Safety Data Sheet: Page 1 of 14 MAGNAVIS® WCP-2 Aerosol
Safety Data Sheet: Page 1 of 14 MAGNAVIS® WCP-2 Aerosol
Safety Data Sheet: Page 1 of 14 MAGNAVIS® WCP-2 Aerosol
1.2 Relevant identified uses of the mixture and uses advised against:
Relevant identified uses: White contrast paint used in Magnetic
Particle Inspection (MPI).
Uses advised against: This product is not recommended for any
use other than the identified uses above.
1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet
Manufacturer: Magnaflux® (A division of ITW Ltd)
Address: Faraday Road, South Dorcan Industrial
Estate, Swindon, UK
Postcode: SN3 5HE
Telephone/fax number: Telephone: +44 (0)1793 524566
Fax: +44 (0)1793 490459
Email address of competent person
responsible for SDS:
National contact: None appointed
1.4 Emergency telephone number: DURING OFFICE HOURS, CALL
T: +44 (0)1793 524566 (English only)
Opening hours: Office hours (GMT) Monday - Thursday 8am
- 5pm, Friday 8am - 4pm
T: +44(0)203 394 9866
For full text of hazard statements and EU hazard statements see SECTION 16.
3.2 Mixtures
Titanium Dioxide 13463- 236- 01-2119489379- < 10 Not classified Has WEL
67-7 675-5 17
1,2-Benzenedi carboxylic 68515- 271- 01-2119432682- <2 Not classified Has DNEL
acid, di-C8-C10-branched 48-0 090-9 41
alkyl esters, C9-rich
Amorphous silica 7631- 231- 01-2119379499- < 0.2 Not classified Has WEL
86-9 545-4 16
Butan-2-ol 78-92-2 201- 01-2119475146- < 0.2 Flam. Liq. 3 H226 Has WEL
158-5 36 Eye Irrit. 2 H319
STOT SE 3 H336
STOT SE 3 H335
1. Exempted from the obligation to register in accordance with art.2(7)(a) of REACH Regulation No 1907/2006
2. Not classified as carcinogen, less than 0.1% w/w 1,3 butadiene (EINECS no 203-450-8)
Note: Hazard statement(s) in this section apply only to raw materials, not necessarily to finished
*See Section 16 for hazard statement(s) text in full.
Note: Where no specific short-term exposure limit is listed, a figure three times the long-term
exposure limit should be used.
Note: The Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) is an estimated safe level of exposure that is derived
from toxicity data in accordance with specific guidance within the European REACH regulation. The
DNEL may differ from an Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) for the same chemical. OELs may be
recommended by an individual company, a government regulatory body or an expert organization,
such as the Scientific Committee for Occupational Exposure Limits (SCOEL) or the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygenists (ACGIH). OELs are considered to be safe
exposure levels for a typical worker in an occupational setting for an 8-hour work shift, 40 hour work
week, as a time weighted average (TWA) or a 15 minute short-term exposure limit (STEL). While also
considered to be protective of health, OELs are derived by a process different from that of REACH.
Note: properties relate to the bulk product only unless otherwise stated.
Acute Toxicity – oral LD50 (rat) 5800 mg/kg
Acute Toxicity – dermal LD50 (rat) > 7400 mg/kg
Acute Toxicity – inhalation LC50 (rat) 76000 mg/l (vapours) 4 hours
Titanium Dioxide
Acute Toxicity – oral LD50 (rat) > 5000 mg/kg
Acute Toxicity – dermal LD50 (rabbit) > 5000 mg/kg
Acute Toxicity – inhalation LC50 (rat) > 6.8 mg/l 4hours
Amorphous silica
Acute Toxicity – oral LD50 (rat) > 5000 mg/kg
Acute Toxicity – dermal LD50 (rabbit) > 2000 mg/kg
Acute Toxicity – inhalation LC50 (rat) > 62.2 mg/l(dust/mist) 1 hour
Fish Onchorhynchus mykiss LC50 96 hours 5540 mg/l
Aquatic Invertebrates Daphnia pulex EC50 48 hours 8800 mg/l
Aquatic Invertebrates Daphnia magna EC10 28 days 2212 mg/l
Microorganisms Activated sludge EC10 30 mins. 1000 mg/l
Titanium Dioxide
Fish Onchorhynchus mykiss LC50 96 hours > 100 mg/l
Fish Pimephales promelas LC50 96 hours > 1000 mg/l
Aquatic Invertebrates Daphnia magna LC50 48 hours > 100 mg/l
Microorganisms Hyalella azteca NOEC 28 days > 100000 mg/kg dw
Aquatic Plants Pseudopkirchnerella subcapitata EC50 72 hours 16 mg/l
NOTE: Waste codes are assigned based upon the most common uses for this material and may not
reflect contaminants resulting from actual use. Waste producers need to assess the actual process
used when generating the waste and its contaminants in order to assign the proper waste code(s).
15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance
or mixture:
EU Regulations:
This data sheet complies with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on the
classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures.
Safety data sheet as required by EU Regulations 1907/2006 and REACH Annex II
Amendment (EU) No. 2015/830.
Information according to 2013/10/EU and 2008/47/EC amendment of the aerosol
directive 75/324/EEC.
This data sheet is complied according Dir 2013/10/EU, 2008/47/EC amendment of the
aerosol directive 75/324/EEC.
Extra label elements: Pressured container: protect from sunlight and do not expose to
temperatures exceeding 50 °C. Do not pierce or burn, even after use. Do not spray on a
naked flame or any incandescent material.
National regulations (Germany):
Wassergefahrdungklasse (water WGK 1 – Low hazard to waters.
hazard class):
TechnischeAnleitungLuft (TA-Luft): 85 – 95% Class 5.2.5 Organic substances,
except dusts.
5 – 15% Class 5.2.1 Overall dust, including
fine dust.
15.2 Chemical safety assessment:
No chemical safety assessment has been carried out for this mixture by the supplier.
Vertical lines on the left hand side indicate an amendment from the previous version.
(iv) Classification and procedure used to derive the classification for mixtures according
to Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP):
The information and recommendations contained herein are based upon data believed to be up-to-
date and correct. However, no guarantee or warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made with
respect to the information and recommendations contained herein. We accept no responsibility and
disclaim all liability for any harmful effects that may be caused by (incorrect) use, handling, purchase,
resale, or exposure to our product. Customers and users of our product must comply with all
applicable health and safety laws, regulations, and orders. In particular, they are under an obligation
to carry out a risk assessment for the particular work places and to take adequate risk management
measures in accordance with the national implementation legislation of EU Directives 89/391/EEC
and 98/24/EC amended by Directive 2014/27/EU.
Revision Revision This SDS is valid from the Revision Date. If you require a SDS for the
summary: Comments product manufactured before the revision date please contact us at
Revision Date 22.08.2018
Version 17.2