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ASTM D 3370 Sampling Water From Closed Conduits1

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Designation: D 3370 – 95a (Reapproved 1999)e1

Standard Practices for

Sampling Water from Closed Conduits1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3370; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

e1 NOTE—Footnotes were editorially removed in June 1999.

1. Scope D 3648 Practices for the Measurement of Radioactivity4

1.1 These practices cover the equipment and methods for D 3694 Practices for Preparation of Sample Containers and
sampling water from closed conduits such as process streams at for Preservation of Organic Constituents4
power stations for chemical, physical, microbiological, and D 3856 Guide for Good Laboratory Practices in Laborato-
radiological analyses. It does not cover specialized equipment ries Engaged in Sampling and Analysis of Water3
required for and unique to a specific test or method of analysis. D 4453 Practice for Handling of Ultra-Pure Water Samples3
The following are included: D 4515 Practice for Estimation of Holding Time for Water
Samples Containing Organic Constituents4
Practice A—Grab Samples 9 to 17 D 4840 Guide for Sampling Chain-of-Custody Procedures3
Practice B—Composite Samples 18 to 23 D 4841 Practice for Estimation of Holding Time for Water
Practice C—Continual Sampling 24 to 29
Samples Containing Organic and Inorganic Constituents3
1.2 For information on specialized sampling equipment, D 5540 Practice for Flow Control and Temperature Control
tests or methods of analysis, reference should be made to for On-Line Water Sampling and Analysis3
volumes 11.01 and 11.02 of the Annual Book of ASTM
Standards, relating to water. 3. Terminology
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.1 Definitions—For definitions used in these practices,
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the refer to Terminology D 1129.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 3.2.1 back pressure regulator—a device designed to main-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazards tain a constant pressure upstream of itself (variable or fixed
statements, see Note 5 and 13.4. back pressure regulators are available) to maintain constant
flow in analyzers in continual sampling.
2. Referenced Documents 3.2.2 composite sample—a series of grab samples inte-
2.1 ASTM Standards: grated into a single sample or a sample collected at specific
A 106 Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for time intervals and integrated into a single sample. The goal of
High-Temperature Service2 a composite sample is to characterize a process weighted
A 179/A179M Specification for Seamless Cold-Drawn average in proportion to process parameters.
Low-Carbon Steel Heat-Exchanger and Condenser Tubes2 3.2.3 grab sample—a single sample from a process stream
A 269 Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic (flowing) or from a source of confined geometry (stagnant)
Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service2 withdrawn at a specific time. The goal of withdrawing a grab
A 335/A335M Specification for Seamless Ferritic Alloy sample is to obtain a small portion of the process stream or
Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service2 confined geometry source in order to characterize the entire
D 1066 Practice for Sampling Steam 3 system.
D 1129 Terminology Relating to Water3 3.2.4 head cup—a method used to achieve constant pressure
D 1193 Specification for Reagent Water3 (see back pressure regulator). It incorporates plumbing of the
sample to a selected height above the inlet to the analyzer inlet
line(s) to achieve the required inlet pressure for the analyzers.
These practices are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-19 on Water, It is occasionally used downstream of colorimetric analyzers to
and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D19.03on Sampling of Water and increase sample flow past the analyzer. The sample flows to an
Water-Formed Deposits, Surveillance of Water, and Flow Measurement of Water.
open cup with an overflow. This fixed head provides the
Current edition approved Sept. 10, 1995. Published November 1995. Originally
published as D 3370 – 74 T. Last previous edition D 3370 – 95.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.01.
3 4
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.02.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 3370
constant pressure, assuming inlet flow to the head cup exceeds prevent an artificial degree of accuracy from being assigned to
outlet flow to the grab sample and analyzers. the data derived from tests on the sample.
5.4 The samples shall be of sufficient volume and shall be
NOTE 1—Contemporary designs of back pressure regulators provide
excellent sensitivity to pressure change and have limited the need for head taken frequently enough to permit reproducibility of testing
cups and the concurrent space and maintenance problems as well as requisite for the desired objective, as required by the method of
sample contamination potential. analysis to be used.
3.2.5 pressure reducer—a device designed to reduce pres- 5.5 Laboratories or facilities conducting water sampling
sure, and therefore control flow, of sample to a pressure level should be in compliance with Guide D 3856.
where it can be regulated easily. This device shall be located 6. Interferences
downstream of the cooled sample where cooling is required.
3.2.6 sample cooler—a small heat exchanger designed to 6.1 If chemicals are injected or other streams are introduced
provide primary or secondary cooling, or both, of small process into the medium to be sampled, the sample collection point
sampling streams of water or steam. should be placed far enough downstream to ensure a com-
3.2.7 time response—the time required for the system to pletely mixed sample. Assuming turbulent flow (for example, a
reach 63.2 % of the total change between the state of initial Reynolds number of at least 4000), locating the sample
equilibrium in response to a step change introduced at the input collection point an equivalent length of 25 diameters down-
to the system. stream of the chemical injection point is considered acceptable.
3.2.8 variable rod in tube orifice—a type of pressure re- An equivalent length of 50 diameters is recommended for
ducer for high pressure samples that uses a retractable tapered laminar flow.
rod inside a reamed tube to provide a variable orifice for 6.2 The sampling of high-purity water requires special
pressure reduction that is parallel with the sample flow. This consideration. Contact with any material other than the original
eliminates wear of the orifice and provides variable pressure container subjects the sample to possible contamination or
reduction and flow. alteration. This includes contact with air. Additional require-
ments are given in Practice D 4453.
4. Summary of Practices
7. Materials and Apparatus
4.1 These practices include three procedures for sample
collection. The first is for the collection of a grab sample of 7.1 Sample Lines:
water at a specific site representing conditions only at the time 7.1.1 General—Sample lines should be designed so that the
of sampling. Grab sampling is the only procedure suitable for sample is representative of the source. They shall be as short as
bacteriological analysis and some radiological test procedures. feasible and of the smallest practicable bore to facilitate
4.2 The second practice is for collection of a composite flushing, minimize conditioning requirements, reduce lag time
sample at a specific site, portions of which are collected at and changes in sample composition, and provide adequate
varied time intervals. Alternatively, the composite may consist velocity and turbulence. The lines shall have sufficient strength
of portions collected at various sites or a combination of both to prevent structural failure. The designer is responsible for
site and time variables. ensuring that applicable structural integrity requirements are
4.3 The third practice provides a continuously flowing met. Small tubing is vulnerable to mechanical damage and
sample from one or more sampling sites, suitable for on-line should be protected.
analyzers or for collecting grab samples from a continuously Traps and pockets in which solids might settle shall
flowing sample stream. be avoided, since they may be partially emptied with changes
in flow conditions and may result in sample contamination.
5. Significance and Use Sample tubing shall be shaped so that sharp bends, dips, and
5.1 The goal of sampling is to obtain for analysis a portion low points are avoided, thus preventing particulates from
of the main body of water that is representative. The most collecting. Expansion loops or other means shall be provided to
critical factors necessary to achieve this are points of sampling, prevent undue buckling and bending when large temperature
and materials selection, system design, time of sampling, changes occur. Such buckling and bending may damage the
frequency of sampling, and proper procedures to maintain the lines and allied equipment. Routing shall be planned to protect
integrity of the sample prior to analysis. sample lines from exposure to extreme temperatures.
5.2 Homogeneity of the process to be sampled is frequently
NOTE 2—Studies (1–5)5 on particle transport in sampling lines have
lacking, necessitating multiple-point sampling. If it is imprac- indicated that sample velocity rate and stability are important factors in
tical to utilize a most-representative sampling point, it may be determining deposition and erosion rates on sample tube walls and time
practical to determine and understand interrelationships so that required to reach and maintain equilibrium. Although limited, other work
results obtained at a minimum number of points may be used has also noted effects of sorption of dissolved species within tube wall
to characterize the system. deposits. Velocities near 1.8 m/s (6 f/s) seem to optimize these factors, but,
5.3 Samples collected from a single point in a system are other velocities can provide acceptable results. Sample velocity should be
considered as a key design issue along with type of sample, lag time,
always recognized as being non-representative to some degree.
pressure drop, new or existing sample lines, etc. when determining sample
For this reason, total representativeness of samples cannot be a
prerequisite to the selection of a sampling point. The degree of
representativeness of the sample shall be assessed and the 5
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
assessment made a part of the permanent record. This will this standard.

