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New Models Are Introduced! Wide Range of Variations!: Linear Ball Spline G

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New models are introduced!

Wide range of variations!

Linear Ball Spline G


Linear Ball Splines featuring
Simple Structure and Compact

Linear Ball Spline

Design Linear Ball Spline G Block type Linear Ball Spline

Linear Ball Spline G and Block type Linear Ball Spline are linear motion rolling
guides which achieve endless linear motion of an external cylinder or a slide unit along a
spline shaft. The two-row four-point contact design is adopted, as in the highly successful
Linear Way series, to obtain a simple but compactly efficient structure.
As steel balls are arranged between the raceway grooves of external cylinder (slide unit)
and spline shaft, radial loads as well as rotating torque can be received. Therefore, these
products are most suitable for applications requiring smooth linear motion and accurate
positioning in the rotating direction, for example, IC chip mounters, industrial robots, OA
equipment, and measuring instruments.

Spline shaft

External cylinder
External cylinder body


Steel ball

End cap

Structure of Linear Ball Spline G

Spline shaft
Slide unit

Steel ball

Ball retaining band U.S. PATENT No. 4,799,803

No. 4,505,522
End cap No. 5,490,729
No. 4,505,522
End seal No. 4,390,215
Grease nipple
No. 6,190,046
No. 6,176,617
No. 6,082,899
No. 5,967,667
No. 5,464,288
Structure of Block type Linear Ball Spline No. 5,356,223

High Rigidity and Compact Size Accurate Positioning
Large steel balls are arranged in two rows and are in four- By applying a suitable preload, the clearance in the
point contact with the raceways. Thus, Linear Ball Spline rotational direction can be eliminated ensuring accurate
has high-rigidity and compact-size. In particular, the angular positioning.
outside diameter of external cylinder of Linear Ball Spline
G is made small for the shaft diameter, by adopting a
unique steel ball retaining method which does not require
a ball retainer. The smallest size Linear Ball Splines, High Accuracy with Simple Structure
LSAG 2 and LSAGF2, having 2 mm shaft diameter and 6 With the simple two-row four-point contact structure, the
mm outside diameter of external cylinder have newly number of potential errors can be reduced, and the highest
been introduced. level of dimensional accuracy between rows can be
achieved. Interchangeable specification products of high-
interchangeability level can be manufactured benefiting
from this feature by rigorous control of the dimensional
Outside diameter of
Shaft diameter external cylinder accuracy of external cylinder (slide unit) and spline shaft.

2mm 6 mm

Smallest Linear Ball Spline

LSAG 2 (life-size photo)

Spline shaft Slide unit

Low Friction and Smooth Motion Raceway accuracy measurement
The end cap incorporates recirculating routes of steel
balls designed through thorough analysis. High speed
operation can thus be achieved providing low friction and
smooth motion.
Wide Variations
The external cylinder of Linear Ball Spline G can be
Easy Mounting selected from two types, the standard(cylindrical) type
This series has a safety structure that prevents steel balls and the flange type, to meet the requirements for
from falling out even when the external cylinder (slide mounting. In each type, standard length and high rigidity
unit) is separated from the spline shaft. So mounting on long length external cylinders are provided. For spline
machines or equipment is easy. shafts, the solid shaft and hollow shaft are prepared. The
stainless steel made solid shaft is also available.
Block type Linear Ball Spline is available in both high
carbon steel series and stainless steel series.

Linear Ball Spline G Block type Linear Ball Spline

Interchangeable Specification : Three Features of Interchangeability
Linear Ball Spline series include interchangeable specification products, of which spline shafts and external cylinders
(slide units) can be handled separately and can be assembled freely to make a set as required.
The dimensional accuracy of external cylinders (slide units) and the spline shafts is rigorously controlled to achieve
interchangeability of incomparable high level, based on the original advanced manufacturing technology.

Interchangeable external cylinders (slide units)

Many types of external cylinders (slide units)
with different shapes and lengths are Linear Ball Spline G
prepared. All of these external cylinders Standard type Flange type
(slide units) can be freely mounted on the
same spline shaft.
Solid shaft Hollow shaft

Block Type Linear Ball Spline

Solid shaft Hollow shaft

The raceway structure of spline shaft of Linear Ball Spline G and that of Block type Linear Ball
Spline are different. So, the spline shafts of these two are not interchangeable.

Interchangeable with High Accuracy Interchangeable with Preload

Two accuracy classes, high class and precision class, are set High accuracy dimensional control owing to a simple
as accuracy classes. They can be selected to meet the structure has made it possible to realize the
requirements in application. interchangeability among preloaded external cylinders (slide
units). These products can be used for applications requiring
one step higher rigidity.

Stainless Steel Series for Special Environments

Block type Linear Ball Spline series includes stainless steel
series, of which steel components are made of stainless steel.
Stainless steel series Linear Ball Spline is more resistant to
corrosion than the high carbon steel made models, and is
most suitable for applications in clean rooms and in places
where the use of rust preventive oil must be limited or avoided
because any oily content is inimical to the environment
Stainless steel made spline shafts are also prepared for
Linear Ball Spline G. In addition, special specifications such
as "with stainless steel end plates", "no end seal", and "with
seals for special environment" are prepared. Product
specifications most suitable for the needs in diversified special
environment applications can be provided by combining
various special specifications.

Various Types for Diversified Application Needs
Length of external cylinder Shape of the spline shaft
Standard High-rigidity long Solid shaft Hollow shaft


Ball Spline G


Block Type
Linear Ball Spline

Wide Variations

Material Shape Length of Shape of Model code and size

external cylinder the spline shaft

Solid shaft LSAG 2 ∼ 50

Hollow shaft LSAGT 4 ∼ 12
Solid shaft LSAGL 5 ∼ 30
High-rigidity long
Hollow shaft LSAGLT 5 ∼ 12
Linear High carbon steel
Ball Spline G made
Solid shaft LSAGF 2 ∼ 40
Hollow shaft LSAGFT 4 ∼ 12
Solid shaft LSAGFL 5 ∼ 30
High-rigidity long
Hollow shaft LSAGFLT 5 ∼ 12

Solid shaft LSB 6 ∼ 25 (1)

High carbon steel
Hollow shaft LSBT 6 ∼ 25 (1)
Block Type
Linear Ball Spline
Stainless steel
Solid shaft LSB 6 ∼ 10…SL

Note(1) : In high carbon steel made models of sizes 6 to 10, only the spline shafts are made of high carbon steel, and the slide units are made of stainless steel.

Identification Number
The specification of Linear Ball Spline is indicated by the
identification number, consisting of a model code, a size, a
p a r t c o d e, a m a t e r i a l s y m b o l , a p r e l o a d s y m b o l , a
classification symbol, an interchangeable code, and any
supplemental codes.

Interchangeable specification
External cylinder (slide unit) LSAGF 10 C1 T1 H S1 /OH

Spline shaft LSAG T 10 R200 H S1

Assembled set LSAGF T 10 C1 R200 T1 H S1 /OH

Non-interchangeable specification

Assembled set LSAGF L T 10 C1 R200 T1 H /OH


2 of external Model
 cylinder code

3 of spline shaft

4 of rolling guide Size

5 of external
 cylinders (slide units)
Part code

6 of spline shaft

7 Material symbol

8 amount Preload symbol

9 class symbol


11 specification code

Linear Ball Spline G standard type :LSAG For applicable models and sizes, see Table 1.
1 Series
● Linear Ball Spline G flange type :LSAGF For the model code of a spline shaft of Linear ball Spline G,
Block type Linear Ball Spline :LSB indicate LSAG(T) regardless of the external cylinder type to
be combined.

