Phychem2 Simple Mixtures
Phychem2 Simple Mixtures
Phychem2 Simple Mixtures
• Thermodynamics of Mixing
• Henry’s Law
• Raoult’s Law
• Colligative properties
Partial Molar Volume
𝜕𝑉 𝜕𝑉
𝑑𝑉 = d𝑛𝐴 + d𝑛𝐵
𝜕𝑛𝐴 𝑃,𝑇,𝑛𝐵
𝜕𝑛𝐵 𝑃,𝑇,𝑛𝐴
• For an ideal gas or liquid solution, certain partial molar quantities (𝑉ത𝑖 , 𝑈
ഥ𝑖 , 𝐻
ഥ𝑖 ) are equal to sum of the
respective molar quantities for the pure components, while others (𝑆𝑖ҧ , 𝐺ҧ𝑖 , 𝐴ҧ𝑖 )--all related to entropy-- are not.
• For a non-ideal solution, all partial molar quantities differ from the corresponding molar quantities.
• Every extensive property has a corresponding partial molar property, but , 𝐺ҧ𝑖 , gets a special name and
symbol: the chemical potential, .
By the same argument we found the total volume as a function of partial molar volumes, the Gibbs energy
of a binary solution is given by
𝐺 = 𝑛𝐴 𝜇𝐴 + 𝑛𝐵 𝜇𝐵
Chemical Potential
With T,P, and n, use slope formula for G:
Not only does show how G changes when n changes, but how U & H change (but under different conditions):
In fact, shows how U, H, A, and G depend on composition. For example, can show:
n S,P
Potential Displacement
• For this reason, is central to chemistry.
Pressure Volume
Gravity Height
• Can think of contributions to G in terms of pairs of Voltage Charge
variables: Chemical potential Moles
• If in system there is a difference in column A, column B will change until the difference is 0.
• If the chemical potential in one region of a system is different from that in another region, material will be
transferred until the potential difference = 0. All chemical potentials in a system are equal at equilibrium.
Gibbs-Duhem Equation
Describes the relationship between changes in chemical potential for components in a mixture.
Since 𝐺 = 𝑛𝐴 𝜇𝐴 + 𝑛𝐵 𝜇𝐵 , the total derivative of G is: d𝐺 = 𝑛𝐴 𝑑𝜇𝐴 + 𝑑𝑛𝐴 𝜇𝐴 + 𝑛𝐵 𝑑𝜇𝐵 + 𝑑𝑛𝐵 𝜇𝐵
But at constant T and P, 𝑑𝐺 = 𝜇𝐴 𝑑𝑛𝐴 + 𝜇𝐵 𝑑𝑛𝐵
Setting the two equations for dG equal (since G is a state function):
𝑛𝐴 𝑑𝜇𝐴 + 𝑛𝐵 𝑑𝜇𝐵 = 0
n A ( A RT ln( P / P )) nB ( B RT ln( P / P ))
• After mixing
G fin n A ( A RT ln( PA / P )) nB ( B RT ln( PB / P ))
D mix V V n1Vm1
n2V *m2
• Combining equations:
A (l ) A (l ) RT ln *
A solution for which the partial vapor pressure of
each volatile component is directly proportional to
its mole fraction in the liquid phase obeys Raoult's
Law, and is said to be an ideal solution:
PA x A PA*
(l ) * (l ) RT ln x A
The total Gibbs energy before the liquids are mixed is:
Gi nA *A nB B*
where the * denotes the pure liquid.
After mixing, the total Gibbs energy (assuming an ideal solution) is:
G f nA ( *A RT ln x A ) nB ( B* RT ln xB )
D mix G nA ( RT ln x A ) nB ( RT ln xB ) nRT ( x A ln x A xB ln xB )
As for gases, the ideal entropy of mixing two liquids is then given by:
D mix S nR ( x A ln x A xB ln xB )
and, as was also true for gas mixtures, the enthalpy of mixing in an ideal solution is zero, since
Thus, the thermodynamic conclusions for mixing in an ideal solution are similar to those for perfect gases,
although the assumptions are different. In a perfect gas, it is assumed that there are NO intermolecular
interactions. In an ideal solution, it is assumed that A-A, B-B, and A-B interactions are the same.
Deviations from Raoult's Law
Raoult's Law is purely statistical - chemical behavior is found in deviations from statistical behavior.
