Competency Mapping in It Industry - A Roadmap For Future: Dr. J.K. Raju Dr. Chaya Bagrecha Prof. Ravi Kumar C
Competency Mapping in It Industry - A Roadmap For Future: Dr. J.K. Raju Dr. Chaya Bagrecha Prof. Ravi Kumar C
Competency Mapping in It Industry - A Roadmap For Future: Dr. J.K. Raju Dr. Chaya Bagrecha Prof. Ravi Kumar C
Competency mapping is a key human resources management tool in modern business organisations.
It becomes all the more important in service industries where the success of the firm depends solely
on the competencies and motivations of its employees.
The present paper reflects upon the competency levels of 500 IT employees among different
managerial levels. The study shows that the competencies of middle level managers are higher than
expected when compared to lower level and higher level management. Also the differences between
employees in different levels of management are significant. The gaps in competencies can be
reduced by training and communicating.
Keywords : Competency scores, Job performance skills, Communication skills, Team work,
Leadership skills, Personal qualities.
organizations which are operating in the services framework for monitoring the performance and
sector where human resources are the primary development of human resources in an
sources of value creation. In such firms, it is organization. It is often observed that the HR
Management, Middle Level Management, the lower level management is 300, the sample
High Level Management); size taken from the middle level management is
150, and that of the Top level is 50.
2. To check the significance of the
differences in these competencies HYPOTHESIS
between levels of management; and, Hypothesis testing discerns the effect of
3. To gauge the training and development one factor on another by exploring the
needs as recognized by the employees relationship's statistical significance. A
based on their self assessed competencies. scientific hypothesis is a proposed explanation
of a phenomenon which still has to be
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY : The rigorously tested. To get a statistical significant
research effort is descriptive in character. Data result of the objectives, the following null
was gathered using a questionnaire hypotheses were set up.
administered to the respondents. Basic tools of
analysis like classified tables, comparative 1. H1: There is no difference in the competency
analysis and measures of central tendency have mean scores across levels of management.
been employed for the purposes of data This hypothesis can be rewritten for all
analysis. the individual competencies as follows:
The results of the one-way ANOVA Analysis are explained in the following pages
Table 1: Descriptive analysis of competencies-Levels of Management
Levels of
Lower level
300 115.79 114 16.445 80 158
Middle level
150 156.18 141 16.031 109 183
Top level
Performance Skills
Lower level
300 53
Management 34.77 38 7.082 22
Top level
50 50
Management 39.12 57 7.703 18
Lower level
300 39.15 58 8.763 14 59
Lower level
300 71.11 88 12.075 45 97
Middle level
150 118
Management 100.33 101 10.974 60
Top level
50 70.30 99 10.410 33 84
The descriptive table gives an insight into many important and interesting facts. When we look
carefully at the consolidated table, many specifics emerge.
• In case of Job Performance Skills whereas, the same from the lower level and top
scores: management falls short of expectation (39).
The expected competency required is • In case of Leadership Skills scores:
124.1, but the real scores are 115 for lower
The average scores of middle level
management, 156 for middle management and
management are 88.66 which are almost
just 88 for top management. This means that top
meeting the expectation. However, these skills
management people do not possess the expected
are lacking among the low and top level
job performance competency skills. This may be
due to the lack of hands on working experience
on the shop floor. Also this may be due to the The lower level management people seem
fact that top management people would have to be lacking leadership skills. Further analysis
been recruited from different domains. will help us in understanding the reasons for the
• In case of communication Skills scores:
Here too, the expected competency from
middle management is high (46) as compared to
that from the low and top level management.
Also, the actual scores of middle management
are greater than expected from them, whereas,
the same from low and top management fall
short of expectation (38 and 39).
This is a clear indication that middle level
managers have very good communication skills
which allows them to take directions from the
top and give instructions to the lower level
• In case of Team Work scores:
The expected competency from middle
management is high (61) as compared to that
from the low and top level management. Also,
the actual scores of middle management are
greater than expected from them (63.6),
35560.225 2 17780.113 182.126 .000
Total 84080.102
Between 267716.652 2 133858.326 1374.403 .000
• Demonstrate and promote effective exceed their goals, then the results speak for
communications, using both verbal and themselves. Today’s corporate world demands
nonverbal methods sustainability in strategic growth, retaining and
• Interact effectively with team members of expanding market share, attracting, managing
different personality types and nurturing talent, and delivering high quality
performance to all concerned stakeholders.
• Provide leadership to team members to
Improvement is the rule of the game today. You
achieve team goals
simply cannot afford to maintain the status quo–
• Resolve conflicts constructively within the whether it is your company’s bottom line or
team and with interfacing organizations productive service quality or employees’ way of
• Recognize and reduce individual stress. executing their work.
• Define leadership and the leadership role Competency mapping is therefore, a
in your facility process of identifying key competencies for an
organization and/or a job and incorporating those
• Identify the aspects of an effective and
competencies throughout the various processes
noneffective leader
(job evaluation, training, recruitment) of the
• Identify those factors that adversely impact organization. Use of a competency mapping
the leadership role, and develop methods model creates a difference in performance. It has
to minimize the impact of these factors on multiple benefits. The missing links can then be
team functions taken care of by organizing training programs. If
• Identify and respond to the needs of a core competency in an individual is below
individuals using different motivational what seniors expect, it is really a matter of
techniques concern. Personality tests may reveal some other
• Identify those characteristics of the team competencies which an individual might not
(i.e., group objectives and individual and have displayed so far. This can prove beneficial
collective abilities) that impact on a for the company, as training would further
person's leadership strategy and control enhance these competencies.
their effect on team output The competency framework forms the
• Fulfil leadership functions as needs arise bedrock for all HR applications. As a result of
within the team. competency mapping, all the HR processes like
talent induction, management development,
appraisal and training yield much better results.
When companies set specific goals and
evaluate employees on how well they meet or
B - Communication Skills
B1 Good Listening abilities. 8 9 9
B2 Understanding instructions/responses from Team Members 10 9 6
B3 Ability to explain the suggestions/activities/queries/problems 6 9 9
B4 Writing skills (Written communication to peer 7 10 9
B5 Sharing the needed information with the people concerned. 7 9 6
B TOTAL 38 46 39
C - Team Work
Coordinate & Cooperate with team members to achieve the
C1 8 8 7
team objectives.
C2 Coordinate with other teams. 7 10 8
Adarsh Journal of Management Research - Vol. : 7 Issue : 1 March 2014
E - Personal Qualities
E1 Disciplined &self motivated 8 8 8
E2 Delegate the activities to team members & monitoring the 6 9 8
E3 Learn from the mistakes & improve the management aspects. 7 7 7
E4 Maintain good relation with peers, subordinates & superiors. 7 10 9
E5 Adhere to the management directions & making others to 8 9 9
understand them.
E6 Positive body language. 8 9 9
E7 Creative & innovative with idea generation 8 9 9
E8 Continuously learn from superiors/subordinates. 8 8 8
E9 Maintain Politeness during conversation. 8 7 7
E10 Facilitate & develop creative & innovative work culture. 6 8 7
E11 Upgrade personal intellectual skills for the development of 7 8 9
the work/organization.
E12 Ability to deal with the cross cultural adjustments with 7 9 9
subordinates / peers / superiors.
E TOTAL 88 101 99
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