Codru-Moma Mountains extend over an area strated a connection between the Câmpeneasca cave
of about 1200 km2, being located in the western (photo 1) and the Boiu spring (S. MIHUÞIA, 1904).
part of Apuseni Mountains, and they bear the shape Starting from the year 1970, I. ORêEANU
of a NW-SE striking nappe system, bounded later- has conducted detailed hydrogeological investiga-
ally by two Neogene basins: that of Criºu Negru tions in all Codru-Moma Mountains karst areas
(Beiuº) to the NE, and that of Criºu Alb (Zarand) and, either on his own or in cooperation with E.
to the SW. They consist of two zones which are GAªPAR and other investigators, he has per-
quite distinct in terms of topography, Codru formed a series of tracer tests which outlined, for
Mountains to the north, and Moma Mountains to all those areas, the general framework of the under-
the south, separated by Moneasa valley and by its ground karst flow. E. ANGHEL (1974), GH.
tributary Boroaia in the western half, and by Iugii PONTA and N. TERTELEAC (1977-1978)
valley and Briheni brook further to the east. joined to the hydrological reserches.
Carbonate terrains of Codru-Moma Moun- A paper addressing the groundwater geo-
tains occupy an area of 169 km2, distributed as chemistry in the Dumbrãviþa de Codru plateau has
follows (Fig. 4.1): been published in 1979 by JANETA MERÞ
• Dumbrãviþa de Codru-Moneasa-Dezna area MATYASI.
(66 km2); In the years 1985 and 1987, I. ORêEANU
• Clãptescu area (13 km2); has published two papers addressing the hydro-
• Vaºcãu plateau (90 km2). geology of Vaºcãu plateau and of Moneasa area,
ground sinking of the surface streams that originate Table 4.1 provides the hydrodynamic parameters
on the Big Ridge eastern mountainsides. The de- of the main karst outlets, Table 4.2 provides the
pressions are flat internal drainage areas, covered to results of recession and spectral and coralative
a large extent with grass, occupying areas of 3.8 and analysis, while Table 4.3. provides the tracer tests
4.1 km2 respectively, strongly alluviated with quartz performed in Codru Mountains.
sandstone boulders, and strewn with temporary
water ponds. Izvorul Morii de la Borz karst system
To the north, the Big Ridge disperses into a Izvorul Morii de la Borz karst system incor-
series of secondary ridges that smoothly descend porates mainly Dumbrãviþa de Codru karst area.
toward Beiuº basin. Here is located Dumbrãviþa de Out of the entire karst system water supply, 95%
Codru karst plateau, well known for its areas is provided by rainfall on the limestones and
strewn with lots of large size sinkholes. It is com- dolomites outcrops, while catchment areas devel-
pletely devoid of surface streams and it forms a oped on impervious formations contribute with
internal drainage area extending over 5.5 km2. only 5%. Runoff collected on non-karst terrain
Eastward from Dievii peak there occurs an- diffusely sinks in the streambed when reaching car-
other karst area of Codru mountains, known as bonate terrains.
Clãptescu area, after the name of the correspond- Izvorul Morii (“The Mill Spring”) is located
ing peak (818.4 m elevation), which appears as the on territory of Borz village (site 1 in Figure 4.1),
prominent feature of the local topography, due at the end of a blind valley which displays the char-
both to its height, and to its median position. Be- acter of a torrent, at an absolute elevation of 211
tween the peaks Dievii (1044.0 m) and Clãptescu, m, which is 61 m above the base level represented
a series of small depressions generated by karst by Criºu Negru stream. The spring has 101 l/s av-
stream piracy extend along a north-south direc- erage flow rate and a relatively small value of the
tion, being shaped by runoff collected on the east- base flow index (11.7). The extreme flow rate val-
ern mountainside of Dievii peak. ues recorded during the X. 1986-IX. 1987 period
Water in the southern part of Codru Moun- were 30 l/s and 350 l/s respectively, while the av-
tains is collected by Moneasa brook, a tributary of erage temperature was 9°C. The small value of the
Dezna stream, which at its turn is a tributary of recession coefficient (0.0065) suggests the exist-
Criºu Alb river. The valley of Moneasa brook is ence of major water accumulations, stored mainly
tectonically controlled, closely following the strike in the cracks and the bedding joints of the Anisian
of the overthrust plane of the Moma Nappe over dolomites and of the Anisian-Carnian limestones.
the Finiº Nappe. In the karst area the stream sup- The only known occurrences of groundwater
ply occurs asymmetrically, its tributaries, that are in Dumbrãviþa de Codru karst plateau are related
excavated mainly in carbonate formations (Scãriþa, to a few domestic dug wells that tap epikarst wa-
Megheº, Bãilor, Pietros), coming only from the ter accumulations, of temporary and local charac-
right side. Bãilor brook is mainly supplied by wa- ter (Fântâna Josana, Fântâna Talpii, (sites 2 and 3
ter discharged through Grota Ursului outlet cave. in Fig. 4.1).
