Supply Chain Management in View of Climate Change: An Overview of Possible Impacts and The Road Ahead
Supply Chain Management in View of Climate Change: An Overview of Possible Impacts and The Road Ahead
Supply Chain Management in View of Climate Change: An Overview of Possible Impacts and The Road Ahead
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All content following this page was uploaded by Thomas K. Dasaklis on 10 January 2014.,
Received: June 2013
Accepted: September 2013
Purpose: The paper aims to provide a general overview of the impacts of climate change upon
supply chains and to analyze the implications of climate change for supply chain management
in terms of strategic and operational planning. A roadmap of fruitful research approaches is
also presented.
Design/methodology/approach: The paper makes use of a general review of the relevant literature
and, based on a systematic categorization of the findings, looks for useful insights towards the
issues of climate change and supply chain management. A framework is drawn for
systematically assessing the impacts of climate change upon supply chains and their
management, while making suggestions for future research.
Findings: Supply chain networks run physical, operational and reputational risks attributed to
climate change. Escalation in regulations, market forces and stakeholders’ pressures are paving
the way for the decarbonization of supply chains with obvious implications for supply chain
management. Supply chain managers should pay special attention to the impacts of climate
change on supply chains and academics should further explore the interrelationships between
climate change and supply chain design and operations.
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Practical implications: The paper provides several insights towards the issues of supply chain
management in view of climate change and may serve as an initial basis for exploring future
research directions by academics. Practitioners, especially those drafting value-creating supply
chain agendas, may also find these insights useful for improving their managerial practices.
Keywords: climate change, impacts of climate change, supply chain design and operations management
1. Introduction
Climate Change has emerged in recent years as one of the most critical topics at almost all
levels of decision making, both private and public. This constitutes a radical change compared
to the common perception only a few years ago. Climate Change, a result of global warming, is
a reality of universal acceptance, affecting in many ways the life of human societies, business
operations and the environment itself (Stern Review, 2006). In fact, businesses have to
perform their climate change-prone operations in a more vigorous and risky environment
where institutional, resource-based, supply chain and stakeholder views are all important to
characterize and understand corporate strategic responses to a sustainability issue (Kolk &
Pinkse, 2007).
According to (Sussman & Freed, 2008) there are three types of climate change risks that can
affect business: risks to core operations, risks to the value chain and, finally, risks that arise
from broader changes in the economy and infrastructure. Moreover, climate change mitigation
and adaptation policies may further affect business operations in a rather indirect way.
Businesses should think of climate change as a market issue as regulations towards climate
change affect, among others, energy prices and availability, thus, creating a ripple effect
throughout their entire value chain (Hoffman & Woody, 2008). In particular, market issues and
relevant market strategies should be taken into consideration when companies draft climate
change policies (Hoffman & Woody, 2008; Kolk & Pinkse, 2005).
Climate change drivers like environmental treaties, shareholders’ value and customers’
changing buying patterns are posing threats and opportunities for businesses and their supply
chain networks (Figure 1). During the last few years leading companies from diverse sectors
have realized the threats and opportunities imposed by climate change and they are taking
action steps towards implementing more robust climate change agendas. Even further, as
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more than three quarters of the Greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions associated with many
industry sectors come from their supply chains, many leading companies are engaging their
suppliers about managing GHG emissions in an effort to drive down emissions beyond their
own operations (EPA Climate Leaders, 2010). Suppliers’ selection methods are starting to
incorporate climate change considerations and the engagement of suppliers for implementing
carbon management strategies for the reduction of their GHG emissions in their supply chains
is becoming almost mandatory (Carbon Disclosure Project, 2011b). It is estimated that
logistics activities will grow by 23% between 2002 and 2020, representing 18% of the
European GHG emissions in 2020 (The Climate Group, 2008). Therefore, decarbonizing of
supply chain networks is of great importance towards climate change mitigation efforts.
Although some authors have investigated issues of supply chain management (SCM) in view of
climate change (Dekker, Bloemhof, & Mallidis, 2012; Halldórsson & Kovács, 2010; Hitchcock,
2012), the literature still remains fragmented along narrow research areas and several
interdependencies between climate change and SCM are not well documented. Moreover, SCM
in view of climate change has been so far seen through the lens of operations management
perspective whereas issues of streamlining complexity across the supply chain have been
poorly studied. As a consequence, from a strategic point of view, it is not clear from the
literature how supply chain networks could be better positioned to capitalize upon changing
climate conditions. This paper provides an overview of the impacts of climate change upon
SCM and it further identifies the implications of climate change for SCM in terms of supply
chain strategic and operational planning. Finally, the paper has been also intended to inspire
future SCM research and challenge academics and researchers to further explore the
interrelationships between climate change and SCM.
