Gravity 5: Instruments and Gravity Processing
Gravity 5: Instruments and Gravity Processing
Gravity 5: Instruments and Gravity Processing
Gravity Gravity 5
Drift and
Instruments and gravity processing
Gravity 5
Objectives for Week 5
Gravity 5
• Learn about gravity
Corrections instruments
Drift and
Tides • Learn about
Latitude processing of gravity
Free Air data
• Make the
Bouguer corrections to
Summary calculate a simple
Bouguer anomaly
Gravity 5
The pendulum
Gravity 5
The zero-length spring gravimeter
Gravity 5
Absolute gravimeter
Gravity 5
An absolute gravimeter, like a
pendulum apparatus, measures
gravitational acceleration directly, rather
then the relative change in gravity from
Objectives place to place. These instruments are “sort
of” portable (weighing around 50 kg), can
Instruments make accurate determinations of the
gravity field within one hour, and are
Gravity increasingly field-worthy, although still
Corrections quite expensive (>100K USD).
Drift and
Tides The current generation of absolute gravity
meters are free-fall devices, simply
Latitude measuring the time it takes an object to
fall a given distance in a vacuum.
Free Air Improvements in the instrument have
involved improving the timing of the fall
Atmosphere (using an atomic clock) and the distance of
the fall (using a high-precision laser), the
quality of the vacuum, a dampening system
to lessen the effect of vibrations, and the
Summary ease with which free-fall measurements are
Reading The absolute precision on the best absolute
gravimeters is about 1 µGal.
Gravity 5
Gravity from space
Gravity 5
Space-based gravity observations generally rely on
accurately measuring a satellite’s position and
comparing it to its theoretical position given a model
Objectives of the Earth’s (or other planet’s) gravity field,
assuming no anomalous mass distribution. In early
Instruments efforts, this involved tracking a single satellite in its
orbit and the departure of its true position from an
Gravity expected position.
Gravity 5
Gravity corrections
Gravity 5
Putman had a big job on his hands after he • Tidal corrections, to account for the time
finished gathering his gravity data. He knew that the varying gravitational acceleration due to the
gravity varied for many reasons other than lateral motion of the Sun and Moon
variations in mass in the subsurface. We have already
seen that gravity varies with latitude due to the shape
• Theoretical gravity correction, to account for
the shape and rotation of the Earth
and rotation of the Earth, the tides, and with
Instruments dg
variations in elevation ( dR ).
• Free air correction, to account for variations
in gravitational acceleration with elevation
Corrections Gravity corrections involve reducing the effects of • Atmospheric correction, to account for varying
these features of Earth/planetary gravity in order to density of the atmosphere with elevation
Drift and
isolate the effects of lateral variations in mass. These • Simple Bouguer correction, to account for the
corrections are not a trivial exercise. Some of the average density of rocks as a function of
corrections are mathematically complex (e.g., the elevation (sometimes called the Bullard A
Latitude effect of latitude). By making the corrections in a correction)
step-wise fashion, removing one effect at a time
Free Air
systematically, we often can learn more about the • Spherical cap correction, to account for the
interior of the Earth than we could if we simply make change in the Bouguer correction due to the
the corrections all at once. roughly spherical shape of the Earth (also
Simple known as the Bullard B correction)
Bouguer The usual corrections made to gravity data include: • Terrain correction, to account for the exact
Summary • Instrument drift, associated with variations in
form of the terrain and its influence on density
distribution around the gravity station (also
gravity only due to the fact that the
known as the Bullard C correction)
Further gravimeter registers different readings with
Reading time, due to mechanical, thermal, and • Isostatic correction, to account for broad
electrical changes in the instrument (long wavelength) variations in gravity due to
EOMA isostatic compensation of the crust.
Gravity 5
Instrument drift and the tides
Drift and !
