MCQ Pathology - Endocine
MCQ Pathology - Endocine
MCQ Pathology - Endocine
The multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome may include all of the following
neoplasms except:
A. medullary carcinoma of thyroid
B. adrenal cortical carcinoma
C. pheochromocytoma
D. islet cell adenoma
E. pituitary adenoma
All of the following are included in the multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)
syndromes except:
A. islet cell adenoma
B. pituitary adenoma
C. medullary thyroid carcinoma
D. pheochromocytoma
E. thyroid adenoma
All of the following are characteristic of multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)
syndrome, Type II (Sipple’s syndrome) except:
A. medullary carcinoma of the thyroid
B. hyperparathyroidism
C. abnormal serum calcium
D. presence of peptic ulcers
A patient with Addison’s disease is likely to exhibit all of the following except:
A. hyperpigmentation of skin
B. hypotension
C. tuberculosis of adrenal gland
D. moon facies
Physical signs of a patient with Addison’s disease include all of the following
A. hyperpigmentation of skin
B. hypotension
C. muscle weakness
D. abdominal striae
A 28-year-old woman has a “butterfly lesion” on her face for which she has
received steroid therapy. She complains of a gain in weight with swelling of the
face and abdomen, and that collars of her blouses have become tight. On
examination, there are reddish-purple striae on the abdominal wall. The most
likely diagnosis is:
A. adenoma of the adrenal
B. basophil adenoma of the pituitary
C. chromophobe adenoma of the pituitary
D. nodular hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex
E. administration of excess steroid
Which of the following occurs with the highest frequency in association with
A. medullary carcinoma of the thyroid
B. adrenal cortical adenoma
C. hepatoma
D. osteosarcoma
Which of the following most commonly results from a functioning neoplasm of the
adrenal cortex?
A. Cushing’s syndrome
B. Conn’s syndrome
C. adrenogenital syndrome
D. Cushing’s disease
E. Addison’s disease
Pheochromocytomas are:
A. typically solitary, intra-adrenal, non-functional, non-malignant neoplasms of the
paraganglion tissues
B. multiple in about 10% of patients, extra-adrenal in 10% of patients, and at times clearly
familial and uncommonly malignant
C. always associated with hypertension, typically large (100+ grams), focally hemorrhagic,
and often (25% of patients) found in the organ of Zuckerkandl
D. typically microscopically pleomorphic, solitary, often familial neoplasms of young people
(10—25 years).
Changes in the thyroid gland in response to excess TSH stimulation include all of
the following except:
A. loss of colloid
B. increased iodine uptake
C. decreased height of follicular lining cells
D. colloidal scalloping
E. increased thyroid hormone secretion
Diffuse hyperplastic goiter (Graves’ disease) may produce which of the following
cardiac changes:
A. left sided valvular insufficiency
B. a typical “thrush breast” heart
C. a non-bacterial endocarditis
D. a hypertrophied and dilated heart
E. an atrophic flabby heart
Multinodular goiters may assume clinical importance for all of the following
reasons except:
A. cosmetic disfigurement
B. development of hyperfunctional focus with thyrotoxicosis
C. airway compression
D. rapid increase in size
E. undergo cancerous transformation
An adult patient in the United States with diffuse colloid goiter due to iodine
deficiency is most likely to have:
A. marked hyperthyroidism
B. myxedema
C. progressive exophthalmos
D. normal thyroid function
E. predisposition for cancer
Clinical features of a thyroglossal duct cyst include each of the following except:
A. usually present as soft mass
B. fixed and nonmovable
C. occur in anterior midline of neck
D. may communicate to skin via sinus tract
E. rare site of malignancy
Which of the following best describes the histologic appearance of the thyroid
gland in nodular goiter?
