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Competency Mapping in It Industry - A Roadmap For Future: Dr. J.K. Raju Dr. Chaya Bagrecha Prof. Ravi Kumar C

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* Dr. J.K. Raju ** Dr. Chaya Bagrecha *** Prof. Ravi Kumar C.

Competency mapping is a key human resources management tool in modern business organisations.
It becomes all the more important in service industries where the success of the firm depends solely
on the competencies and motivations of its employees.
The present paper reflects upon the competency levels of 500 IT employees among different
managerial levels. The study shows that the competencies of middle level managers are higher than
expected when compared to lower level and higher level management. Also the differences between
employees in different levels of management are significant. The gaps in competencies can be
reduced by training and communicating.
Keywords : Competency scores, Job performance skills, Communication skills, Team work,
Leadership skills, Personal qualities.

INTRODUCTION pivotal to be continually focused upon the

HR has forever been duly concerned with getting impact of competency mapping and assessment
the right person for the right job. This endeavor on crucial aspects of organizations that
has necessitated several interventions and one of determine the performance. Hence, it is not
the most important of these has been surprising to observe the tremendous amount of
Competencybased HR. The effectiveness of an interest in realistically capturing successful
organization depends on its people and leadership behavior and skills, and mapping
particularly its leaders, which calls for closing them with greater precision to enable
the gap between the potential of the human organizational learning and efficacy. Managers
resource of an organization and its delivered and particularly HR managers need to
performance. This has led to significant interest understand the real impact of competency
in competency mapping and its subsequent use mapping on performance, training and
in performance management, training and development and eventually on all the other HR
development. Competency mapping and initiatives.
management are especially vital in the Competency mapping is a strategic HR

*Dr. J K Raju **Dr. Chaya Bagrecha ***Prof. Ravi Kumar C

Associate Professor Head of the Lecturer
Institute of AIMIT
Department at Nutana Institute
Studies, Sivagangotri
Management Bangalore Management
Davanagere D
, avanagere

organizations which are operating in the services framework for monitoring the performance and
sector where human resources are the primary development of human resources in an
sources of value creation. In such firms, it is organization. It is often observed that the HR

Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014 20

function can astutely use this paradigm to align have taken to doing the job ‘the competency
the human resources to the super-ordinate way’ and if one is sure that performance is the
objectives and the larger vision and mission of only visible visage of organizational efficacy
the organization. This has to be practiced with a then competency driven paradigms could only
strong emphasis on linking it with the tangible foster greater precision in ascertaining both the
outcomes associated with employee employee and organization efficacy. If the
performance. Competency mapping has been challenge is to sustain competitive advantage
one of the most effective tools of Human then competency-driven organizations have a
Resources Management, especially in the area of better choice of surviving this juggernaut .1
performance management, training and
The key to gain a competitive edge is the
development. As workbased competencies have
ability of the workforce in an organization to
come to define job expectations and enable
maximize the advantage of state-of-the-art
greater synthesis between jobs, roles and
technology, superior products, and steady source
performance, competency mapping has become
of capital to enter into the marketplace. A
synonymous with organizational learning. The
company’s technological tools are only as useful
buzz around competencies has accentuated of
as its employer’s ability to employ them; they
late, drawing primarily from the context of the
are perceived in terms of how effectively the
inevitableness of multi-skilling and knowledge
benefits are communicated (McLagan 1989).
management where shared competencies and
continuous development ensure organizational The Competency Paradigm in the
learning. Indian IT Industry
In a highly volatile business environment, Indian IT industry has gained significant
it is often the mettle of the people of an importance in Indian economy and its role in
organization, particularly of those who design employment generation has been stellar. The
its strategy and are responsible for its action success of Indian IT industry in terms of
planning, which defines its success. The success delivery and business models has been
of a leader ultimately depends on how well he internationally appreciated. The main strength
manages himself, his job and the others. This behind this success has been the intrinsic quality
requires that the entire gamut of competencies of the software development teams at work in
ranging from knowledge-level competencies to the Indian IT firms. The team orientation,
behavior-level competencies have to be delivery approach, processes and customer focus
mapped, developed and also successfully of the Indian IT firms are regarded to be the
employed. The sureness of competency crucial elements for the success of the Indian IT
mapping impacting the strategic aspects of firms. However, the Industry is not free from
managerial scope is obvious. It definitely drawbacks. Following are the most prominent of
envelopes the entire gamut of HR activities and the various problems faced by the management
creates pre-determined impact which can ensure of IT Industry:
a highly fruitful efficacy-driven intervention.
1. Many IT companies at present do not have
Evidently, the mandate for competency based
full knowledge of Competency Mapping.
culture is a herculean challenge, but if initiated
the success is incidental since the value offered
is phenomenally rewarding and evident to one 1 NafisaHabilbhaiKattarwala, Competency Mapping:
and all. Many organizations all across the world Creating the successful roadmap for effective leadership,
Training and Management, September 2007.
Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014
2. Organizations are facing huge distilled from employer surveys published by
complications in finding suitable skilled eminent national
workers who can help their organization associations, universities and research groups . 2
build and sustain competitive advantage.
1. Technical Skills- utilize computer software
3. In today’s intensively competitive and & hardware, web and financial resources
globalised market place, building and
maintaining committed and competent 2. Communication Skills-oral & written
workforce has become a herculean task. 3. Teamwork Skills- works well with others,
4. There is a lack of well established systems flexible, adaptable
by which skills and distinctive 4. Leadership Skills-communicate vision,
action orientated, influence/motivate
others, enthusiastic
5. Personal Qualities-relates well to others,
21 self-confident, tactful, friendly, outgoing,
sense of humor, problem-solver,
competencies of employees can be detailoriented, organized, creative,
assessed. strategic planner, risk-taker, entrepreneur
5. There is a big gap between the factors for The framework implicit in the above list
success in jobs and work roles within the has been taken for the purposes of guiding the
organization. data collection and analysis relevant for the
The present study attempts to address present study.
some of these major issues. Towards this end,
the study has attempted to measure the range
Literature review
and strength of the competencies possessed by Kumari Anitha and Sita V (2010)
