HS 069 Operational Control
HS 069 Operational Control
HS 069 Operational Control
The purpose and objective of this document is to provide guidance to SA Divisional Services for
harmonisation and common understanding in terms of activities and operations associated with
identified hazards within SA Divisional Services, and where the implementation of controls is
necessary to manage those risks, and comply with OH&S legal and other requirements and in the
absence of those operational controls, could lead to injury or harm.
The scope of this procedure will deal with the development of operational controls consistent with the
hierarchy of controls to prevent injury or ill health.
SA Divisional Services H&S department shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure that
deals with operations and activities that are associated with the identified hazards where the
implementations of controls are necessary to manage the OH&S risks. This will include management
of change. Managing documentation within SA Divisional Services is subdivided into operational
controls related to the following categories ie.:
Safety System documentation deals with documents related to the monitoring and
implementation of operational controls related to the Safety System and Operational Issues.
The operational controls were designed by identifying operations and activities associated with
identified risks where control measures are needed as per the Baseline Risk assessment or
when ever required.
Operational controls are made up of a suite of activities and processes which starts with the
baseline risk assessment and continue down to day to day continuous risk assessment. (Refer
to H&S (014,018 and 028)
Formal controls have been established for planned maintenance (where required); purchasing;
significant tasks; significant equipment; hazardous materials; provision and control of Personal
Protective Equipment; Planned task observations; Planned Inspections and Occupational health,
etc. The CMMIS program / Baseline Risk assessment aids including identification and pre-use
inspection checklists deals with engineering issues regarding inspection of all units.
The entire purchasing process is governed by CS/CORP/001 – Procedure for the Acquisitioning
of Goods, Equipment, Site works, Services, and Technical acquisitions.
Section 21 of the Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996, deals with the manufacturer’s and
supplier’s duty for health and safety. Every supplier shall ensure that appropriate risk
assessment accompanies equipment supplied to SA Divisional Services.
The procedure defines the purchasing of material and equipment prior to arriving to SA
Divisional Services. This is integrated into the purchasing department being Commercial
Services who does the buying - an effective purchasing system is in place that restricts the flow
of unnecessary items throughout SA Divisional Services.
To ensure that only the correct quality and specification equipment can be purchased, a
representative of Southern Africa Division H&S sits in at the Standards Committee meetings
where purchasing processes are discussed and finalized – A H&S representative attends the
SAD standards meeting.
Material safety data sheets must be supplied to the mine for every chemical. This allows the
occupational hygiene department to assess the anticipated hazards and risks associated with
the use of the chemical on the user as well as the environment, in which case less critical
alternatives is sought. A MSDS inventory exists at Commercial Services and is available on the
6.3 Documents Related to Contractors and Other Visitors to the Working Place
Documents related to Contractors and other visitors to the working place deals with the proper
documentation required to ensure all contractors and visitors are conversant with associated
hazards and risks. (H&S 066 – Contractor Health & Safety Requirements SA Divisional
The Engineer must acknowledge the availability of the required permit / exemption prior to
allowing work to be performed involving new processes or systems.
Should a process or system change, a risk assessment must be conducted and approved by the
H&S department and then a permit document must be drafted.
To give effect to the management of identified risks the following information should be considered
when establishing and implementing operational controls:
See Annexure 1 for examples of associated control measures and operating criteria that could be
used as guidance when establishing and implementing operational controls.
Examples of areas in which Health and Safety risks typically arise, and examples of their associated control
measures include:
• Regular maintenance and repair of facilities, machinery and equipment to prevent unsafe
conditions from developing;
• Housekeeping and maintenance of clear walkways
• Access Control
• Contractor Procedure (H&S 066)
• Maintenance of the thermal environment (temperature, air quality)
• Maintenance of the ventilation systems and electrical safety systems;
• Maintenance of emergency plans
• Policies related to travel, bullying, sexual harassment, drug and alcohol abuse, etc.
• Health programs (medical surveillance programmes)
• Legal appointments
• Induction
• Use of procedures, work instructions, or approved working methods and Safe working practices.
