Indian Standard: Application Guide For Voltage Transformers
Indian Standard: Application Guide For Voltage Transformers
Indian Standard: Application Guide For Voltage Transformers
UDC 621. 314. 222(026) (Reaffirmed 2013)
(Reaffirmed 2012)
(Reaffirmed 2011)
(Reaffirmed 2010)
(Reaffirmed 2009)
Copyright 1983
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
IS: 4146 - 1983
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
Instrument Transformers Sectional Committee, ETDC 34
Chairman Representing
SHRI J. S. NEOI Jyoti Ltd, Vadodara
SHRI V.B. DESAI ( Alternate to
Shri 1. S. Negi )
SHRI C. D. BAOUL Siemens India Ltd, Bombay
SHRI S, M. KELKAR ( Alternate)
SHRI A. K. BARMAN The Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation Ltd,
SHRI V. K BATRA National Physical Laboratory ( CSIR ), New Delhi
SHiH V, N. SHARMA ( Alternate)
SHRI A. C. BEDEKAR Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, Jabalpur
SHRI 1. J. DARUWALA All India Instruments Manufacturers and Dealers'
Association, Bombay
SHRI C. P. Sooo ( Alternate I )
SHRI O . P. PURl ( Alternate II )
SHRI P. S. DESHMUKH ' Maharashtra State Electricity Board, Bombay
SHRI S. G. KASHI ( Alternate)
D IRE C TOR (PROTECTION & Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi
( Alternate)
SHRI N. D . GAOOlL Gujarat Electricity Board , Vadodara
SHRI K. L. GARO Inspection Wing, Directorate General of Supplies &
Disposals, New Delhi
SHRI R. P. SEHOAL ( Alternate)
SHRI S. D. JINSIWALE Silkaans, Bombay
SHRI S. R, ALURKAR ( Alternate)
JOINT DIRECTOR ( TI )-2 Research Designs & Standards Organization,
DEPUTY DIRECTOR ( T-I )-3 ( Alternate)
( Continued on page 2 )
Members Representing
SHIH R. N. KHARSHINGKAR Tata Consulting Engineers, Bombay
SHIH R. C. BMPAI ( Alternate)
SmH S. K. LAMB A Voltas Ltd, Thane
SHRI E. J. MAHABLESHWARWALLA The Bombay Electric Supply and Transport Under-
taking, Bombay
SHRI K. C. MOHANRAJ ( Alternate)
SIlRI M. B. MEHTA Tata Hydro-Electric Power Supply Co Ltd, Bombay
SHRI S. DORAlSWAMY ( Alternare )
S1IIH V. V. MooG! Crompton Greaves Ltd, Bombay
SURI A. K. GOVIL ( Alternate)
SIIR) R. NATARAJAN Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
( ELECTRICAL )-1 ( Alternate)
SHRI N. NATH The English Electric Co of India Ltd, Madras
SHRI P. U. PATWARDHAN Prayog Electricals Pvt Ltd, Bombay
SHRI A. V. NARKE ( Alternate)
SHRI O. P. PUln Automatic Electric Ltd, Bombay
SHIH S. V. KARKHANIS ( Alternate)
SHRI P. S. SATNAM Punjab State Electricity Board, Patiala
~HRI B. S. SHARMA V.P. State Electricity Board, Lucknow
SHRI D. SURYANARAYANA Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, New Delhi
SHIH A. V. SOMAN ( Alternate I )
SHRI H. S. VALIA (Alternate II)
SHIH N. THYAGARAJAN Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Madras
( Alternate)
SHIH J. M. UDiA Directorate General of Technical Development,
New Delhi
SHIH B. K. VENKATESH Karnataka ElectricitY Board, Bangalore
SHIH S. P. SACHDEV, Director General, BIS (Ex-officio Member)
Director ( Elec tech)
Assistant Director ( Elec tech ), BIS
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
IS: 4146 - 1983
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
o. FOR E W 0 R D
0.1 This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted 'by the Indian
Standards Institution on 24 May 1983, after the draft finalized by the
Instrument Transformers Sectional Committee had been approved by the
Electrotechnical Division Council.
0.2 This application guide is divided into four sections, Section 1 deals
with general requirements regarding application of voltage transformers
while Sections 2, 3 and 4 deal with special requirements regarding applica-
tion of voltage transformers for use with measuring instruments and meters,
with protective devices and for dual purpose (measurement and protection
both) respectively.