The underground cavities in Moneasa area The spring in Luncii Valley (site 7 in Fig. 4.1)
consist of several caves and potholes, among which is the second largest outlet in terms of flow rate on
we mention: the cave “Peºtera cu Apã de la Moarã” the territory of Dumbrãviþa de Codru village. It is
(2012 m), “Grota Ursului” cave (250 m), and the the outflow of the underground stream that flows
pothole in Teia valley (1337.5 m long, and -90 m in the nearby cave in Luncii valley. The spring has
deep). an average flow rate of 12 l/s, with minimum value
of 4-5 l/s, it is tapped and it provides discharge to
groundwater accumulations beneath Bujorului peak
4.3.2. The hydrogeology of and possibly to diffuse infiltration occurring in the
Codru Mountains karst areas upper reaches of Ormanului brook.
Groundwater accumulations in the carbonate Finiº - Feredeu karst system
deposits of Codru-Moma Mountains discharge Tracer tests performed in the years 1977 and
through springs of relatively significant flow rates. 1986 in Brãtcoaia depression by I. ORêEANU
and E. GAªPAR (Table 4.3) have outlined the ex- (site 17 in Fig. 4.1). Specifically, the tracers that
istence of a major diffluence area, which concerns had been used - namely Iodine-131 and In-EDTA
water that sinks in Dosu Varului swallet, located - have been detected in the Finiº spring outlets (site
in the northern part of the indicated depression 15 in Fig. 4.1) and in Feredeu spring (site 13 in
Fig. 4.1), located to the north, as well as in Grota suggesting that groundwater storage and move-
Ursului resurgence (site 21 in Fig. 4.1) and in cer- ment occurs mainly in largely developed karst cavi-
tain thermal water outlets at Moneasa (the thermal ties, and to a lesser extent in fissures and fine joints.
spring no.1 and the thermal water wells S2 (4663) Spring water has an average temperature of 8.5°C
and S4 (4664)), located to the south, thus indicat- and it becomes very muddy during heavy rainfall
ing that the groundwater divide between the catch- and snowmelt periods.
ment areas of Criºu Negru and Criºu Alb rivers is Feredeu spring is located on the right side of
located in Brãtcoaia area. The indicated tracer tests Bãlãteasa brook, some 700 m upstream from its
have additionally outlined that the springs Finiº junction with Ursului brook (site known as “La
and Feredeu on the one hand, and the resurgence Cruce”, Fig. 4.4). The spring water emerges from
Grota Ursului and the thermal water outlets at the upper dolomite, close to the contact with
Moneasa on the other hand, all belong to unitary Rhaetian marls. In the outlet area vegetation is ab-
karst systems (Fig. 4.2 and 4.3). normally abundant and a significant amount of gas
During the hydrological year X.1986 - is released from the spring water. The latter has a
IX.1987, the monthly average flow rate of Finiº temperature of 11.2-13.0°C and it is always very
spring fluctuated between 0.025 and 2.3 m3/s. clear. The spring annual average flow rate was
The corresponding base flow index value, nv=92, 43.4 l/s in V. 2004-XII.2007 period, with very small
ranges among the highest recorded for the Codru- fluctuations ranging between 35.1 and 69 l/s , a fact
Moma Mountains karst outlets. The wide fluctua- which was also in accordance with the very low value
tion in terms of discharge corroborates with the of the discharge time series variation coefficient,
large value of the recession coefficient (α= 0.01), Cv=0.05. The source being one of the first steady.
Date of
H, H, L, ∆H, Used T, V,
Insurgence Resurgence of
m m m m tracer hours m/h
1 1 Izoi ponor 680 Grota Ursului spring 320 2110 360 HTO 6 355 1970 I. Orãºeanu
et al.
