A Fraction of A Dot: Stumbling Robot
A Fraction of A Dot: Stumbling Robot
A Fraction of A Dot: Stumbling Robot
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Home » Blog » Prove that if n real numbers have product 1, then they have sum greater than n
Prove that if n real numbers have product 1, then they have sum greater than n
Given . Then if
prove that
Proof. We consider two cases: the first one is the case that , and the second is the case that for
at least one in .
Case #1: If , then
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12/11/2019 Prove that if n real numbers have product 1, then they have sum greater than n - Stumbling Robot
Where the final inequality follows since since by assumption. Therefore, the inequality indeed holds
for the case .
Assume then that the inequality holds for some . Then, let with for at least
one . If , then there must be some such that (otherwise, if for all ,
then ). Similarly, if , then there is some such that . Hence, we have a pair,
with one member of the pair greater than 1, and the other less than 1. Without loss of generality (since multiplication and
addition are commutative), let this pair be and . Then, define . So,
Further, since (since one of is greater than 1 and the other is less than 1, so one of
is positive and the other is negative), we have
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inequality sequence an+1 = (an + an-1) / 2 alternative definitions of the norm
(http://www.stumblingrobot.com/2 (http://www.stumblingrobot.com/2 (http://www.stumblingrobot.com/2
015/07/10/prove-a-generalization- 016/03/29/compute-limit-recursive- 016/04/28/prove-properties-two-
of-bernoullis-inequality/) sequence-an1-1-2/) alternative-definitions-norm/)
July 10, 2015 March 29, 2016 April 28, 2016
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