0.3 This standard is closely associated with and hence should be read
along with IS:3156 (Part 1 )-1978*, IS:3156 (Part 2 )-1978t, and IS:3156
(Part 3 )-1978:1:.
0.4 This standard was first published in 1967. The revision of this standard
has been undertaken to align it with the revised versions of voltage
transformers (IS: 3156) and to incorporate the developments that have
taken place since the first publication of the guide in 19(j7..
0;5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this
standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing
the result of a test, shall be rounded off in ac<;ordance with IS: 2-1960§.
The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should
be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
*Specification for voltage transformers: Part 1 General requirements ( first revision ).
tSpecification for voltage trallsformers: Part 2 Measuring voltage transformers
( first revision).
tSpecification for voltage transformers: Part 3 Protective voltage transformers
( first revision ).
§Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ).
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 4146 - 1983
1.1 This guide covers application of voltage transformers for use with
both electrical measuring instruments and meters (measuring voltage
transformer) and electrical protective devices including broken delta
voltage transformers for the application of directional earthfault protection
( protective voltage transformers). Reference has also been made to the
use of voltage transformer for the dual purpose of measurement and
1.2 This guide does not cover application of capacitor voltage transformers
and phase shifting voltage transformers.
2.1 For the purposes of this guide, ·the definitions given in IS: 3156
(Part 1 )-1978*, IS:3156 (Part 2)-1978t and IS:3156 (Part 3)-1978+,
shall apply.
• 'fhe insulation level of the voltage transformer should be coordi-
rJ~.I!Gwith that of the other apparatus on the system and should be
(,ne of the standard levels given in Tables 3 and 4 of IS: 3156 (Part 1)-1978·
corresponding torated voltages. In selecting insulation level of the voltage
.Specification for voltage transformers: Part 1 General requirements ( first revision ).
tSpecification for voltage transformers: Part 2 Measuring voltage transformers
(first revision ).
tSpecification for voltage transformers: Part 3 Protective voltage ( first revision ).
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 4146 - 1983
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
IS: 41-&6 - 1983
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
IS: 4146 - 1983
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 4146 - 1983
6.1 The rated burden of a voltage transformer is usually expressed as the
apparent power in voltamperes absorbed at the rated secondary voltage.
6.2 The burden is composed of the individual burdens of the associated
voltage coils of the" instruments, relays or trip coils to which the voltage
transformer is connected.
6.3 When the individual burdens are expressed in ohmic values, the total
burden may be computed by adding the admittance values. This admittance
value should then be converted to VA burden by multiplying the above
value by the square of the rated voltage.
6.4 When the individual burdens are expressed in terms of VA the total
burden is computed by adding them together after referring the individual
value to a common base which is the rated-secondary v.oltage in this case .
• Specification for voltage transformers: Part 1 General requirements ( first revision ).
tCriteria for earthquake resistant design of struciu-es ( thIrd revision ).
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 4146 - 1983
6.5 When considering the burden of circuit with variable admittance, for
example, a voltage relay with tapped setting or an attracted armature relay
when the impedance of the coil changes as the tap setting or the position
of the armature changes -or both, the maximum burden which this circuit
can offer under various conditions should be considered.
6.6 Although it is usual to add the individual burdens arithmetically, it is
more correct to add them vectorially and it may be advantageous to do so
if this would lead to a more economical design.
6.7 Normally the standard VA rating nearest to the burden computed
should be used. It is undesirable to specify VA rating much higher than
the computed value, as to do so might result in inaccuracies and the
transformer uneconomical in cost or of unduly large dimensions. When
the value of the nearest standard VA rating is less than the computed
value, the use of such VA rating should be made in consultation with the
6.8 It is to be realised that the accuracy of a voltage transformer is
guaranteed for burden variation between 25 percent to 100 percent of the
rated burden. While chosing the voltage transformer for any specific
application it should be seen that the net VA of all the loads together fails
between these two limits.
7.1 Line Discharge by Voltage Transformer - The isolation of a, high
voltage transmission line or cable may leave the section charged to a
voltage which may be considerably high. Upon automatic reclosing of the
line, dangerous transient over voltage which may exceed tolarable over
voltage factors could be produced unless the isolated section is discharged
to a very small fraction of its operating voltage before reclosure. There are
many devices presently available like circuit breaker-resistors and shunt
reactors besides electromagnetic voltage transformers to carry out this
function. The practice in many parts of the world appears to be to use
electromagnetic voltage transformer in preference to' other devices.
