BCMS Communication Procedure
BCMS Communication Procedure
BCMS Communication Procedure
Document Control
Version History
New Revision
Description of Reason for No and Effective Amendment
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Approved by Position Date Signature
Quality assurance
administration manager
DR. WALEED AL JANDAL Dean of IT deanship 18/10/2016
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Business Continuity Management System Strategy & Plan
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Scope ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
4. Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
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Business Continuity Management System Strategy & Plan
9.2.4 Flyers/Newsletters...................................................................................................................................... 14
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Business Continuity Management System Strategy & Plan
1. Introduction
Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University recognizes and acknowledges that the protection of its assets,
business operations, and services is a major responsibility to safeguard the interests of its stakeholders.
As part of a national initiative to automate and provide accessible services to its students, faculty, and
employees, the University seeks to establish a viable plan for the recovery and continuity of its
electronic services (e-services) in case of disasters.
Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University is committed to supporting resumption and recovery efforts
at alternate facilities, if required. The University and its management are responsible for developing
and maintaining a viable continuity & recovery plan that conforms to acceptable insurance and ethical
practices, and is consistent with the provisions and direction of the University’s strategic and tactical
plans. The plan will also support the philosophy of providing and maintaining the highest quality of
services to its students, faculty, and staff.
The Deanship of Information Technology has been established in 1430 to manage the technology and
e-services at the university.
The vision of the Deanship of IT is “to enable Al Imam University to be the pioneer in the field of
electronic services through the creation of a distinct integrated environment for information
The mission statement is “Improving the services offered by the University and provide an
environment of high-quality electronic services that are based on information and communication
technology in line with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia strategies to operationalize the concept of e-
government in all public universities deanships”
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2. Purpose
The purpose of the “Warning and Communication Procedure & Media Response Framework” is to provide
Mass Communication Officer with direction, information and resources when responding to the emergency
information needs of the “Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University Riyadh – Deanship of Information
Technology (IMSIU IT)”. This is done so that a standardized, efficient and coordinated communications
response occurs both internally and externally.
3. Scope
The scope of this Plan is intended to support communication activities from initial response through to
the recovery phase of a major emergency. This plan applies to the Deanship of Information Technology
4. Definitions
Media Material Brochures, pamphlets or other resource tools that can be used to attract positive
Fact Sheet A one page sheet that covers the five “w’s” (what, who, when, why, where) and
how of an event and/or provides a detailed overview that provides readily
available information at a glance.
Media Kit An information package that includes relevant materials that the media will need
to develop a story.
Media Release See News Release.
News Conference A planned gathering of media representing all mediums, with announcements
made by the IMSIU IT. Media kits are usually handed out.
News Release A one-page story, written by a media relations specialist, which contains
information about an event/emergency.
Press Conference See news conference.
5. Communication principles
Communication principles are designed to strategically guide the way in which IMSIU IT communicates
with staff, the community and media during a disaster by addressing questions such as:
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3 Confirm operational status of communication systems with Logistics Section (i.e., phone, cellular,
fax, email, internet…)
4 Confirm internal communication/information processes with incident response team leader.
5 Confirm communication protocols with supporting agencies/organizations.
Gather and confirm facts:
What happened? What was done to prevent/mitigate the situation? What can be done to
1 prevent it from getting worse? Is there any investigation? If so, who is involved? How has the
IMSIU IT been directly impacted? Is the IMSIU IT’s workforce impacted? What level of
damage has been reported?
Determine who is being affected by the event:
2 What do they want/need to know? What are their perceptions? What should the public be
3 Determine anticipated staffing needs for (call center, media center, shifts, etc.).
1 Confirm and brief the media contact person(s).
3 Prepare media packages (fact sheets, FAQ “FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS”, etc.).
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5 Record/track all media enquiries (please refer to section 5.2 here-under for “reporter enquiry
tracking sheet”
6 Provide regular updates for media including briefings, conferences and releases.
3 Start public call monitoring to catch trends; identify rumors and build “Frequently Asked
4 Consider developing and release multi-lingual messaging as necessary.
4 Develop/provide public messaging sheets for frontline personnel (i.e., operators, switchboard,
reception, call Centre, managers).
5 Advise employees that no one is authorized to responding to media enquiries.
3 Establish protocols for release of information including processes for ensuring messages are
7 Monitor news releases, “Frequently Asked Questions” FAQ “FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS” and
other external documents from outside agencies.
