their ability to protect refractory and re-
capacity of the crushers and requires a motor upgrade
sist corrosion (Figs. 15a and b).
and/or additional installed crusher capacity to restore
Tubing – flat studs system capacity.
An advanced design has been developed and in-
stalled by B&W to reduce maintenance (Fig. 16). The
newer flat staggered stud design, using a hand ap-
plied fillet weld, offers the following advantages:
1. more precise stud manufacturing and closer spacing,
2. minimum potential for channeling and acceler-
ated wear between studs,
3. excellent heat transfer which reduces metal tem-
perature and erosion rates, and
4. thicker stud sizes to extend life.
To enhance tube life, the plasma arc flame spray-
ing of alloy metals onto the tube surface has been used.
Despite a number of experiments with different met-
allization powders, the results generally remain incon-
clusive. Some applications using expensive coatings Fig. 14 Cyclone furnace stud and refractory section.
Fig. 15a High density Cyclone pin studding. Fig. 16 State-of-the-art flat studs after five years of service.
Nitrogen oxides (NOX) reduction coals, will help reduce, but not eliminate, corrosion and
Historically, Cyclone equipped boilers have produced iron formation concerns. Additional operational issues
relatively high uncontrolled levels of NOx emissions, may include higher unburned carbon levels, increased
ranging from 0.70 to 2.6 lb of NOx as NO2 per million boiler flyash, increased boiler slagging/fouling, steam
Btu (approximately 1050 to 3900 mg/Nm3 corrected temperature reductions, and higher opacity levels.
to 3% O2). Based on ever increasing needs to reduce Low NOx Cyclone reburn technology has been spe-
NOx emission levels, various commercially available cifically developed to reduce NOx emissions levels from
Cyclone equipped boiler NOx reduction techniques are Cyclone equipped boilers (up to 70% reduction) while
available and include, but are not limited to: permitting successful Cyclone furnace operation. In
this system, the Cyclone furnace can be operated un-
1. fuel switching from a bituminous to a subbitumi- der fully oxidizing conditions, but at a reduced load –
nous type coal, typically 70 to 85% of full load air and fuel flow. The
2. air staging, balance of the fuel is injected directly into the main
3. reburning, boiler furnace with minimum air for fuel transport to
4. selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology, and create a reburning zone. In this zone, the reburn fuel
5. selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) technology. creates an oxygen deficient or reducing zone where
Switching from a standard Cyclone bituminous coal the NOx created in the Cyclone furnace is reduced or
to a subbituminous coal has shown that a nominal 10 decomposed into molecular nitrogen through a series
to 25% NOx reduction can be observed. These reduc- of complex interactions with free hydrocarbon radi-
tion levels are due to two factors: cals. Overfire air ports located above the reburn zone
permit injection of the balance of the air to produce a
1. reduced thermal NOx component with the high final stoichiometry of 1.15 to 1.20 and complete the
moisture content of the fuel (lower Cyclone peak fuel combustion. The use of coal, oil, or gas as the
operating temperatures), and reburn fuel depends upon an economic evaluation bal-
2. lower fuel NOx component due to the inherent con- ancing the higher capital cost of a coal based system
stituents in the coal (lower fixed carbon to vola- against the fuel cost differential for other fuels.
tile ratio, lower nitrogen component, etc.). Post-combustion technologies have also been suc-
The most widely used Cyclone boiler NOx control tech- cessfully applied to Cyclone boilers and offer varying
nique is air staging. The basic theory of air staging is to degrees of NOx control capability (see Chapter 34).
reduce the fuel NOx component within the burner zone
by reducing oxygen availability. Additionally, numeri- Applications
cal modeling activities have shown that due to the unique
combustion characteristics of Cyclone equipped boilers, The Cyclone boilers gained wide acceptance due to
some reburning chemical reactions also help to reduce their ability to burn a substantial reserve of coals
the overall NOx emissions during air staging operation. deemed unsuitable for pulverized coal firing. Also, the
This reburning phenomenon helps to explain the high unique inherent combustion characteristics of Cyclone
percentage NOx reduction that has been identified on furnaces have proven to be an effective means to safely
numerous staged-air applications on Cyclone-fired units fire a variety of waste materials. New Cyclone boiler
(up to 80% reduction). applications co-firing sludge materials have been and
Cyclone air staging employs multiple combustion continue to be developed.
zones within the furnace region (see Fig. 17), defined
as the main combustion zone (Cyclone region) and the
burnout zone (OFA ports to the furnace exit). The
main combustion zone is designed to operate at nomi-
nal substoichiometric conditions. Operating at higher
Cyclone stoichiometries is feasible, but at a cost of mini-
mizing the overall NOx reduction capabilities; actual
operating Cyclone stoichiometries would be optimized
during startup to provide the required NOx reduction
while maintaining optimum boiler operation. The bal-
Burnout Zone
ance of the required combustion air is introduced • Balance of Combustion Air
through overfire air (OFA) ports in the burnout zone. Overfire Zone
• Controlled Fuel Burnout
A satisfactory residence time within the burnout zone Air Port
is required for complete combustion. Measuring
Experience indicates good NOx reduction without Device ~20%
major negative operational impacts while air staging Main Combustion Zone
on Cyclone units. However, there are potential nega- • Lower O
tive issues that must be addressed. Reducing atmo- Air Flow ~80% Sub-
• Lower Fuel/Thermal NO
spheres accelerate corrosion, which can lead to signifi- Control Stoichiometric
cant maintenance problems. Corrosion and iron for- Damper Region