the managers in the Indian Information empirically investigated the role of competencies
Technology companies. Further, the study has for employee development in the Indian IT and
also attempted to identify the gaps, if any, Pharma industries. They found that the
existing between the competencies that need to competencies possessed by the employees had
be ideally possessed and actually possessed by an impact on the organizational success. The
the managers. The purpose of such an attempt is study also found that developing and
to provide a sound basis for building a plausible implementing competency based approach was
competency development framework by which crucial for effective human resource
the management.
competency gaps are filled and the Indian IT Sharma Ritu and TewariRuchi (2013) have
companies achieve a higher status of explored the relationship between competencies
competencybased HR function. and job performance in firms drawn from inter
A general classification of competencies alia IT industry. For this purpose, they listed a
as relevant for the IT industry has been pool of competencies drawn from many
developed for the purposes of setting the
backdrop for the present study. For this purpose 2 Sources include: a) The National Association of Colleges and
Employers (NACE); Michigan State University; b) University of
a list of desirable competencies has been Illinois; c) Hart Research Associates; d) American Society for Training
and Development; and e) the U.S. Department of Labor, among others.
Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014 22
important international studies. These possesses. A similar study authored by William
competencies were presented to a group of S. Frank was published in Denver Business
experts and practitioners drawn from five Journal in August 20053. The methodology used
different domains, one of which was the IT in that study was taken as the base for
industry. The study found that some of the constructing the expected score of competency
critical competencies – which were assigned for our study.
highest ranking – need to be prescribed as The competencies that emerged as a result
obligator for the entry level managers in order to of previous researches, discussions and meetings
ensure that the organizational performance was with managers of different firms are depicted
achieved in an effective and efficient manner. below:
discussions, and in-depth
The components interviews
relating to these conducted the
are attached at the end as an annexure:
Ujval Rajadhyaksha (2005) tested a model PERSONAL
of techno-managerial competencies based on
data gathered from over 250 executives in one of JOB
India’s largest vehicle manufacturing companies SHIP
during a consulting assessment exercise mapping
conducted within the company. A total of 24
competency items were identified based on
discussions with senior managers in the TEAM
company, 13 of which were technical in nature
and the remaining 11, managerial. A panel of 1. Job performance skills
experts using a combination of written tests, 2. Communication skills
group Uddin M.I. et al (2012) studied a set of
3. Team work
organizations that had adopted competency
mapping and development programmes. The 4. Leadership skills
study found that competency mapping serves 5. Personal qualities
individual employees who seek gainful There were 50 components altogether. The
employment in a dynamic environment that is maximum score that a component could be given
conducive for learning and acquiring new skills. was fixed at 10. Hence, the total maximum tally
They also found that intellectual and emotional that could be scored by any respondent was
challenges are better managed by competent 500(50*10).
workers. They suggest that competency mapping
can be done for workers of all types as well as 2. Gap analysis4 is a tool that helps companies
for those that seek employment aligned to to compare actual performance with potential
specific skills so that their value for the potential performance. At its core are two questions:
employers is enhanced. "Where are we?" and "Where do we want to
Operational definitions In the present study, the scores of all
1. Competency : For the purpose of this study, respondents were compared with the expected
competency possessed by an employee is taken
as the sum of all individual competencies that he 3 William S. Frank ‘These 10 core competencies
Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014
scores for all the competencies to find out If Actual Score>Expected Score, the gap is
whether he/she possessed a higher/lower score positive.
than the expectation. The gap between the actual If Actual Score<Expected Score, the gap is
and expected score was found out by the negative.
formula: Gap=Actual Score- Expected score
The current study is undertaken to understand how competency mapping is used to analyze
the combination of strengths among different workers to produce the most effective teams and the
highest quality of work.
The specific objectives of this research are:
1. To measure the levels of different aspects of competency (namely, Job Performance
Skills, Communication Skills, Teamwork, Leadership and Personal Qualities) among
different levels of management (Low Level
http://www.bizjournals.com/denver/stories/2005/08 4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gap_analysis