D 3370
flow rates. Maintaining the selected velocity is necessary to achieve 7.2.4 Pressure Regulators—Since most on-line analyzers
sample representivity. are flow sensitive, as well as temperature sensitive, the flow
7.1.2 Materials—The material from which the sample lines rate in the branch circuits shall also be controlled to ensure
are made shall conform to the requirements of the applicable repeatable analytical results. This is achieved by establishing a
specifications as follows: constant pressure zone where the sample line feeds the
ASTM Designation analyzer branch lines. See Practice D 5540 for additional
Pipe (seamless carbon steel for high-temperature Specification A 106 information. Because of the relationship of pressure and flow,
Pipe (seamless ferritic alloy-steel for high-temperature Specification A 335
a zone of constant pressure will ensure that each analyzer fed
service) from this zone gets a constant flow rate independent of actions
Tubing (seamless carbon-steel for high-temperature Specification A 179 taken in the other branch lines while maintaining constant flow
Tubing (seamless or welded alloy-steel for high- Specification A 269 in the main sample line. Maintaining constant flow is also
temperature service) essential in regularly monitored grab samples. Two methods
Tubing, Plastic (polyethylene), or equivalent
non-leaching inert materials
are available to achieve this constant pressure zone in conjunc-
tion with the upstream pressure reducer: ( 1) back pressure
Carbon steel pipe or tubing may be satisfactory for sampling regulator (fixed or variable) or ( 2) head cup. Using a
lines where levels of contaminants in the sample are high, or forepressure regulator without a back pressure regulator or
sample constituents require it. For sampling high-purity waters head cup is not recommended. A forepressure regulator alone
or corrosive waters, the sampling lines shall be made of will not provide a constant sample line flow. Flow changes in
stainless steel that is at least as corrosion resistant as 18 % the branch lines below the regulator result in the forepressure
chromium, 8 % nickel steel (AISI 304 or 316 austenitic regulator closing or opening to maintain the analyzer inlet
stainless steels are commonly used (6). pressure thereby changing the main sample line flow and
NOTE 3—Plastic tubing should be avoided where low values of dis- disrupting the representivity of the sample from its source.
solved oxygen are to be measured since atmospheric gases may diffuse Use of a back pressure regulator is the preferred
through the tubing and cause an analytical bias. The selection of the
method to achieve the constant pressure zone. Total sample
sample line material should be based on the parameters of interest.
flow is established using the primary pressure reducer with all
7.2 Valves and Fittings: flow going through the back pressure regulating valve to drain,
7.2.1 Materials—Valve and fitting materials should be com- recovery, or for grab sample. The regulating valve establishes
patible with the sample and the sample line material selected. a fixed pressure at the valve inlet. Branch lines to each analyzer
AISI 316 austenitic stainless steel is commonly used. Pressure are connected to this fixed pressure zone. When flow is
and temperature ratings should be selected based on the initiated to an analyzer, the back pressure regulator will close
specific service of the valve/fitting. slightly to maintain the pressure at the regulator inlet. Simi-
7.2.2 Isolation Valves— At least one shut off valve (com- larly, when flow to an analyzer is shut off, the regulator will
monly referred to as a root valve) shall be placed immediately open to accommodate the increased flow. Since the pressure at
after the point from which the sample is withdrawn so that the the branch connections to the other analyzers is maintained
sample line may be isolated when desired. For safety purposes, constant, their flow is not affected by changes of flow to other
an isolation valve should be placed at the sample cooler inlet (if analyzers.
used) and be rated in accordance with the pressure and A head cup works in a similar way. Full flow from
temperature of the sample source.
the pressure reducer flows up a vertical tube to a trough. The
7.2.3 Pressure Reducers—The pressure reducer, in combi-
nation with properly sized sample lines, is the primary com- overflow goes to drain or recovery. The analyzer branch line(s)
ponent necessary to control the sample flow at the rates is connected at the bottom of the vertical tube. When flow is
required to give the most representative sample (see Note 2). established through the analyzer, the flow up the vertical tube
Flow control is accomplished at the same time sample pressure is reduced that same amount. To avoid sample contamination,
is reduced. the trough must overflow at all sampling conditions. The head For samples equal to or greater than 500 psig (3447 cup can be used in pure water applications when clean
kPa), the pressure reducer shall be a rod-in-tube type orifice or atmospheric conditions exist. However, some analyses (pH,
capillary (variable or fixed). Variable rod-in-tube devices are conductivity, and dissolved gases) can be affected by dissolved
recommended since they offer two advantages: (a) they are gas contamination as the sample is exposed to the atmosphere.
capable of varying the pressure drop and, therefore, the flow; 7.2.5 Other Valves— Blowdown/flushing valves may be
and (b) they are cleanable in place (exercising the position of used to purge sample lines that are not in continuous service
the tapered rod in the tube). Forepressure regulators are not and can be located prior to or after the roughing or primary
recommended for large pressure reductions because of suscep- sample cooler. Other valves should be selected based on
tibility to erosion, plugging, and wire drawing of the stem or specific requirements, for example, analyzer flow metering,
seat. secondary isolation, grab sampling, etc. In sampling systems For samples less than 500 psig (3447 kPa), the with on-line analyzers, selecting a ball valve for grab sample
pressure reducer shall be a needle valve or forepressure use without a flow metering valve in series with it can starve
regulator. A needle valve is preferred since it will not hunt with the constant pressure zone created by the back pressure
small pressure variations. regulator/head cup and disrupt sample flow. Systems shall be

