Waste Sector GHG Protocol - Version 5 - October 2013 - 1
Waste Sector GHG Protocol - Version 5 - October 2013 - 1
Waste Sector GHG Protocol - Version 5 - October 2013 - 1
Version 5.0
october 2013
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
This is the fifth version of the Protocol. We also thank the following associations EpE gives very special thanks
It takes into account modifications identified for their continued support of the Protocol: to Alexandra LALET (Suez Environnement
by the EpE Working Group as well as changes SITA) and Flora BERG (Veolia Propreté)
related to comments provided by the World • the International Solid Waste Association for their intensive work on updating
Resource Institute (WRI), following their (ISWA), this tool.
review. • the European Federation of Waste
Management and Environmental Service
The EpE Working Group would like to thank (FEAD),
the following associations and agencies for • the French Federation of Waste Management
reviewing and commenting on this latest Services (FNADE),
version: • the Environmental Services Association
(ESA) in the United Kingdom,
• The International Solid Waste • the Spanish Association of Hazardous
Association (ISWA) - Working Group Waste Managers (ASEGRE), 50 rue de la Chaussée d’Antin
on Waste Management and Climate Change • the Dutch Waste Management Association Paris 75009
• the French Federation of Waste Management (DWMA) and Tel: +(33).
Services (FNADE), • the Confederation of European Waste Fax: +(33).
• the Confederation of European Waste to Energy Plants (CEWEP). E-mail: contact@epe-asso.org
to Energy Plants (CEWEP), www.epe-asso.org
• the Dutch Waste Management Association
(DWMA), and EpE is the French partner of the World
• the French Interprofessional Technical Business Council for Sustainable
Centre for Studies on Air Pollution (CITEPA). Development (WBCSD). The WBCSD is a CEO-led,
global association of some 200 companies
dealing exclusively with business and
sustainable development.
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
- Table of contents -
1 4
Protocol’s Objectives and Principles Emissions calculations
pages 09 to 12 pages 30 to 40
1.1. Objectives -> 10 4.1. Reporting Period and data-> 30
1.2. Principles -> 11 4.2. Methodologies used -> 31
1.3. Definitions -> 12 4.3. Calculation Tool -> 32
4.4. Global Warming Potentials -> 33
4.5. Avoided emissions Calculation -> 34
Waste Management Sector 4.6. Specific case of landfill diffuse
pages 13 to 18 emissions modelling -> 36
2.1. Waste Management 4.7. Other specific cases -> 37
Activities -> 14 4.8 Base Year and Historic
2.2. Specificities of Waste Sector’s Emissions Recalculations -> 40
GhG Emissions -> 16
Inventory Boundaries
pages 19 to 28
3.1. Organizational boundaries -> 20
3.2. Operational boundaries -> 22
3.4. Exclusions -> 26
3.5. Adjustments -> 28
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
5 7
Managing Uncertainty Verification
pages 41 to 46 pages 51 to 52
5.1. Uncertainty in GHG emissions
inventories -> 42
5.2. Uncertainty calculation -> 44
5.3. Reducing uncertainty -> 46
Guidelines for GHG Reporting Annex 1: Comparative analysis of the greenhouse gases models
Presentation for landfills -> 55
pages 47 to 50
6.1. Content of the GHG inventory Annex 2: Carbon Sequestration in Landfills and Soils after compost
report -> 48 spreading -> 67
6.2. Use of ratio indicators -> 50
Annex 3: Composting – N2O and CH4 Emissions Factors -> 76
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
- Foreword -
Six years have passed since the Waste Sector Protocol was published
for the first time in 2006. Today, global warming and climate change
remain amongst the most significant environmental issues facing
our planet. In 2006, the Kyoto Protocol had just been ratified and
the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) had been recently
launched, giving strong signals of the world’s willingness to create
the appropriate structures that would contribute to reducing
the global greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions.