Management, Middle Level Management, the lower level management is 300, the sample
High Level Management); size taken from the middle level management is
150, and that of the Top level is 50.
2. To check the significance of the
differences in these competencies HYPOTHESIS
between levels of management; and, Hypothesis testing discerns the effect of
3. To gauge the training and development one factor on another by exploring the
needs as recognized by the employees relationship's statistical significance. A
based on their self assessed competencies. scientific hypothesis is a proposed explanation
of a phenomenon which still has to be
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY : The rigorously tested. To get a statistical significant
research effort is descriptive in character. Data result of the objectives, the following null
was gathered using a questionnaire hypotheses were set up.
administered to the respondents. Basic tools of
analysis like classified tables, comparative 1. H1: There is no difference in the competency
analysis and measures of central tendency have mean scores across levels of management.
been employed for the purposes of data This hypothesis can be rewritten for all
analysis. the individual competencies as follows:

SAMPLE ISSUES: • H1A: There is no difference in the Job

Performance Skills means across levels of
This sample is based on Random
Sampling Method and is selected from the
database of employees of selected 5 IT • H1B: There is no difference in the
companies (the names are not revealed as per Communication Skills means across levels
the firms’ request).The sample size taken from of management.

Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014 24

• H1C: There is no difference in the Team 3. The average of every competency forms
Work means across levels of management. the basis of analysis of that competency. It
is a single value representing a group of
• H1D: There is no difference in the
components. Thus, the problem of central
Leadership means across levels of
tendency might adversely affect the
• H1E: There is no difference in the Personal
Qualities means across levels of Analysis of data
management. The first step was to get into the depths of
descriptive data and understand the differences
between different competencies among
1. The information relating to the employees employees of the selected firms. The next logical
has been given by the employees step was to understand whether the samples
themselves. They have rated their own under study came from similar and
behavioral and technical skills. As a result homogeneous populations, or there were
of which some of the information given by significant differences in the scores between the
the respondents may be biased. groups.
2. The study contains 50 components Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test
grouped in 5 competency heads. Studying the equality of two or more population (or
all 50 components individually is not treatment) means by examining the variances of
feasible and would not add much value. samples. It allowed us to determine whether the
Thus, there is a risk of ignoring few very
prominent components.
differences between the samples were simply due that caused the mean in one group to differ from
to random error (sampling errors) or whether there the mean in another. were systematic differences
among the groups

The results of the one-way ANOVA Analysis are explained in the following pages
Table 1: Descriptive analysis of competencies-Levels of Management


Levels of



Lower level
300 115.79 114 16.445 80 158

Middle level
150 156.18 141 16.031 109 183

Top level
Performance Skills

50 87.98 134 14.151 44 107


Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014

Total 500 183
125.12 124.1 27.185 44
Communication Skills score

Lower level
300 53
Management 34.77 38 7.082 22

Middle level 150 47.48 46 7.203 25 83

Top level
50 30.18 39 3.049 21 34

Total 500 38.12 40.5 9.266 21 83

Lower level
TeamWork score

300 47.04 51 10.944 23 74

Middle level
150 77
Management 63.60 61 8.110 35

Top level
50 50
Management 39.12 57 7.703 18

Total 500 51.21 54.6 12.981 18 77


Lower level
300 39.15 58 8.763 14 59

Middle level 150 88.66 89 9.416 47 101



Top level 50 78.06 92 15.802 46 100


Total 500 57.89 70.7 25.170 14 101

Lower level
300 71.11 88 12.075 45 97

Middle level
150 118
Management 100.33 101 10.974 60

Top level
50 70.30 99 10.410 33 84

Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014 26

Personal Qualities

Total 500 79.80 93 17.749 33 118


The descriptive table gives an insight into many important and interesting facts. When we look
carefully at the consolidated table, many specifics emerge.
• In case of Job Performance Skills whereas, the same from the lower level and top
scores: management falls short of expectation (39).
The expected competency required is • In case of Leadership Skills scores:
124.1, but the real scores are 115 for lower
The average scores of middle level
management, 156 for middle management and
management are 88.66 which are almost
just 88 for top management. This means that top
meeting the expectation. However, these skills
management people do not possess the expected
are lacking among the low and top level
job performance competency skills. This may be
due to the lack of hands on working experience
on the shop floor. Also this may be due to the The lower level management people seem
fact that top management people would have to be lacking leadership skills. Further analysis
been recruited from different domains. will help us in understanding the reasons for the
• In case of communication Skills scores:
Here too, the expected competency from
middle management is high (46) as compared to
that from the low and top level management.
Also, the actual scores of middle management
are greater than expected from them, whereas,
the same from low and top management fall
short of expectation (38 and 39).
This is a clear indication that middle level
managers have very good communication skills
which allows them to take directions from the
top and give instructions to the lower level
• In case of Team Work scores:
The expected competency from middle
management is high (61) as compared to that
from the low and top level management. Also,
the actual scores of middle management are
greater than expected from them (63.6),

Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014

• In case of Personal qualities scores: In summary, we can clearly state that the
The average scores of middle level expectations from the middle level managers is
management are 100.33 which are almost meeting very high for all competencies. Also middle
managers are very high performers as compared
level the expectation. However, these skills are lacking
to the other levels.
among the low and top level managers.

