Ajaib Chand - 14.11.2007
Ajaib Chand - 14.11.2007
Ajaib Chand - 14.11.2007
officers do not know the Punjab Village common Land Act and
given on lease by open auction. And also the B.D.O’s and E.O’s
II. They have to file the court case against the illegally
IV. They have filed the appeal in the higher court against the
Gram Panchayats cases should also be filed under P.P. Act and
and rent recovery Act 1976 jointly. The concerned officer should
All the cases belonging to the land of Gram Panchayat are filed
II. These are entered into the revenue record under the name of
be court orders.
cases in civil courts which show that the said deeds are
not legal.
the Collector by this Act. They are advised that on taking the
Collector rates.
I. Time limit under Section 11, rule 21-A is that the case can
the Act of 1953, 1955, and 1961 and not due to the
to above Acts.
V. Some presiding officers had tried to find the differences
lease holders.
samlaat Deh.
XI. Section 11 deals only with the matter whether the land is
petitioner khewatdars.
XIII. Those lands which are not Samlaat Deh are covered by the
XIV. In some case the lands which are given on lease are
common purpose.
Panchayats do not file the appeals against the cases which are
by the administrator.
see that the Gram Panchayat cases are litigated by the learned
councilors. The cases where the Sarpanch and the private party
Districts and can order for every bit of the record to put in their
courts. They should check the cases where the sarpanch and
out without any sound reason. This is also clear that Punjab
gives clean chit to the illegal orders of the officers. And so if the
rules and sections of the Act are disobeyed then the officials
will be prosecuted.
Satish Chandra
Secretary Panchayat