D 3370
provided with a method to protect components from overpres-
surization. Acceptable methods include suitable back pressure
regulator with built in relieving capacity, head cup, or suitable
relief valve.
7.2.6 Fittings—If feasible, bends rather than fittings should
be used to change direction of sample tubing. Compression or
socket weld fittings can be selected for sample lines. Because
improperly welded joints are susceptible to plugging by
suspended solids, compression fittings are preferred. The ends
of cut tubes shall be ream cut to restore the full bore of the pipe
diameter. If not installed properly, both socket weld and
compression fittings can include fine annuli between tube and
fittings that may hold contaminants.
7.3 Sample Cooler or Condenser:
7.3.1 High efficiency sample coolers or condensers used for
primary temperature reduction/condensation shall be capable
of normally reducing the incoming sample temperature to
within 5°F (2.8°C) of the cooling water inlet temperature for
water samples and 10°F (5.6°C) of the cooling water inlet
temperature for steam samples at sample flows that are
sufficient to provide a representative sample (refer to 7.1.1).
Cooling water requirements should be as low as possible but
shall not exceed 12 g/m (2.7 m3/h) per cooler except for very
large sample flows (1 g/m (0.3 m3/h)). Sample coolers used for
secondary cooling shall be capable of a 1°F (0.5°C) approach FIG. 1 Helical Coil Heat Exchanger with Removable Shell
to the chilled water temperature when the primary cooler is
specified as detailed above. The tube through which the sample
will flow shall be one continuous piece and shall extend
completely through the cooler without deformation so there is
no possibility of sample contamination or dilution from the
cooling water. The tube shall be of sufficient strength to
withstand the full pressure and temperature of the fluid being
7.3.2 The cooler or condenser tube shall be made of
stainless steel that is at least as corrosion resistant as 18 %
chromium, 8 % nickel steel. Specific water chemistry could
dictate different materials for improved corrosion resistance,
for example, Alloy 600 for high chlorides. The diameter of the
tube shall be as small as practicable based on representative
sample flows so that storage within the coil is low and the time
lag of the sample through the cooler is minimal.
7.3.3 Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show typical sample coolers. Fig. 1 that can be cleaned readily and effectively with the least possible delay, for
is a helical coil heat exchanger with removable one-piece shell example, submerged helical coil in shell sample cooler (see Fig. 1).
type sample cooler. Fig. 2 is a double concentric helical coil, or Concentric (tube in tube) type coolers (see Fig. 2) are subject to plugging
and fouling.
tube within a tube type sample cooler. The portion of the
sample cooler (shell or outer tube) containing the cooling water 7.4 Flow Meters— A visual means of reading main and
should provide for adequate cooling water velocity to achieve branch sample line(s) flow shall be used. Rotameters or other
required sample cooler efficiency as noted above and be made mechanical or electronic flow measuring devices are recom-
of material that is corrosion resistant to the cooling water in mended. This is the only way to ensure that the sample is
use. Materials that have corrosion resistance to the ambient flowing at a velocity that assures a representative sample. Refer
atmosphere around the sample cooler itself should also be to 7.1.1.
considered in order to avoid exterior corrosion, pitting, etc., on 7.5 Sample Filters— Use of sample filters to remove
the sample cooler. suspended solids such as metal oxides can dramatically change
the analytical results. Metal oxides react with other chemicals
NOTE 4—The scaling/fouling tendencies of the cooling water available in water and steam (6)and change the ratio of the total/
should be given careful consideration when selecting a sample cooler or
condenser. Water that is extremely hard or contains considerable slime or
dissolved chemicals. Use of sample filters should, therefore, be
algae or suspended solids may cause rapid fouling of the cooling water evaluated with respect to analytical and control requirements.
side of the cooler, such that its efficiency may be seriously impaired. If it 7.6 Pumps—Withdrawing of a water sample under subat-
is necessary to use such a cooling water, the sample cooler should be one mospheric pressure may require the use of pumps. Small

