Chapter 2 - Research Methodology
Chapter 2 - Research Methodology
Chapter 2 - Research Methodology
This study is focused at finding the relevance of the select corporate finance theories and their
efficacy in the present context. For the compilation of this study, the data, in the dorm of
seminal research papers has been considered. This data is a secondary data. The major
objective is to see the relevance of select corporate finance theories and to find whether a re-
look at them is necessary? Data Collection is in the form of documents (Seminal Research
Papers) and findings are comprehensive. All these are the characteristics of a qualitative
research. Such type of study is a type of qualitative research and this work of research is also a
qualitative research.
In qualitative research, research methods involves describing a specific situation using various
research tools such as Interviews, Surveys and observations are extensively used. The
Where as in quantitative research, as name says requires quantifiable data involving numerical
and understanding inherent within different statistical models. Numerical data and information
The researcher builds a complex, holistic picture, analyzes words, report detailed views of
One should not form an opinion about qualitative research as an substitute for “Statistical” or
consuming process of data analysis, writing passages and participation in a form of social and
human science research that does not have firm guideline or specific procedures and is
This research is based on “World View” which is holistic and has following beliefs
2. Reality based upon perception that may be different for each person and may change
over time.
Topics to be explored- This is a situation where variables cannot be easily identified. Theories
A distant panoramic view is not enough to present the answers to the problems.
Aahmed,Syeda Tasneem Fatima and Kamal Haider, 2011) said, Qualitative research is
concerned with developing explanations of social phenomenon. It tries To receive the answers
Creswell (J W Creswell, 1994) has divided qualitative research into five different types
1. Case Study
2. The Biography
3. Ethnography
4. Phenomenology
5. Grounded Theory
1. Case Study
Creswell (1998) defines a case study as an exploration of a “bounded system” or a case (or
multiple cases) over time through detailed, in-depth data collection involving multiple sources
of information rich in context. Some consider “the case” as an object of study (e.g., Stake,
1995) while others consider it a methodology (e.g., Merriam, 1998). According to Creswell,
the bounded system is bounded by time and place, and it is the case being studied – a
The researcher needs to situate the case in a context or setting. The setting may be a physical,
social, historical, and/or economic. The researcher needs to identify the focus of the study. It
could be either on the case (intrinsic study), because of its uniqueness, or it may be on an
issue or issues (instrumental study), with the case used instrumentally to illustrate the issue. A
case study could involve more than one case (collective case study). In choosing what case
to study, a researcher may choose a case because it shows different perspectives on the
unusual. The data collection is extensive, drawing on multiple sources of information such
as observations, interviews, documents, and audio-visual materials. The data analysis can be
either a holistic analysis of the entire case or an embedded analysis of a specific aspect of the
case. From the data collection, a detailed description of the case is done. Themes or issues
are formulated and then the researcher makes an interpretation or assertions about the case.
When multiple cases are chosen, a typical format is to provide a detailed description of each
case and themes within the case (called within-case analysis), followed by a thematic analysis
across the cases (called a cross-case analysis), as well as assertions or an interpretation of the
In the final stage, the researcher reports the “lessons learned” from the case (Lincoln and
Guba, 1985).
The researcher needs to identify his/her case among a host of possible candidates.
The researcher needs to decide whether to study a single case or multiple cases. The
motivation for considering many cases is the issue of generalizability, which is not so much of
a pressing issue in qualitative inquiry. Studying more than one case runs the risk of a diluted
study, lacking the “depth” compared to a single case. “How many” cases becomes a
challenge then. Getting enough information to get a good depth for the case is a challenge.
Deciding on the boundaries in terms of time, events and processes may be challenging. Some
The analysis of qualitative data is not an easy task. All the qualitative studies show uniqueness
Qualitative analysis is a broad field of enquiry and it uses unstructured data collection
2.The Biography- This is a study of an individual and his / her experiences as told to the
researcher or as found in the achieves. It begins with an objective set of experiences in the
subject’s life, noting life course stages and experiences. The life course stages may be
Next, the researcher gathers concrete contextual biographical material using interviewing.
