Our Lady of The Pillar College-Cauayan Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela
Our Lady of The Pillar College-Cauayan Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela
Our Lady of The Pillar College-Cauayan Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela
Learning objectives:
At the end of the lesson the student must
A. Explained what is mixtures and substance
B. Collected distilled water and salt crystals
from the mixtures.
C. Distinguished mixtures if homogeneous or
Teacher’s activity Students activity
A. Preparation activity
(checking of attendance)
Yes, Veb?
Very good! It tastes like?
It is salty Ma’am.
Sea water! (Students’ answer)
B. Presentation of the lesson
C. Discussion
D. Application
Denatured alcohol
Alcohol lamp
Test tube receiver
Sea water
Erlen Meyer flask
Evaporating dish
Glass tube
Safety matches
Wire gauze
Boiling chips
1. Prepare a distillation setup as shown in
Figure 1. Place about 60 mL of seawater in the
sample flask. Add 2-3 small boiling chips.
2. Apply heat to the sample flask until you
have collected about 15 mL of the distilled
water (distillate).
Note: Make sure the source of heat is not
removed while the distillation is in progress.
3. Taste a portion of the distillate. Compare
the taste of the distillate with that of
Q1. What is the taste of the distillate? Is the
taste the same as seawater?
4. Set the rest of the distillate aside. You will
use it in Activity 2. Label it properly.
5. While allowing the remaining seawater to
cool, prepare an evaporation setup as shown
in Figure 2.
6. Transfer the cooled liquid to the
evaporating dish. Aluminum foil may be used
as an alternative for evaporating dish. Note
that the aluminum foil was shaped like a bowl
so it can hold the sample.
7. Apply heat to the seawater until all the
liquid has evaporated. Let it cool. Using a hand
lens, examine what is left in the evaporating
Q2. What do you see? Did you notice the solid
that was left after all the liquid has
8. The solid that is left behind in the
evaporating dish is called the residue. Taste a
small portion of the residue.
Q3. What is the taste of the residue?
E. Generalization/Summary/ Abstraction
F. Values Integration
Discussion of results
References: Internet
Science book (Any)