Petition For Habeas Corpus
Petition For Habeas Corpus
Petition For Habeas Corpus
- versus -
x ------------------------------------------ x
1. That he is the father of minor Ron Potter, who is presently in the custody of
Tom Riddle, maternal grandfather of Ron, who forcibly abducted him and up
to now denies him of his liberty;
2. That despite demands, Tom Riddle refuses to turn over the custody of Ron
Potter to petitioner.
I, Harry Potter, after being duly sworn in accordance with law, hereby depose and
say that I have caused the preparation of the foregoing petition, the factual allegations of
which are true and of my own personal knowledge and based on authentic records.
I likewise certify that petitioner has not theretofore commenced any other or
similar action or proceeding involving the same issues raised in the above-entitled case
before any Court, tribunal or body, and there is, to the best of my knowledge and
information, no such other or similar action or proceeding pending before any Court,
tribunal or body; and finally, I certify that should it come to my knowledge that any other
or similar action or proceeding has been filed or is pending before any other Court,
tribunal or body, I hereby undertake to notify the court or tribunal taking cognizance of
the above-entitled case of such fact within five (5) days from receipt of such knowledge.
Harry Potter