2 “ “ “a” hypothermal 295 2180 385 “ 6 363 “ “
spring, Moneasa
2 3 Ponor of Secãriºte 685 Grota Ursului spring 320 1840 365 HTO 5 368 1970 I. Orãºeanu
et al.
3 4 Teia pothole 400 Piatra cu Lapte spring 310 650 90 I 25 41 1972 Tãnãsescu
(fig. 4.1, no. 19) et al.
4 5 Tinoasa ponor 657 Rãchitarul spring 525 1075 132 F 43 22 1973 I. Orãºeanu
5 6 Losses of Haiuga Veche 669 Megheºul Sec spring 440 1200 229 I 1 1200 1974 I. Orãºeanu
brook et al.
6 7 Tãul Bivolilor ponor 294 Pestera cu Apã de la 250 630 44 F 8 80 1974 I. Orãºeanu
(fig. 4.1, no. 21) Moarã cave (no. 20)
7 8 Dosul Varului ponor 720 Feredeu spring 415 6000 305 I 58 103 1977 I. Orãºeanu
(fig. 4.1, no. 17) (fig. 4.1, no. 13) et al.
9 “ “ Grota Ursului spring 320 5800 400 “ 48 120 “ “
8 10 Cãlcãturii ponor (fig. 630 Finiºului spring 490 2100 140 F 87 25 1977 I. Orãºeanu
4.4, no. 2)
11 “ “ Feredeu spring 415 4250 215 ” 150 28 ” ”
9 12 Dosul Varului ponor 720 Grota Ursului spring 320 2100 230 In 168 12.5 1986 I. Orãºeanu
(fig. 4.1, no. 17) E. Gaºpar
13 “ “ Feredeu spring 415 6000 305 “ 96 62.5 “ “
14 “ “ No. 1, thermal spring, 294 5900 426 “ 600 9.8 “ “
15 “ “ No. 4, thermal well, 297 6250 424 “ 480 13 “ “
16 “ “ No. 2, thermal well, 303 6150 427 “ 460 13.4 “ “
10 17 Losses of Pârâul dintre 560 Piatra cu Lapte spring 310 2680 350 R 70 38.3 1987 I. Orãºeanu
Pietre (fig. 4.1, no. 24) (fig. 4. 1, no. 19)
11 18 Losses of Scãriþa brook 540 Piatra cu Lapte spring 310 1700 230 F 48 35.4 1987 I. Orãºeanu
12 19 Losses of Blidãriþa 630 Piatra cu Lapte spring 310 3100 320 In 72 43 1987 I. Orãºeanu
brook E. Gaºpar
13 20 Losses of Osoaie brook 420 Morii spring at Borz 211 2950 209 R 65 45.4 2004 I. Orãºeanu
14 21 Losses of Valea Seacã 452 Morii spring at Borz 211 4300 241 F 80 53.7 2004 I. Orãºeanu
brook (fig. 4.1, no. 8) (fig. 4.1, no. 1)
15 22 Losses of Ursului brook 592 Finiºului spring 490 1460 102 F 59.5 24.5 2004 I. Orãºeanu
(fig. 4.4, no. 3)
23 “ “ Feredeu spring 415 3740 177 F 144 26 “ “
16 25 Ponor of Valea Seacã 450 Feredeu spring 415 770 35 F 30 25.7 2005 I. Orãºeanu
brook (fig. 4.4, no. 5)
25 “ “ Gura Vãii Seci spring 425 700 25 “ 20 35 “ “
(fig. 4.4, no. 6)
17 26 Ponor in ªuºii brook 580 Vidra spring (fig. 4.4, 470 1000 110 F 35 28.6 2006 I. Orãºeanu
basin no. 4)
H - elevation, in meters a.s.l., L - horizontal distance between losses and springs, ∆H - vertical drop; T - time of
first arrival of tracer; V - apparent velocity. Tracers: F = Fluoresceine, R = Rhodamine B, I = I-131,In = In-EDTA
Note 1: The following labellings were performed by the author in cooperation with: E. Gaºpar, M. Midoiu, T.
Tãnase, D. I. Slavoacã and Nicolle Orãºeanu - 1 and 2; E. Gaºpar, E. Anghel, C. Stanca, T. Tãnase and Nicolle
Orãºeanu - 5; E. Gaºpar, M. Midoiu, T. Tãnase and Nicolle Orãºeanu - 7, Gh. Ponta and N. Terteleac - 7 and 8.
