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Transient Stability Analysis: Evaluation of IEEE 9 Bus System Under Line Fault Conditions

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Transient Stability Analysis: Evaluation of IEEE 9 Bus System Under Line Fault

Article  in  Journal of Engineering Technology · December 2017


1 987

4 authors, including:

Muhammad Junaid Tahir Md parves Alam

University of Lahore Bangladesh University of Business and Technology


M. S. Mazliham
University of Kuala Lumpur


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Journal of Engineering Technology Vol. 5: 54-58, 2017
ISSN 2231-8798
© 2017 UniKLBMI

Transient Stability Analysis: Evaluation of IEEE 9

Bus System Under Line Fault Conditions
M. J. Tahir1,2, I. A. Latiff1, M. Alam3, M. S. Mazliham4
Section of Electrical Technology, Universiti Kuala Lumpur-BMI, Batu 8, Jalan Sungai Pusu, 53100 Gombak, Selangor,
The University of Lahore, 1km Raiwind Road 53700 Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Section of Computer Science, 3Institute of Business and Management (IoBM), Korangi Creek, 74900 Karachi, Pakistan
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia France Institute(MFI), Jalan Teras Jernang, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor,

Corresponding email: muhammad.junaid@s.unikl.edu.my

Abstract: Switching is the most common practice in a grid network, which is done usually to shift the load or
isolate the faulty part from the network. As the result network destabilizes when these kind of switching
operation occurs. To stabilize the grid network, switching of appliances is required to adjust accordingly and
network equipment needed to be analyzed for the improvement of grid network design. In this paper, the effect
of the switching operation under fault line condition in a grid network 13.8kV/16.5kV/18kV/220kV is being
analyzed, to evaluate the system stability in terms of branch power, generator current, system voltage and
frequency. ETAP software is used to express the transient and power flow response of the presented grid

Keywords: IEEE 9 bus test system, Power Flow Analysis, Transient Analysis, line fault, ETAP

1.0 INTRODUCTION stability of system is tested under fault conditions along with
three loading types with and without SVC devices. In [6]
Network studies under different condition using
Bind et al modelled a IEEE 9 bus system using Matlab
software tools is being focused from last two decades. These
software and system transient stability is analyzed under
intelligent software tools make a revolution in the electrical
fault conditions. Modified IEEE 30 bus system is modelled
engineering field. Any grid network consists of generator,
by Oni et al [7] where system stability is analyzed by
feeder network and loads. Feeders having a backbone role
replacing the long high voltage AC line by high voltage DC
in any electrical power system. Rapid switching take place
line. For this analysis DigSILENT Power Factory is being
in a grid network to insure the optimal flow of power
used. Here Electrical Transient Analyzer program is used to
towards the customers. Capacitor placement, network
high light the issues which can occur when switching
reconfiguration, synchronous generators attachment are the
process is practiced in a grid network. To identify the issues
switching functions which normally occur in any power
which can occur after switching process results as
system. Due to this rapid switching process, instruments are
destabilization and disturbance in the various equipment’s
losing their strength with the passage of time [1]. As the
in the network, is the main objective of this research. A
networks are under stress due to increase of power demand
IEEE 9bus grid network is modelled and presented in this
by the customers, so network can be destabilized and
paper and transient analysis of grid network is done using
transient may occur in the network. So these events are
ETAP software for off line grid monitoring purpose under
required to monitored properly to avoid the instability and
fault condition at line 4.
performance of the grid network [2]. It can be seen from
literature that transient stability is the area of interest for
researchers in last few years. Where different software tools The paper is structured as follows: segment 2 explains
are used to find out the characteristic behaviour of grid the modelling of grid network, which is modelled using
network as the response of switching process. In [3] Kavitha practical grid data. Power flow of the grid network is
R, evaluated the IEEE 30 bus system under transient included in Segment 3. And segment 4 explains the results
conditions using ETAP software. HC Chen et al modelled a which are achieved after transient analysis of the grid
cogeneration industrial system and transient stability of network. Lastly in segment 5 output of this presented paper
system is analyzed under three operating conditions using is concluded.
ETAP in [4]. A local station is modelled in [5]and transient

Journal of Engineering Technology Vol. 5: 54-58, 2017
ISSN 2231-8798
© 2017 UniKLBMI
2.0 MODELLING OF GRID NETWORK. generators up to 220kV to deliver the power towards the
consumer’s end. Six lines are used to deliver the power. And
The under study grid network to node these lines, transformers and generators 9 bus are
13.8kV/16.5kV/18kV/220kV shown in a signal line planted along with 21 circuit breakers to protect the grid
diagram. It can be seen that network have 3 generators network at fault conditions. ETAP software is used to model
having 16.5kV,18kV and 13.8kV respectively. Three the grid network using practical data.
transformers are used to step up the voltage level for all three