Here, the researcher focuses on gathering stories as the subject recounts a set of life
The researcher then organizes the stories around themes that indicate epiphanies (i.e.,
The researcher explores the meanings of these stories. However, the researcher relies on
the individual to provide explanations and then searches for multiple meanings. In addition,
the researcher looks for larger structures to explain the meanings, and provides an
interpretation for the life experiences of the individual. The larger structures could be social
interactions in groups, cultural issues, ideologies and historical context. If more than one
The information gathering from and about the subject is usually very extensive and
demanding. There is the need to have a clear understanding of the history and context to
enable one to position the subject within the larger trends in society or in the culture.
It takes a keen eye to determine the particular stories, slant, or angle that “works” in
writing a biography and to uncover the “figure under the carpet” (Edel, 1994) that explains the
multilayered context of a life. The researcher needs to be able to bring himself/herself into the
narrative and to acknowledge his or her standpoint, since this is an interpretive research.
(Creswell, 1998). In such a study, the researcher examines the group’s observable and learned
patterns of behavior, customs, and ways of life (Harris, 1968). Here, the researcher becomes a
participant observer, and gets immersed in the day-to-day lives of the people or through one-
on-one interviews with members of the group. The researcher focuses on the meanings of
The research begins with the researcher looking at people in interaction in ordinary settings
and attempting to discern pervasive patterns such as life cycles, events, and cultural themes.
To establish patterns, the ethnographer engages in extensive work in the field (field work),
gathering information through observations, interviews, and materials helpful inn developing
a portrait and establishing “cultural rules” of the culture-sharing group. The researcher is
sensitive to gaining access to the field through gatekeepers. The ethnographer locates key
informants, i.e., individuals who provide useful insights into the group and can steer the
researcher to information and contacts. The researcher is also sensitive about reciprocity
between the investigator and the subjects being studied, so that something will be returned to
the subjects being studied in exchange for their information. Lastly, the researcher is also
sensitive to reactivity, the impact of the researcher on the site and the people being studied.
The researcher also makes every effort to make his/her intent known from the start to avoid
any trace of deception. The researcher then does a detailed description of the culture-sharing
The researcher needs to have grounding in cultural anthropology and the meanings of social-
cultural systems as well as the concepts typically explored by ethnographers. The time to
collect data is extensive, involving prolonged time in the field. The style of writing, literary
(almost story telling approach), may limit audience and may be challenging for some authors
who are used to traditional approaches of writing social science research. There is the
possibility that the researcher would “go native” and be unable to complete the study or be
human experiences.
The study is conducted as-The researcher writes research questions that explore the meaning
of lived experiences for individuals, and asks individuals to describe these experiences. The
researcher then collects data, typically via long interviews, from individuals who have
significant statements are then transformed into clusters of meanings according to how each
statement falls under specific psychological and phenomenological concepts. Finally, these
transformations are tied together to make a general description of the experience – both the
textural description (of what was experienced) and the structural description (of how it was
The researcher can incorporate his/her personal meaning of the experience here. Finally, the
report is written such that readers understand better the essential, invariant structure of the
experience (or essence) of the experience. The reader should come away with the feeling that,
“I understand better what it is like for someone to experience that.” (Polkinghorne, 1989).
Phenomenology. The subjects selected into the study should be individuals who have actually
experienced the phenomenon. The researcher needs to bracket his/her own experiences, which
is difficult to do. The researcher needs to decide as to how and when his/her personal
5.Grounded Theory
schema of a philosophy that relates to a particular situation. This situation could be one in
(Creswell, 1998).
The methodology of conducting the study is like this- In open coding, the researcher forms
events, happenings and instances), the researcher finds several properties, or subcategories,
and looks for data to dimensionalize, or show the extreme possibilities on a continuum of, the
In axial coding, the researcher assembles the data in new ways after open coding. The
researcher presents this using a coding paradigm or logic diagram in which he/she identifies a
central phenomenon, explores causal conditions (i.e., categories of conditions that influence
the phenomenon), specifies strategies (i.e., the actions or interactions that result from the
central phenomenon), identifies the content and intervening conditions (i.e., the narrow and
broad conditions that influence the strategies), and delineates the consequences (i.e., the
In selective coding, the researcher identifies a “story line” and writes a story that
integrates the categories in the axial coding model. In this phase, conditional propositions
Finally, the researcher develops and visually portrays a conditional matrix that
elucidates the social, historical, and economic conditions influencing the central
phenomenon. This process results in a theory, written by the researchers close to a specific
Following are the challenges of Grounded theory: The researcher has to set aside as much
as possible, theoretical ideas or notions so that analytical, substantive theory can emerge.