D 3370
centrifugal pumps with casing or suction side vent to the equal to that of the fluid approaching the nozzle, isokinetic
source, magnetically coupled gear pumps, or diaphragm pumps sampling is provided. Isokinetic sampling is required when two
may be used. Pumps employing built in filters should have phases which have different densities are present and is
them removed. The suction sampling line shall be sloped recommended for corrosion product sampling.
downward over its entire length without pockets to avoid gas 7.7.3 Caution should be used in designing sample probes
binding. Consideration shall be given to possible contamina- and nozzles. Corrosion product or sediment (crud) deposits are
tion of the sample due to pump material depending on the greater on tees than on other tubes, and deposition is linearly
particular constituents to be analyzed. Also, consideration shall proportional to the length of sample tube (7). Thus, sample
be given to ensure that the pump is designed to handle low net collection points should be as close to sample probes and
positive suction head (NPSH) which is typically seen in nozzles as practicable.
subatmospheric samples.
7.8 Degassers—Degassers shall be made of corrosion-
7.7 Sample Probes, Nozzles, and Isokinetic Sampling:
resistant materials similar to materials described in 10.1. The
7.7.1 Multiport and single-port nozzles can be used to
degassers shall be designed to take the full flow required for
obtain representative samples from process streams. Liquid
samples may be extracted from the side of horizontal piping representative sampling as described in Practice D 1066. The
runs. Single-port taps are adequate if sufficient velocity is piping ahead of the degasser shall be arranged so that none of
maintained to avoid deposition, whereas multiport nozzles are the sample is diverted from the degasser.
recommended for obtaining samples containing suspended 7.9 Sample Containers—Sample containers shall be made
matter. Multiport nozzles can be provided to extend across a of materials that will not contaminate the sample and, before
pipe diameter to obtain an average sample of a cross section. use, shall be cleaned thoroughly to remove all extraneous
Fig. 3 illustrates a single-port sampling nozzle. The impact of surface dirt. Chemically resistant glass and polyethylene are
sample probe failure on process equipment damage should be suitable materials for the containers. The closures for the
considered. sample containers shall be glass stoppers that have been
7.7.2 Because of varying sizes and densities of particles, thoroughly washed, or plastic caps with suitable liners. See
samples shall be withdrawn from a flowing stream in a manner Practices D 3694 and D 4453 for additional information.
that the velocity of the sample in the nozzle tip is equal to the Sample containers shall be made of materials that will not
velocity of the fluid approaching the nozzle. If the velocity of contaminate the sample and shall be cleaned thoroughly before
the sample in the nozzle is greater than that of the fluid use to remove all extraneous surface contamination. The
approaching the nozzle, the concentration of particles will be particular constituents to be analyzed will determine specific
less than that in the process fluid, whereas the opposite occurs cleaning practices for sample containers. Generally, chemical
when the fluid velocity in the nozzle is less than that approach- cleaning agents are not used for containers used to collect trace
ing the nozzle. When the velocity of the fluid in the nozzle is constituents. Chemically resistant glass and rigid and collaps-
ible plastic containers of polyethylene and polypropylene are
suitable. Some plastic containers are not suitable for samples
collected for organic analyses. Sample containers for high
purity water should be in accordance with Practice D 4453.
7.9.1 The collection, storage, and subsequent analytical
determination in plastic containers will result in erroneous pH
values or dissolved oxygen as a result of the permeability of
plastic to gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen if the
sample is stored for an excessive period prior to analysis. The
user is responsible for determining such effects on analysis
7.9.2 The closures for the sample containers shall be glass
stoppers that have been thoroughly washed, or plastic or metal
caps with suitable liners. Only PTFE or aluminum foil are
suitable as cap liners for samples to be analyzed for organic
7.9.3 Wash sample containers with soap or biodegradable
detergent if required. Rinse bottles that have contained samples
with chromate or heavy metals with dilute nitric acid solution
before final, thorough rinsing with reagent water. Dry by
7.9.4 For most bacteriological samples, provide wide-mouth
sample bottles of sufficient capacity. The bottles may be of
borosilicate glass or other material resistant to the solvent
action of water. Metal or plastic wide-mouth screw caps may
FIG. 3 Water Sampling Nozzle (3) be used on sample bottles. Bottles, caps, and their liners shall

