Design of CC Pavement For Low Volume Roads As Per IRC SP:62-2014
Design of CC Pavement For Low Volume Roads As Per IRC SP:62-2014
Design of CC Pavement For Low Volume Roads As Per IRC SP:62-2014
µ = Poisson's ratio for concrete
µ = 0.15
E = Modulus of elasticity for concrete, MPa
k = From table 1 "k" value corresponding to CBR 4%
= 35 Mpa/m
k = Modulus of subgrade reaction of the pavement MPa/ m
k = foundation,
42 MPa/ m
E = 30000 Mpa
k = Effective "k" value
= 1.2*k
k = 50.4 Mpa
Concrete Strength
fck = 28 days Charcterstic compressive strength
fck = 30 Mpa
ft = 28 days flexural strength Mpa
= 0.7*fc^0.5 Mpa
ft = 90 days flexural strength Mpa
= 1.1*(28 days flexural strength) Mpa
ft(90 days) = 4.22 Mpa
h = pavement slab thickness, mm
h = 170
l = Radius of reletive stiffness mm mm
l = mm
l = {(30000)*170^3/12(1-0.15^2)*42}^(0.25)
l = 739.57 mm
P = Dual wheel Load,
P = 50000 N
P/2 = 25000 N
p = Tyre Pressure Mpa
p = 0.8 Mpa
Sd = Spacing between the centres of dual wheel mm
Sd = 310 mm
a = radius of the equivalent circular area in mm mm
a =
a = {(Sqrt(0.8521*25000/(0.8*3.14*)
a = 180.61 mm
σe = 0.803*50000/170^2+4Log(739.57/180.61)+0.666*(180.6 Mpa
σe 3.581
= Mpa
µ = Poisson's ratio for concrete
µ = 0.15
E = Modulus of elasticity for concrete, MPa
k = Modulus of subgrade reaction of the pavement MPa/ m
k = foundation,
42 MPa/ m
E = 30000 Mpa
h = pavement slab thickness, mm
l = Radius of reletive stiffness mm mm
l = 739.57 mm
L = Spacing of joints mm
L = 3000 mm
L/l = 4.06
C = 0.456799999999999
C = 0.4568
σe = Temparature stress in edge region Mpa
(Stess due to linear temp gradient accros depth of slab)
σe = EαtC/2 (Bradburys eqution) Mpa
α = Coefficent of thermal expansion
α = 10*10^-6
t = Temparature differential(0C)in Slab thickness
= From table 3.1-for Traffic(50-150CVPD 0.667 of table
C = Coefficent depend on l and radious of relative Stiffness
= 16.1 (0C)
σe = Curling stress due to linear part
= 30000*(0.667*16.1)*10.0*10^-6*0.4568/2.
= 0.736 Mpa
σe = Edge curling stress by Bradbury's
eq due to Non linear part(day time) Table 1.1
= 0.411 Mpa
Net σe = (0.736-0.411)
= 0.325 Mpa
TOTAL STRESS = Edge stress + Temarature stress
= (3.581+0.325)
= 3.906 Mpa
Since the total stress induced in CC pavement slab (3.906 Mpa) is less than the
allowable stress of M30 grade concrete (4.22 Mpa). The design is safe
Hence adopt 170mm thick CC pavement for traffic up to 50CVPD under the
75 mm thick compacted WBM Gr III over 100mm granular sub base made up of gravel moorum or river
bed material with CBR not less than 3 % LL<25%,PI <6%(Clause of SP:62-2014)
1 42 150
0.8 3000 3.581 0.325 3.906
Tyre PressuJoint space Edge StressTemp Total t