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Practical No. 4 - Maze Learning: Objective

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Practical no.

4 – maze learning


 (Introduction of Learning)

 The process of learning begins from the birth of the child and continues till his death. When the child
is born, his mind is just like a clean slate. As soon as he comes in contact with his environment, he
starts reacting and in this process of interaction of the individual and his environment, the
foundation of learning are laid down. Learning occupies an important position in the whole field of
psychology. Psychology of learning is very important for teachers, parents, animal trainers for all
those who are interested in understanding, controlling and predicting behaviour.

 Melvin H. Marx defines learning in the following words: “Learning is a relatively enduring change in
behaviour which is a function of prior behaviour (usually called practice).” Thus four attributes of
learning as a process.

1. Learning is a permanent change in behaviour.

2. Learning is not directly observable.
3. Learning that is result in same change of in behaviour.
4. Learning depends upon practice and experience.

According to Cambridge School Dictionary “how quickly or slowly someone learn a new skill”
According to Skinner, “learning is both Acquisition and retention.”
According to Kimble, “Learning prefers to more or less permanent change in behaviour which occurs
as a result of practice.”
According to Munn, “To learn is to modify behaviour.”
According to Gates, “Learning is modification of behaviour through experience and training.”
According to Crow and Crow, “Learning is the acquisition of habits knowledge and attitude.”
According to Pavlov, “Learning is habit formation resulting from conditioning.”

HYPOTHESIS: There is a positive effect of practice on learning process.

 Independent Variable-

 Dependent Variable.-



Educational Qualification:



MBTI Inventory , pencil , etraser


The current practical includes the short version test of the original Myers Brigg Type Indicator Inventory.
There are total 20 items in the scale, each of which has 2 options. One option which is preferred by the
subject is selected. There are 5 items belonging to underlying 4 categories of the type Indicator.

Psychometric Properties : NO
a. Reliability

b. Validity

c. Norms

a. Pre arrangements:

b. Instructions: This is the maze learning apparatus. I will give you this stylus to perform the experiment.
There are points on this box which are connected to the electrical set up. When you touch the stylus on
these points either it will give you errors on the error counter or there would be no change
There are paths made on these points which are in the form of a maze. You can see the starting point
here.(point towards the starting points).When you move forward and touch the point, if it generates the
error in the error counter it is the wrong path, if the point does not generate any error, it is the correct
In Part A you have to start from this point on the right side of the box and trace the path using the stylus
and stop at the last point.
In Part B you have to start from this point on the left side of the box and trace the path using the stylus
and stop at the last point.
There will be total 10 trials in both the parts. You job is to trace the pattern as quickly as possible with
less number of errors.

c. Actual administration:


IT was checked whether the subject has answered all questions or not.
It was made sure that the subject didn’t waste too much time on each item and marked the option


The scoring and and statistical analysis was done as given below:-
Part A
Mean of first 2 trails of time taken
Mean of last 2 trails of time taken

Mean of first 2 trails of error

Mean of last 2 trails of errors

Part B
Mean of first 2 trails of time taken
Mean of last 2 trails of time taken
Mean of first 2 trails of error
Mean of last 2 trails of errors


The main aim of this experiment was to know the effect of practice on learning process for which maze
learning was used. To check the effectiveness of the learning process, the experiment was done in 2
parts. First with the maze on the right side of the board and then the maze on the left side of the board.

The personality type of the subject using MBTI test was found out to be which shows he has the
personality of _________________


 _

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