Table 2: ANOVA of competencies-Differences among levels of management

Sum of
Competency df F Sig.
239810.845 2 119905.423 462.085 .000
Job Performance Within
Skills scores 128965.467 497 259.488
Total 499

Between 19660.362 2 9830.181 210.750 .000

Communication Within 23181.950 497 46.644
Skills score Groups
Total 42842.312

35560.225 2 17780.113 182.126 .000

Team Work score Within

Groups 48519.877 497 97.626

Total 84080.102
Between 267716.652 2 133858.326 1374.403 .000

Leadership score Within

48404.730 497 97.394
Total 499
90351.552 2 45175.776 335.874 .000
Personal Groups
Qualities score Within
66847.640 497 134.502

Total 157199.192 499

Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014 28

The result of ANOVA reflects all the differences can be reduced. The specific
significance values to be less than 0.05. This suggestions are given below.
shows that there is significant difference in the
• The reasons for low job performance need
mean values of competencies between different
to be further analysed and the root cause
levels of management. This reflects that all the
analysis has to be made.
competencies (Job Performance Skills,
Communication Skills, Team Work, Leadership • Implement measures to facilitate the
and Personal Qualities) are not equally present worklife balance4. This could include
among employees in different levels of flexible working hours and career
management. There is a significant difference in flexibility.
the competencies based on the roles that they • Coaching and training must be given to the
play among people working in different levels employees where the need is felt.
of management.
• The lowest-level jobs in an organization
This was well supplemented by the can often be the most stressful. Front-line
descriptive in the previous table, in which the employees can become mentally and
middle level managers emerged as the super physically exhausted by the demands of
performers as compared to the others. their jobs, steadily decreasing their
Thus we can reject the null hypothesis motivation over time. Maintain a work
that “There is no difference in the competency environment that truly makes employees
mean scores across the different levels of comfortable, where they can form lasting
management” and state that there is significant friendships and enjoy each other's
difference in the competency mean scores company at work. Happy employees are
across levels of management. almost always more productive than
This also means that: dissatisfied employees.6

• H1A: There is difference in the Job • Implement employee development

Performance Skills means across levels of programs to let lower level employees
management. know there are clear opportunities for
career growth. If lower-level employees
• H1B: There is difference in the
feel they are stuck in dead-end jobs, there
Communication Skills means across levels
can be nothing for them to strive for.
of management.
Promise of internal advancement for
• H1C: There is difference in the Team management positions and other higher-
Work means across levels of management. level jobs will allow the employees to set
• H1D: There is difference in the Leadership personal career goals. Clear and attainable
means across levels of management. goals can be highly effective in boosting
• H1E: There is difference in the Personal
Qualities means across levels of • Improve harmony, develop favourable
management. relationship and alleviate relationship
conflict among them.
Analysis and discussion
The levels of competencies are different 4
among different levels of management. Training, http://www.mckinsey.de/downloads/publikation/women_
talking to individual employees, mentoring and matter/Women_Matter_1_brochure.pdf
coaching are the few ways in which these http://smallbusiness.chron.com/motivate-

• Demonstrate and promote effective exceed their goals, then the results speak for
communications, using both verbal and themselves. Today’s corporate world demands
nonverbal methods sustainability in strategic growth, retaining and
• Interact effectively with team members of expanding market share, attracting, managing
different personality types and nurturing talent, and delivering high quality
performance to all concerned stakeholders.
• Provide leadership to team members to
Improvement is the rule of the game today. You
achieve team goals
simply cannot afford to maintain the status quo–
• Resolve conflicts constructively within the whether it is your company’s bottom line or
team and with interfacing organizations productive service quality or employees’ way of
• Recognize and reduce individual stress. executing their work.
• Define leadership and the leadership role Competency mapping is therefore, a
in your facility process of identifying key competencies for an
organization and/or a job and incorporating those
• Identify the aspects of an effective and
competencies throughout the various processes
noneffective leader
(job evaluation, training, recruitment) of the
• Identify those factors that adversely impact organization. Use of a competency mapping
the leadership role, and develop methods model creates a difference in performance. It has
to minimize the impact of these factors on multiple benefits. The missing links can then be
team functions taken care of by organizing training programs. If
• Identify and respond to the needs of a core competency in an individual is below
individuals using different motivational what seniors expect, it is really a matter of
techniques concern. Personality tests may reveal some other
• Identify those characteristics of the team competencies which an individual might not
(i.e., group objectives and individual and have displayed so far. This can prove beneficial
collective abilities) that impact on a for the company, as training would further
person's leadership strategy and control enhance these competencies.
their effect on team output The competency framework forms the
• Fulfil leadership functions as needs arise bedrock for all HR applications. As a result of
within the team. competency mapping, all the HR processes like
talent induction, management development,
appraisal and training yield much better results.
When companies set specific goals and
evaluate employees on how well they meet or