Despite the evolving, inductive nature of this form of qualitative enquiry, researcher must
recognize that this is a systematic approach to research with specific steps in data analysis.
There are 15 methods of data analysis in qualitative research. They are as given below
1. Taxonomic Analysis
2. Typological System
5. Ethno-Statistics
7. Phenomenological
8. Event Analysis
9. Analytic Induction
11. Semiotics
1. Taxonomic Analysis : this is the search for the way that the cultural domains are
participants move. This analysis is useful in understanding the knowledge creation and
personality etc.
3. Grounded Theory (GT): This method was developed by two sociologists Barney
involving the discovery of theory through the analysis of data. This research method
operates almost in a reverse fashion from traditional social science research. Rather
than beginning with the hypothesis, here the first step is data collection. From data
collected the key points are marked with series of codes which are extracted from the
text. Such codes are grouped into similar concepts in order to make the data more
workable. From these concepts categories are formed which are the basis of creation of
a theory. ALL IS DATA is fundamental property of GT, which means everything that
4. Case study Analysis: In this method analysis of persons, events, decisions, periods,
research with ideographic focus, which means it aims to offer insights into how a
8. Event Analysis: the analysis of a specific event is done, as the name indicates. This is
useful for knowing the cause of an event and taking curative action, if needed. Besides
11. Semiotics: this is a study of meaning making, philosophical theory of signs and
12. Discourse Analysis: is a term used for number approaches to analyze written, vocal or
sign language.
13. Narrative Analysis: this is a study of text, stories, biographies, journals, field notes,
letters, conversations, interviews, and family stories, photos to analyze and understand
14. Content Analysis: this is analysis of text of various type including writing, images,
recordings, cultural artifacts. This is used for theory building, testing of hypotheses
15. Domain Analysis: this produces domain models using domain specific languages,
feature tables, generic architecture which describes all the systems in a domain.
For the study this researcher has made use of Grounded Theory because in Grounded Theory,
the researcher forms initial categories of information about the phenomenon being studied by
composed of events, happenings and instances), the researcher finds several properties, or
subcategories, and looks for data to dimensionalize, or show the extreme possibilities on a
continuum of, the property. Along with the Grounded Theory, the tool of Content Analysis
In particular, the researcher has focused on the following content in the existing Corporate
Finance literature as Normative Statements to be formed as part of the basis for his research
Table No: 1
FD-1 Smaller Firms rely on Rule of thumb rather than, the Ad hoc Approach
FD-2 Agency costs and asymmetric information as well as Agency Cost Theory
FD-3 External Financing issuing debt is better than Agency Cost Theory
credibility to outsiders.
insufficiencies in market.
FD-8 Banks finance themselves with Deposits only Bankruptcy Cost Theory
FD-11 Large, Liquid, Profitable firms with low distress Cost of Capital
FD-12 The distribution of holding the Debt and Equity is Debt Equity Ratio
FD-13 The Firm always Selects its Optimal Debt Equity Debt Equity Ratio
FD-14 The target Debt-Equity ratio changes over time as, Debt Equity Ratio
FD-15 Equity Ratio is directly correlated with the Value of Debt Equity Ratio
the Firm.
FD-16 There is a Strong relationship between Debt Ratio Debt Equity Ratio
and ROA.
FD-17 The efficient markets hypothesis holds that a market Efficient Market Hypothesis
FD-18 Evidence for efficient markets model is extensive. Efficient Market Hypothesis
empirical evidence.
FD-21 Stock prices decline due to wealth transfers to from Financing Decisions
FD-24 The Financial Markets and Capital Markets are Financing Decisions
FD-28 Assets with high liquidation Costs lead the firms to Financing Decisions
macroeconomic factors.
FD-38 Cost of capital and value of firm do not change with Financial Performance
FD-40 Change in Capital Structure and Value of the firm Financial Performance
FD-43 The relationship between a firm's debt level and that M M Approach
the market.
of return.
FD-52 When firms which issue debt are moving toward the N O I Approach
structure is irrelevant.