D 3370
be capable of withstanding sterilization temperatures (commer- shall conform to the specifications of the Committee on
cially available sterile bottles may be used). They shall produce Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society, where
no compounds by volatization during sterilizing, and they shall such specifications are available. 6 Other grades may be used,
impart no toxic or bacteriostatic compounds to the water provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently
sample. high purity to permit its use without lessening the accuracy of Dedicate appropriate sample bottles for microbio- the determination.
logical use. Wash bottles with hot detergent water and a brush. 8.2 Purity of Water— Reference to water shall be under-
Rinse well with Type B reagent water. stood to mean Type II reagent water conforming to Specifica- Loosen the screw caps slightly to prevent possible tion D 1193. When bacterial levels need to be controlled, Type
rupture of the container during sterilization. Sterilize the B requirements of Specification D 1193 are generally adequate.
bottles in a hot-air oven at a minimum of 170°C for at least 1 8.3 Dilute Nitric Acid Solution (1 + 4)—Mix 1 volume of
h or autoclave at 121°C for 15 min. concentrated nitric acid (HNO3, sp gr 1.42) with 4 volumes of Add Na2S2O3(refer to 8.4) in an amount sufficient to water.
provide a concentration of approximately 100 mg/L in the
NOTE 5—Warning: Concentrated nitric acid is a strong oxidant. Con-
sample if the samples to be taken contain residual chlorine. tact with other materials may cause fire. It may cause delayed burns or
7.9.5 When organic constituents are to be determined, refer external ulcers. Keep the container closed when not in use. Do not get the
to Practice D 3694. acid in the eyes, on the skin, or on clothing. Vapors are extremely
7.9.6 Virgin sample containers are recommended for trace hazardous; do not breathe them. Use only in a hood. In case of contact,
constituents unless the same system will be sampled on a immediately flush the skin or eyes with water for 15 min. If contact with
routine basis and the constituents to be analyzed do not show the eyes occurs, obtain medical attention immediately after flushing.
large variations. 8.4 Sodium Thiosulfate—(Na2S2O3), powdered.
7.10 Sample Labels— Space shall be provided for the 8.5 Detergent, suitable for cleaning sample bottles.
following information on an etched area of the bottle, a
gummed label, or a cardboard or linen tag securely affixed to PRACTICE A—GRAB SAMPLES
the container: 9. Scope
7.10.1 Sample number,
9.1 This practice is applicable to sampling water from
7.10.2 Date and time of sampling,
closed conduits such as pipelines, process streams, processing
7.10.3 Source of sample,
tanks and vats, and steam generators for chemical, physical,
7.10.4 Point of sampling (designated in sufficient detail to
bacteriological, or radiological analyses.
enable anyone to collect a second sample from the identical
9.2 A grab sample represents the conditions existing only at
spot from which the first sample was taken),
the point and time of sampling.
7.10.5 Temperature and rate of flow of the fluid in the
equipment from which the sample was taken, 10. Frequency and Duration of Sampling
7.10.6 Temperature of sample,
10.1 Water undergoing continuous or intermittent treatment
7.10.7 Results of field tests made on the sample, and
shall be sampled with such frequency that adequate control is
7.10.8 Signature of sampler.
assured. The interval between samples is directly related to the
7.11 Sample Shipping Containers—The stoppers closing
rate at which critical characteristics can reach intolerable
the sample containers shall be fixed in place by wire, tape, or
limits. In general, samples should be collected at a frequency
cord to prevent leakage in transit. The sample containers shall
which will ensure that process parameters are adequately
be of such size that when filled with the desired amount of
characterized. Continuous sampling or composite sampling
sample, space roughly equivalent to 1 % of the volumetric
may be required if a single grab sample cannot characterize the
capacity of the containers will be available for expansion of the
liquid. The sample shipping container shall be a case having a
separate compartment for each sample container. The compart- 11. Points of Sampling
ment around each container shall be lined with corrugated 11.1 Choose sampling points with regard to the piping and
paper or other suitable material, with the containers held in configuration of the individual piece of equipment containing
place with spring clips; or an elastic packing material may be the water to be tested, the character and changes occurring
used. between the inlet and outlet water, and rate of passage through
7.12 Shipping Labels— The addresses of consignee and the equipment. Ensure that a representative sample is obtained
consignor shall be plainly printed upon two sides of the outer by allowing mixing to take place.
container, or attached firmly thereon by cards or labels. 11.2 The exact point of sampling water in steam generators
Warning and descriptive labels shall be attached to the outer depends on design, location of chemical and feedwater lines,
container, such“ Fragile,” “Liquid,” “Glass,” etc., when appli-
cable. In cold weather, the label “Keep from Freezing” shall be
attached to the outer container. 6
Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American
Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not
8. Reagents listed by the American Chemical Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory
Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia
8.1 Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals shall be and National Formulary, U.S. Pharmaceutical Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville,
used. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that all reagents MD.

D 3370
and other local conditions. A special sampling nozzle is the can occur during sample collection, during sample storage by
most desirable for taking a sample, however, a properly leaching of improperly cleaned containers, during sample
located, continuous blowdown line may serve as a satisfactory transfer, and by handling with pipets, syringes, etc., and during
substitute. The blowdown line may not be a suitable source for the actual analysis by contaminated reagents, sample cells, and
a boiler water sample during periods of blowdown isolation loop systems.
because sample flow during isolation periods will be the only 13.2.2 When sampling water from isolated cocks or valves,
flow through the blowdown line. Locate nozzles or sampling insert the sample line (or a thoroughly washed glass tube, an
tubes at points remote from confining surfaces and in a inert plastic tube, or sulfur-free rubber tube extension of the
submerged position. In selecting the location for nozzles and sample line) into the sampling container so that it touches the
sampling lines, avoid the possibility of unseparated steam bottom. Allow a volume of water equal to at least ten times the
inclusion, excessive amounts of particulate matter, incoming volume of the sample container to flow into and overflow from
feedwater, and added chemicals. Significant variation in the the container before the sample is taken.
composition of the water sample may exist throughout the NOTE 6—If the sample is to be tested for constituents that may be
steam generator. For this reason, samples taken from several adsorbed on the wall of the sample container, do not rinse the container
locations simultaneously may be desirable. and do not overflow it during sample collection. Oil, grease, and PCBs are
11.3 When the water to be sampled is confined at low or typical constituents in this category.
subatmospheric pressure, provide special means to extract the 13.2.3 If a preservative or additive has been added to the
sample (refer to 7.6). sample container, allow the sample to free fall into the
11.4 When sampling a stagnant tank, the contents should be container and do not allow it to overflow.
adequately mixed to ensure homogeneity. If a recirculation 13.2.4 If contact with air would cause a change in the
pump is to be used for mixing, a volume equivalent to three concentration or characteristics of a constituent to be deter-
tank volumes should be pumped prior to withdrawing a mined, secure the sample without contact with air and com-
sample. pletely fill the container.
12. Conditioning Requirements 13.2.5 When samples are to be shipped, do not fill the bottle
entirely in order to allow some room for expansion when
12.1 Regularly Monitored Grab Samples—Samples that are subjected to a change in temperature. An air space of 5 %
regularly monitored should flow continuously. Refer to Section usually suffices for this purpose, although this does not protect
7 and Practice D 5540. against bursting of the container as a result of freezing. This
12.2 Periodic Grab Samples—Intermittent sampling points precaution precludes shipping samples for analysis of constitu-
with sample lines used for troubleshooting of process streams ents in high purity samples and those noted in 13.2.4.
should be used as follows. Before collection of the sample, the
lines should be flushed for a minimum of three sample line NOTE 7—Samples collected for the analysis of volatile constituents
volumes at a sample flow rate of approximately 125 % of should be filled to the top, otherwise, analyte loss may occur.
normal sample velocity. Refer to 7.1.1. After flushing, set the An alternative method to provide room for expan-
sample flow rate as appropriate, rinse the sample container and sion and eliminate contact with air is to use a flexible, plastic
closure, and take the sample. Intermittent sample points sample container. Fill the container completely, compress it to
directly connected to the process stream, vat, tank, etc. should exclude approximately 5 % of the contents, and replace the cap
have low dead volume in the sampling apparatus upstream of before the pressure is released.
the collection interface. Flush the sample apparatus to elimi- 13.2.6 When sampling water from steam generators, take
nate any dead volume, rinse the sample container and closure, precautions to avoid dilution by condensed steam or concen-
and take the sample. tration resulting from“ flashing.” Condition sample in accor-
12.3 Temperature and Pressure Adjustment: dance with 7.1 to 7.3 and Practice D 5540.
12.3.1 When samples require temperature adjustment, use a Before taking the sample, rinse the sample con-
sample cooler to adjust the sample to approximately the tainer at least three times by filling it to one fourth of its
required temperature. Refer to 7.3. capacity with water to be sampled, shaking the container, then
12.3.2 When samples require pressure adjustment, use ap- emptying. Refer to Practice D 4453 for collecting high-purity
propriate pressure reducers or regulators, or both. Refer to water samples.
7.2.3 and 7.2.4. Collect the water sample by upward displacement
12.3.3 Temperature and pressure adjustment may alter the through a tube extending to the bottom of the container. For
characteristics of the sample from its original state (8), (9). samples containing constituents which do not adsorb on the
sample container walls, allow the container to overflow at least
13. Sample Collection five times its volume and then stopper the container with a
13.1 Volume of Sample— Consult the specific method of stopper previously rinsed with the sample water. If analysis
analysis for any given constituent to determine the volume of cannot be made immediately, the container should be tightly
sample required. Frequently the required volume will vary with stoppered to prevent atmospheric contamination.
concentration level of any given constituent. Since concentrations of constituents vary at differ-
13.2 Handling and Storage: ent water levels or ratings and are influenced by the amount of
13.2.1 When sampling ultra-pure water samples, observe water, take all samples when the water is at normal operating
recommendations given in Practice D 4453. Contamination level, unless there is a specific reason for sampling under other