Tides 1 1
aT = GMm −
(rL − RE )2 2
Free Air
Atmosphere Mm is the mass of the moon (7.3547 × 1022 kg)
rL is the distance from the center of mass of the
Simple Earth to the moon (3.84 × 108 m)
Bouguer A continuous record of gravitational acceleration in RE is the radius of the Earth at the equator
the USF lab, gathered at 1 s intervals for several days.
(6.378137 × 106 m)
Summary The actual drift curve is shown in red, the detrended
G is the gravitational constant.
drift curve s shown in black.The drift curve (red) can
Further be thought of as consisting of two components. The
Reading Earth tide varies predominantly on approximately 12 With these values, the tidal acceleration is
and 24 hr cycles. The tide develops longer period approximately 0.11 mGal due to the Moon (not
EOMA variation (a beat) due to the elliptical motion of the including the gravitational effect of the Sun).
Sun and Moon.
Gravity 5
Instrument drift during surveys
Latitude where:
m is the local slope of the drift, calculated only
Free Air from successive base station measurements BS2
and BS3
Atmosphere ∆gBS2 is the drift since the beginning of the
daily measurements measured at time tBS2
If tBS2 =12:29, ∆gBS2 = 0.035 mGal and
Summary tBS3 =17:32, ∆gBS3 = 0.055 mGal, at
tS =14:00, ∆gS = 0.041 mGal. This drift
Further correction is subtracted from the observed
Reading gravity to obtain the drift corrected gravity
reading. That is, instrument drift causes the
EOMA gravity value to be “too high” at 14:00 at station
S and the drift correction accounts for this.
Gravity 5
Instrument drift during surveys
Free Air
Comparing the linear and nonlinear drift curves, it is
Atmosphere clear that the drift correction for station S is different.
In the linear model ∆gS = 0.041 mGal; in the
Simple nonlinear model ∆gS = 0.05 mGal. This difference
Bouguer gives a sense of the uncertainty in the drift correction.
The more base station readings made, the more likely
Summary the linear and nonlinear models will agree, but at the
cost of making fewer readings at other gravity stations.
Further If few base station readings are made, there will be This cubic spline fit was graphed using gnuplot.
Reading greater uncertainty in estimation of instrument drift. Gnuplot has great functionality for fitting drift data
If drift readings are only made at the beginning and using a variety of methods. The drift at time S was
EOMA end of the day, then drift can only be estimated using also determined using Gnuplot. Example codes for
a linear model, and the uncertainty is not known. estimating the nonlinear drift are provided in the
supplementary material.
Gravity 5
Instrument drift during surveys with multiple base
Gravity 5 It is often impractical to return to the base station
to measure drift, especially in areas where transport is
problematic or the survey area is very large. Usually in
such circumstances, multiple base stations are
established to measure drift.
Gravity 5
Tides and drift
Gravity 5
Summary of Drift and Tidal Corrections
Gravity 5
• Tidal corrections are routinely made using Earth tide codes and
algorithms. These calculations do not account for all aspects
of time variation in gravity due to the tide: ocean loading and
the local elastic response to the tide also play significant roles.
• Usually the drift correction is made after the tidal correction is
Drift and made. That is, the instrument drift is the residual time varying
Tides gravity after the theoretical Earth tide is removed.
Latitude • Instrument drift is not completely known during surveys.
Therefore the instrument drift is modeled. Models include
Free Air linear interpolation and nonlinear interpolation between base
station readings.
• For multi-day surveys, it is critical that drift measurements be
Simple collected at a single base station each day (best method) or at
Bouguer multiple base stations that have been tied to the original base
Summary • Often it is necessary to tie the entire survey to absolute gravity.
Further This can be done if the network of new stations, including
Reading base stations, is tied to a point of known absolute gravity.