Table 4.3. Results of tracer tests performed in Codru Mountains.
No. Source n T (°C) CH4 CO2 O2 N2 Ar
1 Feredeu 1 13.0 0.036 7.39 0.24 92.31 0.010
2 Thermal spring no. 1, Moneasa 1 24.0 0.300 0.30 20.80 77.60 0.890
3 Thermal spring no. 2, Moneasa 1 24.0 0.700 1.00 19.10 71.20 0.820
4 Rengle 6 17.0 0.016 2.32 13.79 83.21 0.611
5 Sfãrãºele 1 17.2 0.594 1.455 12.50 84.07 0.554
6 Racova 7 14.5 0.014 2.51 13.26 83.80 0.586
7 Þucreºti 7 14.5 0.033 2.32 14.05 82.92 0.620
8 Fântâna Rece (Bârza) 1 11.8 0.004 0.72 12.60 86.00 0.558
9 Cãptãlanul 2 8.6 0.022 2.21 15.94 81.06 0.705
10 Crisciorel fishery 2 12.1 0.087 1.66 11.04 86.62 0.490
Athmosphere (Rankama,1970) 0 0.03 20.95 78.09 0.930
Note: Other compounds for whic the gases were analysed: C2H6, C3H8, C4H10, and He, are leacking;
n = number of analysis.
Table 4.4. Chemical composition of gas outflow from springs (%vol.).
Feredeu spring water has a magnesium bicar- outlet, a significant inflow of thermal water. The
bonate chemical character, its average mineraliza- cumulated mixed flow rate is monitored in a sys-
tion is 516.1 mg/l, (35.6 mg/l Mg++), it is not ra- tematic way in the gauging section (g. s.) installed
dioactive, and gas released from the spring consists by the National Institute for Hydrology and Water
mainly of nitrogen (Table 4.4). Management (NIHWM) on Bãilor brook, in the
area where the brook reaches the alluvial plain of Grota Ursului karst system Moneasa brook (Ciuperca g. s.). The gauging sec-
Considered in global terms, the karst area tion operates since 1976, the average flow rate for
which extends between Brãtcoaia, Tinoasa, Izoi the time interval 1976-1997 being 198 l/s, with
and Moneasa, together with its catchment area extreme values ranging between 50 and 5,520 l/s.
that extends further to the west up to Izoi ridge, In order to know the flow rate of the under-
makes up a single karst system, part of which dis- ground stream in Grota Ursului, a gauging station
plays a thermal character in its southernmost end, has been installed during the hydrological year
and whose underground water flow is directed X.1997-IX.1998 inside the cave, in the place where
from north to the south, discharging mainly a mine passage reaches into the underground
through Grota Ursului spring and the thermal stream. Over the indicated time interval, the re-
outlets (Figure 4. 3). The water amount which corded average annual flow rate has been 58 l/s,
cannot be carried within this flow, as a conse- while the average water temperature has been 8.8°C.
quence of the limited transfer capacity of the karst The karst system discharging through Grota
channels and fractures, flows toward the east, Ursului displays rather elevated values of the reces-
through the overflow springs in the Megheº brook sion coefficient α (0.009-0.017), a circumstance
catchment area (Figure 4.1). which suggests that the underground flow occurs
The hydrogeological relationships existing mainly along wide cavities and that groundwater
between the water sunken through the swallets in storage is not very significant. The rainfall-dis-
Brãtcoaia and Izoi-Tinoasa karst depressions, and charge transfer occurs rapidly, with a rather high
the cold and thermal outlets situated along Bãilor coefficient of the cross correlation diagram (rk =
and Megheº brooks, have been delineated by 0.342).
means of tracer tests (Table 4.3). Out of the total amount of water discharged
Bãilor brook has its origin in Grota Ursului through Grota Ursului cave (Grota Ursului g.s.),
cave and it further receives, downstream from this the percentage discharged by the fast flow amounts
to 10.2-18.5 %. In the case of Bãilor brook at fall periods, the spring water does not become
Ciuperca g.s, the percentage of water discharged by muddy. The water has a calcium-magnesium bi-
the fast flow decreases to 2.1-10.3 %, as a result of carbonate chemical character, and an average min-
the contribution of the thermal water inflow, eralization of 687.7 mg/l.
which discharges essentially as base flow.