2 Length of external Standard :No symbol
The raceway design of the spline shaft of Linear Ball Spline
 cylinder High-rigidity long :L G and that of Block type Linear Ball Spline are different.
Solid shaft :No symbol Accordingly, the spline shaft of one type cannot be used for
3 Shape
● of spline shaft Hollow shaft :T the other type.

4 Size
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12,
● of rolling guide 13, 15, 16, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50
For applicable models and sizes, see Table 1.

Table 1 Models and sizes of Linear Ball Spline

Model Linear Ball Spline G Block type Linear Ball Spline
High carbon steel made(1) High carbon Stainless
Standard shape type Flange type steel made steel made
Standard length High-rigidity long Standard length High-rigidity long Standard length Standard length
2 ○(2) ― ○(2) ― ― ―
3 ○(2) ― ○(2) ― ― ―
4 ○(2) ― ○(2) ― ― ―
5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ― ―
6 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○(3)(4) ○(3)
8 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○(3)(4) ○(3)
10 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○(3)(4) ○(3)
12 ○ ○ ○ ○ ― ―
13 ― ― ― ― ○(3) ―
15 ○ ○ ○ ○ ― ―
16 ― ― ― ― ○(3) ―
20 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○(3) ―
25 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○(3) ―
30 ○ ○ ○ ○ ― ―
40 ○(2) ― ○(2) ― ― ―
50 ○ ― ― ― ― ―
Note (1): For the solid shafts with a size of 5 to 30 of non-interchangeable specification, the stainless steel spline shaft (supplemental code "/S") is prepared.
(2): The interchangeable specification is not available.
(3): The non-interchangeable specification is not available.
(4): Only the spline shaft is made of high carbon steel, and the slide unit is made of stainless steel.
Remark: For the models indicated in , hollow shafts are available.

Assembled set :C○ For an assembled set, indicate the number of external cylinders
5 Number of external

(slide units) assembled on one spline shaft. For a single
 cylinders (slide units) External cylinder (slide unit) :C1
external cylinder (slide unit), only "C1" can be indicated.
Assembled set :R○ Indicate the length of spline shaft in mm. For standard and
6 Length
● of spline shaft Spline shaft :R○ maximum lengths, see the table of dimensions.
High carbon steel made :No symbol The stainless steel made (SL) applies to Block Type Linear
7 Material

Stainless steel made :SL Ball Spline. See Table 1.

Clearance :T0 Specify this item for an assembled set or a single external
8 Preload
● amount Standard preload :No symbol cylinder (slide unit). For applicable preload amount, see Table
Light preload :T1 6 on page 12.

The precision class (P) applies to Linear Ball Spline G of non-

Ordinary class :No symbol interchangeable specification. For interchangeable specification
9 Accuracy
● class High class :H products, assemble an external cylinder (slide unit) and a spline
Precision class :P shaft of the same accuracy class. For details of accuracy
classes, see pages 9 to 10.

Specify this item for the interchangeable specification products.

S1 specification :S1 Assemble a spline shaft and an external cylinder (slide unit)
10 Interchangeable
● code S2 specification :S2 with the same interchangeable code. Performance and
accuracy of "S1" group and "S2" group are the same.

For applicable special specifications, see Table 7 on

11 Special
● specification /BS,/N,/OH,/Q,/RE,/S,/U,/Y○
page 12.

The accuracy of Linear Ball Spline G is shown in Table 2. in Figure 1. The accuracy of spline shaft is shown in Table
The accuracy of Block type Linear Ball Spline is shown 3 and Table 4.

Table 2 Accuracy of Linear Ball Spline G

2 A-B 3 CD 2 A-B

External cylinder
Parts mounting part Spline part Parts mounting part

Support Support
part part
1 A-B 1 A-B
Table 4 A-B C D
unit: μm
Relative to axial line of supporting part of spline shaft ③Perpendicularity of mounting surface
①Radial runout of outer periphery ②Perpendicularity of spline part of flange relative to axial line
Model number of parts mounting part(2) end faces(2) of spline shaft(3)
Ordinary High Precision(4) Ordinary High Precision(4) Ordinary High Precision(4)
(No symbol) (H) (P) (No symbol) (H) (P) (No symbol) (H) (P)
LSAG 2 33 14 8 22 9 6 27 11 8
LSAG 3 33 14 8 22 9 6 27 11 8
LSAG 4 33 14 8 22 9 6 27 11 8
LSAG 5 33 14 8 22 9 6 27 11 8
LSAG 6 33 14 8 22 9 6 27 11 8
LSAG 8 33 14 8 22 9 6 27 11 8
LSAG 10 41 17 10 22 9 6 33 13 9
LSAG 12 41 17 10 22 9 6 33 13 9
LSAG 15 46 19 12 27 11 8 33 13 9
LSAG 20 46 19 12 27 11 8 33 13 9
LSAG 25 53 22 13 33 13 9 39 16 11
LSAG 30 53 22 13 33 13 9 39 16 11
LSAG 40 62 25 15 39 16 11 46 19 13
LSAG 50 62 25 15 39 16 11 − − −
Note (1): Also applicable to Block type Linear Ball Spline, when measurement is made by using a slide unit for measurement.
(2): Applicable when the shaft ends are finished.
(3): Applicable to the flange type.
(4): Applicable to the non-interchangeable specification.
Remark: Only the representative model numbers are shown, but this table is applicable to all Linear Ball Spline G models of the same size.

H ±0.015

N ±0.020

unit: mm

Fig. 1 Accuracy of Block type Linear Ball Spline

Table 3 Twist of grooves with respect to effective
length of the spline part unit: μm

Ordinary High Precision(1)

Accuracy class (No symbol) (H) (P)

Allowable value 33 13 6

Note (1): Applicable to Linear Ball Spline G of non-interchangeable

Remark: The values are applicable to any length of 100 mm over the
effective length of spline part.

Table 4 Total radial runout of axial line of spline shaft unit: μm

LSAG 4  LSB 6 LSAG 10  LSB 10 LSAG 15  LSB 16
Overall length of spline shaft LSAG 12  LSB 13 LSAG 20  LSB 20

Ordinary High Precision(1) Ordinary High Precision(1) Ordinary High Precision(1)

over incl.
(No symbol) (H) (P) (No symbol) (H) (P) (No symbol) (H) (P)
― 200 72 46 26 59 36 20 56 34 18
200 315 133 89 57 83 54 32 71 45 25
315 400 185 126 82 103 68 41 83 53 31
400 500 236 163 108 123 82 51 95 62 38
500 630 ― ― ― 151 102 65 112 75 46
630 800 ― ― ― 190 130 85 137 92 58
800 1 000 ― ― ― ― ― ― 170 115 75
1 000 1 250 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

Overall length of spline shaft   LSB 25
mm LSAG 30 LSAG 50

Ordinary High Precision(1) Ordinary High Precision(1)

over incl.
(No symbol) (H) (P) (No symbol) (H) (P)

― 200 53 32 18 53 32 16
200 315 58 39 21 58 36 19
315 400 70 44 25 63 39 21
400 500 78 50 29 68 43 24
500 630 88 57 34 74 47 27
630 800 103 68 42 84 54 32
800 1 000 124 83 52 97 63 38
1 000 1 250 151 102 65 114 76 47
Note (1): Applicable to Linear Ball Spline G of non-interchangeable specification.
Remark: Only the representative model numbers are shown, but this table is applicable to all models of the same size.

1N = 0.102kgf = 0.2248lbs.
1mm = 0.03937inch 10
Table 5 Measuring methods of accuracy

Measuring item Measuring method Illustration of measuring method

( 1)
Radial runout of While supporting the spline shaft at its supporting
periphery of parts parts, place dial gage probes to the outer
mounting part peripheral faces of the parts mounting part, and
relative to axial line measure the runout from one rotation of the
of supporting part spline shaft.
of spline shaft
(See Table 2, ○.)

