Flower Basics: 1. Label The Parts of The Flower Shown in The Diagram Below
Flower Basics: 1. Label The Parts of The Flower Shown in The Diagram Below
Flower Basics: 1. Label The Parts of The Flower Shown in The Diagram Below
2. Identify each part of the flower described below using the words in the word list.
Word List:
______________________ - The female part of a flower Anther
______________________ - A small plant that is just starting to grow Filament
______________________ - The place where pollen develops and is stored Fruit
______________________ - The female sex cell in a plant Nectar
______________________ - Occurs when the sperm and egg cells unite Ovary
______________________ - A sugary substance that attracts insects Petals
______________________ - The male sex cell in a plant Pistil
______________________ - The male part of a flower Seedling
______________________ - The stalk that supports the anther Sepals
______________________ - The part of the pistil that receives the pollen Stigma
______________________ - Part that connects the stigma and ovary Style
______________________ - Protective leaf-like enclosure for the flower bud
______________________ - The ripened ovary of a plant that contains seeds
______________________ - Flower that contains both male and female parts
______________________ - Flower that lacks either male or female parts
______________________ - The structures that make up the outside of the flower and may be colored or contain nectar
or perfume glands
Image: http://www.smithlifescience.com/SciFlowerDiagramBlank.jpg
T. Trimpe 2010 Worksheet developed for use with the "Our Flowering World" video from United Streaming.
3. What is the difference between self-pollination and cross-pollination?
Challenge: Pollinators are important to the natural world as well as humans! Can you unscramble the names of
these pollinators?
__________ N A S T ___________ T U B T R E L I F E S __________ T S B A
T. Trimpe 2010 Worksheet developed for use with the "Our Flowering World" video from United Streaming.