A1 Competency to work with present skills and knowledge. 9 7 7

Knowledge on Computer engineering elements like software, their

A2 6 8 9
implementation, and their testing procedures.
Knowledge about different processes and various protocols in
A3 5 8 9
the area of work & importance.
A4 follow the departmental / work level the various procedures, work 9 8 7
instructions given
A5 Knowledge on Quality Control tools & techniques. 6 8 8
Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014 29

Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014 30

A6 Constant up gradation of knowledge on software, with 6 9 9
training and developments programs.
A7 Knowledge on cost control activities. 5 10 8
A8 Knowledge about company policies, vision, mission, objectives 6 8 10
& core values.
A9 Ability to plan & distribute the work. 7 10 8
A10 Ability to analyze and solve the problems during designing, 9 10 8
implementation, testing, & to take corrective & preventive
actions during the process.
A11 Ability to tackle sudden critical problems in the software or
the clients’ requirements.
8 8 7

A12 Ability to implement time management philosophy in 9 10 9

complying with work as per the needs of the company /
A13 Excited about the job and look forward for new assignments. 8 9 9
A14 Provide training to peers in the work place about the work 6 10 9
procedures and newer methods of doing a work.
A15 Technical knowledge leading to productivity 8 9 8
A16 Ability to adapt to the Change Management at various places 7 9 9
of work and with people.
A TOTAL 114 141 134

B - Communication Skills
B1 Good Listening abilities. 8 9 9
B2 Understanding instructions/responses from Team Members 10 9 6
B3 Ability to explain the suggestions/activities/queries/problems 6 9 9
B4 Writing skills (Written communication to peer 7 10 9
B5 Sharing the needed information with the people concerned. 7 9 6
B TOTAL 38 46 39

C - Team Work
Coordinate & Cooperate with team members to achieve the
C1 8 8 7
team objectives.
C2 Coordinate with other teams. 7 10 8
Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014

E - Personal Qualities
E1 Disciplined &self motivated 8 8 8
E2 Delegate the activities to team members & monitoring the 6 9 8
E3 Learn from the mistakes & improve the management aspects. 7 7 7
E4 Maintain good relation with peers, subordinates & superiors. 7 10 9
E5 Adhere to the management directions & making others to 8 9 9
understand them.
E6 Positive body language. 8 9 9
E7 Creative & innovative with idea generation 8 9 9
E8 Continuously learn from superiors/subordinates. 8 8 8
E9 Maintain Politeness during conversation. 8 7 7
E10 Facilitate & develop creative & innovative work culture. 6 8 7
E11 Upgrade personal intellectual skills for the development of 7 8 9
the work/organization.
E12 Ability to deal with the cross cultural adjustments with 7 9 9
subordinates / peers / superiors.
E TOTAL 88 101 99
Research and Development – A
References Management Review (IJRDMR),
?Kumari, Anitha and Sita, V., Role of Volume2, Issue – 1, 2013, available
Competencies in Human Resource at:
Management: A Study in Indian http://www.irdindia.in/Journal_IJRD
Organizations (November 16, 2010), MR/P
OIDA DF/Vol2_Iss1/2.pdf
International Journal of Sustainable ?UjvalRajadhyaksha, ‘Managerial
Development, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 29-34, Competency: Do Technical
2010. Capabilities Matter?’ Vikalpa, Vol 30,
Available at SSRN: No2 – April-June 2005.
?Uddin, M.I. et al, Competency Mapping:
?Sharma Ritu and Tewari Ruchi, A A Tool for HR Excellence, European
Comparative Analysis of Managerial Journal of Business and Management,
Competencies across Business Vol 4, N0.5, 2012. Available at:
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Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014 31


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