"Riding: M Zy WZ AA N
"Riding: M Zy WZ AA N
"Riding: M Zy WZ AA N
Sept. 13, 1927. W. H. FARNsworth
Filed June 7, 1926
Patented Sept. 13, 1927. 1,642,412
Application filed June 17, 1926. Serial No. 116,563.
This invention relates to a gas tank valve, ing suitable pipe connections to the valve 55
and is especially intended to provide a valve for conveyance of the gas drawn from the
for tanks containing gases under pressure, cylinder to a place of use or storage. The
the valve having only a limited opening cap 6 closes and Seals this opening when
when fully opened, and having means to the cylinder is in storage or transit, and
insure it against tampering by unauthorized guards against loss from valve leakage.
persons. ? The valve action is secured by the valve
stem 7 which is non-rotatably mounted in
skilled in the valve
as are from
body, said stem being prevented
rotating by the lugs 10. The lower coned
O used for acetylene, chlorine, carbon di
oxide and other gases of that general char end 8 of the valve stem 7 when pressed
against the seat 9 stops the flow of the gas
acter, some kind of a valve must be used and when raised from its seat permits the
which will be capable of being opened and gas to
regulated with a considerable degree of openingflow from the center through the
in nipple 2, thence through the an 70
5 nicety. Such a valve, if tampered with by
unauthorized persons, may get out of adjust opening nular space around the stem 7 through the
ment and may sometimes cause considerable through the in the nipple 4. Gas leakage
damage because of the inability of the user the packingtop 14
of the valve is prevented by
which is supported below
to get the valve closed.
In the present invention means is pro byressed the washer 18 and adapted to be com 75
to the desired degree to obtain a gas
vided whereby the valve can be opened only seal p at the
a given amount, and further provides means led into thepacking gland 15 which is thread
for preventing access to the valve sleeve and to provide forbody 1 and has a polygonal top
the easy rotation thereof. The
stuffing box and at the same time provides
s means for determining whether the valve valve stem 7 is pressed against the seat 9
has been tampered with by sealing it in such or raised therefrom because the threads car
a manner that the valve cannot be tampered ried by it are all of them much less in pitch
than the threads of the hand wheel by which
with except by breaking the seal.
Other objects of the invention will ap it The is secured on the valve body.
operating wheel, or handle 5 has a
pear as the description proceeds.
An embodiment of the invention is shown threaded central opening the same as the 85
in the accompanying drawings in which the threaded portion of the valve stem 7. The
same reference numeral applies to the same valve body nipple 3 has a comparatively
coarse thread thereon to receive the cap 5,
portion throughout the several figures of while the inside of the cap 5 is threaded 90
the drawings, and of which there may be to correspond with the size and pitch of the
Figure 1 is a side elevation of the complete valve stem 7, so that as the cap 5 is rotated
one turn of a thread of comparatively coarse
Figure 2 is a longitudinal sectional view pitch it will raise the valve stem that much
of the complete valve on a slightly larger less one turn of the fine pitch thread on the 95
scale than Figure 1, and valveresult
stem,is since the stem 7 cannot revolve,
Figure 3 is a transverse sectional view of the a differential movement between
the valve on the line 3-3 Figure 2 looking the threads, of the valve cap and the threads
of the valve stem.
in the direction of the arrows,
The numeral 1 indicates a valve body or It is obvious that unless the stem 7 bears
casing, which body has the threaded nipples definite relation to its seat 9 when the wheel 100
5 engages, that it may not be possible to turn
2, 3 and 4 projecting therefrom. A cap 5 the wheel 5 far enough to bring the cone
is threaded on the nipple 3 and serves to
operate the valve as will be presently de into contact with the seat 9 and close the
scribed, while a cap 6 is threaded on the wheel 5 Itis iscompletely
valve. also obvious that if the valve
from the 105
nipple 4 and serves as a second closure when nipple 3 by inexperiencedunscrewed
the tank is being shipped from place to vious proper relation between the stem a7pre persons that
The nipple 4 provides means for attach cap 5 will be destroyed thereby. It is de
sirable to prevent such unauthorized persons may be made in carrying out the invention
from turning the wheel 5 to such a point in as shown in the drawings and in the above 30
which it is no longer in engagement with the particularly described form thereof within
threads on the nipple 3. To accomplish this the purview of the annexed claims.
the cap 5 is threaded on the valve stem 7 and 1. A gas tank valve of the class described
a nut 16 on the valve stem prevents the cap comprising a valve body having a valve seat
from being moved outwardly more than a therein, a stem valve packing surrounding 35
fixed amount. The nut 16 is of a castellated said stem, a cap threaded on said valve body
form and has a cotter pin 17, or a similar and on the valve stem, a nut on said valve
O device, to hold it in a fixed position, said pin stem with a cotter pin and seal to hold the
being secured in that position by a lead nut in a fixed position.
seal 18. 2. A valve of the class described compris 40
Inasmuch as the cap 5 is threaded on the ing a valve body, a valve having a threaded
nipple 3 with coarse threads, and turns on stem therein, lugs on the sides of said stem,
s the valve 7 on fine threads, the lift of the said lugs being adapted to slide in slots in.
valve stem with respect to the valve casing said valve body, a threaded cap for said
for one revolution of the cap will be deter valve body, said cap having a central hole 45
pitches.by the difference of the respective
mined threaded to fit threads on said stem, the
threads on said stem being of less pitch than
This construction gives a very fine adjust the threads on said cap, and valve body, a
ment of the valve and the nut 16 prevents the nut on the outer end of said stem, a cotter
cap from being twisted off the supporting pin and seal to hold said nut in a fixed posi
threads, thereby possibly changing the ad tion when set, to prevent the removal of said
justment of valve stem with respect to the Cap.
valve cap.
Having thus described my invention, what myInhand
testimony whereof I have hereunto set
this 24th day of May, A. D. 1926.
I desire to secure by Letters Patent of the
United States is as follows, but modifications WILLIAMH. FARNSWORTH,