( 1)
Perpendicularity of While supporting the spline shaft at its supporting
spline end face parts and at one spline shaft end, place a dial gage
relative to axial line probe to the spline end face and measure runout
of supporting part from one rotation of the spline shaft.
of spline shaft
(See Table 2, ○.)

While supporting the spline shaft at both center

Perpendicularity of holes and at the outer peripheral face of the spline
mounting surface of shaft adjacent to the external cylinder, and while
flange relative to fixing the external cylinder to the spline shaft,
axial line of spline place a dial gage probe to the mounting surface
shaft of the flange of the external cylinder and measure
(See Table 2, ○.)
the perpendicularity from runout caused by one Jigs for fixing
rotation of the spline shaft.

Fix and support the spline shaft. Then apply a uni-

directional torsional moment on the external
cylinder (slide unit for measurement), before Sunk key
Tw i s t o f g r o o v e s placing a dial gage probe to the side face of the
with respect to sunk key attached on the external cylinder.
effective length of Measure runout when the external cylinder and
the spline part the gage probe have traveled together 100 mm
(See Table 3.) 100
on any effective part of the spline shaft. However,
the gage probe should be applied as near as
possible to the outer periphery of the external Datum block for traveling of gage probe

While supporting the spline shaft at its supporting

Total radial runout parts or at both center holes, place a dial gage
of axial line of probe to the external peripheral face of the
spline shaft external cylinder (slide unit for measurement),
(See Table 4.) and measure runout at several positions in the
axial direction while turning the spline shaft one
rotation. Use the maximum value.

Note (1): This accuracy is applicable when special machining is done to the shaft ends.

Preload Special Specifications
The average amount of preload for Linear Ball Spline is Linear Ball Spline series of the special specifications shown
shown in Table 6. in Table 7 are available.
When a special specification is required, add the applica-
ble supplemental code to the end of the identification num-
Table 6 Preload ber. When a combination of several special specifications
Item Preload is required (See Table 8.), arrange their supplemental codes
Symbol amount Application
Preload in alphabetical order.
type (N)

Clearance(1) T0 0(3) ・Very smooth motion Table 7 Special specifications

Standard (No symbol) 0(4) ・Smooth and precise motion Applicable series and sizes
Special Supplemental
・Minimum vibration specification code Linear Ball Block type
Light T1 0.02C0 Spline G Linear Ball Spline
preload(2) ・Load is evenly balanced.
・Smooth and precise motion
Stainless steel
end caps /BS(1) 5∼15 ―
Note (1): Applicable to the size 2, 3, and 4 models.
(2): Not applicable to the size 2, 3, and 4 models and to the Block
type Linear Ball Spline size 6 model.Not applicable to the size No end seal /N(2) 5∼40 6∼25
15, 20, and 30 models of Linear Ball Spline G interchangeable
( ): Not applicable to the high-rigidity long external cylinder of Oil hole /OH(2) 3∼40 ―
interchangeable specification.
(4): Zero or minimal amount of clearance Capillary plate /Q 5∼12 ―
Remark: Zero or minimal amount of preload
C0 means the basic static load rating.
Seal for special
environment /RE(1) 5∼15 ―

Stainless steel
spline shaft /S(1)(3) 5∼30 ―

Under seal /U(2) ― 6∼25

Specified grease /Y○(1) 5∼15 ―

Note (1): Applicable to the non-interchangeable specification.

(2): Applicable to a single external cylinder (slide unit) and an
assembled set.
(3): Not applicable to the hollow shaft.

Table 8 Combination of special specifications

N ○

OH ○ ○

Q ○ ○ ○

RE ○ ― ○ ○

S ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

U ― ― ― ― ― ―

Y ○ ○ ○ ― ○ ○ ―


Remark: The specifications marked ○ in this table can be combined.

With stainless steel end caps /BS No end seal /N

Stainless steel end cap

End pressure plate End pressure plate

The standard synthetic resin end caps are replaced with

stainless steel end caps, keeping the total length of the
external cylinder unchanged. End seals at both ends of external cylinder(slide unit) are
When superior heat resistance is required, it is recommended replaced by end pressure plates (not in contact with the spline
to apply this specification in combination with the "with seals shaft) to reduce frictional resistance.
for special environment (supplemental code /RE)" or "with This specification is not effective for dust protection.
no end seal (supplemental code /N)" specification.

With an oil hole /OH With seals for special environment /RE
F H(Oil hole)
(F) H(Oil hole) Seal for special Seal for special
environment environment

An oil hole is provided on the external cylinder of Linear Ball The standard end seals are replaced by seals for special
Spline G. For details of dimensions, see Table 9 and Table 10. environment that can be used at high temperature. The total
length of the external cylinder remains unchanged.

With capillary plates /Q

With under seals /U
Capillary Capillary
plate plate

Under seal

To prevent foreign substances from intruding from the lower

side of Block type Linear Ball Spline, seals are provided on the
The capillary plate is assembled inside the end seal of the bottom faces of slide unit.
external cylinder. It is impregnated with lubricant so that the
re-lubrication interval can be made longer. For the total length
of the external cylinder with capillary plates, see Table 11.

Specified grease /YCG /YBR /YNG

The type of pre-packed grease can be changed by a
supplemental code.
Spline shaft in stainless steel /S ●/YCG
    Low Dust Generation Grease for Clean Environment
The material of the solid spline shaft of Linear Ball Spline G is CG2 is pre-packed.
changed to stainless steel. ●/YBR

The load rating will be a value obtained by multiplying the load  MOLYCOTE BR2 Plus Grease (Dow Corning) is pre-packed.
rating for the high carbon steel spline shaft by a factor of 0.8. ●/YNG
 No grease is pre-packed.

Table 9 Location and diameter of oil hole of Linear Ball Spline G Table 10 Location and diameter of oil hole of flange type external
standard type external cylinder (Supplemental code /OH) cylinder of Linear Ball Spline G (Supplemental code /OH)

F H(Oil hole) H(Oil hole)

(F ) H(Oil hole) H(Oil hole)

H(Oil hole) H(Oil hole)

H(Oil hole)

45° 45°


unit: mm unit: mm

Model number F H Model number F H Model number F H Model number F H

LSAG 3 5 1.2 − − − LSAGF 3 2.1 1.2 − − −

LSAG 4 6 − − − LSAGF 4 2.8 − − −
LSAG 5 9 LSAGL 5 13 LSAGF 5 2.8 LSAGFL 5 5.8
1.5 1.5
LSAG 6 10.5 LSAGL 6 15 1.5 LSAGF 6 3.5 LSAGFL 6 8 1.5
LSAG 8 12.5 LSAGL 8 18.5 LSAGF 8 3.5 LSAGFL 8 9.5
LSAG 10 15 LSAGL 10 23.5 LSAGF 10 5 LSAGFL 10 13.3
LSAG 12 17.5 2 LSAGL 12 27 2 LSAGF 12 7.5 2 LSAGFL 12 17 2
LSAG 15 20 LSAGL 15 32.5 LSAGF 15 9 LSAGFL 15 21.4
LSAG 20 25 LSAGL 20 35.5 LSAGF 20 11 LSAGFL 20 21.5
LSAG 25 30 LSAGL 25 42 3 LSAGF 25 13 LSAGFL 25 25 3
LSAG 30 35 3 LSAGL 30 49 LSAGF 30 14 LSAGFL 30 28
LSAG 40 − − − LSAGF 40 23.4 − − −
LSAG 50 − − − Remark: The above table shows representative model numbers but is
applicable to all Linear Ball Spline G flange type models of the
Remark: The above table shows representative model numbers but is
same size.
applicable to all Linear Ball Spline G standard type models of
the same size.