Gravity 5
Theoretical gravity
Gravity 5
Putman realized that gravity varies with latitude due to the change in diameter of the Earth with latitude
and change in centrifugal acceleration with latitude. He used a method developed by Helmert to correct for
this variation based on Clairant’s theorem derived from LaPlace’s equation. Now we use the Somigliana
closed-form solution to estimate theoretical gravity, the expected value of gravity as a function of latitude,
Objectives given the value of gravity at the equator:
ge (1 + k sin2 φ)
Gravity gT = p ,
Corrections (1 − e2 sin2 φ)
Drift and
Tides where gT , is the theoretical gravity on the GRS80 reference ellipsoid at latitude φ, ge is normal gravity at
the equator equal to 978032.67715 mGal, k is a dimensionless derived constant equal to 0.001931851353,
Latitude and e is the first numerical eccentricity, with e2 having a value of 0.0066943800229. Updated ellipsoids have
been developed since 1980, of course, but they have a negligible effect (measured in thousandths of a milligal)
Free Air on the theoretical gravity. Until a new ellipsoid is internationally accepted, the GRS80 should be used.
Gravity 5
Free air
Gravity 5
The difference in elevation between the base station and the measurement point results in a difference in
gravitational acceleration. The free air correction is applied to account for difference in gravity due to
difference in height. For the GRS80 ellipsoid, the precise free air correction is:
Instruments 2 −8 2
δgh = −(0.3087691 − 0.0004398sin φ)h + 7.2125 × 10 h ,
Corrections where the free air correction, δgh , is calculated in milliGals and h is the elevation of the gravity station at
latitude φ with respect to the reference ellipsoid, measured in meters. Note that the free-air correction
Drift and
depends on latitude. That is, the vertical gradient in gravity varies with changes in the shape of the Earth.
Latitude An approximate formula, δgh = −0.3086h, is widely used, especially to compare the free air correction
among stations in a local network (where change in latitude is not significant).
Free Air
Simple To “free air” correct a gravity station it is necessary to compute δgh , where h is the elevation difference
Bouguer between the gravity station and the reference ellipsoid. If the gravity station, S, is at a higher elevation than
the reference ellipsoid, gravity at S will increase after the free-air correction is applied. Suppose a base
Summary station is at a higher elevation than station S. Gravity will decrease at station S after the free air correction
is made, to “reduce” station S to the base station.
Gravity 5
The atmospheric mass correction
Gravity 5
For a gravity meter located at the surface of the Earth, the mass of the atmosphere pulls up on the meter,
reducing gravity overall. The mass of the atmosphere varies with height and this change affects gravity
measurements. The atmospheric correction attempts to account for the average change in the mass of the
Objectives atmosphere between the base station, or reference ellipsoid, and the gravity measurement point. The formula
for the atmospheric correction is:
−5 −9 2
Gravity δgatm = 0.874 − 9.9 × 10 h + 3.56 × 10 h ,
Drift and where the atmospheric correction, δgatm , is given in milligals and h is the elevation of the gravity station in
Tides meters above mean sea level. For a station at sea level, the correction is 0.874 mGal. That is, the mass of
the atmosphere reduces gravity at the sea level station compared to gravity at that position if no atmosphere
Latitude were present. The effect of the atmosphere is less with increasing elevation because less atmosphere is
pulling up on the meter. Note that the correction is done with respect to sea level rather than with respect
Free Air to the ellipsoid. Density of the atmosphere also changes with time, but this change is not accounted for by
the atmosphere correction.
Bouguer Making the atmospheric mass correction
Summary For all gravity stations located at the surface of the Earth, gravity will increase after the atmospheric
correction is applied. The magnitude of the increase will be less for gravity stations located at higher
Further elevations than for gravity stations located at lower elevations.
Gravity 5
Simple Bouguer (Bullard A)
Gravity 5
The Bouguer correction accounts for the mass of average crust between the base station, or reference
ellipsoid, and the measurement point, given the height difference between them. If the measurement point
located on the Earth’s surface is above the reference ellipsoid, then the “extra” mass of rock between the
Objectives station and reference ellipsoid has the effect of increasing gravity. Similarly, if a measurement station is
located at an elevation below the reference ellipsoid then rock is “missing” that would theoretically be pulling
up on the meter, with the effect of reducing gravity at that measurement station. The goal of the simple
Gravity Bouguer correction is to remove this effect of “excess” and “missing” mass, using a formula based on a
Corrections simple shape – the infinite slab (see Module 4):
Drift and
δgbc = 2πGρh
Latitude where ρ is the density of rock comprising the Bouguer slab, and h is the height difference between the
gravity measurement point and the reference ellipsoid.
