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Our Lady of The Pillar College-Cauayan Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela

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Our Lady of the Pillar College-Cauayan

Reina Mercedes Vocational and Industrial School

Tallungan, Reina Mercedes, Isabela

Daily Lesson Plan ( June 29-30,2016)

Content Standards Students will demonstrates understanding in
comparing and contrasting characteristics of
mixtures and substances.

Performance Standards Demonstrate skills in constructing improvised

water distillation apparatus.

Learning Competency The students can explain what the differences

of mixture and substance

Learning objectives:
At the end of the lesson the student must
A. Explained what is mixtures and substance
B. Collected distilled water and salt crystals
from the mixtures.
C. Distinguished mixtures if homogeneous or

Subject Matter: Mixtures and Substances

Materials: Beaker
Denatured alcohol
Alcohol lamp
Test tube receiver
Sea water
Erlen Meyer flask
Evaporating dish
Glass tube
Safety matches
Wire gauze
Boiling chips

References: Ferido, M.B, et al., Diversity of Materials in the

environment, pp 7, 8, 10 and 12.
Integrated Science text book for first year.
Nature of assessment: Formative
Assessment activity: Quiz
Laboratory activity

Valuing: Psalm 51:10New International Version

Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Teacher’s activity Students activity

A. Preparation activity

All stand up. Ken, kindly lead the prayer.

(Ken lead the prayer)
Good morning class.
Good morning Ma’am (Students’ answer)
Before you may take your seat, kindly pick up
all the tiny bits of paper around your chair.

(checking of attendance)

Who’s absent today?

None, Ma’am (Students’ answer)

Last meeting, we tackled about factors

affecting how fast a solid solute dissolves.
What are the factors involved?

Yes, Elnie? Ma’am.

The factors that affect how fast a solid solute

dissolves are the effect of stirring, effect of
temperature, effect of particle size and the
nature of solute.


I have prepared here a salt solution. Who

wants to taste it? I need volunteers from the
girls and boys.

Okay we have here 10 volunteer students. Ma’am (Students’ answer)

Now at the count of three you will taste it.


What is the taste of the mixture?

Yes, Chelsea?

Yes, Veb?
Very good! It tastes like?
It is salty Ma’am.
Sea water! (Students’ answer)
B. Presentation of the lesson

Class our topic for today is all about

mixtures and substances.

C. Discussion

Class, what comes into your mind when you

hear the word mixtures?
Yes, Ezekiel?
These are substances that are not chemically
Very good! Another idea?
Yes, Anta?
These are substances consisting of two or
more substances mixed together.
Very good! There are so many mixtures
around us, some are solid like rocks, some are
liquid like fruit juices or gas like the air.

There are two kinds of mixtures. What are the

two kinds of mixtures?
Yes, Jun?
Homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.

Very good! When we say homogeneous

mixtures, what does it mean?
Yes, George?
It is a mixture of two or more substances that
forms one phase in other word it is a solution.

Very good! What about heterogeneous?

Yes, Kendra?
Heterogeneous mixtures are not uniform and
their particles are larger that can be easily
observed or seen.
Very good! Examples of heterogeneous
mixtures are sand and gravel, Halohalo.

There are five characteristics of a mixtures.

1. Maybe solid, liquid or gas

Examples of it are rocks for solid, buko juice
for liquid and air for gas.
2. Maybe homogeneous or heterogeneous
3. Made up of two or more components.
4. Components maybe separated/ recovered
by physical means such as filtration.
5. Amount of components may vary.

D. Application

Today, we are going to conduct an experiment

into which we are going to collect distilled
water from sea water and you are going to
answer individually. Is that clear class?
Yes, Ma’am (Students’ answer)
These are the materials needed.

Denatured alcohol
Alcohol lamp
Test tube receiver
Sea water
Erlen Meyer flask
Evaporating dish
Glass tube
Safety matches
Wire gauze
Boiling chips

1. Prepare a distillation setup as shown in
Figure 1. Place about 60 mL of seawater in the
sample flask. Add 2-3 small boiling chips.
2. Apply heat to the sample flask until you
have collected about 15 mL of the distilled
water (distillate).
Note: Make sure the source of heat is not
removed while the distillation is in progress.
3. Taste a portion of the distillate. Compare
the taste of the distillate with that of
Q1. What is the taste of the distillate? Is the
taste the same as seawater?
4. Set the rest of the distillate aside. You will
use it in Activity 2. Label it properly.
5. While allowing the remaining seawater to
cool, prepare an evaporation setup as shown
in Figure 2.
6. Transfer the cooled liquid to the
evaporating dish. Aluminum foil may be used
as an alternative for evaporating dish. Note
that the aluminum foil was shaped like a bowl
so it can hold the sample.
7. Apply heat to the seawater until all the
liquid has evaporated. Let it cool. Using a hand
lens, examine what is left in the evaporating
Q2. What do you see? Did you notice the solid
that was left after all the liquid has
8. The solid that is left behind in the
evaporating dish is called the residue. Taste a
small portion of the residue.
Q3. What is the taste of the residue?

E. Generalization/Summary/ Abstraction

Who can now give me a generalization with

our topic today?
Yes, Adan?
Homogeneous particles are smaller than
heterogeneous particles.
Very good! Another class?
Yes, Brenth?
A mixture can be solid, liquid or gas.
Very good! Now who can sum up our topic?

Yes, Kensely? Ma’am.

A mixture is not chemically combined

substances, there are two kinds mixtures, the
heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures,
homogeneous mixtures are uniform in
appearance while heterogeneous mixtures are
not uniform in appearance.
Exactly! Therefore, a mixture can be a
combination of solid, liquid or gas which some
particles or some mixtures are easy to observe
than the components present and some are
not like the homogeneous solution or solution.

F. Values Integration

Psalm 51:10New International Version

Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Therefore, a pure heart is a concentrated one,

concentrated with good spirit where it
depends on us how we face challenges in life,
should we be the saturated one or the
unsaturated one.

Discussion of results

(The Teacher will pick 5 papers and let the

students explain their work)


1. Cite at least 10 examples of

heterogeneous and homogeneous
Write it on your notebook.

References: Internet
Science book (Any)

Lesson Plan prepared by: LENA BETH T. YAP

(Practice Teacher)

Lesson Plan checked by: LIEH ANN A. FONTANILLA

(Cooperating Teacher)

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