Neck Pain - Id
Neck Pain - Id
Neck Pain - Id
Ilayaraja Alagiathiruvevenkadam and Lulu James
a) Senior Lecturer,
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Abstract
therapeutic Science, Asia Metropolitan Background and objective: The continuous of using a smartphone for a long time can cause various musculoskeletal
University, Cheras, Batu 9, Selangor, problems. It abets incorrect postures seperti a hunched or neck bending postures which strains the neck. In Malaysia, the
Malaysia Communications and Multimedia melaporkan bahwa smartphone users were dominated by young adults, from the
age group of 20 - 24 with 18,8%. Meanwhile, dikelompokkan into broad generational age bands, it can be seen that adults
b) PhD scholar, Singhania University,
account for 73.1% of all users followed by pre-teens and teens by 12.5% and seniors with 14,4%. Therefore, college student
Pacheribaru, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan,
at age of 20 - 24 years old have been found to have the risk of neck pain resulting from the addiction of using smartphone.
Lulu James
Alumnus, Department of
Physiotherapy, Faculty of therapeutic
Science, Asia Metropolitan University, Materials and Methods: The study design was a quasi - experimental study. Minimum of 30 participants were selected for
Asia Metropolitan University, Cheras, those who met the inclusion criteria. Participants were allocated to Group 1 (Stretching and postural Modification) and Group
Batu 9, Selangor, Malaysia 2 (Stretching), 15 peserta untuk setiap group. Pain intensity and cervical range of motion were evaluated before Interventions
and after 4 weeks of Interventions.
result: The results in this study indicated that both stretching and postural modification versus stretching alone were equally
effective in reducing neck pain and improving cervical range of motion of smartphone users, however there was no significant
difference found between the groups. Thus, null hypothesis was accepted and rejecting the alternate hypothesis.
conclusion: After 4 weeks of intervention, participants in Group 1 were significantly improved than participants in Group 2.
A smartphone is a mobile hand-held device with advanced computing capabilities, seperti internet communication,
information retrieval, entertainment (music, videos, and games), e - commerce, and other capabilities. Because of
its Portabilitas, the smartphone has had a large impact on modern life [ 1]. Smartphone has become a necessity for
most people. Smartphone are used for both communication and entertainment purposes, seperti message, music,
media, internet access, photos, and games [ 2].
Menurut Gartner Inc., the worldwide sales of smartphone to end users totaled 349 units in the first quarter of
2016, which is a 3,9% increase over the same period in 2015. Smartphone sales represented 78% of total
mobile sales in the first quarter of 2016m [ 3].
Menurut laporan done by Amanda Lenhart (2012), tentang one in four teens in America melaporkan owning a
smartphone which mean that smartphones are increasing among teenage users [ 4].
a) Senior Lecturer,
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of In Malaysia, the smartphone user base is expected to reach 11 million in 2016 and observe an upward trend to 10%
therapeutic Science, Asia Metropolitan CAGR (compound annual growth rate) from 2013 to 2017, according to a new study by mobile marketing and
University, Cheras, Batu 9, Selangor, commerce company Vserv [ 5]. For 2017, the number of smartphone users in Malaysia is estimated to reach 17.8
million [ 6]. Smartphone users were dominated by young adults, from the age group of 20 - 24 with 18,8% users. The
b) PhD scholar, Singhania University,
second largest group was 25 - 29 which accounted for 16.3%. Group into broad generational age bands, it can be
Pacheribaru, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, seen that adults account for 73.1% of all users followed by pre - teens by
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12.5% and seniors with 14.4% [ 7]. stated that FHP causes shortening of the muscular fibers around the
As mentioned earlier, smartphone is a mobile hand - held device with Articulation points of the atlantoocipitalis and overstretching of muscles
advanced computing capability, seperti internet communication which around joints, possibly producing chronic neck pain [ 22]. Other studies
also known as social networking. Over years, social networking among have found that smartphone use could be related to musculoskeletal
teenagers (middle and high school students) and college students has symptoms, termasuk muscular fatigue and tenderness, as well as a
become more and more populer. It is a way for the new generation to decreased cervical range of motion [ 23]. Bad posture can lead to early
make connections, not only in school or campus, but with friends outside wear and tear on the spine and possible future surgeries, menurut
of school. According to English Oxford Dictionaries, social network is research done by Kenneth Hansraj, chief of spine surgery at New York
defined as a dedicated website or other application which enables users Spine Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine. His study found that looking
to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, at a phone at 60-degree angle is about the same as applying 60 extra
messages, images [ 8], such as the use of Facebook, pounds of force on the spine. That is about the weight of an 8-year-old
child [ 24].