Figure 1. Climate Change threats and opportunities for supply chain networks
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The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 surveys the bibliography related to
climate change and SCM. Section 3 deals with the development of an inventory of the stresses
of climate change upon supply chain operations (manufacturing, transportation, warehousing
and storage, wholesale and retail trade and, finally, consumption) in terms of direct (physical)
and indirect (regulatory, market or reputational) risks. Section 4 outlines several implications
of Climate Change for SCM. A roadmap of future research approaches is presented in Section
5. The paper ends with some concluding remarks.
2. Literature review
The literature of climate change and SCM may be classified into two main streams of studies.
The first stream of studies are mostly theoretical and cope with the carbon management
across the supply chain mostly in terms of minimizing total costs by taking into account carbon
emissions parameters or carbon emission trading mechanisms. Carbon considerations are
incorporated into supply chain modeling for decisions like network design, product mix,
selection of modes of transportation, inventory control, suppliers’ selection etc. Some studies
also examine issues of energy efficiency in the logistics sector. The studies of the second
category are more practical and they are closely related to “climate sensitive business” like
agricultural, food or energy intensive (e.g. the automotive industry) sectors and they either
provide assessments of climate change vulnerabilities or build on carbon footprints inventories
for these specific sectors.
For example, the current and future implications of climate change with respect to energy
efficiency for logistics and SCM have been investigated (Halldórsson & Kovács, 2010). Carbon
constraints are being integrated into modeling development for various supply chain decisions
like network design (Chaabane, Ramudhin, Kharoune, & Paquet, 2011; Chaabane, Ramudhin,
& Paquet, 2010; Elhedhli & Merrick, 2012; Ramudhin, Chaabane, & Paquet, 2010),
transportation planning (Sadegheih, Drake, Li, & Sribenjachot, 2011), the selection of different
modes of transportation (Hoen, Tan, Fransoo, & van Houtum, 2012) and inventory control
(Hua, Cheng, & Wang, 2011). Optimal product mix and production quantities in the presence
of several different types of environmental constraints including emissions (Letmathe &
Balakrishnan, 2005) or issues of carbon labeling of products (McKinnon, 2010) have also been
studied. Carbon aspects are also being incorporated into supply chain decisions like
procurement and suppliers’ selection (Hsu, Kuo, Chen, & Hu, 2011; Shaw, Shankar, Yadav, &
Thakur, 2012). In addition, aspects of suppliers’ engagement towards disclosing climate
change information have also been studied (Jira & Toffel, 2011). More holistic approaches
examine the carbon footprint across supply chains (Sundarakani, De Souza, Goh, Wagner, &
Manikandan, 2010) or incorporate carbon parameters in operational decision-making with
regard to procurement, production, and inventory management (Benjaafar, Li, & Daskin,
2013). Other studies examine the environmental impacts of both online and conventional retail
supply chains and they further examine the methodological issues associated with carbon
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auditing of these retail channels (Edwards, McKinnon, & Cullinane, 2011). Finally, some trade-
off frameworks have also been developed between carbon emissions and logistics aspects like
costs or performance (Abdallah, Farhat, Diabat, & Kennedy, 2011; Alves Jr, MacIel, Lim,
Magnani, & Arcoverde Jr, 2011; Harris, Naim, Palmer, Potter, & Mumford, 2011; Jaegler &
Burlat, 2012; Kim, Janic, & Van Wee, 2009; Winebrake, Corbett, Falzarano, Hawker,
Korfmacher, Ketha et al., 2008).