D 3370
conditions. For comparative testing under abnormal condi- breakage of sampling lines, valves, containers, etc. In addition,
tions, take samples at similar rating and similar water levels to take precautions to prevent release of gaseous or airborne
avoid dilution or concentration resulting from changes in the radioactive substances, thereby minimizing the hazard to the
amount of water in the steam generator. individual collecting the sample.
13.3 Microbiological Samples: 13.4.3 When sampling water-cooled and moderated reactors
13.3.1 When taking a sample from a sample line or tap from at power plants, a shielded delay coil is normally installed
the entire part of the system that has been stagnant for 2 h or between the reactor loop and the sample point. The delay coil
more, allow the water to run for at least 5 min or long enough is of suitable length to provide for decay of nitrogen-16.
to flush three to ten times the line volume. When sampling for 13.4.4 If sample containers are to be shipped, shield and
sulfate-reducing bacteria, use the initial water from the sample pack to comply with regulations for shipping radioactive
line or tap. materials (12).
13.3.2 Choose a sterile sample bottle containing approxi- 13.4.5 Procedures for collecting the sample should, in
mately 100 mg/L Na2S2O3 if the water being sampled contains general, follow those described in 13.2.
residual chlorine, has been chlorinated, or contains any free or 13.4.6 When the water sampled is under pressure and
combined available oxidizing agent intended to sterilize it. If contains gaseous radioactive substances, the container em-
such sterilizing agents are not present, the thiosulfate may be ployed should be designed to prevent any disproportionate loss
omitted. In cases where thiosulfate interferes with subsequent of the gases during sampling, unless the gaseous radioactive
examination, such as examination for sulfate-reducing bacteria, material will not be analyzed.
etc., omit the use of thiosulfate in the sample bottle even if such 13.4.7 Employ suitable measures to minimize adsorptive
sterilizing agents are present. In this case, if such sterilizing materials which may already be on the surfaces of whatever
agents are present, the examination shall be performed as soon particulate matter is present. In such cases, treatment to prevent
as feasible. adsorption may result in undesired transfer of radionuclides
from the suspended to the dissolved phase.
13.3.3 Remove the stopper from the sample bottle. Grasp
the stopper by the dust cover so as not to contaminate it by 14. Particulate Matter
touching it. Do not lay it down. Keep fingers dry or wear
14.1 Normally, samples are taken without separation of
plastic or rubber gloves to minimize contamination of high-
particulate matter. If constituents are present in colloidal or
purity waters. Hold the bottle by the bottom to avoid touching
flocculent suspension, take the sample so that the material is
the neck. Do not rinse the bottle with the sample. Quickly hold
present in representative proportion. Refer to 7.1.1 for sample
the bottle under the flowing water to be sampled until it is
velocity recommendations and 7.7 for recommendations on
about three-fourths full to permit mixing by shaking prior to
sample probes, nozzles, and isokinetic sampling.
testing. Replace the stopper and promptly crimp the dust cover
14.2 Corrosion Product Samples—Samples containing
in place over the neck of the bottle. Take care that the stopper
trace levels of metallic constituents can be collected on filter or
and the bottle neck are not touched during this operation and
ion exchange material, or both, in a high-flow-rate bypass
that no dust blows into the bottle, insofar as possible.
sampling system. Ensure that the capacity of the ion exchange
13.4 Radioactive Water Samples: media is not exceeded during sample collection. Retention
13.4.1 Because of the potential hazards related to working efficiency shall also be determined to ensure that sample
with water containing radioactive nuclides, special handling of collection is adequate. Suspended material is collected on a
radioactive samples may be required. Information on radiologi- filter upstream of the ion exchange material. The ion exchange
cal hazards and recommendations on radiation protection have material can be eliminated if only particulates are to be
been published by the National Council on Radiation Protec- sampled. The sample is normally collected for three to seven
tion and Measurements, NCRP (10). Holders of U.S. Nuclear days prior to changing the filter of ion exchange material.
Regulatory Commission Licenses are limited by regulations 14.3 Particular considerations shall be given when sampling
published in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part systems for copper corrosion products. Low flow rates, high
20 (11). Personnel handling radioactive material shall be copper levels, high percent insoluble copper, reducing environ-
familiar with and use safe practices in handling radioactive ment, high sulfides, or large temperature gradients will pro-
material and shall be in compliance with all applicable federal, mote copper deposition. Metallic copper can be formed by
state, and local regulations. reducing copper ions by iron. In-line nitric acid injection can
13.4.2 When sampling process water where radioactivity be used to minimize copper deposition in sample nozzles,
levels may be high, such as nuclear reactor cooling waters, sample lines, and heat exchangers (13).
follow applicable health physics regulations. In such cases, the
use of suitable protective clothing may be required. Personnel- 15. Preservation of Samples
monitoring devices may be necessary when external radiation 15.1 The use of chemical preservatives and maximum
levels present a potential hazard. If the level of radioactivity in holding times may be established by regulatory agencies.
the sampling area is sufficiently great to introduce a radiation Samples collected should meet regulatory agency requirements
hazard, shielding for sample lines, coolers, and collection and good practices for holding times and the use of chemical
devices may be required to minimize exposure to radiation. preservatives. Note any preservatives added to the sample on
Exercise precautionary measures to prevent contamination and the label.
spread of radioactivity by spillage of samples or by leakage or 15.2 Quick freezing is beneficial in preserving some organic

