Bilateral Transfer
Bilateral Transfer
Bilateral Transfer
The effect of fast learning or new learning is designated as transfer of learning. It can also use
to our attention and concentration problems. According to Hilgard the influence that learning of
performance of performance of another task is called transfer of learning is one of the most
pervasive characteristic of behavior. This guaranties the continuity and lawful development of
habits of ever growing complexities. The effect of past learning or new learning may be
classified in one of the three categories, positive transfer occur when past experience facilitate
the acquisition of a new skill or solution of a new problem. Negative transfer occurs when past
experience render more difficult or shows down the acquisition of a new skill or the solution of a
new problem.
Crosse education refers to the facilitation of performance with one part of the body. When
Crosse education is from one body organ to its symmetrical counterpart it is called as bilateral
transfer. It is usually demonstrated by mirror drawing board. Stach (1910) was first to apply
mirror drawing method on the study of bilateral transfer. Studies conclude that bilateral transfer
is a form of positive transfer where the subjects do better after training.
Instruct the subject as follows when a star you look at the left reflection in the mirror and try star
pattern by moving the stylus along the grooves from end points and reach the original point in
anticlockwise direction . Trace as quickly as possible without touching. The error will be
recorded whenever you touch the side of the grooves with the stylus. Performance will be timed
with the above instruction, asks the subject to trace the pattern with the left hand. Note down the
time taken and errors committed
Then give the subjects to 10 trials to trace the star pattern with the preferred hand in clockwise
direction. Note down the time taken and errors committed in each trial.
Following the same procedure ask subject to trace the star pattern with the left hand once
again in the clockwise direction then note the time taken and errors committed.
Do not allow the subject to see the star pattern directly while tracing.
Instruct the subject to work as rapidly as possible.
Table 1
Errors committed and time taken by the subject to trace star pattern
Mean time taken for the subject for the first 3 practice trials =
Mean time taken for the subject for the last 3 practice trials =