• Use of appropriate equipment
• Pre-qualification and/or training of personnel or contractors for hazardous tasks - Competency
• Use of permit-to-work systems, pre-approvals, or authorisations (Refer to Procedure H&S 016)
• Controls to prevent ill health
• Regular maintenance and repair of facilities, machinery and equipment to prevent unsafe
conditions from developing;
• Housekeeping and maintenance of clear walkways, and traffic management
• Provision, control of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment - H&S 003 procedure);
• Inspection and testing of OH&S equipment such as guarding, fall arrest systems, shutdown
systems, rescue equipment for confined spaces, lock-out systems, fire detection and suppression
equipment, exposure monitoring devices, ventilation systems and electrical safety systems by the
appropriate supervisor;
• Inspection and testing of material handling equipment (cranes, forklifts, hoists and other lifting
f) Contractors
• Establish criteria for the selection of contractors
• Communication of the organization's own OH&S requirements to contractors
• Evaluation, monitoring and periodic re-evaluation, of the OH&S performance of contractors;
As the knowledge and capabilities of visitors or other external personnel vary greatly, this should be
considered when developing controls. Examples may include
• Contractor controls
• Establishing their knowledge and capabilities prior to permitting the use of equipment
• Provision of advice, training as necessary
• Warning signage/administrative controls
• Methods for monitoring and supervising their activities
• Site specific induction
• Risk assessment
• Use of specified equipment, and procedures/work instructions for its use
• Competency of operators for such equipment
• Authorities/guidelines/instructions/procedures for individual task based risk assessment prior to
immediate commencement of the task
• Induction
• Specification of personal protective equipment requirements
• Specified conditions for entry (permits)
• Health and fitness conditions
• Supervision
• PPE requirements
• Orientation
• Emergency requirements
Information and its supporting medium (The medium can be paper, magnetic, electronic or optical computer
disc, photograph or master sample, or a combination thereof.)
Document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed
Any document that needs to be controlled in terms of its distribution and use, such as the Policy and
documented procedures. These documents are either signed in original ink and/or signed for on a
distribution list. These documents will be signed off after evaluation has been done to determine that they
are adequate for purpose. The document will be signed off by the relevant members as depicted on the
distribution list.
Once copies are printed of the database, they are considered to be “uncontrolled”.
Documents that have been replaced by later revisions or those that is no longer relevant or valid, and has
been cancelled from the system. These documents will be identified either by crossing them out and writing
obsolete or rubber stamp obsolete document.
Any documents that have not been issued under the circumstances under “controlled documents” are
categorised as uncontrolled. This includes, but may not be limited to:
• Documents that do not need to be controlled such as the monthly safety topic.
• Documents not distributed by the authorised person as per the procedures “authority and
responsibility” table and signed for by the recipient.
• Documents printed from the electronic database. (Watermarked “uncontrolled document)
• Documents duplicated or photocopied from controlled documents.
• Photocopies of the Occupational Health and Safety policy as issued to the public or other
Interested and Affected Parties
It is not possible to judge from an uncontrolled copy whether it is the latest version. It is the responsibility of
the person holding the documentation to ensure that (s) he has the latest version.
Physical harm or damage
Occurrence per unit time, (May be expressed qualitatively or quantitatively).
How often and for how long employees are exposed to a hazard/s.
Means the chance of an event occurring.
Taking reasonable care to protect the health and safety of all employees. Provide equipment, maintain the
equipment, use equipment as prescribed, provide information relating to the equipment, and provide
competent supervision.
An undesired event which under slightly different circumstances could result in harm to people. Damage to
property or loss to process or an undesired event that could or does result in a loss.
A Risk index can be determined by plotting likelihood and severity indices on the y and x-axis respectively
and then using them to obtain a risk ranking.
Process of recognizing that a hazard exists and defining its characteristics
Anything around us that we can see as well as those energy sources we cannot see e.g. Gas and
radiation that can cause harm
Identify the significant hazards (Process and recognition)
• R = RISK
Risk imagining (Likelihood and consequence if risk materializes)
Determine the magnitude of the risk if materialized
An activity which is performed on a regular basis (day to day)
An activity performed on an adhoc basis
Principle that, individuals, organizations, and the community are responsible for their actions and may be
required to explain them to others.
