S.No - Answers
S.No - Answers
S.No - Answers
2m 12d= 60+12=72 days
68. Convert 2 weeks 5 days into days 1 week=7 days
2weeks=2x7=14 days
Total days=14+5=19 days
69. An angle which is less than 90 is called Acute
70. An angle which is greater than 90 is called Obtuse
71. An angle which is equal to 90 is called Right
72. A triangle which all angle are less than 90 Acute triangle
73. A triangle which one angle greater than 90 is Obtuse triangle
74. A triangle which one angle is equal to 90 is Right triangle
75. A triangle which have 3 equal sides 3 equal Equilateral triangle
angles is called
76. A triangle which have 2 equal sides 2 equal Isosceles triangle
angles is called
77. A triangle which have no equal sides no equal Scalene triangle
angles is called
78. The smallest prime number is 2
79. The largest prime number less than or equal to 97
100 is
80. Even numbers are 2,4,6,…… divided by 2
81. Odd number are 1,3,5…………..
82. Prime number are Having 2 factors divided by itself
83. Describe 3 types of sets 1.finite set 2. Infinite 3. Empty set
84. A set having a single element is called Singleton
85. 2 sets with same elements are called Equal set
86. Write commutative law A+b=b+a
87. What is additive identity 0 is known as the additive identity
88. What is commutative law of multiplication Axb=bxa
89. What is associative law (axb)xc=a(bxc) (2x3)x5=2x(3x5)
90. What factor is factor of every number 1 is a factor of every number
91. What prime number which have only two 1
92. What digit/number is factor of every number 1
93. All prime numbers are ----except-- 2
94. What is algebraic expression The expression in which the numbers or
variables or both are connected by
operational signs are called algebraic
95. What is terms The operational signs separate and
connect the parts of algebraic expression.
These parts are called algebraic terms
96. 2 9=coefficient
Write coefficient, base , exponent 9X
97. What is natural numbers Counting numbers are called natural
98. What is prime numbers A number having exactly two
factors,1 and the
number itself, is
called the prime number,
i.e. 2, 3, 5, 7,
11, 13, 17, 19 …
are all prime numbers.
The set of prime
numbers is denoted
by the capital letter P. P
= {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 17, ...}
99. What is odd number The numbers which are not divisible by 2
are called odd numbers. It can
also be said that the
numbers which are not
multiples of 2 are
odd numbers, i.e. 1,
3, 5, 7.... are all
odd numbers. The set
of odd numbers is
denoted by the
capital letter O. O = {1, 3, 5, 7, ...}
100. What is composite number A number having factors other
than 1 and itself is
called a composite
number or we can
say that the numbers
having more than two
factors are composite
numbers, i.e. 4, 6,
8, 9, 10 … are
all composite numbers
because each of these
numbers has more than
two factors.The set of
composite numbers is
denoted by the
capital letter C. C = {4, 6, 8, 9, 10,
12, 14, ...}
101. What is even number The numbers which are divisible by 2 are
called even numbers. E = {2, 4, 6,
8, ...}
102. What is the relation between HCF and LCM Product of the two numbers = Product of
140. 2. B is subset of A
155. U - B = B’
191. (a + b)2 = a2
+ 2ab + b2
192. (a – b)2 = a2 --
2ab + b2
a2 + b2 =
193. (a-b) (a+b)
194. Literal = Unknowns l, b
195. Constance= Fixed numerical values 1,2,3,
196. Variables= X, y, a, b,
197. Algebraic expression= Combination of constants and variables
connected by fundamental operations
198. Steps of Factorization 1. Rearrange the expression
2. Make their group
3. Factor out of common factor
4. Factor out common expression
199. Normally the word poly means/ used for ---- More than one thing
200. In algebra polynomial represent ------ An algebraic expression containing single
term as well as two or more than two
201. An algebraic expression in which the exponents polynomial
of variables are all whole numbers is called ---
202. A polynomial having one terms is called Monomial
203. The example of monomial is 5,3x, 2ab
204. A polynomial having two terms is called Binomial
205. The example of binomial 6x+a, a-3b
206. A polynomial having three terms is called-- Trinomial
207. The example of trinomial -- X2 +3x+5,
208. Write formula to solve this
209. (x+6) (x+5)-- (x+a) (x+b)=x+(a+b)x+ab
210. Find square (4a+3b)