Although voltage transformers are capable of this duty for most
situations, there are limitations on the amount of energy that a given
voltage transformer can safely discharge. These are governed by:
a) time rate of discharge of the stored energy,
b) temperature of the primary winding,
c) the electro-dynamic forces introduced by the inrush of discharged
current in the VT, and
d) the amount of trapped charge, the impedance of the net work
between. the line and the voltage transformer.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
IS : 4146 - 1983 [for non-commercial use only].
8.1 V-Connection - In this type of connection, 2 single-phase voltage
transformers are connected in 'V', both on the primary and secondary
sides. As there is no neutral on the primary winding, the zero sequence
voltage cannot be obtained. Hence, such a voltage transformer cannot be
used where it is required to have zero sequence voltage for protection or
This connection is generally used for metering purposes.
8.2 Star-St~r - This is the most common connection used in metering and
relaying schemeso When 3-phase 3-limb voltage transformers are used the
zero sequence voltage will not be transformed.
8.3 Star-Broken Delta - This connection is used when zero sequence
voltage is required for earthfault relaying scheme. With this connection a
3-phase 5-limb or a bank of 3 single-phase voltage transformers shall be
used, the primary star point being solidly earthed regardless of system
earthing conditions. The voltage appearing across the broken delta is
three times the zero sequence voltage.
9.1 It is essential to earth one point of the secondary and tertiary winding
to limit the voltage on relays and instrument circuits in case the primary
comes in contact with the secondary or tertiary winding accidentally. It is
important that only one point of the winding is earthed.
10.1 A measuring voltage transformer need maintain its accuracy from 80
to 120 percent of rated voltage. It is not required to maintain its accuracy
within specifiedolimit during the fault conditions.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 4146 - 1983
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
IS: 4146 - 1983
12.1 This is only :l general guide, useful for selecting an appropriate
voltage transformer for a specific purpose. Selection of the accuracy class
for a particular application should be made by the user in consultation
with the manufacturer.
12.2 A protective device is called upon to operate under _system fault
conditions. As the faults are generally associated with voltage dips, a
protective voltage transformer is required to maintain its accuracy within
specified limit from 5 percent to the voltage factor of the rated voltage.
12.3 For application with protective devices whose operation does not
depend on the phase relationship between the voltage and the current, for
example, undervoltage, 9vervoltage and overcurrent relays having indepen-
dent voltage restraining feature, the phase error is of little importance and
accuracy class of 6P is considered to be quite adequate.
12.4 For applications with protective devices whose operation depends on
the phase relationshipoetween voltage and current, for example, directional
overcurrent, reverse power and directional distance protection, voltage
transformers of clas~ 3Pshould be used.
12,5 The selection of accU!<lcy class for any particula! application depends
on the sensitiveness of the protection scheme required and is a matter to be
decided by the purchaser in consultation with the manufacturer.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
IS: 4116 - 1983
14.1 When the capacitance to ground of the immediate circuit interchange
energy with non-linear inductance of the voltage transformer, sub-harmonic
oscillations may appear in the secondary of voltage transformer. This
phenomenon which is known as ferro-resonance can be initiated either
from low frequency transient components, surges on the system or a fault
on the secondary circuit, causing momentary saturation of the magnetic
These sub-harmonic oscillations are normally about 1/3 to 1/5 of
rated frequency and may possibly sustain in the absence of any precaut-
tionary measure, resulting damage to the voltage transformer. The voltage
transformers oper'ating in ungroUlided system are more susceptible to this
In order to eliminate the effect of ferro-resonance in voltage
transformers besides selecting the proper voltage factor as per IS: 31 S6
(Part 1)-1978*, suitable damping resistors may be provided in the secondary
of the VTs.
Though in ge.neral, ferro-resonance occurs in large transmission net
work employing CVTs, in practice, mainly in ungrounded systems using
electro-magnetic VTs, ferro-resonance effect is also observed. The above
description is given to provide the awareness and suitable measures to
counter the adverse effect of ferro-resonance in specific case.
NOTE - Suitable method for carrying out ferro-resonance test is under considera-
tion. Till such time details of the test are included in the standard, this test may be
carried out, if agreed to between the supplier and the purchaser, as per mutually
agreed test method.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 4146 - 1983
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].
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