Clienteles and Audiences in Social Work: Humss7
Clienteles and Audiences in Social Work: Humss7
Clienteles and Audiences in Social Work: Humss7
Clienteles and Audiences in Social Work
This module introduces you the roles, functions, and competencies of social
work. Furthermore, this module presents the areas of specialization and career
opportunities of social workers.
At the end of this module you will be able to:
1. Describe the clienteles and audiences in social work
2. Distinguished the needs of various types of clienteles and audiences in
social work
Please be reminded that at the end of this module you should comply the following:
1. Activities
2. Answer the quiz.
Preliminary Activity
Process Question:
What comes to your mind upon looking on the painting of Jose Abad – “Hapag ng Pag-
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
Development of the Lesson
To understand fully the coverage of this lesson, read silently the material.
Typology of Clients:
voluntary clients;
Involuntary clients;
those being assisted by another person or agency.
Voluntary clients (walk-in clients) – those who opted to voluntarily seek the assistance
of the worker or services of the agency due to problems or difficulty which they think
they cannot do it on their own.
Ex. Solo parent seeking material assistance, displaced person asking core
shelter assistance, physically challenged person seeking medical attention.
Involuntary clients (reach-out clients) – those individuals in need who may not even
consider asking help because they think that they are doing fine and will survive
somehow or they are unaware of the agencies that can provide them help/assistance.
Ex. Street children, working children, children/youth in indigenous communities,
out-of-school youth.
Clients being assisted by another person (other family members, relative, friend,
neighbor), group/organizations, or community leaders/workers who are concerned
about client’s situation (referred clients).
- the physical
- the psychological
- the social
Each affects and is being affected by others and it is their totality as a system that
determines the person’s functioning rather than the individualized operation of each
Social worker needs to know whether the client can be helped and how he or she can
be helped.
Each person makes his/her own adaptation depending on his/her capacities and
motivation to do so – to gain satisfaction, avoid or dissolved frustration, and to maintain
his/her balance in movement.
Modes of Adaptation:
FLIGHT – manifested when a person physically moves away from the problem.
- resort to drugs, alcohol or substance – makes one forget the stressful situation.
Ex. Fathers abandoned their families for they can no longer provide economic support.
PAIRING – entails entry into a relationship with another person who is perceived to be
stronger, stable, or who has the capacity to provide help over his/her problem.
- barkada system;
Children in conflict with the law, street children, children living with or affected by
Out-of-school youth;
Factors that may affect or influence the helping relationship between client and worker:
Ex. Worker reacts to a male client (as the worker reacted in the past with hostility and
anger towards his/her own father) who abandoned his wife and son only to set up
another family.
1. Acceptance
2. Nonjudgmental attitude
3. Individualization
6. Confidentiality
7. Self-determination
- (as a process and method) is rooted on the sociological concept that a person is
a social being who has the inclination and need to associate with other human
- Group can be utilized as a target for change, as a medium for change, and as
agent for change.
- As a Target for Change – members in a group are clients of an agency who have
common problems, needs, and concerns that match the agency’s or worker’s
group service orientation.
- As a Medium for Change – the group is used to facilitate the growth and
development needs of some members of the group as the need for self-
expression, communication, relationship, developing self-confidence and
modifying negative attitudes, behavior, and values.
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
- As an Agent of Change – the group is used to effect the desired change needed
outside the group.
“The need for group experience is basic and universal. That group of individuals can be
helped to grow and change in personality, attitudes, and values through group
experiences…that persons no only develop in groups but also through groups. And that
groups are dynamic, ever changing and must be accepted by the social worker at its
level of development.”
1. To enhance the social adjustment of the individual and developing the social
2. To provide opportunities for planned group experiences that are needed by all
3. To provide experiences that are relaxing and that give individuals a chance to
create, to share and express themselves; and
4. To help individuals in groups to take responsibility for their own behavior, relate
with others and how to become participating members of society.
- belief on the capacity of the people to find richer and more satisfying ways of living if
they are helped to use the resources within themselves and their environment which are
and could be made available for them.
Based on what you have read about accomplish the following activity
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
Grade & Section: ________________________________Score:_________________
Activity 1.1
3. is rooted on the sociological concept that a person is a social being who has the
inclination and need to associate w/ others
5. client’s reactions and displacement on the worker of the particular feelings and
attitudes he/she may have experienced earlie 6. those individuals in need who may not
even consider asking help because they think that they are doing fine and will survive
7. manifested when a person physically moves away from the problem 9. those who
opted to voluntarily seek the assistance of the worker or services of the agency due to
problems or difficulty whic 10. is more “client or person-centered” rather than problem
Created using the Crossword Maker on
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
1. means physical or verbal projection of angry feelings on others especially when
encountering difficult circumstances, frustra 2. worker’s relationship reactions that
he/she project on the client and usually it is the worker who transfers previously exper
4. entails entry into a relationship with another person who is perceived to be stronger,
stable, or who has the capacity to pro
8. is the realistic and objective perception of existing condition or situation.
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
There different types of clienteles and audiences in social work: individual, group and
the community. These clienteles and audiences have different characteristics and
Congratulatory Note
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
All exercises and activities done should be submitted before start of the succeeding lesson/s. You may now
proceed to the EVALUATION of the lesson covered in this module!
Dela Cruz et al. Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences. Phoenix
Publishing House. Quezon City: 2016
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
Grade & Section: ________________________________Score:_________________
Quiz No. 8
Identify what is being asked.