D 3370
constituents, however, aldehydes and oxygen demand samples 17.4 Sample containers which are packed in ice or cooled
can be severely affected by freezing. Samples collected for by freeze packs should be sealed in plastic bags to ensure
biological examination should be refrigerated or packed in ice sample integrity. Remove air from plastic bags containing
or freeze packs. If freezing is used, the user should verify that samples to ensure good contact for heat transfer.
the quality of the sample is not degraded. 17.5 Print the addresses of consignee and consignor plainly
15.3 Chemical treatment of radioactive samples to prevent upon the outer container, or attach firmly thereon by cards or
biological or algae growth is not recommended per Practices labels. Attach warning and descriptive labels on the outer
D 3648 and should be avoided unless essential. When neces- container, such as“ Fragile,”“ Liquid,” “Glass,” “Radioactive,”
sary, reagents used should not chemically react with the “Handle with Care,” “This Side Up,” etc., when applicable. In
radioactive species in the sample. cold weather, attach the label “Keep from Freezing” to the
15.4 For preserving high-purity water samples, refer to outer container, except for those samples which are intention-
Practice D 4453. ally frozen.
15.5 Special precautions should be taken for light-sensitive
samples such as using amber or opaque sample containers or PRACTICE B—COMPOSITE SAMPLES
storing the samples in a light-free cabinet.
18. Scope
16. Time Interval Between Collection and Analysis of 18.1 Composite sampling is applicable for subsequent
Samples chemical and physical analysis. It may not be suitable for
16.1 In general, allow as short a time as possible to elapse sample collection for radiological examination, particularly for
between the collection of a sample and its analysis. Under short-lived radionuclides. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.21 dis-
some conditions, analysis in the field is necessary to secure cusses composite sampling of radioactive material in liquid and
reliable results. The actual time that may be allowed to gaseous effluents from light-water-cooled nuclear power plants
intervene between the collection and analysis of a sample (14).
varies with the type of examination to be conducted, the 18.2 Composite samples are not suited for bacteriological
character of the sample, and the time interval allowable for examination. Composite sampling for waters containing vola-
applying corrective treatment. An acceptable method for esti- tile constituents should be accomplished with minimum loss of
mating maximum holding times is given in Practices D 4515 or analytes.
D 4841, as appropriate.
16.1.1 Hold samples for microbiological analyses for the 19. Frequency and Duration of Sampling
least time possible from collection to analysis or incubation, as 19.1 If the process is cyclic in nature, collect samples during
appropriate. Consider field examination if time limits cannot be the part of the process cycle that is important to the parameter
met. of interest. Collect increments for composite samples at regular
16.2 On the statement of an analysis, specify the length of intervals and in proportion to the rate of flow of the water.
time elapsed between collection and analysis of the sample. Choose a suitable factor to give the proper volume (for
16.3 Make the determination of dissolved gases, such as example, 4L) for the composite sample.
oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide at the source, 19.2 When samples are taken from a process stream, com-
except that in some cases such constituents may be fixed and posite samples for analysis normally consist of equal quantities
determined later as specified in the specific test methods. of daily samples for a suitable number of consecutive days (for
16.4 When sampling for radionuclide determinations, note example, for seven days).
the exact time of sample collection. If short-lived activity is of
interest, analysis should be made as rapidly as practical to 20. Points of Sampling
minimize loss of activity by radioactive decay. If only long- 20.1 Refer to Section 11.
lived activity is of interest, measurement of the radioactivity
sometimes can be simplified by allowing sufficient time before 21. Conditioning Requirements
analysis for the decay of the short-lived radionuclides. 21.1 If flushing of the sample line/sampler between com-
posite samples is practical, follow procedures outlined in 12.2.
17. Transportation of Samples Otherwise, assure composite sampler design selects a repre-
17.1 Fix the stoppers closing the sample containers in place sentative sample at each sample interval.
by wire, tape, or cord to prevent leakage in transit as appro- 21.2 Temperature and Pressure Adjustment—Refer to 12.3.
17.2 The sample shipping container shall be a case having a 22. Sample Collection
separate compartment for each sample container. Line the 22.1 Composite samples may be made by mutual agreement
compartment around each sample container with corrugated of the interested parties by combining individual (grab)
paper, felt, or similar material, or hold the sample containers in samples taken at frequent intervals or by means of automatic
place with spring clips, foamed plastic, or similar material. Use samplers.
insulated containers for quick-frozen samples, maintaining the 22.1.1 Consult individual test methods for the effect of time
temperature of the sample, as appropriate. interval and temperature prior to analysis.
17.3 Recommended practices regarding chain of custody 22.2 Indicate whether or not the volume of sample is
are given in Practice D 4840. proportional to the rate of flow. Composite samples which are