FD-56 When firms which issue debt are moving toward the N O I Approach
FD-58 Unique Optimal Capital Structure exists in the Optimal Capital Structure
FD-59 Optimal Debt levels are similar to those observed in Optimal Capital Structure
FD-61 Firms which prefer to finance their investment Pecking Order Theory
FD-62 When and Why firms issue common stock is not Pecking Order Theory
FD-63 Firms Follow Pecking order While Offering the Pecking Order Theory
ID-64 Pecking Order Model has greater confidence level Pecking Order Theory
ID-65 Conservative Firms follow Pecking Order style of Pecking Order Theory
Financing Policy.
FD-66 The Financial Structure of Quoted and Unquoted Pecking Order Theory
FD-67 67. Larger firms have better access to External Pecking Order Theory
FD-69 Capital Structure does matter and is consistent with Signaling Theory
FD-70 70. Extent of leverage in Capital Structure and the Stake holder’s Theory
FD-71 Human Assets Specificity has no co relation with Stake holder’s Theory
Table No: 2
of returns.
ID-5 Expected return and cost of capital are negatively Cost of Capital
related to liquidity.
ID-6 With Perfect capital Markets, Firm's Investment Efficient Capital Market
ID-8 Optimal hedging strategy does not does not generally Financial Performance
ID-9 Managers Purchase Projects , that increase the value of Financial Performance
ID-10 The Hurdle Rate is similar for Growth and Value firms. Hurdle Rate
ID-14 Theory for Capital budgeting under uncertainty needs a Investment Decision
ID-15 One Firm's Bond is identical to other firm's Bond. Investment Decision
ID-19 Ownership Status of a firm and rate of Return are Investment Decision
ID-20 Intra Group Cash transfers are made with the intention Investment Decision
ID-22 Capital investment and Appraisal methods are used on Investment Decision
ad-hoc basis.
ID-23 The Firm Size has an impact on the way Asset Investment Decision
series of inflows.
ID-30 Any adjustments for debt financing are reflected in the NPV
DD-4 Cash flow and taxation are significant determinants Cash flow
of Dividend behavior.
domestic Earning.
DD-7 The rate of profit required by the market is a superior Dividend Decision
DD-9 Firms should not pay dividend, when it has to Dividend Decision
generate case by selling stock.
DD-10 Why firms pay dividend and simultaneously raise Dividend Decision
on Firm Value.
DD-13 The harder we look at the Dividend Picture, the more Dividend Decision
DD-13 There is positive correlation between the current Debt Dividend Decision
DD-15 Sensitivity Analysis and Monte Carlo techniques are Dividend Decision
DD-16 Capital Structure and Dividend Policy, of a firm are Dividend Decision
not correlated.
DD-17 As long as the probability distribution of the firm’s Financial Performance
cash flows is fixed and there are no tax effects, the Management
Table No: 4
OD-1 Consistent with agency cost explanations, over- Agency Cost Theory
OD-2 Manager of the firm is the Agent of the Shareholders. Agency Cost Theory
OD-3 Agency Theory has provided useful tool for detailed Agency Cost Theory
OD-4 Agency Costs are not significantly different of Family Agency Cost Theory
OD-5 Managers Behave solely for the interest of Agency Cost Theory
Corporate Finance.
OD-11 The free cash flow hypothesis dominates the Cash Flow
OD-12 Free Cash flow Theory predicts, Mergers and Cash Flow
OD-13 Firms having greater access to Capital Market , tend Cash Flow
OD-15 Better governed firms are likely to have smaller cash Corporate Governance
minority Shareholders.
OD-22 The more liquid a firm's assets, the less likely the firm Financial Performance
OD-23 Firms with high Tobin's Q ratios tend to be those Financial Performance
OD-25 Tobin’s Q exceeds one, even without any adjustment Financial Performance
OD-31 Valuation of Privately held small firm and a large Financial Performance
OD-38 Mergers are the most efficient way of Corporate take Mergers and Acquisition
OD-40 Receding demand would minimize the chances of Mergers and Acquisition
cash flow.
OD-41 Takeover financed by cash and debt would generate Mergers and Acquisition
OD-43 Financial Institutions help to satisfy the inter temporal Other Decisions
OD-46 Financial Fragility is caused because of low net worth Other Decisions
OD-47 When the recovery phase in economy starts firms are Other Decisions
Institutional investors.
