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MATH142 Engineering Data Analysis

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Name: _________________________________ Score

Program & Year: ____________ Section: _____ DATA ANALYSIS
Student No.: ______________ Seat No.: ______ PROBLEM SET
Signature: ________________ Date: _________ PS2.6

Direction: Solve the following problems in the space provided.

On-Time Performance by Airlines. According to the Education Level and Health Insurance. A
Bureau of Transportation statistics, on-time researcher wishes to see if the number of adults who
performance by the airlines is described as follows: do not have health insurance is equally distributed
Action % of Time among three categories (less than 12 years of
On time 70.8 education, 12 years of education, more than 12 years
National Aviation System 8.2 of education). A sample of 60 adults who do not have
Delay health insurance is selected, and the results are
Aircraft Arriving Late 9.0 shown. At =0.05 can it be concluded that the
Other (because of weather 12.0 frequencies are not equal? Use the P-value method.
and other conditions) If the null hypothesis is rejected, give a possible
Records of 200 flights for a major airline company reason for this.
showed that 125 planes were on time, 40 were
delayed because of weather, 10 because of a Category Less than 12 years More than
National Aviation System delay, and the rest 12 years 12 years
because of arriving late. At  =0.05, do these results Frequency 29 20 11
differ from the government’s statistics?

Blood Types. Human blood is grouped into four

types: A, B, AB, and O. The percentages of
Americans with each type are as follows: O, 43%; A,
40%; B, 12%; and AB, 5%. At a recent blood drive at
a large university, the donors were classified as
shown below. At the 0.05 level of significance, is
there sufficient evidence to conclude that the
proportions differ from those stated above?
60 65 15 10
Endangered or Threatened Species. Can you Women in the Military This table lists the numbers of
conclude a relationship between the class of officers and enlisted personnel for women in the
vertebrate and whether it is endangered or military. At  = 0.05, is there sufficient evidence to
threatened? Use the 0.05 level of significance. Is conclude that a relationship exists between rank and
there a different result for the 0.01 level of branch of the Armed Forces?

Movie Rental and Age A study is being conducted to

determine whether the age of the customer is related
to the type of movie he or she rents. A sample of
renters gives the data shown here. At  = 0.10, is the
type of movie selected related to the customer’s age?

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