D 3370
not proportional to the process stream flow rate are not ing. Close control of final sample temperature using secondary
necessarily representative. At the end of a definite period, mix cooling is recommended for analyses where accuracy varia-
the composite sample thoroughly so that determinations on a tions that can be attributed to variable sample temperatures
portion of the composite sample may be determined by deviating from 77°F (25°C) cannot be tolerated. Practice
analysis of the individual samples. D 5540 gives recommended methods for flow control and
temperature control for on-line water sampling and analysis
23. Sample Handling
23.1 For information on sample handling, refer to the
appropriate section of this practice as follows: 27.2 If a continual sampling system is out of service or is
used cyclically, flushing of the sample lines and components is
Sample Containers 7.9 to 7.12 necessary. Refer to 12.2.
Preservation of Samples 15
Time Interval Between Collection and Analysis of 16
Samples 28. Sample Collection
Labeling and Transportation of Samples 17
28.1 Manufacturers of continuous analyzers and samplers
will generally specify temperature, flow continuity, volume,
and pressure requirements for proper operation. Sample tubing/
24. Scope piping and conditioning apparatus should be in accordance
24.1 This practice is applicable to sampling water from with 7.1 to 7.3 and Practice D 5540.
sources such as pipelines and conduits, processing tanks and
vats, towers, filters, and steam generators on a continual basis 29. Time Interval Between Collection and Analysis of
for chemical, physical, or radiological analyses. Sample

25. Frequency and Duration of Sampling 29.1 In a continually operating system the time lag between
the system intake and the point of sample delivery is a function
25.1 Sampling is essential on a continuous basis. Some
of the flow rate of the water and the dimensions of the
analysis equipment may perform analyses on a batch basis but
the sample shall flow continuously. Intermittent sample flow intervening pipe. Usually, the system dimensions make this
versus analyzer operation is possible through use of sample time short so that the analysis results reflect the conditions in
bypass equipment, although this is seldom used except in the process. Refer to 7.1. Wherever special precautions should
measuring variables with a time relationship, such as rate of be observed, they will be described in the particular method
oxygen uptake. In these cases, deviations from this practice covering the analysis.
shall be handled under descriptions of the specific measure- 29.2 The time response of the system describes its ability to
ment. respond to transient conditions in the water source. Time
response is defined as the time required for the system to reach
26. Points of Sampling 63.2 % of the total change between the state of initial equilib-
26.1 Selection of sampling points should conform to the rium and final equilibrium in response to a step change
applicable paragraphs in Section 11. introduced at the input to the system. Excessive delay in
26.2 When simultaneous samples from several locations are sample delivery may result in changes in process stream
required, water is drawn continuously from each individual constituents not being detected in a timely manner.
source proportionate to flow and mixed into a single sample.
The flow rate from each sample stream should be controlled 30. Keywords
and regulated to ensure adequate flow.
30.1 back pressure regulator; pressure reducer; sample
27. Conditioning Requirements cooler; sampling; sampling equipment; variable rod-in-tube
27.1 Most on-line sensors require careful sample condition- orifice; water

D 3370

(1) “Survey of Corrosion Product Generation, Transport, and Deposition (9) Dickinson, N. L., Keilbaugh, W. A., and Pocock, F. J., “Some
in Light Water Reactors,” Electric Power Research Institute Report Physico-Chemical Phenomenon in Supercritical Water,” ASME Paper
NP-522, March 1979. No. 58-A-267.
(2) Eater, L., “Make Sure Water Chemistry Samples are Representative,” (10) “Safe Handling of Radioactive Materials,” NCRP Report No. 30,
Power, July 1989, pp. 47–50. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Be-
(3) Davis, J., and Blair, C., “Guidelines for Design and Operation of
thesda, Maryland, March 9, 1964.
Condensate and Feedwater Sampling Systems,” Ultrapure Water,
April 1989, pp. 18–27. (11) “Standards for Protection Against Radiation,” 10 CFR 20, U.S.
(4) Coulter, E., “Sampling Steam and Water in Thermal Power Plants,” Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Washing-
Electric Utility Workshop, University of Illinois, March 1988. ton, DC 20402.
(5) Guideline Manual on Instrumentation and Control for Fossil Plant (12) 49 CFR 171–177, Subchapter C, “Hazardous Materials Regulations,”
Cycle Chemistry, Electric Power Research Institute, April 1987, EPRI of Chapter 1,“ Research and Special Programs Administration,
CS-5164. Department of Transportation,” of Title 49 of the Code of Federal
(6) Steel Products Manual: Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels, Ameri- Regulations, U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of
can Iron and Steel Institute, December 1974. Documents, Washington, DC 20402.
(7) Maeda, K., et al, “Improvements of Metal Impurities, Sampling and
(13) Chen, Yu-Sen, Bloom, Deborah M., and Nimry, N.,“ Sampling and
Measurement,” 1990 International Conference on Measuring Water-
Analysis of Copper in Power Generation Systems,” 1990 Interna-
borne Trace Substances, Electric Power Research Institute and Na-
tional Institute of Standards and Technology, Baltimore, MD, August tional Conference on Measuring Waterborne Trace Substances, op cit.
28–30, 1990. (14) “Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid
(8) Polley, M. V., and Brookes, I. R., “PWR Primary Coolant Sample Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous
Lines—Problems with Measurement of Corrosion Products and Ex- Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants,” United
perimental Proposals for Ringhals PWR,” Central Electricity Gener- States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.21,
ating Board, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, TPRD/B/0940/R87, Revision 1 (June 1974), or latest revision.
July 1987.

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