OD-53 The Policy Makers did explain the Public and Other Decisions
Academicians, the precise nature of Market failure of
OD-54 Stock Market Liberalization leads to more efficient Other Decisions
allocation of Capital.
footnotes presentation.
OD-59 The Prospect Theory explains the IPO market Prospect Theory
predicting bankruptcy.
OD-62 Current profits can be a poor reflection of true future Signaling Theory
OD-63 Numbers in Financial Results are relevant and can be Signaling Theory
OD-64 In after tax analysis the differences in accounting rate Tax Shield
rate of return.
market value.
In case of a qualitative research, the data is also qualitative. In the present study the data is
in the form of Research Papers. These research papers are selected on the basis of specific
A Seminal Paper / Research article is a piece of work where a concept or idea is first
Established, or the author proposes an idea, which gets major attention in the subject.
A seminal work is a piece of work that everyone from the fraternity keeps bringing up
The researcher accessed about 1500 research papers / research articles from sources like Jstor,
The articles cover a big time period. From 1945 till date. starts from 1945 till date, a
wide spectrum of about 70 years. The papers having strong research methodology, well
defined research problem and having wider time span were selected. While short listing the
research papers for analysis due care was taken so that papers exhibiting the same idea as well
The data for this study was is the form of the seminal research papers. Standard text books
were also referred however such text books could not be considered as data. The emphasis
was on selecting the quality research papers. The research papers showing strong clarity of
Unlike the quantitative research, where the emphasis is on numerical data, in qualitative
The researcher has broadly categorized tall the research papers in four types
A. Financing Decisions
B. Investment Decisions
D. Other Decision
The researcher, on the basis of the theories, selected the normative statements; the variables
are in the form of normative statements. The normative statements are selected from the
standard text books of corporate finance. These statements are classified as per the specific
Theory/ Approach / Concept. Due care was taken by the researcher to avoid the papers /
articles yielding repetitive results or discussing same or similar Theory / Approach /Concept.
As the markets started expanding, the microeconomics became important. Finance has been
evolved from the domain of economics. When business started crossing the Geographical
boundaries, when cross border transactions started taking place, then the microeconomics
theory happened after both the world wars. Hence first reference of this study dates back to
the year 1945 and the time span or canvas for this study is from 1945 till date.
While studying the global aspect of finance, views and researches documented by the global
Management thinkers are reviewed without disregarding or neglecting the local or region
bound researches. For example while studying the Theories/ Approaches / Concepts of
dividend policies, the papers dealing with global perspective were selected and studied. As
well as the Papers dealing with the similar theme, but were region bound were also selected
and reviewed.
The reason behind this is to test implication of the same theory on local or regional basis.
Pilot Study- When the study is of qualitative research type no pilot study is warranted.
Researcher’s field experience and academic experience was the basis of interest in this study.
Researcher observed that, in the literature of corporate finance, words are interchangeably
alternatively referred to as Signaling Approach, in reality both of these are concepts. As far as
costs And their effect on the decision making of the firm was studied. There are so many
questions in the domain of corporate finance, which are unanswered till date. Questions like
The extent of Dividend to be paid to the shareholders, the proportion of debt and equity in the
capital structure of the firm, maturity structure of firm’s debt instruments, marketing of the
firms securities and like.. are still not convincingly addressed by the existing theories in
corporate finance.
On test basis some observations were tested on the research papers. While practicing the
The objective of this study is to test the relevance of select corporate finance theories. And to
know whether a relook is necessary, on the basis of the ongoing research in the domain of
and Confusion.”
Sampling- Sample for this study was definite. Theory / Approach / Concept was taken into
taken. The relevant research papers / Research article was classified according to the broad
category viz. The Financing Decisions , The Investing Decisions, The Dividend Decisions and
Other Decisions. The research papers which were yielding same or repetitive conclusion were
omitted. Papers having clarity of thought, good research methodology were selected and
classified as per the theory. More than 1500 papers were read and after filtering these papers
on the above mentioned norms 216 papers were selected. These papers were used for the
Data Collection and Data Cleaning- Research papers relevant to the four broad categories
were selected. The sources such as Prowess, SSRN, Science Direct, Emerald,
As Stated above, from a wide range of over 1500 papers seminal papers were selected and
classified as per the theme of the paper. Wide geographical canvas was selected to study the
The Normative statements were classified as per the broad classification of Theories viz.