According to the karst systems classification
proposed by Mangin (1974, 1975), which takes 4.4. The Vaºcãu Plateau
into account parameters k and i, Grota Ursului In the southern part of Codru-Moma Moun-
karst system ranges in types II-III, that are inferred tains carbonate deposits build up a single entity
to be subject to more intense karst processes in that extends over an area of about 90 km 2 ,
their upstream section, to include a largely devel- outcropping at 600 m average elevation and being
oped flooded karst in their downstream section, designated, in terms of physiography, as Vaºcãu
and to be supplied to some extent by runoff col- Plateau. Hard, non-carbonate deposits surround
lected on non-karst terrains (binary systems). this entity to the north, south and west, thus
In the south western extremity of Codru bounding a carbonate rocks amphitheatre which
Mountains, within the territory of Dezna village, faces east, toward the Beius depression, where car-
on the right side of Moneasa brook, some 200 m bonate deposits sink in a stepwise manner under
upstream from its junction with Zugãu brook, the Neozoic filling of the depression.
Foradex Company has drilled in the year 1978 a The Vaºcãu Plateau topography is dominated
groundwater well, that over its entire depth by a few peaks which follow to one another, start-
(897 m) has crossed prevalently carbonate depos- ing from the north-west and running toward the
its (E.Vãlenaº, V. Fasola, 1978, Hydrogeological central-southern area (Ronþaru-918 m, Iezerul-
raport). The well discharges 3.5 l/s of calcium- 870m), thus building a high altitude zone from
magnesium bicarbonate water, with a temperature which the relief rapidly falls westward into a series
of 38,5°C. The water is used for treating locomo- of large karst depressions (Arânda, Ponoare-
tion disorders in the nearby sanatorium. Pocioveliºte, Bãniºoara, Ponoraº), while to the east Izvorul Mare al Tãrcãiþei karst system it gently lowers into a vast plain strewn with
sinkholes and dry valleys, whose major feature is
In the carbonate deposits of Clãptescu area,
the karst stream piracy depression Þarina-
which is located between the streams Tãrcãiþa and
Câmpeneasca. Close to the Beiuº depression, in
Criºu Vãratec, there are located significant water
the proximity of Vaºcãu town, the topography
accumulations that are supplied mainly by rainfall
sharply drops by 200 m over a horizontal distance
collected within the areas where those deposits
of about 500 m, along a system of NW-SE strik-
outcrop, and subordinately from surface streams
ing fractures that subsequent, Neozoic deposits ob-
originating in the permanent springs at the bottom
literate (Figure no. 4.5).
of the Dievii peak eastern mountainside. These
The original streams network became dislo-
surface streams sink in the underground, either
cated as a result of the frequent karst stream piracy
through swallets where human access is not possi-
phenomena, so that most streams collected on the
ble, or through the very thin alluvia in the
non-karst slopes that adjoin the plateau sink right
streambed of Cârþala brook, which only during
away into the multitude of swallets which occur
very abundant rainfall periods carries water over its
along the karst area boundary. The only exception
entire length (down to the junction with Lozna
is Þarina brook, which after collecting the water on
the south-western rim of the plateau, keeps flowing
These groundwater accumulations discharge
for 5 km along a valley that is excavated in lime-
mainly to the north, via Izvorul Mare al Tãrcãiþei
stones, to finally sink into Câmpeneasca swallet cave.
spring that is situated on the right side of Tãrcãiþa
A compact area of internal drainage occurs in
brook, in its floodplain, under the Clãptescu peak
Vaºcãu Plateau, extending over 73.3 km2, one of
northern slope which consists mainly of Ansian
the largest areas of this kind in Romania.
dolomites (site 23 in Figure 4.1). The spring av-
Carbonate deposits in Vaºcãu Plateau occur
erage flow rate is 40 l/s and its temperature fluc-
in a stack that progressively thickens from west to
tuates between 10 and 10.6°C. During heavy rain-
Figure 4.5. Hydrogeological map of the Vaºcãu Plateau.
Geological data after BLEAHU et al., 1979. (Legend as in figure 1.6.).
the east, to reach a maximum estimated thickness lithologies, as shown in Figure 4.5 and in the sec-
of 2500 m in the proximity of Vaºcãu town (M. tion in Figure 4.6.