Fig 1. Single line Diagram of IEEE 9 Bus Grid Network

Table 1. Power Flow Report

ID Rating Rated kV MW Mvar Amp % PF % Generation Vtermal
G1 247.5 MW 16.5 71.337 26.96 2566 93.54 28.8 --- ---
G2 163.2 MW 18 163 6.562 5105 99.92 99.9 --- ---
G3 108.8 MW 13.8 85 10.88 3498 99.19 78.1 --- ---
Load A 135.532 MVA 230 124.761 49.895 338.8 92.85 --- 99.6 99.57
Load B 92.449 MVA 230 89.939 29.98 235 94.87 --- 101.3 101.27
Load C 102.637 MVA 230 99.975 34.977 261.7 94.39 --- 101.6 101.59

3.0 POWER FLOW ANALYSIS 𝑃𝑖 = 𝑉𝑖 ∑𝑛𝑗=1 𝑉𝑗 (𝐺𝑖𝑗 cos 𝜃𝑖𝑗 + 𝐵𝑖𝑗 sin 𝜃𝑖𝑗 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)

Multiple techniques are available to perform load flow 𝑄𝑖 = 𝑉𝑖 ∑𝑛𝑗=1 𝑉𝑗 (𝐺𝑖𝑗 sin 𝜃𝑖𝑗 + 𝐵𝑖𝑗 cos 𝜃𝑖𝑗 ). . . . . . . . . . . . .(4)
analysis of a distribution system. Here Newton Raphson
Above stated equations are used to perform Load flow
technique with 99 maximum iteration having 0.0001
[8] and the results are tabulated in Table 1. The power
solution precision is used.
generated by the three generators are 319.337+j44.402MVA
(𝑃 −𝑃 )−𝑗(𝑄 −𝑄 )
and absorbed by the consumers load 314.674+j114.852
𝐼𝑖̇ = 𝐺𝑖 𝐷𝑖 ̂ 𝐺𝑖 𝐷𝑖 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(1) MVA and 4.663–j70.45 MVA are the losses occurred in
𝑉𝑖̇ = 𝑉𝑖 (cos 𝜃𝑖 ) + 𝑗(sin 𝜃𝑖 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(2) branches which are lies between 9 buses.

Journal of Engineering Technology Vol. 5: 54-58, 2017
ISSN 2231-8798
© 2017 UniKLBMI
4.0 TRANSIENT ANALYSIS RESULTS equations are used to express the power transfer and
transient stability of network [9]:
Transient analysis is the one of the factors which is used
to evaluate power transfer capability of transmission line ̃𝑅 cos 𝜃 + 𝑗 sin 𝜃 (𝑃𝑅 −𝑗𝑄
̃𝑠 = 𝐸 𝑅
𝐸 ̃∗ ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(5)
[9]. Here fault in implant on transmission line 4 to the see 𝐸𝑅
its transient impact on the system. To evaluate the 𝐿
𝑍𝑐 = √ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(6)
abnormality of the system at fault condition transient 𝐶
analysis is done for the modelled 9 bus system. Fault is
placed at t=1.00 sec on line4 at t=1.116 sec both circuit 𝐸𝑠 𝐸𝑅
𝑃𝑅 = sin 𝛿 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7)
𝑍𝑐 sin 𝜃
breakers 10 and 12 goes into open state and isolate this
faulty line from the grid network. The impact of the faulty
isolated line4 can be seen from the Fig. 2,3,4,5. Following 𝑄𝑅 = (cos 𝜃 − cos 𝛿). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(8)
𝑍𝑐 sin 𝜃

Fig 2. Branch Power

It is observed in Fig 2. that line1 drains more stable occur in this region
power as compare to the other lines. As G2 and G3 get Generator exciter current for transient studies can be
imbalance due to fault on line4 as the result G1 have to expressed as [9]:
provide more power through which tranformer1 get loaded 𝑋𝑎𝑑 ∗ 𝑖𝑓𝑑 sin 𝛿𝑖
and it also drains more power as a result more branch losses. 𝐼𝑡 cos ∅ = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9)

Fig 3. Generator Exciter Current

It can be evaluated through Fig 3. that G2 and G3 get generators G3 behaves more unbalance while proving the
imbalance on the isolation of faulty line4 but among three exciter current. It can be seen in Fig 3. that by the isolation

Journal of Engineering Technology Vol. 5: 54-58, 2017
ISSN 2231-8798
© 2017 UniKLBMI
of faulted lin4 grid network frequency rises and more these buses were interconnected by line4 before the fault.
fluctuation of frequency occurred at bus6 and bus9 because

Fig 4. Bus Voltages

It can be seen from the Fig. 4. that network destabilizes closer to the faulty region. And bus 1 having minimum
after the fault and bus 5 having a maximum impact of the impact because it was far from faulty region.
faulty isolated line4 in form of voltage drop because it is

Fig 5. Buses frequency Comparison

It can be seen in Fig 5. that by the isolation of faulted decide the enhancement in rating of generators to avoid load
lin4 grid network frequency rises and more fluctuation of shedding.
frequency occurred at bus6 and bus9 because these buses
were interconnected by line4 before the fault.
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