The second stream of studies copes with the psychical impacts (temperature variations,
extreme weather patterns etc) of climate change upon crops and food production or with the
development of carbon footprint inventories for specific sectors. As climate change is
extremely context-specific, same sectors may be influenced differently according to their
latitude (Jones, White, Cooper, & Storchmann, 2005). Climate sensitive business like
agriculture or food production and supply may be affected at a large scale (Haverkort &
Verhagen, 2008). More specifically, assessments of the impact of climate change have been
carried out for a plethora of cases like timber (Peltola, Ikonen, Gregow, Strandman,
Kilpeläinen, Venäläinen et al., 2010), coffee (Gay, Estrada, Conde, Eakin, & Villers, 2006;
Laderach, Lundy, Jarvis, Ramirez, Portilla, Schepp et al. 2011) and rice production (Hasan,
2010). Integrated approaches assessing the carbon footprint of specific sectors have also been
carried out. For example, the life-cycle assessment methodology has been applied in order to
determine the carbon footprint of different players involved in a supply chain of the textile
sector (Bevilacqua, Ciarapica, Giacchetta, & Marchetti, 2011). Issues of carbon footprint within
the context of automobile supply chain have been examined (Lee, 2011, 2012) whereas an
attempt has been made to project the carbon intensity of road freight transportation up to
2020 (Piecyk & McKinnon, 2010). The approaches of the waste management sector to
measure, report and verify its carbon footprint have been explored (Turner, Kemp, & Williams,
2011). A comparative assessment of competing supply chains in the case of three European
countries in terms of carbon emissions and energy consumption has been presented (Rizet,
Browne, Cornelis, & Leonardi, 2012). Finally, other studies cope with the complexity of the
climate change and globalization challenge of the fresh produce supply chain where issues of
microbiological food safety are examined (Jacxsens, Luning, van der Vorst, Devlieghere,
Leemans & Uyttendaele, 2010; Tirado, Clarke, Jaykus, McQuatters-Gollop, & Frank, 2010).
Each link in a supply chain, while adding value to the product as it moves through it,
contributes to environmental degradation, particularly climate degradation, through GHG
releases. In turn, each link of the supply chain is subjected to risks and opportunities due to
climate change in the form of extreme events and other phenomena such as flooding or high
winds, higher frequency of hot summers, desertification, sea level rise, hurricanes,
temperature changes, changes in local weather patterns, increase in storm intensity and
frequency, water shortages, spread of diseases etc. Therefore, climate change and supply
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chain operations are mutually affected. Examples of possible climate change impacts to
different links in the supply chain are summarized in Table 1.
Consumption and • need for improved product design aiming at the elimination of packaging material and the
Customer Service enhancement of product durability, reusability, recyclability, and materials efficiency
3.1. Manufacturing
The CDP report for 2011 (Carbon Disclosure Project, 2011a) provides valuable information
about climate change impacts to different sectors and sub-sectors. Different sectors are
affected in many ways by climate change, some of which are common, like extreme weather
events. Manufacturing processes are subject to a wide range of regulation with regard to
carbon emissions and there is likely to be more to come. For example, the automotive industry
needs to keep abreast of changes in the regulatory landscape in areas such as fuel efficiency
standards, environmental taxes and biofuels targets. The Energy sector is faced with risks due
to the uncertainty of future changes in post-Kyoto regulation, including increased costs
attributed to the introduction of carbon taxes. In the Pharmaceuticals sector, inputs to
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production may be affected due to the loss of biodiversity or water scarcity which will
eventually cause disruption of manufacturing processes. Extreme weather conditions could
affect many operations of the Utility sector (e.g. transmission cables impacted by higher
temperatures and greater electricity use during extreme heat). The proximity of energy
generating plants may be subject to disruptions as their proximity to water renders them
vulnerable to storm surges and rises in sea level. The Materials’ sector is vulnerable to
precipitation patterns and water availability. Shortages of water could increase operational
costs and could lead to increased competition for water between local communities and the
operations sites. More heavy rains over shorter periods could cause flooding in transport
infrastructures, disrupting roads so the delivery of products is compromised. Changing fuel
regulations and carbon taxes may lead to financial penalties and loss of demand for products
of the Consumer Discretionary’s sector. Additionally, sourcing materials may become more
difficult resulting in price rises and resource constraints. The Industrials sector is vulnerable to
physical risks, such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels, because the latter could
cause production factories to shut down. It is obvious that all the aforementioned sectors run
regulatory risks and potential reputational losses.