Liable to be called to respond to a person for issues to be done.
Identifiable adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made worse by a work activity and/or
work-related situation.
Non-fulfilment of a requirement – can be any deviation from:
Relevant work standards, practices, procedures, legal requirements.
SADSSS goals, in terms of OHS performance, that SA Divisional Services sets itself to achieve. Objectives
are quantified wherever practical.
Measurable results of SA Divisional Services management of its risks.
Note: Performance measurement includes measurement the effectiveness of controls.
Overall intention and direction which will be followed for the management of health and safety.
Document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed
A condition or practice with the potential to cause harm, or exposure to danger. (Immediate Causes,
Substandard Act or Substandard Condition)
Process of evaluating the risk(s) arising from a hazard(s), taking into account the adequacy of any existing
controls, and deciding whether or not the risk(s) is acceptable
Action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other undesirable potential situation.
Action taken to rectify a non-conformance or deviation
To constantly improve on current Health and Safety standards
Specified way to carry out an activity or a process.
Process of evaluating the risk arising from a hazard, taking into account the adequacy of any existing
controls, and deciding whether or not the risk is acceptable.
Any physical location in which work related activities are performed under the control of SA Divisional
Independent and documented process for obtaining “audit evidence” and evaluating it objectively to
determine the extent to which “audit criteria” are fulfilled.
Period from the 20th of a particular month up to the 19th of the following month.
Management Committee
Executive Committee
Within SA Divisional Services – One who supervise or has charge and direction of i.e. Foreman, Clerk of
works, Training Officer, Residence Manager, Security Officer etc.
Person working under the control of the organisation and includes contractors.
A Person appointed in writing ensuring that the OH&S management system is established, implemented
and maintained in accordance with this OHSAS Standard;
and ensuring that reports on the performance of the OH&S management system are presented to top
management for review and used as a basis for improvement of the OH&S management system.
Any person who enters the premises of the mine who is not a full time employee or Contractor paid by the
Any person who perform work for the mine and is paid for his/her service.
Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated by the organization having regard to its legal
obligations and its own
Verification is the act of reviewing, inspecting, testing, etc. to establish and document that a product, service,
or system meets the regulatory, standard, or specification requirements.
Validation refers to meeting the needs of the intended end-user or customer to
prove the truth or to determine or test the accuracy. Also, validation is the process of checking if something
satisfies a certain criterion.
• Roles and responsibilities are depicted in each system procedure and updated as and when
required in table format
• OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health and Assessment Series)
• The Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996
• The Minerals Act 50 of 1991
• Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 86 of 1993)
• AGA Strategic Objectives
• Implex Legal Register
• ATDS Training Matrix
• Corporate Procedure Directive
• Health and Safety Agreement
• SAR/OESH/P/A/001.01 – AGA Incident reporting
• H&S 004 – Incident investigation
• H&S 006 – Emergency preparedness and response
• H&S 014 – Issue based risk assessment
• H&S 018 – Baseline risk assessment H&S 019 – Control of records
• H&S 023 – Control of documents
• H&S 027 – Competence, training and awareness
• H&S 028 – Continuous risk assessment
• H&S 029 – Communication, participation and consultation
• H&S 030 – Management review
• H&S 031 – Internal audit
• H&S 037 – Management of change
• H&S 055 – SA Divisional Services Scope
• H&S 058 – Legal and other requirements
• H&S 059 – Performance measurement and monitoring
• H&S 060 – Evaluation of compliance
• H&S 061 – Nonconformity, corrective and preventative action
• H&S 065 – Objectives and programme(s)
• H&S 067 – Resources, roles, responsibility, accountability and authority
• H&S 069 – Operational control
• H&S 070 – Documentation
• H&S 071 – H&S Policy
Added risk ranking of operational procedures
H&S 069 – Revision 1 (p3 point 6) 3 October 2009