Name: Willy Pratama NIM: 151424006 Study Program: Physics Education
Name: Willy Pratama NIM: 151424006 Study Program: Physics Education
Name: Willy Pratama NIM: 151424006 Study Program: Physics Education
NIM : 151424006
Study Program : Physics education
1.1 Background
n walking, your leg muscles do business. However, if you only hold an object so that the
o"Some of the problem is often more difficult than what it seems" (Young, 2002:164). As you
try to find a new pace arrows released from a bow. You use Newton's laws and all problem-
solving techniques that we've learned, but you are having difficulty. After the archers shooting
arrows, bowstring give varying styles that depend on the position of the arc. As a result, a simple
method that we've learned enough not to its speed. Never fear, there are still other methods to
solve these problems.
The new method that we will soon see the use of ideas and energy work. We will use the concept
of energy to study the physical phenomena that range very widely. We will develop the concept
of work and kinetic energy to understand the general concept of the energy and we'll see how the
conservation of energy appears.
Business 2.1
2.1.1 Definition of Business
What is the difference in the business of everyday life with the physics? In everyday life, the
effort can be interpreted as an activity with exertion, mind, or body to achieve certain goals.
Enterprises can also be interpreted as the work to achieve certain goals.
In physics, understanding the business similar to the business sense in everyday life. Similarity is
in terms of activities with exertion. Business understanding in physics always involves force or
energy. If something (human, animal, or machine) doing business that do business then it should
issue a certain amount of energy to produce movement.
NurAzizah (2007:46) states "effort is the product of the force to the displacement experienced by
earlier styles.
So, if an object is given a stylish yet not experienced displacement object, then the object is said
to attempt to zero ".
For example, a machine doing business when lifting or moving something. Someone carrying
bricks to the second floor of a building has been doing business.
Whe bject is not moving, it is not doing business. Someone who already hold a large stone so it
does not roll down any attempt, even if that person has exerted all his strength to hold the stone.
So, in physics, work related to the motion of an object. When we push or pull objects, we expend
energy. Business that we do look at the displacement of the object.
Force component F sin θ is said to not do business because there is no displacement in the
direction of the component.
Satriawan (2008) concluded as follows.
Of the business equation formula, it can be said that the work done by a force:
a. Directly proportional to the magnitude of the force,
b. Directly proportional to the displacement of the object,
c. Depends on the angle between the direction of the force and the displacement of the object.
If we review our business formula equation more carefully, we get some special circumstances
associated with the direction of the force and the displacement of the object is as follows:
a. If θ = 0, the same style or direction coincides with the direction of displacement of the object
and cos θ = 1, so that the work done by the force F can be expressed:
W = F. s cos θ
W = F. s. 1
b. If θ = 90, then the direction of the force F perpendicular to the direction of displacement of the
object and cos θ = 0, so W = 0. So, if the force F acting on an object and the object moves in the
direction perpendicular to the direction of the force, said the force was not doing business.
c. If θ = 1800, then the direction opposite to the direction of force F and the displacement of the
object value of cos θ = -1, so that W has a negative value. It can be interpreted that style or that it
did not make an effort and do not expend energy objects, but getting energy. An example is an
object that is thrown vertically upward. During the upward moving objects, gravity direction
opposite to the displacement of the object object. It can be said that gravity is a negative thing to
do business.
Another example is an object that is driven on rough surfaces and moving objects as shown in
Figure 2.2. On the thing worked two styles, the force F and the frictional force fk the direction
opposite to the direction of displacement of the object.
If the displacement of the object as far s the force F doing business: W = F. s, while the friction
force fk do business: W = fk. s
d. If s = 0, then the force did not cause objects to move. That means that W = 0. So, although
there are forces acting on an object, but if the object was not moving then, that style was not
doing business.
2.1.3 Business Unit
Satriawan (2008) states that.
In the SI unit of force is the newton (N) and displacement units are meters (m). Thus, a business
unit of the multiplication of the unit of force and displacement units, ie newton meters or joules.
Joule unit Presccott chosen in honor of James Joule (1816 - 1869), a British scientist who is
famous in his research on the concept of heat and energy.
1 joule = 1 Nm
since 1 N = 1 kg. m/s2
then 1 joule = 1 Kg. m/s2 x 1 m
1 joule = 1 Kg. m2/s2
For larger businesses, typically used units of kilo joules (kJ) and mega joules (MJ).
1 kJ = 1000 J
1 MJ = 1,000,000 J
2.2 Energy
Energy plays a very important in the life of this nature. Energy states the ability to conduct
business. A system (human, animal, or object) is said to have energy if you have the ability to do
Energy possessed by, the objects are moving is called the energy of motion or kinetic energy,
while the energy possessed by an object because of the position or state of matter is called
potential energy.
It is known that a stationary object, if obtained through the acceleration a distance s, then finally
speed can be expressed by the equation:
V2 = 2 a. s
If a is replaced with, the above equation becomes:
F. s is the magnitude of the work done by our hand at throwing the ball, while ½ m. V2 is the
amount of energy that got the ball, hereinafter called kinetic energy. Thus, if the kinetic energy
Ek is expressed by the symbol:
Ek = kinetic energy (J)
m = mass (kg)
V = velocity (m / s)
Thus, the kinetic energy of an object that has a mass m and velocity V, is ½ m. V2. Because m is
expressed in units of kg and V in units of m / s, then in units of joules (J).
Because the force F, uniformly accelerated moving objects, so that the relationship applies:
| S = V1. t = ½ a. t2 | (a)
Because V2 = V1 + a. t, then:
| | (B)
So, the work done by a force on an object is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the object.
Satriawan (2008) concluded that.
Businesses can be positive and can also be negative. Therefore, the kinetic energy can also be
positive or negative. So, there are the following two possibilities:
1) If W> 0 then Δ Ek> 0
That means that the work done by a force equal to the addition of the kinetic energy of objects.
2) If W <0 then Δ Ek <0
That means that the work done by a force equal to the reduction in kinetic energy of objects.
Ep = gravitational potential energy (J)
m = mass of object (kg)
g = acceleration due to gravity (ms-2)
h = height of the object of the reference soil (m)
What if the object trajectory is not vertical but tilted upward as shown 2.6? To simplify matters,
we suppose that the appointment of the object through a straight line from A to B.
W = F. s
W = m. g. sin θ. s
So that:
It turns out the same equation obtained existing formulation. Thus, the gravitational potential
energy does not depend on length of the track, but it just depends on the position of the end. It
can be stated also that the gravitational potential energy possessed by an object at a particular
position depends only on the height difference between the position of the object.
Now we consider a body of mass m, initially locaANE ted at point A at a height h from the
reference plane. If the object is released, the object will move vertically downward due to
gravity. To reach point B which height h2 (h2 <h1), gravity of objects perform operations of:
W = m. g (h1 - h2)
m. g. h1 = gravitational potential energy at the position in A (J)
m. g. h2 = gravitational potential energy at the position in B (J)
From the above equation can essentially stated that the work done by a force equal to the weight
of an object is its potential energy reduction.
More briefly, the above statement can be formulated:
3.1 Conclusion
Effort is the product of the force exerted by the displacement experienced by the object. Effort in
SI units are joules (J).
Energy states the ability to perform possessed by moving objects is called kinetic energy, while
the energy possessed by the object due to its position is called potential energy.
Power is the rate of work done per unit time or large businesses. The SI unit of power is the watt
3.2 Advice
For those readers are advised that this paper can serve as a medium of learning in order to
improve understanding of the effort and energy. And for other writers hoped that this paper can
be cultivated in order to refine further papers that have been made previously.
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