3.2. Transportation
Transportation, like production, is one of the major contributors to the global warming effect
and, certainly, an important factor for energy efficiency in the supply chain (Halldórsson &
Kovács, 2010). It is through movement, at least in most modes of material transportation,
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fuels, particularly fossil fuels, get directly used and pollutants, including GHG, are released into
the atmosphere. In other modes of transportation (e.g. liquids transported by means of
pipelines) fuels are indirectly used, in direct (first-tier) and all other suppliers further up the
supply chain (e.g. for pipeline construction). Some studies reveal the potential improvement in
terms of reducing GHG emissions in transportation, especially CO2 emissions, when the
consolidation of freight between supply chains, namely pooling supply networks or supply
chains, is applied (Pan, Ballot, & Fontane, 2010).
The effects of climate change on transport operations due to global warming are serious and
may become severe. Indeed, extreme weather events may have very costly and even
catastrophic implications in all kinds of material’s movement. For example, extreme weather
events may trigger adjustments to speed factors and therefore influencing travel speeds
(Maoh, Kanaroglou & Woudsma, 2008). As pointed out in (Sussman & Freed, 2008), a general
increase in temperature and a higher frequency of hot summers are likely to result in an
increase in buckled rails and rutted roads, which involve substantial disruption and repair
costs. A comprehensive list of climate change impacts on transport and corresponding actions
required in order to cope with them can be found in (Humphrey, 2008).
Warehousing and storage are activities that typically appear in all supply chains, closely
connected with distribution. They have their share in the global warming effect, either as direct
or indirect contributors. Large quantities of product sitting idle in a warehouse might seem
minimally polluting, but warehouses often take up valuable land and consume resources, even
in a static state (White, 2007). They are large building footprints absorbing and reflecting heat,
and facilities that consume large amounts of energy to operate and control climate. Also,
warehouses can be sources of other pollutants because they often handle hazardous materials,
and there is a trade-off between the marginal release of pollutants and the output handling of
hazardous materials. Improving throughput, reducing the amount of idle inventory taking up
space and more efficient use of space can have a significant impact on environmental issues
associated with storage, although idle inventory and resources may actually be greener.
Regarding wholesale and retail trade, they both use infrastructure, equipment and processes,
which are vulnerable to climate change risks. Trade is synonymous to supply, which, implies
use of inventory facilities (buildings, material handling equipment etc), material movement and
transport facilities and infrastructure (e.g. ports, highways, trucks, trains etc), personnel,
communications, etc. All these may be hit by extreme weather events due to climate change.
According to the (Carbon Disclosure Project, 2011a), the Food Retailing sector runs
reputational risk as its visibility in the market and the increasing transparency of its
operations, combined with NGO power, drives companies to source more sustainable materials.
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In addition, new regulations for product labeling could increase the costs associated with
producing consumer goods. In order these increases be absorbed, the retail sector would have
to increase the price of the products, causing reduction to demand for these products.
The output of the supply chain finally reaches the consumer. The product is consumed, and
everything around the consumption is wasted (White, 2007), with obvious impacts generally in
the environment and, specifically, in global warming. Automotive industry is a very typical
example of the severity of a sector’s products in terms of GHG emissions during the utilization
phase. It is estimated that while about 10 % of the lifetime GHG emissions from a vehicle
occur during its production phase the remaining 90 % is emitted while customers are using it
(Ford, 2005). According to several studies, products and packaging are associated with a large
share of greenhouse gas emissions and this share is even bigger when products are imported
and not produced inland (Product Policy Institute, 2009).
One important parameter affecting the relation between climate change and supply chain
operations is Technology in its three dimensions, materials, production methods and
management. The implementation of new Information and Communications Technology
strategies (ICT) in particular could assist in the decarbonization of many processes. In the
case, for example, of freight transportation, ICT may increase capacity utilization and,
therefore, lead to reductions in energy usage (Nash, Weidmann, & Luethi, 2009). It can also
enhance the reporting capabilities of big corporations willing to disclose information regarding
the emissions of their entire value chain through the usage of sustainability software and
enhance the visibility of GHG emissions across supply chains (Carbon Disclosure Project,
Generally, ICT industry presents several opportunities for replacing goods and services with
virtual equivalents. ICT industry also provides the means of technological innovation in order
to enable energy efficiency and CO2 reductions across several sectors such as transport,
buildings, power and industry. Dematerialization, smart motor systems, smart logistics, smart
buildings and smart grids are the opportunities by which ICT could reduce emissions across the
aforementioned sectors. For example, Smart logistics systems consist of a range of software
and hardware tools that monitor, optimize and manage operations and they are utilized for the
design of transportation networks, the efficient management of centralized distribution
networks, intermodal load shifts, eco-driving etc. The adoption of such technologies reduces
storage space for inventory, fuel consumption, total kilometers driven and the frequency of
vehicles traveling empty or partially loaded. ICT can make a major contribution to the global
response to climate change, reducing up to 15% the emissions of Business-As-Usual in 2020,
yielding at the same time significant energy and fuel savings (The Climate Group, 2008).