Table 11 Dimension of the external cylinder with capillary plates

of Linear Ball Spline G (Supplemental code /Q)

Capillary plate (L1) Capillary plate

unit: mm

Model number L1 Model number L1

LSAG 5 24 LSAGL 5 32
LSAG 6 27 LSAGL 6 36
LSAG 8 33 LSAGL 8 45
LSAG 10 38 LSAGL 10 55
LSAG 12 43 LSAGL 12 62
Remark: The above table shows representative model numbers but is
applicable to all Linear Ball Spline G models of the same size.

1N = 0.102kgf = 0.2248lbs.
1mm = 0.03937inch 14
Load Rating and Life
Basic dynamic load rating C
The basic dynamic load rating is defined as a radial load
constant both in magnitude and direction under which a
Upward load
group of identical Linear Ball Splines are individually
operated and 90% of those in the group can travel 50 x 103 Downward load
meters free from material damage due to rolling contact
Lateral load

Basic static load rating C0

The basic static load rating is defined as the static load that
Linear Ball Spline G
gives a prescribed constant contact stress at the center of
the contact area between the rolling elements and raceways
receiving the maximum load. It is the allowable limit load that
permits normal rolling motion. Generally, the basic static
Upward load
load rating is used in combination with the static safety factor.
Downward load

Dynamic rated torque T

The dynamic rated torque is defined as a rotational torque Lateral load
constant both in magnitude and direction under which a
group of identical Linear Ball Splinesare individually operated
and 90% of those in the group can travel 50 x 103 m without
Block type Linear Ball Spline
suffering from material damage due to rolling contact fatigue.

Static rated torque T0 Fig. 2 Load direction

Static rated moment TX, TY
The static rated torque and static rated moment are defined receiving the maximum load when a torque or moment (See
as the static torque or static moment which gives a Fig. 3.) is loaded. They are the allowable limit torque or
prescribed constant contact stress at the center of the moment that permits normal rolling motion. Generally, they
contact area between the rolling elements and raceways are used in combination with the static safety factor.

Linear Ball Spline G


Block type Linear Ball Spline


Fig. 3 Directions of dynamic rated torque, static rated torque, and static rated moment

Load direction and load rating
Since the load ratings of Linear Ball Spline given in the table
of dimensions are for upward/downward load, they must be
corrected for the load direction for lateral load. The corrected
basic dynamic load ratings and basic static load ratings are
shown in Table 12.

Table 12 Load ratings corrected for the load direction

Load direction Upward/downward direction Lateral direction
Basic dynamic Basic static Basic dynamic Basic static
Series and size load rating load rating load rating load rating

2∼12 C C0 1.47C 1.73C0

Linear Ball Spline G
15∼50 C C0 1.13C 1.19C0

6∼20 C C0 0.88C 0.84C0

Block type Linear Ball Spline
25 C C0 C C0

Life Table 13 Static safety factor

The rating life of Linear Ball Spline is obtained from the
Operating conditions fS
following formula.
C 3
( )
   L=50 ― ……………………………………………………(1)
Operation with vibration and/or shocks 5∼7

High operating performance 4∼6

T 3
M ( )
   L=50 ― ……………………………………………………(2)
Normal operation 3∼5
where, L: Rating life, 103m
C: Basic dynamic load rating, N
T: Dynamic rated torque, N-m Load factor
P: Applied load, N Due to vibration and/or shocks during machine operation, the
M: Applied toque, N-m actual load on each rolling guide becomes greater in many
If the stroke length and the number of strokes per minute are cases than the theoretically calculated load. The applied load
given, the life in hours can be obtained from the following is generally calculated by multiplying the theoretically
formula. calculated load by the load factor indicated in Table 14.
   Lh=       ……………………………………………(3)
Table 14 Load factor
where, Lh : Rating life in hours, h
S : Stroke length, mm Operating conditions fw
n1 : Number of strokes per minute, cpm
Smooth operation free from vibration and/or shocks 1 ∼1.2

Normal operation 1.2∼1.5

Static safety factor
Operation with vibration and/or shocks 1.5∼3
The static safety factor of Linear Ball Spline can be obtained
from the following formula.
   fS =――………………………………………………………(4)

   fS =――………………………………………………………(5)
where fS :Static safety factor
C0 :Basic static load rating, N
P0 :Applied load (maximum load), N
T0 :Static rated toque, N-m
M0 :Torque (maximum torque), N-m

1N = 0.102kgf = 0.2248lbs.
1mm = 0.03937inch 16
Spline Shaft
Moment of inertia of sectional area and section modulus of the large particles of foreign matter may fall on the spline shaft,
spline shaft are shown in Table 15. it is recommended to provide bellows and other protective
covers. When requiring the size 3 and 4 models with seals,
Table 15 Moment of inertia of sectional area and consult for further information.
section modulus of spline shaft
Table 16 Pre-packed grease
Moment of inertia Section modulus
of sectional area
Model number Series Pre-packed grease
mm4 mm3
Solid Hollow Solid Hollow
shaft shaft shaft shaft
LSAG 2 0.6 − 0.65 − Linear Ball Spline G (SHELL)

LSAG 3 3.6 − 2.5 −

LSAG 4 12 12 6 6 Block type Linear Ball Spline (KYODO OIL)

LSAG 5 29 29 12 12

LSAG 6 61 61 21 21 Table 17 Grease nipple and oil hole of Block type

Linear Ball Spline unit: mm
LSAG 8 190 190 49 49

LSAG 10 470 460 95 94 Model Type Dimensions and shape

LSAG 12 990 960 170 160

LSAG 15 1 590 − 240 −

LSAG 20 5 110 − 570 −

LSAG 25 12 100 − 1 080 −
LSB 8 Oil hole
LSAG 30 25 400 − 1 890 − LSB 10 Rubber part End plate
of end seal
LSAG 40 91 000 − 4 930 −
End seal
LSAG 50 223 000 − 9 660 −
LSB 6 55 54 19 19

LSB 8 170 170 44 43 LSB 13

4.2 4.5
LSB 10 440 420 90 87 LSB 16 A-M3
Width across flats4
LSB 20
LSB 13 1 220 1 160 190 180
LSB 16 2 830 2 630 360 340

LSB 20 7 110 6 620 730 680

LSB 25 17 600 15 100 1 440 1 230

Remark: The above table shows representative model numbers but is LSB 25 A-M4
applicable to all models of the same size. Width across flats4.5 4


Lubrication and Dust Protection Note (1): 1.5 mm for LSB 10

Remark: The above table shows representative model numbers but is
applicable to all models of Block type Linear Ball Spline of the
same size.