A. diffuse epithelial hyperplasia
B. uniform appearance with large colloid-filled follicles
C. large lymphoid aggregates and foci of follicular germinal cancer
D. encapsulated nodules of papillary structures
E. variable follicle size, fibrous scars, evidence of hemorrhage
Which of the following statements best describes the histologic changes in the
thyroid gland in Graves’ disease:
A. increase in epithelial cells, vascularity, lymphoid tissue, and colloid
B. increase in epithelial cells, vascularity, and lymphoid tissue; decreased colloid
C. decrease in epithelial cells and colloid; increased vascularity and lymphoid tissue
D. decrease in epithelial cells and lymphoid tissue; increased vascularity and colloid
E. decrease in epithelial cells, vascularity, lymphoid tissue and colloid
Pain and tenderness in the neck with fever is most characteristic of:
A. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
B. Riedel’s struma
C. chronic non-specific thyroiditis
D. granulomatous thyroiditis
E. metastatic follicular carcinoma
The five-year survival for surgically treated papillary carcinoma of the thyroid is:
A. less than 10%
B. 10 to 30%
C. 30 to 45%
D. 45 to 60%
E. greater than 60%
The best 10-year-survival rate is associated with which of the following thyroid
A. medullary
B. large cell undifferentiated
C. small cell undifferentiated
D. follicular
E. papillary
Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid is associated with each of the following except:
A. increased calcitonin secretion
B. familial occurrence
C. other endocrine lesions
D. amyloid deposition
E. rapidly fatal course
Which one of the following thyroid neoplasms has the highest survival rate?
A. lymphoma
B. follicular carcinoma
C. papillary carcinoma
D. anaplastic carcinoma
E. medullary carcinoma
A surgeon explores a thyroid because of a “cold” nodule of the left upper pole of
the thyroid. The nodule is firm, non-encapsulated, and granular. There is an
enlarged, hard lymph node in the adjacent internal jugular chain. The most likely
diagnosis is:
A. anaplastic carcinoma
B. follicular adenoma
C. follicular carcinoma
D. lymphoma
E. papillary carcinoma
Diffuse bilateral adrenal cortical hyperplasia can be associated with all of the
following except:
A. oat cell carcinoma of lung
B. pituitary adenoma
C. inborn error of production of corticosteroids
D. functioning adrenal cortical adenoma
A 50-year-old female presented with a solitary nodule in her thyroid gland. The
thyroid gland generally was of normal size. A dose of radioactive iodine was
administered and the nodule was found to be hot. The uptake of radioactive iodine
in the nodule correlates with:
A. well differentiated thyroid tissue
B. undifferentiated thyroid tissue
C. euthyroidism
D. hypothyroidism
A 40-year-old female was found to have a solitary nodule in the left side of her neck. A
biopsy revealed thyroid tissue within the lymph node. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Hashimoto’s disease, thyroid
B. papillary carcinoma of the thyroid
C. congenital aberrant thyroid tissue
D. metaplasia of lymph node tissue
E. Grave’s disease, thyroid
Cushing’s Syndrome can be associated with:
A. adrenal cortical carcinoma
B. adrenal cortical adenoma
C. oral intake of steroids
D. pituitary adenoma composed of basophil cells
E. all of the above
A 40-year-old female was found to have a solitary nodule in the left side of her
neck. A biopsy revealed thyroid tissue within a lymph node. The lymph node is
least likely to contain:
A. thyroid follicles
B. psammoma bodies
C. papillary formations of the thyroid epithelium
D. mitotic figures
E. multinucleated giant cells
Excessive production of corticosteroids can occur in patients with all the conditions
listed except:
A. basophilic adenoma of pituitary
B. oat cell carcinoma of the lung
C. adrenal cortical carcinoma
D. neuroblastoma
Islet cell adenomas can be associated with all of the following except:
A. pituitary adenomas
B. parathyroid adenomas
C. adrenal cortical adenoma
D. pheochromocytoma
Which of the following thyroid tumors may lead to elevated calcitonin levels?
A. follicular adenoma
B. papillary carcinoma
C. follicular carcinoma
D. medullary carcinoma
A 48-year-old massively obese female complained of fainting spells between meals that
were relieved by eating ice cream. The histologic features of the patient’s slides is most
likely to include:
A. insulin granules in tumor cells by immunohistochemistry
B. psammoma bodies
C. tumor giant cells
D. amyloid deposition causing islet cell atrophy
E. Cal-Exner bodies
Diffuse bilateral adrenal cortical hyperplasia can be associated with all of the
following except:
A. malignant neoplasm producing ACTH
B. faulty biosynthesis of cortisol, an inborn error
C. basophilic adenomas of the pituitary
D. eosinophilic adenomas of the pituitary
A 50-year-old male presented with a history of recurrent gastric ulcers and multiple renal
stones. The most important test to obtain to confirm the diagnosis is:
A. serum calcium level
B. T(4) level in blood
C. fasting blood sugar level
D. serum aldosterone level
E. long acting thyroid stimulator