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Climate change and its impacts force businesses to compete in an environment even more
volatile than until recently. Customers are already seeking for high quality products and
services at low prices which embed environmental concerns like carbon footprint and energy
efficiency (Song & Lee, 2010). Companies failing to incorporate this message into their own
supply chain strategy or unwilling to address climate change issues will be eventually
“punished” by environmentally-sensitive customers. Furthermore, given the fact that “supply
chains compete, not companies” (Christopher, 1998) it is more than obvious that SCM will play
a crucial role on meeting new customers’ requirements in view of climate change and it is the
appropriate supply chain strategy that will enable a firm to fully take advantages of the
opportunities of climate change while minimizing threats. In the low carbon era we have
entered, it seems that low carbon SCM will be the driver for enhancing competence (Yang &
Zhang, 2011). Regulatory, physical and market drivers stemming from climate change create
threats and opportunities for supply chains. Consequently, several implications for supply chain
strategic and operational management must be adequately addressed (Figure 2).
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Climate change stresses add uncertainty to supply chain networks, especially for globalized ones
operating across continents. According to (McKinnon, 2009), the centralization of inventory
experienced during the past 40 years has increased the vulnerability of supply chains to extreme
weather patterns like flooding. Therefore, climate change hazards should be taken into
consideration during the design phase of supply chain networks in order to protect them from
disruptions and vulnerabilities to both physical and regulatory risks. With respect to the strategic
level, five clusters of implications could be identified: facility location, product design,
transportation and distribution, sourcing and supply chain network configuration. Table 2
presents important climate change implications for the different aspects of supply chain design.
With respect to supply chain configuration, lean, agile and leagile paradigms have been proposed
to be the most prevalent paradigms under which supply chains may be configured and operate
(Ben Naylor, Naim, & Berry, 1999; Christopher, 2000; Mason-Jones, Naylor, & Towill, 2000). The
answer to the question “which one of the three paradigms is more environmental friendly, and,
furthermore, accounts for fewer emissions” is not straightforward. For example, there is no
scientific consensus so far whether the lean paradigm is green (King & Lenox, 2001; Rothenberg,
Pil, & Maxwell, 2001). It is also hard to define which paradigm is more vulnerable to climate
change stresses. Each paradigm has its own characteristics and therefore different exposure
levers to climate change hazards may apply. Therefore, in view of climate change, all three
paradigms are subject to pressures as the configuration of their building blocks necessitates a
pre-determined level of both synchronization and alignment, while aspects of coordination,
collaboration and information sharing may also arise. Although the configuration of supply chains
may not undergo changes at a great scale as a result of climate change, adjustments should be
made which could reduce vulnerabilities while offering a competitive advantage. These
adjustments stem from the different level of vulnerability their building blocks present to climate
change hazards. Certain supply chain configurations, that will have the capacity of absorbing any
negative effects attributed to climate change, could create a competitive advantage.