High-quality lithium-soap base grease is pre-packed in Linear

Ball Spline (See Table 16.).
A grease nipple or an oil hole for grease replenishment is Precautions for Use
provided on the slide unit of Block type Linear Ball Spline.
Supply nozzles matching the sizes of grease nipples and
special grease injectors (miniature greaser) matching the ●Fit
1 of external cylinder
sizes of oil holes are also available. For these par ts for Generally, the transition fit (J7) is applied between the
lubrication, consult for further information. external cylinder of Linear Ball Spline G and the housing
Linear Ball Spline G is not provided with any grease nipple bore. When high accuracy and rigidity are not required, the
or oil hole. For grease replenishment, apply grease directly clearance fit (H7) may also be applicable.
to the raceways of the spline shaft. The capillary plate of
special specification (supplemental code "/Q") can extend ●Standard
2 mounting example of Linear Ball Spline G
the interval of lubricant replenishment and greatly reduce A mounting example of the external cylinder of Linear Ball
the maintenance work including grease replenishment. Spline G is shown in Fig. 4.
Linear Ball Spline (except size 2, 3, and 4 models) is To prevent the rotation of the external cylinders of LSAG2,
provided with special rubber seals for dust protection. But, LSAG3, and LSAG4, an M1.2 to M1.6 screw for LSAG2, an
if a large amount of fine contaminants are present, or if M1.6 to M2 screw for LSAG3, and an M2 to M2.5 screw for

LSAG4 are set to the countersink provided on each cylinder. ●Standard
4 mounting example of Block type Linear Ball
Avoid deforming the external cylinder when tightening the Spline
screw. As shown in Fig. 6, the outer surface of spline shaft, and the
reference mounting surface D and the mounting surface C of
slide unit are accurately finished by grinding. Stable linear
motion of high accuracy will be obtained by accurately
finishing the reference mounting surface and mounting
surface of the machine or equipment and correctly mounting
the Linear Ball Spline on those surfaces.
It is recommended to make a relieved fillet at the corner of
the mating reference mounting surface as shown in Table 18.
The recommended shoulder height of the mating reference
mounting surface is also given in Table 18.
External cylinder rotation detent for LSAG2, LSAG3, and LSAG4

Fig. 6 Mounting example of Block type
Linear Ball Spline

Table 18 Shoulder height of the mating reference mounting

surface for Block type Linear Ball Spline


Fig. 4 Mounting example of external

cylinder of Linear Ball Spline G

unit: mm
3 mounting surface of Block type Linear Ball
Model number Shoulder height h1
To mount Block type Linear Ball Spline, correctly fit the
LSB 6 2
reference mounting surface of Block type Linear Ball Spline
to the mating reference mounting surface of the table, and LSB 8 2.5
then fix them tightly. The reference mounting surface of the LSB 10 3
slide unit of Block type Linear Ball Spline is always the side LSB 13 3.5
surface opposite to the mark. (See Fig. 5.)
LSB 16 4

LSB 20 5
Reference mounting surface LSB 25 6
Slide unit D Remark: The above table shows representative model numbers but is
applicable to all models of the same size.

Spline shaft mark

Fig. 5 Reference mounting surface of

Block type Linear Ball Spline

1N = 0.102kgf = 0.2248lbs.
1mm = 0.03937inch 18
5 machining of spline shaft end ●When
1 mounting multiple sets at the same time
High carbon steel spline shafts are hardened by induction In the case of interchangeable specification Linear Ball
hardening. When additional machining on the shaft end is Spline, assemble an external cylinder (slide unit) and a spline
needed, make sure that the maximum diameter of the shaft shaft with the same interchangeable code ("S1" or "S2").
end machining part does not exceed the dimension d1 shown In the case of non-interchangeable specification Linear Ball
in the table of dimensions. Spline, use an assembly of external cylinder and spline shaft
Please use caution when boring, drilling or tapping the ends of as delivered without changing the combination.
solid or hollow shafts because of case hardening depth.
recommends that you furnish us with a drawing showing ●Assembling
2 an external cylinder (slide unit) and a
shaft modifications. By doing so, we can inform you of any spline shaft
problems that you might encounter doing the shaft When mounting an external cylinder of Linear Ball Spline G
modifications. We can also quote you on the shafts with the on a spline shaft, correctly fit the grooves of the external
modifications if you so desire. Consult for further cylinder to the grooves of the spline shaft, and then move the
information. external cylinder gently in parallel direction. Rough handling
will result in seal damage or dropping of steel balls. Linear
6 external cylinders or slide units mounted at a Ball Spline G of non-interchangeable specification is already
close distance adjusted so as to provide the best accuracy when the
When using multiple external cylinders or slide units at a close external cylinder mark (in case of LSAGF2, character
distance to each other, the actual load may be greater than the "F" on the external cylinder) and the spline shaft mark
calculated load depending on the accuracy of the mounting face the same direction.(See Fig.7) So make sure not to
surfaces and the reference mounting surfaces of the machine change the assembly direction.
or equipment. It is suggested in such cases to assume a When assembling the slide unit of Block type Linear Ball
greater load than the calculated load. Spline on the spline shaft, handle them with care to prevent
When two or more external cylinders of Linear Ball Spline G steel balls from falling out. Do not forcibly insert the slide unit
are assembled on a single spline shaft and two or more keys onto the spline shaft.
are used for fixing the external cylinders in the rotational
direction, the keyways of the external cylinders can be aligned
before delivery. Special products of Block type Linear Ball
Spline with specified values of dimensional variations of H
and/or N can be prepared. If these products are required, LSAG10
consult . T1 H S1

7 temperature
Fig. 7 Assembly direction of the external
The maximum operating temperature is 120℃ and a continuous
cylinder of Linear Ball Spline G
operation is possible at temperatures up to 100℃. When the
temperature exceeds 100℃, consult .
In case of the special specification "with capillary plates"
(supplemental code "/Q"), operate Linear Ball Spline below 80℃. ●Mounting
3 the external cylinder of Linear Ball Spline G
When press-fitting the external cylinder of Linear Ball Spline
G into the housing, assemble them correctly using a press
and a suitable jig fixture,etc. (See Fig. 8.)

Fig. 8 Press-fitting of the external cylinder

of Linear Ball Spline G

4 torque of fixing bolts of Block type Linear Table 19 Tightening torque of fixing bolts of Block
Ball Spline Type Linear Ball Spline
The standard torque values for Block type Linear Ball Spline Tightening torque N・m
fixing bolts are shown in Table 19. When machines or Bolt size Carbon steel bolt Stainless steel bolt
equipment are subjected to severe vibration, shock, large (Strength division 12.9) (Property division A2-70)
fluctuating load, or moment load, the bolts should be
tightened with a torque 1.2 to 1.5 times larger than the M2×0.4 0.49 0.31
standard torque values shown. When the mating member
M3×0.5 1.7 1.1
material is cast iron or aluminum, tightening torque should be
reduced in accordance with the strength characteristics of the M4×0.7 4.0 ―
M5×0.8 7.9 ―

5 keys of Linear Ball Spline G M6×1 13.3 ―
The keys shown in Table 20 are attached to the external
cylinders of Linear Ball Spline G standard type (except size
2, 3, and 4 models).

Table 20 Dimensions and tolerance of attached key

r c

unit: mm

b h R r c
Model number
Tolerance Tolerance

LSAG 5 3.8
2 2 1
+0.016  0 5.8
LSAG 8 2.5 2.5 1.25
+0.006 −0.025
LSAG 10 7.8 0.16∼0.25
3 3 1.5
LSAG 12 11.8

LSAG 15 3.5 3.5 16 1.75

+0.024  0
LSAG 20 4 4 21.5 2
+0.012 −0.030
LSAG 25 5 5 23.5 2.5
LSAG 30 7 7 27.5 3.5
LSAG 40 +0.015  0 44.3
10 8 5
+0.036 0.4 ∼0.6
LSAG 50 15 10 34.3 7.5
Remark: The above table shows representative model numbers but is applicable to all Linear Ball Spline G standard type models of the same size.