Social networking in general is particularly populer di Malaysia, with nearly Materials and Methods Study Design, Setting
half of the population maintaining a Facebook account. Malaysia s and Population
netizens appear to prefer the internet to TV, spending most twice as much The study design was a quasi - experimental study. Sebanyak 30
time online as they do watching television. 21% of Malaysian internet peserta dari Asia Metropolitan University were selected for the study by
users access the web via mobile devices or smartphones and spend 19.8 purposive sampling method on basis of those who met the inclusion
average day on the internet via smartphones dan Penerbangan [ 10]. criteria. This study was approved by the university research ethical
inclusion criteria
The continuous of using smartphone for a long time can cause various
This study included the individuals between age group of 20
musculoskeletal problems [ 11]. In particular, it can abet incorrect postures
- 30 years old, both male and female students, all races, using
seperti hunched or neck bending postures [ 12]. Neck flexion is expected to
smartphones for more than 4 hours each day followed by onset of
increase due to the frequent use of relatively small screen of a
symptoms and voluntarily participate.
smartphone, the smaller the screen of the smartphone, the greater the
neck flexed [ 14]. Furthermore, according to study done by Sang - Yong - Lee
exclusion criteria
et al. ( 2016), as smartphone usage time became longer, the neck flexion
This study excluded the individuals who have neurological disorder,
angle increased which strains the neck [ 14]. Furthermore, Kim et al. ( 2015)
recent neck, shoulder, arm and hand injury, cervical disc prolapsed,
melaporkan bahwa a longer duration of smartphone usage caused a
spinal atau cervical trauma and cervical radiculopathy.
higher degree of neck pain [ 15]. This may lead to high incidence and
prevalence of neck pain among those with prolonged static neck flexion.
Method and Procedure
Participants were allocated to Group 1 and Group 2 (Figure
1). Participants in Group 1 were taught to perform neck stretching
The use of smartphones may result in smartphone addiction, which is the exercises, 5 times a week for 4 weeks followed by postural modification.
combination of internet and mobile phone addiction problems which then Participants in Group 2 were taught to perform neck stretching exercises
into smartphone addiction only, 5 times a week for 4 weeks. Pamphlets of neck stretching exercises
[16]. The continuous use of a smartphone for a long time can cause
and postural modification were given to participants in Group 1 and
various musculoskeletal problems [ 17]. When using a smartphone, people
pamphlets of neck stretching alone were given to participants in Group 2
usually will flex their neck downwards to stare at the lowered object and
as their guidelines to perform the activities at home (Figure 2 and Figure
maintain the head in forward position for long periods of time [ 18]. Maintenance
3) [ 25, 24] Dosage for stretching: 5 - 10 repetitions, held for 10 - 30 seconds
of a non- netral neck posture, seperti a flexed posture, is a well-known
[ 26].
cause of neck pain [ 19]. Berolo, Wells, and Amick surveyed a Canadian
university population and reported that the duration and frequency of use
of mobile phones were related to the prevalence of neck pain [ 20]. outcome Measures
The outcome measures, pinus intensity and neck range of motion were
evaluated before Interventions and after 4 weeks of Interventions.
Additionally, the maintenance of a head-forward posture decreases
cervical lordosis of the lower cervical vertebrae and creates a posterior Pain intensity was evaluated by using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)
curve in the upper Thoracic vertebrae to maintain balance; this is known ranging from 0 to 10. Neck / Cervical Range of Motion (ROM) was
as the forward head posture (FHP; turtle neck posture) [ 21]. A previous measured using a goniometer and conducted in the order of flexion,
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extension, lateral flexion, and rotation, with the participant sitting, with data Analysis
head and trunk held erect (Figure 4) [ 27]. The universal goniometer is a The GraphPad software was used to analyze the data. The paired t - test
frequently used tool to quantify limitations in ROM. Physical therapists was used to analyze the difference score within each group sedangkan
use this instrument to quantify limitations of ROM at the beginning of unpaired t - test was used to analyze the groups. Data was entered into
treatment and to quantify the effectiveness of Interventions after Microsoft Excel 2010 for calculation and tabulation. Probability values of
treatment [ 28]. less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant, while the values
of more than 0.05 were considered as non - significant difference. Value
of confidence interval was set at 95%.