Aspects of
supply chain Climate change implications
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Aspects of
supply chain Climate change implications
• need for efficient carbon management by partners across the entire supply chain (Carbon
Disclosure Project, 2011a)
• new or different criteria for the selection of sourcing agents (low carbon constraints, effective
carbon emissions management and exposure of suppliers to physical hazards) and 3PL providers
(Fei & Houyuan, 2010)
• changes of buyers' negotiating power over suppliers (cost, quality and lead time should be
complemented by emissions)
• suppliers having to put in place well-established carbon auditing frameworks (Carbon Disclosure
Project, 2011b)
• proximity to suppliers and “near sourcing” becoming key-sourcing drivers (Capgemini, 2011)
• considerations regarding natural resources and their availability, quality and price
• reinforcement of shifting or diversifying sourcing locations strategies (PricewaterhouseCoopers,
• incorporation of carbon considerations into contract management
• emissions reduction forcing total miles driven and number of nodes downwards
• higher consolidation of nodes and more consolidated and aggregated shipments (Global
Commerce Initiative & Capgemini, 2008)
• new drivers for selecting modes of transportation and distribution considering with vehicles’
technology, the utilization of low carbon fuels, the usage of lightweight materials, aerodynamics,
infrastructure quality (regarding rolling resistance), broader adoption of ICT solutions for route
optimization (The Climate Group, 2008) and capacity planning etc
• switches between the usage of energy and less energy intensive transportation modes
(Winebrake et al., 2008)
• new approaches of delivering products to customers (neighborhood delivery) or transporting
products (collaborative transportation management) (Global Commerce Initiative & Capgemini,
• transportation assets placed in locations where vulnerability assessments have been carried out
(physical hazards)
• evaluation of alternative scenarios for product design using GHG inventories involving alternative
materials, sources of purchasing, production processes, parameters affecting better handling and
Product storage of products and packaging options or more light weight materials) (EPA Climate Leaders,
design 2010; World Resources Institute & World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 2011)
• wider adoption of End-to-End approaches like the embedded emissions of a product’s parts
throughout its life cycle during the bill of materials phase (Song & Lee, 2010)
• coordination, alignment, collaboration and information issue having to be revisited (efficient
carbon management will be an additional driver and responsibilities, regarding GHG emissions,
among partners will have to be redefined)
• aspects of centralized versus decentralized supply chain networks to be reconsidered
Supply chain • agile supply chains forced to find alternative ways of fulfilling emergency orders in terms of
configuration reduced carbon emissions
• Just-in-Time systems having to be revisited as their need for frequent deliveries contradicts
carbon emissions reductions targets
• vulnerabilities of leagile supply chains needing further examination (positioning of the decoupling
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As shown in Figure 2, climate change stresses will affect supply chains also at the operations
management level. Physical hazards like extreme weather patterns will ultimately affect
routing and scheduling programs, inventory planning and control, material requirements
planning, production scheduling, etc. As a consequence, mid-term planning regarding the
aforementioned schedules and programs may require more frequent revisions as a result of
particular climate change impacts. Generally, at the operational level, supply chains might be
faced with increased disruption risks attributed to climate change and increased insurance
Climate change poses significant risks to supply chain continuity. Many recent events have
particularly demonstrated how vulnerable supply chain operations are to extreme weather
patterns. For example, the recent flooding in Thailand has caused a tremendous shortfall for
hard disks, affecting finished products and prices across several industrial sectors . Disruptions
threaten the continuity of products’ flow across the various agents within supply chain
networks. Lack of inventory, carrier delays, transport congestion, and volatility of costs are
among the basic impacts of disruptions (Gurning, Cahoon, Nguyen & Achmadi, 2011).
Apart from disruptions, supply chains are likely to experience higher insurance costs attributed
to climate change hazards. The financial impact of extreme weather events caused by climate
change may be eased by the insurance industry, with claims related to natural catastrophes
rising enormously during the last few years (Mills, 2009). All the assets across a supply chain
as well as shipments of raw materials and finished products are vulnerable to extreme weather
patterns. As a consequence, extended insurance practices should be adopted by firms in order
to protect all the assets and movements across the supply chain. Climate change might also
affect the so-called liability insurance risks. Insurers are faced with such risks from claims of
third-parties who allege injury or property damage that may be the fault of the insured (Ross,
Mills & Hecht, 2007). Extreme weather events along with the fact that big corporations are
progressively adopting global sourcing practices will result to higher liability risks. Such risks
present a new field of controversy among supply chain partners where responsibilities of each
partner will also have to be redefined. Liability risks might also trigger slight changes to supply
chain contracts and third-party logistics providers are likely to be affected as well.
Even if business manages to reduce its carbon emissions in the near future, it will still
experience in the long term serious impacts attributed to climate change. Therefore,
businesses should draft adaptation policies towards ameliorating the negative effects of climate
change while seizing new opportunities. Several decision making frameworks for adaptation to
climate change have already been developed (Australian Greenhouse Office, 2005; Willows &
Connell, 2003) intended for local governments and business support. These could be used as
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an initial basis for the development of robust adaptation frameworks in the case of supply
chain networks as well. Generally, future research attempts regarding supply chain adaptation
to climate change should give priority to the development of decision making frameworks
based on both impact and vulnerability assessments and the study of relevant issues. Such
assessments could identify several aspects of climate change risks like the nature of
disruptions attributed to climate change and the climate change vulnerability at several tiers
across the entire supply chain. The interested reader is referred to (Füssel & Klein, 2006) for
further information regarding the concepts of climate change vulnerability, adaptation etc. A
roadmap of future research approaches regarding climate change and SCM is presented in
Table 3.