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expanded by dividing it into various functional areas. The specific responsibilities of each function and
the number of personnel assigned will need to be clearly defined when the actual needs of the event
are known. The following list provides a general overview of the functions and related responsibilities:
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Public Information:
Ensure that the public within the affected area receives complete, accurate, and consistent
information about life safety procedures, public health advisories, relief and assistance
programs and other vital information.
Ensure that a Toll-Free Public Information Service (hotline or call centre) is established for the
public to access helpful information and advice. Provide the call takers with timely and accurate
messaging sheets so that they offer only confirmed and approved information.
Media Relations:
Serve as the coordination point for all media releases for the IMSIU IT.
Coordinate media releases with officials representing other affected emergency response
Develop the format for press conferences and briefings in conjunction with the IMSIU IT Dean.
Maintain a positive relationship with the media representatives, monitoring all broadcasts and
written articles for accuracy.
Internal Information:
In consultation with IMSIU IT Dean and public relations department, coordinate VIP and visitor
tours of the IMSIU IT facility.
Develop helpful messaging sheets and/or FAQ “FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS” sheets
(frequently asked questions and answers) to ensure consistent and accurate information
sharing amongst IMSIU IT staff.
Maintain a website established for IMSIU IT information, as appropriate.
In general, with respect to the provision of information, the responsibility of the Senior Management is
to support the IMSIU IT Dean and Mass Communication Officer by:
Advising them on any public information or media issues that are brought to their attention
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Providing timely and accurate operational information pertaining to their assigned areas of
Ensuring that the personnel they oversee are familiar with the organization’s expectation
around the release of public information and media statements
7.4 Spokesperson
The IMSIU IT Dean could decide to be the spokesperson or designates an official spokesperson.
Being involved in the development of the message to strengthen confidence and ownership
when speaking
Understanding the events requirements around the release of information
Staying within the scope of his responsibilities, unless authorized to speak for others
Telling the truth and being as open as possible
The IMSIU IT Dean will expect that all response-related information is first verified through the mass
communication officer.
No information should be released to the public without first being reviewed and approved.
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Release of information about the governments support to the Saudi Arabia and disaster
All media/news release shall follow the IMSIU IT’s standard format as per the following media release
[Insert a quote from an official spokesperson demonstrating leadership and concern for those impacted.]
[List information on possible reactions of the public and ways public can help.]
[Provide reference/contact information/website address so that the public can access more
News releases may be distributed by various forms including, fax, email, face-to-face, Internet and
commercial press services. In case more than one release goes out each day, always place the time and
a sequence number on all releases.
Once media news release revised and approved it is sent to the Local and Federal Media Contact List
Depending upon the target audience, it may also be important to include ethnic and/or multi-lingual
media outlets in order to get your message to the appropriate audiences.
News Conferences are generally considered more formal in nature with advanced notice and media
kits being prepared. Media Briefings and opportunities are usually less formal in nature and may be
held in a meeting room or out in the field.
REFER to News Conference/ Media Briefing Planning Checklist found in Section 2.7, for further
Depending upon the location, additional equipment may be required to set-up for a news conference.
This could include staging, sound systems, lights, backdrops and podiums. As necessary, equipment is
available from the following suppliers:
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[Identify the suppliers that have been selected to provide news conference equipment.]
The following are tools to effectively establish and maintain meaningful emergency communication
with the public:
9.2.2 Internet/Website
The IMSIU IT’s website is a great tool in providing information to the public, either directly or through
the media. In order for this to be effective, the information shall always remain current and relevant. A
prominent link shall be created on the main website page (not buried several pages down) and updates
shall be posted daily with disaster-specific information.
9.2.4 Flyers/Newsletters
A printed document provides the public with a source of information that can be kept and referred to
at a later date. It should contain a brief summarization of current or proposed activities, explain the
role of the IMSIU IT, announce new findings, provide precautionary information, and outline other
information relevant to the response or recovery.
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Many of the methods used to inform the public can also be used within the IMSIU IT to advise
employees or volunteers. The following methods shall be deployed;
9.3.2 Intranet
The IMSIU IT’s intranet should be utilized to provide response and recovery information to employees.
The posted information must be easily accessible and kept current in order for it to be utilized
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In addition to the legislated responsibilities to communicate with the government and some of their
agencies, the IMSIU IT shall also maintain a solid working relationship with associated jurisdiction and
key response and recovery agencies and organizations.
When these agencies have a response or supporting role in the emergency, communication protocols
are established.
These stakeholders may be relying on messaging coming from the IMSIU IT Mass Communication
Officer. Many of the methods described earlier can be used to communicate with these stakeholders.
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