Fig 2: Basic Neck Stretching Routines Pamphlets Fig 3: Postural Modification for Smartphone Users Pamphlets
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Cervival Flexion ROM pinus intensity (VAS) and Cervical Range of Motion (CROM) for both
groups are shown in Table 1, Graph 1 and Graph 3. Meanwhile,
comparisons of posttest of VAS scores and CROM are shown in Table 2,
Graph 2 and Graph 4.
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Table 1: Pain scores (VAS) and Cervical Range of Motion (CROM) mean values of both groups at pre- and post - treatment evaluations
Graph 1: Comparison of pre and post-treatment pain scores on Graph 2: Comparison of post-treatment pain scores on VAS
VAS between groups between groups
Graph 3: Comparison of pre and post - treatment values of Cervical ROM between groups
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Graph 4: Comparison of post - treatment Cervical ROM between groups
Discussion did their treatment program without any supervision may affect
The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of stretching and the outcome. Individually adjusted stretching
postural modification versus stretching alone in neck disability among treatment could also make some difference. Thus, the results of this
smartphone users by comparing the neck range of motion and pain scale study may not be generalized to the whole population. Menurut Ylinen et
after 4 weeks Home- based treatment program. al. ( 2007), the advice about stretching exercises and manual therapy are
among the most commonly used treatments for chronic neck pain.
This study was done among university students with age groups ranging However, their effectiveness has not been compared in randomized
from 20 to 30 years who used smartphone lebih dari 4 hours each day studies [ 31]. Furthermore, regular self - Administered stretching was as
followed by the onset of symptoms seperti neck pain or neck muscle effective in abolishing pain and thus may be considered as a first choice
fatigue. When I found out the study done by Arja ha kkinen et al. ( 2008) of treatment since it is easy to perform and inexpensive to be introduced
which was to compare the effectiveness of a 12-month home-based in practice.
combined strength training and stretching program against stretching
alone in the treatment of chronic neck pain, the study was done among
25 to 53 years pasien dengan non - specific neck pain and the duration
of non - specific neck pain was more than 6 months [ 29]. Limitations of the study
The limitations of this study were limited sample size, short
- term result, non - supervised exercise training and the participants
The result of this study indicated that both stretching and postural batas low levels of pain intensity.
modification versus stretching alone were equally effective in reducing
neck pain and improving cervical range of motion of smartphone users, Recommendations for future research
but no significant difference found between the groups. The result It is recommended that future studies should be done with greater
diperoleh were in consensus with the previous study done by Ana sample size, done by targeting or choosing a specific Cervical ROM
Claudia Violino Cunha et al. ( 2008) in which the pain intensity reduced (flexion or extension or lateral flexion or lateral rotation), specific VAS
and ROM improved mengikuti muscle chain stretching, proposed by value (range: mild (1-3) or moderate ( 4-7) or severe (8-10)) and specific
global posture reeducation method and conventional static stretching duration of neck pain (acute or chronic). It is also recommended that
over neck region future study should be carry out for long-term period of treatment with
follow up to find out the effectiveness of the treatment and supervising
each participant in both groups during treatment program instead of
Both groups exhibited improvement in the mean cervical ROM but there letting them to do by themselves at home.
was greater improvement in Group 1 (Stretching and postural
Modification), which the ROM mean increased by approximately up to 8 °
compared to Group 2 (Stretching alone), which is increased only around
3 °. conclusion
After 4 weeks of treatment program, participants in Group 1 were
In this study, the pain intensity scores was measured by using VAS was significantly better than those in Group 2. However, the difference in the
also reduced in both groups after 4 weeks of treatment program, on effectiveness between both groups was minor. Therefore, both of the
average 5 times weekly. However, the decrease of the neck pain was treatments considerably increase cervical ROM and reduce neck pain
greater in the present stretching and postural modification group than among smartphone users. These reasonable treatment programs
that of the stretching alone group. The average score of VAS were (Stretching and postural Modification) can be recommended for the first
reduced by 2.67 in Group 1 and 0.80 in Group 2 after 4 weeks. Menurut instance as an applicable therapy intervention to prevent neck stiffness
study done by Ylinen et al. ( 2007) found that at a 12 months follow - up, a and to relieve neck pain at least in short - term.
significant reduction in neck pain as a result of stretching exercise
performed at average of twice weekly [ 31].
Participants in this study were students from Asia Metropolitan University, We would like to thank all the participants who had voluntarily involved in
therefore, sex, age, and how they this study.
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