1N = 0.102kgf = 0.2248lbs.
1mm = 0.03937inch 20
   Linear Ball Spline G: Standard type
120° W


d1 d1

Bore dia. of hollow LSAG 3
shaft of LSAG(L)T

Mass (Ref.) g Dimensions and tolerances of external cylinder

Model number
External Spline shaft
cylinder (per 100 mm) D Tolerance L1 L2 W Tolerance t R d Tolerance

2.3 6 0 8.5 4.7 ― ― 0.7 ― 2 0

LSAG 2(1) 1.0 −0.008 −0.010
0 0
LSAG 3(1) 2.1 5.4 7 −0.009 10 5.9 ― ― 0.8 ― 3 −0.010

LSAG 4(1) 9.6 0 0

2.5 8 12 7.9 ― ― 1 ― 4
8.2 −0.009 −0.012
LSAGT 4 (1)

LSAG 5 ☆ 14.9
4.8 18 9.4
LSAGT 5 ☆ 12.4 0 +0.014 0
10 2 1.2 6 5
14.9 −0.009 0 −0.012
7.9 26 16.9
LSAGLT 5 ☆ 12.4

LSAG 6 ☆ 19
8.9 21 12.4
LSAGT 6 ☆ 16.5 0 +0.014 0
12 2 1.2 8 6
19 −0.011 0 −0.012
14.5 30 21.4
LSAGLT 6 ☆ 16.5

LSAG 8 ☆ 39
15.9 25 14.6
LSAGT 8 ☆ 33 0 +0.014 0
15 2.5 1.5 8.5 8
39 −0.011 0 −0.015
26.5 37 26.6
LSAGLT 8 ☆ 33
Note (1): No seals are attached.
(2): Dimension d1 indicates the maximum diameter when machining is done at the shaft ends.
(3): This length is the standard length. Spline shafts in other length are also available. Simply indicate the necessary length of spline shaft in
mm in the identification number.
(4): The directions of basic dynamic load rating ( C ), basic static load rating ( C 0), dynamic torque rating ( T ), and static torque/moment rating
(T0, TX, TY) are shown in the sketches below. The upper values in the TX and TY columns apply to one external cylinder, and the lower values
apply to two external cylinders in close contact.
Remark: The mark ☆ indicates that interchangeable specification products are available.


( L1 )


Dimensions and tolerances of spline shaft Basic Basic Dynamic Static Static
mm dynamic static torque torque moment
load load rating(4) rating(4) rating(4)
rating(4) rating(4) Model number
Maximum C C0 T T0 TX TY
d1 ( 2 ) d2 L(3) length N N N-m N-m N-m N-m

1.2 ― 50 100 100 222 237 0.28 0.30 0.22 0.39

1.6 2.9 LSAG 2(1)
2.2 ― 100 150 150 251 285 0.45 0.51 0.31 0.53
1.9 3.3 LSAG 3(1)
― 200 0.52 0.90 LSAG 4(1)
3.2 100 150 303 380 0.70 0.87
1.5 150 2.9 5.0 LSAGT 4(1)
― 1.0 1.8 LSAG 5
587 641 1.8 1.9
2 7.9 13.6 LSAGT 5
4.2 100 150 200
― 3.2 5.5 LSAGL 5
879 1 180 2.6 3.5
2 19.3 33.4 LSAGLT 5
― 1.7 3.0 LSAG 6
711 855 2.5 3.0
2 11.7 20.3 LSAGT 6
5.2 150 200 300
― 5.0 8.6 LSAGL 6
1 030 1 500 3.6 5.2
2 27.6 47.8 LSAGLT 6
― 500 LSAG 8
3.3 5.6
1 190 1 330 5.5 6.2
3 400 22.0 38.1 LSAGT 8
7 150 200 250
― 500 10.3 17.8 LSAGL 8
1 800 2 470 8.4 11.5
3 400 56.3 97.5 LSAGLT 8

Example of identification number of assembled set

LSAG 5 C2 R150 T1 H S1 /OH

Interchangeable code
Select group 1:S1
Size of Select group 2:S2
Model code rolling guide

LSAG Preload amount Accuracy class

LSAGT Clearance: T0 Ordinary: No symbol Special specification
Number of Overall length of
LSAGL external cylinders Standard: No symbol High: H
LSAGLT (two cylinders) spline shaft(150mm) Light preload: T1 Precision: P With oil hole

1N = 0.102kgf = 0.2248lbs.
1mm = 0.03937inch 22
   Linear Ball Spline G: Standard type

t +00.05

Bore dia. of hollow

shaft of LSAG(L)T

Mass (Ref.) g Dimensions and tolerances of external cylinder

Model number
External Spline shaft
cylinder (per 100 mm) D Tolerance L1 L2 W Tolerance t R d Tolerance

LSAG 10 ☆ 60.5
31.5 30 18.2
LSAGT 10 ☆ 51 0 +0.014 0
19 3 1.8 11 10
−0.013 0 −0.015
LSAGL 10 ☆ 60.5
56.5 47 34.9
LSAGLT 10 ☆ 51

LSAG 12 ☆ 87.5
44 35 23
LSAGT 12 ☆ 66 0 +0.014 0
21 3 1.8 15 12
−0.013 0 −0.018
LSAGL 12 ☆ 87.5
76.8 54 42
LSAGLT 12 ☆ 66

LSAG 15 ☆ 59.5 0 40 27 +0.018 0

111 23 3.5 2 20 13.6
110 −0.013 0 −0.018
LSAGL 15 ☆ 65 52

LSAG 20 ☆ 130 0 50 33 +0.018 0

202 30 4 2.5 26 18.2
198 −0.016 0 −0.021
LSAGL 20 ☆ 71 54

LSAG 25 ☆ 220 0 60 39.2 +0.018 0

310 37 5 3 29 22.6
336 −0.016 0 −0.021
LSAGL 25 ☆ 84 63.2

LSAG 30 ☆ 430 0 70 43 +0.022 0

450 45 7 4 35 27.2
634 −0.016 0 −0.021
LSAGL 30 ☆ 98 71

760 808 60 0 10 +0.022 4.5 55 37.2 0

LSAG 40 −0.019 100 70.8 0 −0.025
1140 1 320 75 0 15 +0.027 5 50 46.6 0
LSAG 50 −0.019 100 66.4 0 −0.025
Note (1):
Dimension d 1 indicates the maximum diameter when machining is done at the shaft ends.
(2): This length is the standard length. Spline shafts in other length are also available. Simply indicate the necessary length of spline shaft in
mm in the identification number.
(3): The directions of basic dynamic load rating ( C ), basic static load rating ( C 0), dynamic torque rating ( T ), and static torque/moment rating
(T0, TX, TY) are shown in the sketches below. The upper values in the TX and TY columns apply to one external cylinder, and the lower values
apply to two external cylinders in close contact.
Remark1: The mark ☆ indicates that interchangeable specification products are available.
2: The LSAG 50 is our semi-standard products.


( L1 )


Dimensions and tolerances of spline shaft Basic Basic Dynamic Static Static
mm dynamic static torque torque moment
load load rating(3) rating(3) rating(3)
rating(3) rating(3) Model number
Maximum C C0 T T0 TX TY
d1(1) d2 L(2) length N N N-m N-m N-m N-m

− LSAG 10
7.0 12.1
1 880 2 150 10.9 12.5
4 41.5 71.9 LSAGT 10
8.9 200 300 600
− LSAGL 10
22.7 39.3
2 850 4 040 16.6 23.4
4 115 200 LSAGLT 10
− LSAG 12
10.6 18.3
2 180 2 690 14.8 18.3
6 59.1 102 LSAGT 12
10.9 200 300 400 800
− LSAGL 12
32.2 55.7
3 220 4 850 21.9 33.0
6 157 272 LSAGLT 12
27.8 33.2
4 180 6 070 31.3 45.6 LSAG 15
11.6 200 300 400 1 000 152 181

94.0 112
6 400 11 500 48.0 86.5 LSAGL 15
449 535
48.6 58.0
300 400 500 6 600 9 040 66.0 90.4 LSAG 20
15.7 1 000 288 343

600 127 151
9 270 15 100 92.7 151 LSAGL 20
620 738
92.8 111
300 400 500 11 200 14 300 139 178 LSAG 25
19.4 1 200 551 656

600 800 229 273
15 400 23 200 193 290 LSAGL 25
1 190 1 420
147 176
400 500 600 15 400 19 400 231 292 LSAG 30
23.5 1 200 874 1 040

