Worksheet 9 - We
Worksheet 9 - We
Worksheet 9 - We
WORKSHEET N° 9 (Week 5)
Competencia: Lee diversos tipos de textos escritos en
inglés como lengua extranjera.
Obtiene información de textos escritos.
Infiere e interpreta información del texto escrito.
Reflexiona y evalúa la forma, el contenido y contexto
DIA 2 del texto escrito.
Competencias Transversales
Activity 1: Foods & superfoods Se desenvuelve en entornos virtuales generados por las
Gestiona su aprendizaje de manera autónoma.
Lee un texto corto en inglés e identifica
información explicita y relevante sobre los
súper alimentos producidos en Perú.
1. Artichoke 2. _________
3. _________ 4. _________
Read the main page of the blog: superfoods from Peru.
Read the first entry of the blog: Superfood from Peru.
LET’S UNDERSTAND Match the parts of the blog entry with the best
UNDERSTAND - EXERCISE 1 subtitle for it. Follow the example:
Choose the correct answer for answer for each
question according to the blog entry you just
read. Follow the example: 1. “Superfoods” is a new
term to describe food
1. Which of the following does NOT describe that offers great A.The best way to eat lucuma.
superfoods? nutritional benefits and
a. They offer nutritional benefits. few calories. They are
b. They are sweet and tasty. full of vitamins and
c. They are full of vitamins. minerals that the body
d. They have few calories. needs.
2. Which one is NOT a characteristic of
lucuma? 2. My favourite Peruvian B. What are superfoods?
a. It has green skin. superfood is lucuma,
b. It is a fruit. which is a sweet fruit
c. Is has white flesh. with green skin and
d. It is sweet. yellow flesh.
3. Which options is NOT benefit of eating
C. My favourite superfood.
a. It makes you taller. 3. Lucuma gives you
b. It gives you energy. V to start your
c. It helps prevent some types of cancer. day, and it helps you
d. It helps prevent heart diseases. prevent heart diseases
4. According to the blog entry, what is the and some types of D.The benefits of lucuma.
author’s favourite way to eat lucuma? cancer.
a. As a dessert.
b. As a cake. 4. I love lucuma ice cream,
c. With honey.
it is my favourite way to
d. As an ice cream. eat this fruit
Complete the description of the following superfood with the words from the
box. Follow the example:
The Golden Berry or aguaymanto is a round and (1) yellow fruit that is
consider a _______________ (2) from Peru.
It is a small and round It is a small and brown It is a fish from the Andes
berry that gives you grain from the Peruvian with soft and pink meat, it
vitamin C, calcium and Amazon. Its oil is is high in Omega 3, so it is
fiber. It is good for heart cholesterol free. It is good good for your brain and
health and your eyes. for your intestines and it heart.
helps you to lose weight.
LOOK at this example of a blog entry and read the tip to describe food.