Deviations discussed in terms of excess thermodynamic functions: XE = DmixX – DmixXideal
Excess Enthalpy SE=0; HE = nRTxAxB, where depends on energy of A-B interactions, relative to A-A interactions
• These changes in solution are in response to the changes in chemical potential of the liquid solvent by the
addition of solute molecules to the pure solvent.
• These methods historically used for determining molecular weights. (modern methods: mass spectrometry
and gel-permeation chromatography)
The phenomenon of colligative properties is essentially an entropy effect, i.e., the addition of solute
particles (molecules or ions) increases the disorder and, hence, the entropy of the solvent compared to the
pure solvent.
Boiling Point Elevation
For solvent vapor in equilibrium with a solution of a non-volatile solute:
*A ( g ) *A ( ) RT ln x A
Rearranging: D vap G
*A ( g ) *A ( )
ln x A
Taking the derivative of both sides with respect to temperature:
d ln x A 1 (D vap G / T ) D vap H
dT R dT RT 2
where the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation [((∂G/T)/∂T)p] was used to express the term on the RHS. Then multiply
both side by dT and integrate from xA = 0 to xA
1 T D vap H
ln x A
ln( x A 1)
d ln x A *
R T T 2
Because the mole fraction xB is directly proportional to the molality b (moles of solute per kg of
solvent) of the solution, the latter concentration unit is usually used for boiling point elevation
Freezing Point Depression
Using an analysis analogous to that for boiling point elevation, it can be shown that for a solution in
equilibrium with a pure solid solvent, the melting point of the solid solution is lower than that of the pure
solid solvent:
*A ( s ) *A ( ) RT ln x A
which leads to:
RT *2
∆Tf = KfxB = xB
D fus H
where T* is the normal melting point of the pure solid
solvent, and Kf is the freezing-point depression
In essence, the applied osmotic pressure, Π, on the solution side of the membrane increases μA in the
solution until it equals that in the pure solvent. Hence, at equilibrium,
*A ( p) *A ( x A , p )
As shown in Justification 5B.3, the osmotic pressure needed to equalize μA on both sides of the membrane
is given by the van’t Hoff Equation:
Π = [B] RT
where [B] = nB/V is the molar concentration, i.e. the molarity, of the solute, B, in the solvent A. When
expressed in the following form, the van’t Hoff Equation clearly resembles the perfect gas equation:
Π Vm = RT xB
since, when the solution is dilute, xB = nB/nA. and nAVm = V, the total volume of the solution.
Use of Osmotic Pressure
Because osmotic pressure effects are very large compared to freezing point depressions and are relatively
easy to measure, they are used to determine molecular weights of macromolecules, such as synthetic
polymers and proteins.
Between the two lines, both liquid and vapor phases exist,
where, at any point, a horizontal line (called a tie line)
connects the mole fraction of A in the liquid phase, xA, with
that in the vapor phase, yA.
Vapor Pressure Diagrams
a 1 , a1 ‘ a3, a3’ a4
Vapor Pressure Diagrams
Vapor Pressure Diagrams
The Lever Rule
Vapor Composition
Boiling Temp.
of Liquid
Boiling Temp.
of Liquid
A-B interactions are more favorable than A-A and A-B interactions are less favorable than A-A and
B-B interactions (GE < 0), thus decreasing V.P. of B-B interactions (GE > 0), thus increasing V.P. of
mixture and increasing B.P. In effect the favorable mixture and decreasing B.P. Unfavorable A-B
A-B interactions stabilize the liquid. interactions destabilize the liquid.
Deviations from Raoult's Law
Raoult's Law is purely statistical - chemical behavior is found in deviations from statistical behavior.
Deviations discussed in terms of excess thermodynamic functions: XE = DmixX – DmixXideal
Excess Enthalpy SE=0; HE = nRTxAxB, where depends on energy of A-B interactions, relative to A-A interactions
Liquid-Liquid Phase Diagrams
The isopleth at e2 corresponds to a eutectic composition, i.e., the mixture of A and B with the lowest M.P.
Solutions to the right of e2 deposit pure B as they cool, while those to the left deposit pure A.
Solid-Liquid Phase Diagrams
Solid-Liquid Phase Diagram of Tin-Lead
Electron Micrographs of Metal Mixtures
Solid-Liquid Phase Diagrams
Solid-Liquid Phase Diagrams
Zn-Mg Phase Diagram
A. 410
B. 590
C. 347
D. 650
Na-K Phase Diagram