The Financing Decisions, Investment Decisions, Dividend Decisions and Other Decisions.
Further Various Theories / Approaches / Concepts under each decision were grouped
The normative statements were written row wise. The selected Research Papers were then
Each Research paper was read thoroughly and then grouped with appropriate normative
If the research paper was in conformity with the normative statement then raking of “1” was
assigned, whereas when the research paper is not in conformity with the normative statement
After assigning ‘1’ or ‘-1’ as the case may be, the research papers neither showing any
conformity nor showing any difference ‘0’ was assigned. It is important to know that ‘0’ value
assigned means, those aspects of Theory / Concept / Approach are ignored by the researchers.
Data Analysis: As stated above all the rows are of normative Statements and all the columns
were of Selected Seminal Research papers /Articles. These Papers / Articles were arranged
The variables in this analysis were the normative statements. And the values assigned for the
purpose of analysis were 1 and -1. These are dichotomous outcome outcomes or variables.
This means “having only two possible values”. These variables are simplest and intuitively
When values were assigned to the variables further analysis was done.
There is a distinct difference between the qualitative research and quantitative research as
The essence of quantitative research is to achieve an understanding of how people make sense
out of their lives and describe how people interpret what they experience.
Van Mannen(1979) has very appropriately described the qualitative research as “ an umbrella
term covering an array of interpretative techniques, which seek to describe, decode, translate
and otherwise come to terms with the meaning, not the frequency of Certain more or less
Basically researchers are interested in understanding the meaning people have constructed.
Quite often the qualitative researcher undertakes the study when, there is lack of theory or the
Horizontalization technique was used for the analysis the data. As mentioned earlier in this
chapter, this is a process of lying out all the data for examination and treating the data as
having the equal weight. This means all pieces of data have equal value at the initial data
As stated earlier, the researcher grouped the Selected Seminal research papers and each
research paper was analyzed, in the light of the normative statement, pertaining to the theory/
Approach/ Concept. When the normative statement and the inference/ conclusion of the
research paper were in congruence / conformity a value of “1” was assigned, when they were
Entire row was analyzed. In certain cases, a specific normative statement was relevant for
more than one research papers then, accordingly “1” of “-1” values were assigned.
Then the descriptive statistics was used for the purpose of Analysis. As descriptive statistics
are used to describe the main features of collection of data in quantitative terms. Here main
aim is to quantitatively summarize the data set rather than being used to support the inferential
Then the mean values for each theory as classified accordingly as per the, Financing
When The mean value is 1 which means, the theory and the research findings of various
researchers are in line with each other, means he theory has support. If the mean value is -1
then the theory is rejected by the researchers. When men value is 0, then the theory is neither
The researcher has observed that for all the Theories / Approaches / Concepts the mean values
are near 0. Which is the evidence for acceptance / proof of the hypothesis of this research
Like conventional research, the mathematical accuracy was not emphasized. This study, being
a qualitative research, lacks mathematical accuracy. Like Quantitative study this type of study
does not demand extensive usage of inferential statistics. As well, extensive usage of
statistically reliable analytical tools for data analysis was not required hence not utilized.
Manmade systems has limitations hence this study is no exception to that limitation.
As this study has been entirely based on the Seminal Research Papers / Research Articles,
even though, necessary care has been exercised, bias might have been possible, which was
purely unintentional. Similarly when data was analyzed, bias could have been a possibility.
In qualitative research, with specific reference to this type of study, availability of data is a
cause of concern. The data which is extensive as well as reliable was lacking. The need of
reliable Data Repository was strongly felt while analyzing the data.
The presentation of this study would be in the form of a chronicler. The analysis of the data
and the support or evidence revealed by the study has been compiled in the form of a
chronicler. Typically the facts and events are stated in a chronological order in a Chronicle.
The person compiling this is typically called as chronicler, who largely remains anonymous.
Equal weight is given to the events as they occur, the purpose being the recording of the
events. Here in this study, the researcher has attempted the same. Various views / observations
of the researchers with respect to the select corporate finance theories are being compiled. The
effort has been made to test the efficacy or usefulness of the select corporate finance theories