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What Did You Observe From The Video?

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Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique

Lesson Plan in Oral Communication in Context

Week No: 3 Dates Covered:

Prepared by: Maria Zefra Angela F. Soriano Date Submitted:
and Marites S. Albuera
Checked by:

I. Learning Competencies:
1. Explains why there is a breakdown of communication.
2. Uses various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown.

Content Standard:
The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication in context.

II. Subject Matter:

1. Barriers to effective communication.

 Videos
 The Adventures of Taro
 10 Barriers of Communication
 Projector

Sources: Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slq1nAhZuqE ,


Integrated Institutional Student Outcome:

Academic Excellence
Students seek for relevant and related learning.

III. Procedure:
Students will watch a video about Communication Barriers from www.withopenminds.com.

Act it out
The students will pick a piece of rolled paper from the box and deliver it according to
suggestions of the group.
A video of the “Adventure of Taro”

What did you observe from the video?

What were challenges/obstacles encountered by the character in the video in terms
of delivery?
How does the difference in culture and language affect the communication process?
How these affect the understanding of the receiver of the message?
If you were one of the characters what strategy should you use in order to make
your receiver comprehend your message?

Statement of Learning Outcomes:

So far, we have identified the components and skills needed for an effective
communication process. However our communication is sometimes hindered by certain

1. Video presentation of 10 Barriers to Effective Communication

Students Guide
List down the Barriers Being Presented
Does it also happen to you? How?
Group the Barriers whether they are Sender or Receiver Oriented barriers

2. Discussion of Communication Barriers

Sender Oriented Barriers
 Poor structure of message
 Noise
 Faulty Choice of Words
 Inappropriate quantity of information
Receiver-Oriented Barriers
 Poor Retention of Ideas
 Inattentive Listening
 Tendency to Evaluate

3. Role Play
Students will prepare a 2-3 minute role play skit on how communication breakdown
takes place in the following places:
o School
o Home
o Work Place
o Barangay

4. Guessing Game
Guessing game
Pictures will be flashed on the screen and the learners will identify what word would
best describe the picture.

5. Discussion of verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

Verbal Communication
 Volume
 Enunciation and Pronunciation
 Pitch
 Stress
 Phrasing
 Speed

Non-verbal Communication Skills

 Eye Contact
 Facial Expression
 Posture
 Proximity
 Personal Appearance

What are the different barriers to effective communication?
What are the two types of communication Barriers?
How would you be able to classify the barriers of communication?
What are the different verbal and non-verbal communication skills you may
use in order to overcome communication barriers?

Engagement Activity/Application
Students will prepare a 2 minutes introductory speech. They should use verbal and
non-verbal communication skills effectively.


*Read the following items carefully. Give what is being asked or described. Choose
your answer from the box. Write the letter of the best answer in the space
a. Physical Barrier b. Attitude c. Language d. Physiological Barrier
e. Problem with Structure Design f. Cultural Noise g. Lack of Common Experience
h. Ambiguity i. Information Overload j. jumping into conclusions

1. Juliet had an argument with Annie not so long ago because of that she tends to
refuse on paying attention to her speech.

2. Gian is a traditional teacher. She oftentimes gets mad to her students due to their
lack of interest in taking down notes. As a result she gave her students C+ as their

3. Shey is a good friend however she failed to empathize to her friend Ally who had
lost her sister since she never had one.

4. The review for the Licensure Examination is done during weekends since it is
located in a room with a small area; students tend to lose focus on topics being
5. Mrs. Geronimo became disappointed during the celebration of the feast of St. Claire
because only few of the students were able to attend the mass. Only to discover that the
class president did not tell his fellow students.
6. Last Sunday Leianne had her wisdom tooth extraction. During one of her class next
Monday she started to feel irritated due to the pain she is experiencing.
7. Marcel is a good student however even a good student has limitations. After the long
hours of being exposed to a lot of formulas, concepts and ideas, she finds it hard to
comprehend simple instruction of her teacher.
8. Ishang uses a lot of quotation in her essays and most of the time does not coincide
with her main idea.
9. Sassy has a Korean boyfriend. However they often fight because they sometimes
cannot understand each other.
10. Rossy thought her classmate from the other side of the field is pointing her, and then
she confronted that person whether he has any problem with her. Not knowing that her
classmate is point at the other person at the back.

Test II. Enumeration

Sender-Oriented Barriers Receiver-Oriented Barriers

1. ___________ 1. ______________
2. ___________ 2. ______________
3. ___________ 3. ______________
4. ___________
2. Ways to Communicate Verbal Communication Skills Non-Verbal
Com. Strategies
1.__________________ 1.__________________ 1.________________________
2._________________ 2. __________________ 2.________________________
3. __________________ 3.________________________
4.__________________ 4.________________________
5.___________________ 5. _______________________
6. ___________________ 6.________________________


Direction: Answer the following questions in not more than 3 sentences. Write legibly.

1. Among the different Communication Skills which of those skill/s that you need to
improve in order to become a better communicator. Explain your answer. 4 pts
2. Which among the non-verbal strategies do you often use and how does it affect the
delivery of your message? 5 pts.
3. As a student, how can you avoid communication breakdown? 5pts

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