Free Air
Simple To make the Bouguer correction, it is necessary to compute δgbc , where h is the elevation difference
Bouguer between the gravity station and the reference ellipsoid. If the gravity station, S, is at a higher elevation than
the reference ellipsoid, gravity at S will decrease after the simple Bouguer correction is applied. Suppose a
Summary base station is at a higher elevation than station S. Gravity will increase at station S after the Bouguer
correction is made, to “reduce” station S to the height of the base station.
Gravity 5
Simple Bouguer (Bullard A + B)
Gravity 5 The Bouguer correction can account for the spherical cap-shape of this mass of rock, as described in La Fehr
(1991). Far from the gravity meter, the topography falls below the horizon because of the Earth’s curvature.
The spherical-cap correction accounts for this curved-shape of the Bouguer slab.The formula for the
spherical-cap Bouguer correction is:
gsc = 2πGρ[(1 + µ)h − λ(R + h)],
Gravity where gsc is the gravity correction due to the spherical cap in milligals, ρ is the density of the material
Corrections making up the spherical cap, µ and λ are dimensionless coefficients that vary as a function of latitude. R is
the mean radius of the Earth at the latitude of the gravity station and h is the elevation of the gravity station
Drift and with respect to the reference ellipsoid. Unfortunately, the constants µ and λ are complex to calculate!
Latitude 1 2
µ = η −η
Free Air " !#
1 2
1/2 n
Atmosphere λ = (d + f δ + δ ) (f − δ) + k + p + m ln 1/2
3 (f − δ + (f − δ)2 +k
where: d = 3 cos2 (α) − 2, f = cos(α), k = sin2 (α), p = −6 cos2 (α) sin(α/2) + 4 sin3 (α/2),
Summary m = −3 sin2 (α) cos(α), n = 2(sin(α/2) − sin2 (α/2)), δ = R/(R + h), η = h/(R + h),
α = S/R, S = 166735 m, which is the standard radius of the spherical cap.
Reading The simple Bouguer correction (Bullard A) is replaced with the spherical cap correction (Bullard A + B) to
account for curvature of the slab. Is this curvature important? LaFehr found it can effect gravity up to about
0.1 mGal in comparing stations at greatly different elevations.
Gravity 5
Gravity 5
Most gravity surveys are done to identify subtle variations in density within the Earth, with the goal of better
understanding the geology on a variety of scales, from the near-surface to the entire lithosphere. Because
Objectives gravity anomalies are subtle, many factors not related to density variations within the Earth must be
Instruments accounted for independently. Gravity processing is all about accounting for these factors. One person’s trash,
however, is another person’s treasure. A great deal can be learned from studying gravity anomalies after the
Gravity free-air correction has been made, and before the Bouguer correction has been made.
In this module we have concentrated on the steps needed to make a simple Bouguer correction.
Drift and
Tides People often ask, “do I add or subtract the correction?” Please never fall into that trap! The best strategy is
Latitude to visualize what you are trying to accomplish with the correction and to verify that your correction achieves
this goal! This becomes more important as an ever greater variety of platforms are conceived for measuring
Free Air gravity with a ever wider variety of purposes.
Atmosphere There are additional corrections routinely done in processing gravity data. In airborne and marine surveys,
the Estövös correction is used to account for the motion of the vehicle relative to the angular rotation of the
Simple Earth. The terrain correction is used to account for deviations of the topography from the ideal Bouguer slab
Bouguer or spherical cap, the isostatic correction is used to account for regional variations in gravity associated with
Summary isostatic compensation. When do these corrections need to be made? It is best to think of gravity processing
as a process – isolate the anomaly of interest by performing the corrections necessary, and no more!