Bleahu et al., 1979). These deposits, that in struc- Among the carbonate series of the plateau, a
tural terms are ascribed to the Moma, Vaºcãu and special mention deserve the Anisian black dolo-
Colesti nappes, include at their bottom Permian- mites of the Moma Nappe, estimated to be about
Werfenian quartz sandstones, conglomerates and 1200 m thick. The secondary porosity of those
shales, which belong to the Moma Nappe. The rocks, which is a result of the dolomitization proc-
thrust planes between those units gently dip east- esses, together with the fracturing due to the tec-
ward, in accordance with the plateau homoclinal tonic actions, largely favored karst processes, lead-
structure. The entire stack is intensely dissected by ing to the occurrence of karst depressions of an
vertical faults, which bring in tectonic contact impressive size, unparalleled in plateau areas where
compartments that consist of rocks of different other types of carbonate deposits outcrop. Those
Labelling no.
Drainage no.
Used tracer
Date of
H H L ∆H T V Author (s) of
Insurgence Resurgence
m m m m hours m/h labelling
1 1 Câmpeneasca cave 406 Boiu spring 300 1700 106 PC 3-4 500.0 1901 S. Mihuþia
2 2 Losses of Fântâna 613 Boiu spring 300 7600 331 I 216 26.0 1978 I. Orãºeanu et al.
Lotrilor brook
3 3 Losses of Ponoare brook 579 Boiu spring 300 5900 279 Br 225 26.2 1978 I. Orãºeanu et al.
4 4 Losses of Hãiuga lui 675 Tisei spring 450 2150 225 I 150 14.3 1978 I. Orãºeanu et al.
ªandor brook
5 5 Câmpeneasca cave 406 Boiu spring 300 1700 106 R 10 170.0 1978 I. Orãºeanu et al.
6 6 Ponor of Ponorul brook 499 Pepineaua spring 400 1250 99 R 20 62.5 1978 I. Orãºeanu et al.
7 7 Ponor of Arânda 720 Tisei spring 450 3200 270 In 192 16.6 1984 I. Orãºeanu, E.
depression Gaºpar
8 8 Ponor of Dãneºti brook 601 Tisei spring 450 1500 151 S 15 100.0 1985 I. Orãºeanu
9 9 Losses of Cohuri brook 635 Tisei spring 450 2000 186 R 15 133.3 1985 I. Orãºeanu
10 10 Tãul Ponorului ponor 633 Sopoteasa spring 355 4280 272 In 144 29.7 1986 I. Orãºeanuet al.
11 11 Losses of Târsa brook 520 Spring of Peºtera 400 1200 117 I 60 20.0 1986 I. Orãºeanu et al.
Popii cave
12 12 Coºul de la Cãldare losses 440 Cãsoaia spring 375 1040 65
F 17 61.1 1986 I. Orãºeanu
13 13 Sfãraº ponor 667 Boiu spring 300 8025 367
In 1632 5.0 1987 I. Orãºeanu et al.
14 “ “ Sfãrãºele warm spring 295 8050 372
“ 1704 4.7 “ “
14 15 Losses of Priga brook 640 Boiu spring 300 8090 340
I 96 82.9 1987 I. Orãºeanu et al.
16 “ “ Sfãrãºele warm spring 295 8300 345
“ 168 50.6 “ “
15 17 Doboº ponor 565 Coleºti spring 400 1200
Dy 165 1988 I. Orãºeanu, E.
18 “ “ Coºul de la Chietroc 390 1500 175 “ “ “
16 19 Ponor of Scãriþa brook 610 Spring of Valea Seacã 565 650 45 F 1994 I. Orãºeanu, E.
17 20 Peºterelii ponor Boiu spring 5940 255 I 12 495 1985 G.Ponta, E.Gaºpar
H - elevation, in meters a.s.l., L - horizontal distance between losses and springs, ∆H - vertical drop; T - time of
first arrivel of tracer; V - apparent velocity.
Tracers: PC = charcool powder; F = Fluoresceine, R = Rhodamine B, I = I-131, Br = Br-82,In = In-EDTA,
Dy = Dy-EDTA, S = Stralex; KI (activable).
Note 1: The following labellings were performed by the author in cooperation with: E. Gaºpar and T. Tãnase: 2, 3
and 4; C. Crãciun, E. Gaºpar, I. Pop and T. Tãnase: 10, 11, 13 and 14; Gh. Ponta, N. Terteleac and G. Halasi: 2,
3, 4, 5 and 6.
