Es036 Obe Syllabus
Es036 Obe Syllabus
Es036 Obe Syllabus
I. Course Description :
This course deals with the study of the environment and its relation to man. It covers the basic concept of ecological systems (ecosystems), sustainable development, the different types of
pollution (air, water, land and solid waste, noise ) and their sources, waste treatment processes, disposal, government legislation, rules and regulations related to the environment and waste management, and
environmental management system. It also includes basic engineering application and designs as part of pollution prevention and mitigation.
STATEMENT OF CORE COMPETENCY The department of Chemical Engineering endeavors to produce graduates with the ability:
Science and Technology is a way of academic life among administrators, faculty, and students. In the 1) to apply knowledge in mathematics, physical sciences, engineering sciences to the practice of
design, administration, and implementation of curricular programs, technology is embedded, chemical engineering;
articulated, and actuated. 2) to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;
3) to work effectively in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural groups in diverse fields and expertise;
4) to identify, formulate, and solve chemical engineering problems;
5) to describe and discuss the effects and impact of the chemical engineering profession on the
environment and the society, as well as the social and ethical responsibilities of the profession;
6) to commit to engage in life-long learning and to keep abreast of the current trends and
development in a specific field of specialization.
PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEO) a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and sciences to solve engineering problems.
b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c. Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
Within three to five years after obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering at
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
Cebu Institute of Technology – University, a graduate is expected to: manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards.
d. Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
a. Successfully practice in the different Chemical Engineering fields. e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
b. Assume leadership roles in the chemical process industries, academe and other f. Understanding of professional, and ethical responsibility.
technological fields. g. Ability to communicate effectively.
h. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
c. Contribute to the socio-economic environment of their respective communities. economic, environmental, and societal context.
d. Further develop career and personal skills through life-long learning. i. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k. Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
l. Knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
m.Understand at least one specialized field of chemical engineering practice
III. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
At the end of the course, the students are able to: P.O. / S.O. Code Links P.O. / S.O. Code Links
CLO1. Recognize the various effects of environmental CLO3. Demonstrate the hierarchy of environmental waste
Pollution in relation to the ecosystem. a-E, c-E, e-E, f-E, h-E, j-E management. a-E, c-E, e-E, f-E, h-E, j-E
CLO2. Explain the importance of waste management and its CLO4. Introduction to the designing of an appropriate treatment
a-E, c-E, e-E, f-E, h-E, j-E a-E, c-E, e-E, f-E, h-E, j-E
relevance to the engineering profession. schemes for waste disposal (air, water, solid waste).
II. AIR POLLUTION 3 3 3 2 ILO4. Recognize the different types and source Creative Group
- Layers and importance of the atmosphere of air pollutants. Presentation Presentation
- Types & Sources of Air Pollutants Lecture using Seatwork
- Effects to human health, vegetation and ILO5. Identify and explain the different multimedia Prelim Exam
environment in general techniques in controlling air pollution. Research and 6 hrs. 4-5
- Application of Waste Management Hierarchy discussion of the
- RA 8749 different Air
- Air Pollution Control Devices Pollution Control
- Problem Solving about air pollution Devices (APCD)
III. WATER POLUUTION 3 3 3 2 ILO6. Discuss the ways to measure water Creative Group
- Water Quality and Water Standards quality and water standards. Presentation Presentation
- Types & Sources of Water Pollutants Lecture using Quiz
- Effects to human health, vegetation and ILO7. Explain the concepts of water pollution. multimedia Midterm
environment in general Exam 9 hrs. 6-8
- Application of Waste Management Hierarchy ILO8. Identify and explain the different
- RA 9275 treatment/techniques in controlling water
- Wastewater treatment processes pollution.
- Problem solving about wastewater treatment
IV. LAND/SOIL POLLUTION 3 3 3 2 ILO9. Describe the effects of land/soil pollution. Creative Group
- Soil Composition and Layers Presentation Presentation
- Types & Sources of Land Pollutants ILO10. Describe ways of treating polluted Lecture using Quiz
- Effects to human health, vegetation and land/soil. multimedia Homework 6 hrs. 9 - 10
environment in general
- Application of Waste Management Hierarchy
- Control Techniques of Land Pollution
V. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 3 3 3 2 ILO11. Recognize the different Solid Waste and Creative Group
- Characteristics of Solid Waste its sources. Presentation Presentation
- Types & Sources of Solid Waste Lecture using Quiz
- Effects to human health, vegetation and ILO12. Describe the different ways of managing multimedia
environment in general solid waste anywhere. Think-Pair- 9 hrs. 11 - 13
- Application of Waste Management Hierarchy Sharing
- RA 9003
- Problem solving about Solid Waste
VI. TOXIC/HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT 3 3 3 2 ILO13. Identify the characteristics of Creative Group
- Characteristics of Toxic/Hazardous Waste toxic/hazardous waste. Presentation Presentation
- Types & Sources of Toxic/Hazardous Waste Lecture using Quiz
- Effects to human health, vegetation and ILO14. Describe the different ways of managing multimedia Homework
environment in general toxic/hazardous wastes. Pre-Final 6 hrs. 14 - 15
- Application of Waste Management Hierarchy Exam
- RA 6969
- Problem solving about Toxic and Hazardous
VII. NOISE POLLUTION 3 3 3 1 ILO15. Discuss the concepts of sound. Creative Group
- Properties of Sound wave Presentation Presentation
- Effects to human health, vegetation and ILO16. Describe the different ways of controlling Lecture using Quiz
3 hrs. 16
environment in general noise pollution. multimedia Homework
- Noise Pollution Control Think-Pair-
VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 3 3 2 1 ILO17. Explain the concepts of EMS. Lecture using Group
(EMS) multimedia research
- EMS Overview ILO18. Discuss EIA/EIS/EMP process. Research and project
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Discussion on a Quiz 6 hrs. 17-18
- Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Case Study of an Final exam
References: 1) Mackenzie L. Davis and David A. Cornwell. (2013). Introduction to Environmental Engineering. 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
(Sci Tech / 628 / D295 / 2013)
2) N.L. Nemerow et al. (2009). Environmental Engineering. 6th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
(Sci Tech / 628 / En89 / 2009)
3) Mackenzie L. Davis and Susan J. Masten. (2009). Principles of Environmental Engineering & Science . 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
(Sci Tech / 628 / D295 / 2009)
4) Filemon A. Uriarte Jr. (2008) Solid Waste Management.
(Fil. / 628.4409914 / Ur2 / 2008)
5) Environmental Magazine; Discover Magazine; Chemical Engineering Magazine
(CIT University Library Periodical Section)
Internet Sources:
VI. Focus Values (per month):
Major Examinations (Preliminary, Midterm, Pre-finals & Finals)
Assignments, Homeworks, Seatworks, Research, Group Activities