700 1 100 364 434
21 300 31 600 320 474 LSAGL 30
1 900 2 260
400 500 600 1 200 364 434
33.5 − 700 1 100 21 300 31 600 426 632 LSAG 40
1 940 2 310
400 500 600 1 200 389 464
42.0 700 1 100 28 300 36 100 707 904 LSAG 50
2 300 2 740
Example of identification number of assembled set
LSAG 10 C2 R200 T1 H S1 /OH
Interchangeable code
Select group 1:S1
Size of Select group 2:S2
Model code rolling guide

LSAG Preload amount Accuracy class

LSAGT Clearance: T0 Ordinary: No symbol Special specification
Number of Overall length of
LSAGL external cylinders Standard: No symbol High: H
LSAGLT (two cylinders) spline shaft(200mm) Light preload: T1 Precision: P With oil hole

1N = 0.102kgf = 0.2248lbs.
1mm = 0.03937inch 24
   Linear Ball Spline G: Flange type

D1 pc
pcd d
D1 d1 d1

Bore dia. of hollow LSAGF 3
shaft of LSAGF(L)T

Mass (Ref.) g Dimensions and tolerances of external cylinder

Model number
External Spline shaft
cylinder (per 100 mm) D Tolerance L1 L2 D1 B E T pcd d3 d Tolerance

1.9 2.3 6 0 8.5 4.7 15.5 8 3.4 1.5 11 2.4 2 0

LSAGF 2(1) −0.008 −0.010
0 0
LSAGF 3(1) 3.7 5.4 7 −0.009 10 5.9 18 9 4 1.9 13 2.9 3 −0.010
LSAGF 4(1) 9.6 0 0
5.1 8 12 7.9 21 10 4.6 2.5 15 3.4 4
8.2 −0.009 −0.012
LSAGFT 4 (1)

LSAGF 5 ☆ 14.9
8.9 18 9.4
LSAGFT 5 ☆ 12.4 0
10 23 18 7 2.7 17 3.4 5 0
☆ 14.9 −0.009 −0.012
12 26 16.9
LSAGFLT 5 ☆ 12.4

LSAGF 6 ☆ 19
13.9 21 12.4
LSAGFT 6 ☆ 16.5 0
12 25 20 7 2.7 19 3.4 6 0
☆ 19 −0.011 −0.012
19.5 30 21.4
LSAGFLT 6 ☆ 16.5

LSAGF 8 ☆ 39
23.5 25 14.6
LSAGFT 8 ☆ 33 0
15 28 22 9 3.8 22 3.4 8 0
☆ 39 −0.011 −0.015
34.1 37 26.6
LSAGFLT 8 ☆ 33
Note (1): These models are not provided with end seals.
(2): Dimension d 1 indicates the maximum diameter when machining is done at the shaft ends.
(3): This length is the standard length. Spline shafts in other length are also available. Simply indicate the necessary length of spline shaft in
mm in the identification number.
(4): The directions of basic dynamic load rating ( C ), basic static load rating ( C 0), dynamic torque rating ( T ), and static torque/moment rating
(T0, TX, TY) are shown in the sketches below. The upper values in the TX and TY columns apply to one external cylinder, and the lower values
apply to two external cylinders in close contact.
Remark: The mark ☆ indicates that interchangeable specification products are available.




Dimensions and tolerances of spline shaft Basic Basic Dynamic Static Static
mm dynamic static torque torque moment
load load rating(4) rating(4) rating(4)
rating(4) rating(4) Model number
Maximum C C0 T T0 TX TY
d1(2) d2 L(3) length N N N-m N-m N-m N-m

1.2 ― 50 100 100 222 237 0.28 0.30 0.22 0.39

1.6 2.9 LSAGF 2(1)
2.2 ― 100 150 150 251 285 0.45 0.51 0.31 0.53
1.9 3.3 LSAGF 3(1)
― 200 0.52 0.90 LSAGF 4(1)
3.2 100 150 303 380 0.70 0.87
1.5 150 2.9 5.0 LSAGFT 4(1)
― 1.0 1.8 LSAGF 5
587 641 1.8 1.9
2 7.9 13.6 LSAGFT 5
4.2 100 150 200
― 3.2 5.5 LSAGFL 5
879 1 180 2.6 3.5
2 19.3 33.4 LSAGFLT 5
― 1.7 3.0 LSAGF 6
711 855 2.5 3.0
2 11.7 20.3 LSAGFT 6
5.2 150 200 300
― 5.0 8.6 LSAGFL 6
1 030 1 500 3.6 5.2
2 27.6 47.8 LSAGFLT 6
― 500 3.3 5.6 LSAGF 8
1 190 1 330 5.5 6.2
3 400 22.0 38.1 LSAGFT 8
7 150 200 250
― 500 10.3 17.8 LSAGFL 8
1 800 2 470 8.4 11.5
3 400 56.3 97.5 LSAGFLT 8

Example of identification number of assembled set

LSAGF 5 C2 R150 T1 H S1 /OH

Interchangeable code
Select group 1:S1
Size of Select group 2:S2
Model code rolling guide

LSAGF Preload amount Accuracy class

LSAGFT Clearance: T0 Ordinary: No symbol Special specification
Number of Overall length of
LSAGFL external cylinders Standard: No symbol High: H
LSAGFLT (two cylinders) spline shaft(150mm) Light preload: T1 Precision: P With oil hole

1N = 0.102kgf = 0.2248lbs.
1mm = 0.03937inch 26
   Linear Ball Spline G: Flange type
B 4−d3

D1 pc D1
d pc
d1 d1

Bore dia. of hollow LSAGF(L) 30

shaft of LSAGF(L)T LSAGF 40

Mass (Ref.) g Dimensions and tolerances of external cylinder

Model number
External Spline shaft
cylinder (per 100 mm) D Tolerance L1 L2 D1 B E T pcd d3 d Tolerance

LSAGF 10 ☆ 60.5
45 30 18.2
LSAGFT 10 ☆ 51 0 0
19 36 28 10 4.1 28 4.5 10
−0.013 −0.015
LSAGFL 10 ☆ 60.5
70.1 47 34.9
LSAGFLT 10 ☆ 51

LSAGF 12 ☆ 87.5
59 35 23
LSAGFT 12 ☆ 66 0 0
21 38 30 10 4 30 4.5 12
−0.013 −0.018
LSAGFL 12 ☆ 87.5
91.8 54 42
LSAGFLT 12 ☆ 66

LSAGF 15 ☆ 77 0 40 27 0
111 23 40 31 11 4.5 32 4.5 13.6
−0.013 −0.018
LSAGFL 15 ☆ 128 65 52

LSAGF 20 ☆ 150 0 50 33 0
202 30 46 35 14 5.5 38 4.5 18.2
−0.016 −0.021
LSAGFL 20 ☆ 218 71 54

LSAGF 25 ☆ 255 0 60 39.2 0

310 37 57 43 17 6.6 47 5.5 22.6
−0.016 −0.021
LSAGFL 25 ☆ 371 84 63.2

LSAGF 30 ☆ 476 0 70 43 0
450 45 65 50 21 7.5 54 6.6 27.2
−0.016 −0.021
LSAGFL 30 ☆ 680 98 71

808 60 0 93 73 26.6 12 73 9 37.2 0

LSAGF 40 962 −0.019 100 70.8 −0.025
Note (1): Dimension d 1 indicates the maximum diameter when machining is done at the shaft ends.
(2): This length is the standard length. Spline shafts in other length are also available. Simply indicate the necessary length of spline shaft in
mm in the identification number.
(3): The directions of basic dynamic load rating ( C ), basic static load rating ( C 0), dynamic torque rating ( T ), and static torque/moment rating
(T0, TX, TY) are shown in the sketches below. The upper values in the TX and TY columns apply to one external cylinder, and the lower values
apply to two external cylinders in close contact.
Remark: The mark ☆ indicates that interchangeable specification products are available.