Table 4.5. Results of tracer tests performed in the Vaºcãu Plateau.
depressions trace the outcrop of the thrust plane of ley. The swallets which supply the karst system are
Vaºcãu Nappe over Moma Nappe. Coleºti Nappe located 1.7-8.6 km away from Boiu resurgence.
prevalently includes Rhaetian-Carnian limestones, For tracers injected in the western extremity of
while Vaºcãu Nappe includes Anisian dolomitic Boiu karst system, transit velocities ranged in the
limestones and dolomites, and to a smaller extent, 14.3-26.2 m/hour interval, which was much less
Ladinian and Late Triassic limestones. than the velocity recorded for the flow path be-
tween Câmpeneasca cave and Boiu spring (500 m/
4.4.1. The carbonate deposits hydrogeology During the hydrological year X.1986-
The tracers average transit time was 85.0 m/ IX.1987, the average discharge of Boiu spring was
hour, with extreme values ranging between 5 and 0.588 m3/s, with extreme values ranging between
500 m/hour. The longest distance covered by a 0.069 and 6.0 m3/s, while the discharge variation
tracer test, 8.6 km, was recorded between the coefficient value was very high (nv = 77).
swallet in Prigã (site 22 in Figure 4.5) and Boiu The recession coefficient determined for
spring (Table 4.5). the spring drought period is relatively high
(α = 0.0120-0.0087) and it suggests that ground- Boiu karst system water flow and storage occur in cavities and cracks
Boiu spring (no. 38 in Figure 4.5) is located of noticeable size, thus resulting a relatively fast
in the western part of Vaºcãu town, at the bottom drainage of the aquifer. This inference is also sup-
of Osoiu-Corneþel hill. The spring water emerges ported by the very low value of the base flow in-
from two outlets that do not allow human access, dex (Bf = 0.142). Out of the entire water amount
one of them with a permanent character, located discharged by Boiu spring during the indicated
to the north, and the other one, with a temporary hydrological year, only 59.3 % originates in the
character, located to the south. base flow.
Performed tracer tests have indicated that The spring water is not potable, since Þarina
Boiu spring extends its radius of influence over the brook flows across the villages Cãlugãri and Izbuc.
entire south-western area of Vaºcãu Plateau, start- Further on, along the underground flow path of
ing from the cave Câmpeneasca and up to Ponoraº this stream from Câmpeneasca swallet cave to Boiu
and Sfãraº spring, in the proximity of Zugãu val- spring, transit is short and it occurs rapidly, a cir-
uifer receives surface water inflows: the swallet of (no. 40), Racova (nr. 41), and Þucreºti (no. 42).
Scãriþa brook (Figure 4.5, site 18) and the diffuse The temperature of the thermal springs ranges
sink in the Cãptãlanul brook streambed, down- from14.5-17.2°C, and the cumulative mean dis-
stream from Cãptãlanul forestry hut. charge is 15 l/s. In addition to these thermal
Radioactivity analyses of the water samples springs, gas is observed discharging from three
collected from Rãºchirata spring and from the cold-water spring: Blagu (no. 43), Fântâna Rece
spring in Valea Seacã have indicated that their (no. 44) and spring of the Crisciorel fishery (no.
water is not radioactive, the recorded alpha and 45).
beta concentrations being one order of magnitude The thermal waters close to Vaºcãu town are
below maximum concentrations stipulated by of- similar in terms of chemical composition to the
ficial regulations for drinking water. cold karst groundwaters, while the associated gas
only slightly differs from the atmosphere. Some-
times, the waters exhibit iodin and even bromide
4.4.2. The low-temperature thermal character, a consequence of prolonged contact
water at Vaºcãu with the deposits that fill Beiuº basin, the same
chemical character being recorded also for other
On the western side of Vaºcãu town (Figure
low-temperature thermal waters in that basin
4.5), four thermal spring, associated with the out-
(Ceica, Rãbãgani etc.). A slight increase in the per-
flow of gas, discharge from the karstic limestones
centage of nitrogen is still noticeable, probably as
of the Coleºti Nappe and the alluvial deposits of
a result of the consumption of some oxygen by the
the Criºu Negru river: Sfãrãºele (no. 39), Rengle
oxidation reactions (Table 4.4).