Gravity 5
Further reading
Did you have the impression that gravity processing was simple? Many people struggle to make appropriate
Gravity 5 gravity corrections and it is not always clear, even to experts, which corrections are most appropriate. A
simple paper describing standard corrections and an excel spreadsheet to make them is:
• Holm, D. I., and J. S. Oldow, 2007, Gravity reduction spreadsheet to calculate the Bouguer anomaly
Objectives using standardized methods and constants, Geosphere, v. 3; no. 2; p. 86–90; doi:
Gravity A more complete discussion of the principles and standards for gravity processing is:
Drift and • Hinze, W. J., et al., 2005, New standards for reducing gravity data: The North American gravity
Tides database, Geophysics, v. 70, no. 4; p. J25–J32, doi: 10.1190/1.1988183.
A thorough development and discussion of the spherical cap correction is found in:
Free Air
• LaFehr, T. R., 1991, An exact solution for the gravity curvature (Bullard B) correction, Geophysics,
Atmosphere v. 56. no. 8, p. 1179–1184.
• Talwani, M., 1998, Errors in the total Bouguer reduction. Geophysics 63, Special Section: Shallow
Bouguer Seismic Reflection Papers, 1125–1130. doi: 10.1190/1.1444412
• LaFehr, T. R., 1998, On Talwani’s “Errors in the total Bouguer reduction”. Geophysics 63:4,
Summary 1131–1136.
Reading Are these procedures set in stone? Not at all. See, for example, the paper on alternative reduction
• Nozaki, K., 2006, The generalized Bouguer anomaly, Earth Planets Space, 58, 287–303.
Gravity 5
Gravity 5 1 Note that the atmospheric mass correction only accounts for change in the mass of the atmosphere
above the gravimeter as a function of height. The atmospheric pressure also changes with time (so
there is wind in the atmosphere!). How significant is the change in atmospheric pressure as a factor
in drift? Approximate the atmosphere as an infinite slab. Recall that the pressure is related to
density, height, and gravity (P = ρgT h), where gT is the theoretical gravity at the location of the
Objectives meter. Substitute this relationship into the infinite slab formula and solve for the change in gravity
Instruments with a 1 millibar change in pressure, and a 10 millibar change in pressure. Discuss you results. Is
these a significant factor for microgravity surveys?
Gravity 2 Use the code to calculate the upward acceleration due to the Earth tide at 0 N (the
Corrections equator) and 90W starting on October 1, 2013, for a period of seven days. Make a plot of the
output. Repeat the calculation for upward acceleration at 45 N, 90W for the same time period. How
Drift and
does the tide vary with latitude? Explain this result.
3 The Geophysics field camp made a gravity survey across the Borah Peak fault in the summer of
Latitude 2013. They measured gravity at a base station intermittently during their survey. The base station
measurements are located in the supplementary file: field camp drift.dat. Plot the drift curve using
Free Air
gnuplot (see the file field camp nonlinear.gnu). Describe an anomalies on this drift curve. Use the
Atmosphere gnuplot script: field camp drift corrections.gnu to estimate the drift using the cubic spline model. If
you do not change the script, the output will be printed to the new file:
Simple field camp interpolated drift.out. Now, using this model, correct the observed gravity readings found
Bouguer in the file: field camp observed.dat for drift. Note: these data have already had the tidal correction
4 Develop a tool for processing gravity data. Make sure the tool can process data as described in this
Further Module. You need to be able to calculate the simple Bouguer anomaly (Bullard A). You are welcome
Reading to implement the Bullard A+B (spherical cap) correction if you wish. Calculate the simple Bouguer
anomaly for the data in field camp observed.dat, and plot this resulting profile of simple Bouguer
EOMA gravity anomaly vs. distance from the base station. Note; you are welcome to develop this tool as a
script in PERL, Python or Matlab, or as a spreadsheet.
Gravity 5