( L1 )


Dimensions and tolerances of spline shaft Basic Basic Dynamic Static Static
mm dynamic static torque torque moment
load load rating(3) rating(3) rating(3)
rating(3) rating(3) Model number
Maximum C C0 T T0 TX TY
d1(1) d2 L(2) length N N N-m N-m N-m N-m

− 7.0 12.1 LSAGF 10

1 880 2 150 10.9 12.5
4 41.5 71.9 LSAGFT 10
8.9 200 300 600
− 22.7 39.3 LSAGFL 10
2 850 4 040 16.6 23.4
4 115 200 LSAGFLT 10
− 10.6 18.3 LSAGF 12
2 180 2 690 14.8 18.3
6 59.1 102 LSAGFT 12
10.9 200 300 400 800
− 32.2 55.7 LSAGFL 12
3 220 4 850 21.9 33.0
6 157 272 LSAGFLT 12
4 180 6 070 31.3 45.6 27.8 33.2
152 181 LSAGF 15
11.6 − 200 300 400 1 000
6 400 11 500 48.0 86.5 94.0 112
449 535 LSAGFL 15
6 600 9 040 66.0 90.4 48.6 58.0
300 400 500 288 343 LSAGF 20
15.7 − 1 000
600 9 270 15 100 92.7 151 127 151
620 738 LSAGFL 20
11 200 14 300 139 178 92.8 111
300 400 500 551 656 LSAGF 25
19.4 − 1 200
600 800 15 400 23 200 193 290 229 273
1 190 1 420 LSAGFL 25
15 400 19 400 231 292 147 176
400 500 600 874 1 040 LSAGF 30
23.5 − 1 200
700 1 100 21 300 31 600 320 474 364 434
1 900 2 260 LSAGFL 30
33.5 400 500 600 1 200 21 300 31 600 426 632 364 434
− 700 1 100 1 940 2 310 LSAGF 40

Example of identification number of assembled set

LSAGF 12 C2 R300 T1 H S1 /OH

Interchangeable code
Select group 1:S1
Size of Select group 2:S2
Model code rolling guide

LSAGF Preload amount Accuracy class

LSAGFT Clearance: T0 Ordinary: No symbol Special specification
Number of Overall length of
LSAGFL external cylinders Standard: No symbol High: H
LSAGFLT (two cylinders) spline shaft(300mm) Light preload: T1 Precision: P With oil hole

1N = 0.102kgf = 0.2248lbs.
1mm = 0.03937inch 28
   Block Type Linear Ball Spline
LSB…SL (Stainless steel made)
n−M1 × depth
W4 W3

d2 d1

Bore dia. of hollow

shaft of LSBT

Mass (Ref.) g Dimensions of assembly Dimensions of slide unit

mm mm
Model number
Slide Spline shaft
unit (per 100 mm) H H1 H2 N W2 W3 W4 L1 L2 L3 L4 n −M1×depth H3

LSB 6 ☆ 21.2

LSBT 6 ☆ 7.6 18.8 6 1.1 9 6.5 13 8 2.5 19 − 12.5 − 2−M2× 3 1.5

LSB 6…SL ☆ 21.2

LSB 8 ☆ 37.6

LSBT 8 ☆ 18 32.1 8 1.3 12 9 18 12 3 25 8 15.6 − 4−M3× 3 1.5

LSB 8…SL ☆ 37.6

LSB 10 ☆ 59.7

LSBT 10 ☆ 34 49.8 10 1.9 15 10.5 21 15 3 31 10 21.2 − 4−M3× 4 2.5

LSB 10…SL ☆ 59.7

LSB 13 ☆ 100
62 13 3.2 19.5 14 28 20 4 35 15 22.4 40 4−M3× 5 3.2
LSBT 13 ☆ 77.9

LSB 16 ☆ 152
112 16 4.2 24 16.5 33 25 4 43 20 28.8 48 4−M4× 6 4
LSBT 16 ☆ 113

LSB 20 ☆ 240
215 20 5.8 30 20 40 30 5 53 25 37.3 58 4−M5×10 5
LSBT 20 ☆ 178

LSB 25 ☆ 376
403 25 6 37.5 26 52 40 6 67 30 41.8 70 4−M6×12 6
LSBT 25 ☆ 237
Note (1): Not applicable to the hollow shaft (LSBT).
(2): Dimension d 1 indicates the maximum diameter when machining is done at the shaft ends.
(3): This length is the standard length. Spline shafts in other length are also available. Simply indicate the necessary length of spline shaft in
mm in the identification number.
(4): The directions of basic dynamic load rating ( C ), basic static load rating ( C 0), dynamic torque rating ( T ), and static torque/moment rating
(T0, TX, TY) are shown in the sketches below. The upper values in the TX and TY columns apply to one slide unit, and the lower values apply
to two slide units in close contact.
Remark 1: All of Block Type Linear Ball Splines are interchangeable specification products.
2: The size 6, 8, and 10 models are provided with an oil hole. For grease nipple and oil hole specifications, see Table 17.

( L4 )
( L1 )


Dimensions and tolerances of spline shaft Basic Basic Dynamic Static Static
mm dynamic static torque torque moment
load load rating(4) rating(4) rating(4)
rating(4) rating(4) Model number
Maximum C C0 T T0 TX TY
d Tolerance(1) d1(2) d2 L(3) length N N N-m N-m N-m N-m

− 2.4 2.0 LSB 6

0 612 1 130 1.8 3.4
6 3.7 2 150 200 300 13.3 11.2 LSBT 6
1.9 1.6
− 489 907 1.5 2.7 10.7 8.9 LSB 6…SL
− 500 4.9 4.1 LSB 8
0 1 200 1 960 4.8 7.8
8 5 3 150 200 250 400 31.4 26.3 LSBT 8
500 3.9 3.3
− 963 1 570 3.9 6.3 25.1 21.1 LSB 8…SL
− 9.4 7.9 LSB 10
0 1 610 2 860 8.1 14.3
10 6.9 4 200 300 600 55.0 46.2 LSBT 10
7.5 6.3
− 1 290 2 290 6.5 11.4 44.0 36.9 LSB 10…SL
0 − 16.0 13.4 LSB 13
13 −0.018 9 200 300 400 800 2 960 4 450 19.2 28.9
6 99.9 83.8 LSBT 13
0 − 30.8 25.9 LSB 16
16 11.4 200 300 400 1 000 4 390 6 730 35.1 53.9
−0.018 8 183 153 LSBT 16
0 − 300 400 500 54.6 45.8 LSB 20
20 15 1 000 5 830 9 420 58.3 94.2
−0.021 10 600 310 260 LSBT 20

0 − 300 400 500 99.2 99.2 LSB 25

25 19.3 1 200 9 360 13 900 122 181
−0.021 15 600 800 587 587 LSBT 25

Example of identification number of assembled set

LSB 10 C2 R300 SL T1 H S1 /N
Material Interchangeable code
Size of High carbon steel made: No symbol Select group 1:S1
rolling guide Stainless steel made: SL Select group 2:S2
of slide units
Model code (two units) Preload amount Accuracy class
Special specification
LSB Standard: No symbol Ordinary: No symbol
LSBT Overall length of spline shaft(300mm) Light preload:T1 High: H No end seal

1N = 0.102kgf = 0.2248lbs.
1mm = 0.03937inch 30
See you again at


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