Developing robust adaptation frameworks for supply chains will also necessitate a better
understanding of several issues like logistics managers’ perception and awareness for climate
change, the set of organizational, structural, institutional and financial barriers impeding the
implementation of adaptation practises, any challenges of actually implementing adaptation
practices and relevant costs, and the scalability of the adaptation approach. Other interesting
fields for research could be the study of coordination aspects of supply chains in view of
climate change and especially the relationships between suppliers and buyers and how carbon
management affects aspects of coordination and alignment among them. Finally, more robust
trade-off frameworks should be developed where certain performance metrics (cost, lead time,
quality, service level and carbon) would be weighted out in such a way that a certain level of
efficiency and responsiveness is maintained across the entire supply chain.
Logistical determinants Methodological frameworks Objectives
• prescriptive approaches
• de-localisation of
Supply chain production • accrued benefits from
• descriptive approaches
configuration • trade-off approaches diversification of globalized
• consolidation of nodes due networks
• exploratory
to policy regulation
researches/case studies
• efficiency and responsiveness
• decoupling maintained across the supply chain
point/postponement • exploratory • reconfiguration of supply chain
strategies researches/case studies networks
• product perspectives • achieving robustness and
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Logistical determinants Methodological frameworks Objectives
• aspects of suppliers’
• establishment of • tracing of enablers and inhibitors
• game theory
incentives among supply for efficient carbon management
• cost-benefit analysis
chain partners for • drafting win-win sourcing agendas
• comparative analysis
efficiently managing • possible shift of costs
• surveys/interviews
carbon • capturing volatility of markets
Cross- • exploratory
• climate change-related • market and economic
functional researches/case studies
aspects embodied within diversification
• liability insurance risks
• sharing of information
etc) • understanding impediments to
(carbon accounting
adapting to climate change
systems) • surveys/interviews
• efficient emissions auditing
• Information Technology • exploratory
• using climate change stimuli for
and its role towards researches/case studies
leveraging global supply chains
managing carbon or • conceptual theory
• theoretical foundation of SCM
ameliorating the impacts
of climate change hazards
• clarification of overarching
• defining and prohibiting causal
• internal and external
linkages in the supply chain
functional co-ordination • empirical research
leading to possible misalignment
• collaborative innovation • case studies
• assessing coordination and
and alignment (when • exploratory researches
integration discrepancies
Alignment, drafting climate change • conceptual theory
stemming from climate change
coordination, agendas)
• upgrading cooperation to
and control
• benchmarking/best • best adaptation practices (reactive
practices or proactive)
• supply chain integration • comparative assessments • cross-boundary synergy effects
• conceptual theory and value creation/sharing
• case studies (vertical and horizontal)
• conceptual theory
• performance • long-term economic performance
• case studies
6. Concluding remarks
Serious physical and, consequently, economic and market risks threaten the business world as
a result of climate change. Such threats vary across different sectors, although some
opportunities may also appear. Extreme natural events and other phenomena related to global
warming may damage industrial plants and commercial premises, disrupt operations, dislocate
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plants and customers, reduce purchasing power and decrease consumer demand, deplete
agriculture resources etc. Climate change mitigation and adaptation policies have also come
into force. Such policies as, for example, in the case of emissions reduction, while aiming at
reducing and finally eliminating climate change risks, may adversely affect business
operations. Therefore, businesses have to strive, apart from their pure economic objectives,
for compliance with environmental restrictions and international accords, for investments in
new technologies less harmful for the environment or yielding lower carbon emissions and for
meeting demands of customers’ market for more environmental friendly products and services.
In this paper an attempt to explore the interrelationships between climate change and supply
chain operations, particularly the impacts of the former to the latter, has been made. Potential
impacts of climate change upon specific operations along the supply chain were identified and
implications of climate change drivers for supply chain strategic and operational decision
making were explored. The conceptual background presented in this paper may serve as an
initial basis for future research attempts challenging academics and researchers to further
explore the interrelationships between climate change and SCM.
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