Maple Quick Start: Talking To Maple Steps Results
Maple Quick Start: Talking To Maple Steps Results
Maple Quick Start: Talking To Maple Steps Results
This tutorial is designed to help you become familiar with the Maple environment and
teach you the few fundamental concepts and tools you need to become productive
quickly. To try this material on your own, start with an empty Maple document. Perform
the steps found in the left column of each table below. The results of each step are
displayed in the right column for your reference.
Talking to Maple
Steps Results
Start Page
When you first start Maple, you will see
the Start page. The page points you to a
variety of resources. For example, the
Getting Started icon will bring you to a
page full of tutorials and quick "How do I..
." lessons.
Click on the New Document icon, on the
top left of the page to open a blank
Using [ENTER]
You can start by typing math into your
Maple document and pressing [ENTER] in
order to see the result.
Using [Alt]+[ENTER]
Example: Type "x+5-2" then [Alt]+
integrate w.r.t. x
Context Panel
Steps Results
Type the first few characters of the
symbol name, and press [Esc]. Choose
the desired symbol from the list.
Label References
Whenever you use [ENTER] to get a
response, the result is automatically given
a label reference. To refer to a previous
result in a computation, use [Ctrl]+[L]
and enter the label reference number.
Defining Functions
To define a function, use arrow
notation, such as . Enter the
arrow operator by typing a hyphen [ -
] followed by a greater than sign [ > ].
Maple automatically reformats those
characters as a single arrow character. (2.6)
Example: Define a function to take a
value, w, and return its square.
4 (2.7)
Steps Results
Example: Start by entering a simple
The integral =
Go back to the start of your computation
(place the cursor to the left of your
expression), press [F5] to change from
math input to text input, and start typing
Tip: If you are trying to enter math but it doesn't seem to be formatting properly, you
are most likely in text mode. In math mode, the cursor is slanted and has a dotted box
around it. In text mode, the cursor appears as a vertical bar. You can also check what
mode you are in by looking at the top left of the toolbar. In text mode it will look like
. In math mode it will look like . You can use
Steps Results
2-D Plots
Annotating Plots
Steps Results
Example: Enter
. Select Explore
from the context panel. From here, you
can set the range of values you want to
explore, as well as specify any variables
to skip. When you select skip, that
parameter remains as a symbolic
unknown in the expression; no slider will
be created to control that value. With this
expression, choose to skip x and y. Move
the sliders to change the plot.
Using Tutors in Maple
Tip: You can also view Math Apps online in the MapleCloud (at, using
only a web browser.
Entering Commands
While many operations in Maple can be done through the use of the context panel and
other interactive tools, Maple also has an extensive set of commands, as well as a rich
programming language.
Steps Results
Example: Using the Matrix palette,
create a Matrix, M, and then use the
to find the
determinant of M.
Steps Results