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Sectorial protocols such as this Waste Sector Protocol are therefore those sector guidance documents, product rules, and calculation
very useful in such cases and contribute to the elaboration tools that have been developed in conformance with the GHG Protocol
of complete GHG emissions accounting and reporting processes. Corporate Standard. With such label, users should feel confident that
the document or tool they are using is in conformance with the GHG
The Protocol itself has evolved with time, going through 4 version Protocol Standards.
updates. The different versions correspond to evolutions initiated
by the original Working Group but also to the suggestions and To obtain the label, the Protocol has been revised and two significant
feedback provided by several waste associations that have reviewed topics have been included.
and commented on the Protocol. As a result, several worldwide • First, the emissions of biogenic CO� were added to the calculation
associations have validated and used the Protocol for their own tool. Even though these emissions are not included within the scope
greenhouse gas inventories. of direct and indirect emissions, they have to be calculated
Through these evolutions, the Protocol has been supported by the and reported separately in the tool.
International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), the European Federation • The second significant evolution is the completeness of emissions
of Waste Management and Environmental Service (FEAD), the French sources, requiring that all sources of emissions of all 6 of the
Federation of Waste Management Services (FNADE), the Environmental identified Kyoto GHG’s are considered. The threshold of ‘significance’
Services Association (ESA) in the UK, the Confederation of European that was used to justify the exclusion of some sources is no longer
Waste to Energy Plants (CEWEP), the Dutch Waste Management applicable. The user is therefore in charge of including or not
Association (DWMA), and the Spanish Association of Hazardous Waste sources that he/she considers as not significant and should provide
Managers (ASEGRE). It is the intent of the EpE Working Group the adequate evidences / justifications.
to continue to promote its use internationally.
-> The reference tool for the waste sector
-> “Built on the GHG Protocol” label With such label, the Waste Sector Protocol reinforces its desire to be
In the perspective of continuous improvement of this document, the reference tool for the waste sector by ensuring its users of a total
and in order to meet the general expectations of users, and transparent coherence and conformity with the GHG Protocol
the Working Group has decided to initiate a new revision Corporate Standard’s requirements.
of the Protocol. The Protocol is exclusively dedicated to annual GHG reporting.
Unlike the previous versions, it is not only based on a peer It aims at being a supportive tool for waste managers
review but on a review conducted by the World Resources or practitioners to prepare their GHG emissions inventory.
Institute (WRI). The objective is to have version 5 labelled Based on such inventory, action plans and emission reduction
“built on the GHG Protocol”. This new label was initiated jointly objectives can be established. The present document along with
by the WRI and the World Business Council on Sustainable the Excel emissions calculation worksheet constitutes the Waste
Development (WBCSD). It is a way for the GHG Protocol to recognize Sector specific Protocol.
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
- 1.1. Objectives -
This document is intended to provide a credible approach The reported data should be consistent with
to quantify, report and verify greenhouse gases (GHG) the guidance outlined in this document.
Any deviation from these guidelines should
direct & indirect emissions of waste management actors. be described fully in the report supporting
The purpose of this Waste Sector Protocol is to establish the GHG emissions inventory.
best practice across the waste sector for the implementation
This Protocol was built on the Greenhouse
of a coherent and homogeneous annual GHG Gas Protocol – A Corporate Accounting
emissions reporting. and Reporting Standard – Revised edition,
elaborated by the WBCSD and the WRI.
A full review of the Protocol was undertaken
by the WRI to ensure its compatibility with
the requirements of the GHG Protocol.
The Protocol is also compatible with
the ISO standards related to GHG emissions
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
- 1.2. Principles -
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
- 1.3. Definitions -
-> Entity -> Direct Emissions -> Indirect Emissions -> Avoided emissions
An entity is a group, a company, Direct GHG emissions occur from Indirect GHG emissions are Certain waste treatment activities
a subsidiary, a local authority process or equipments owned emissions that are consequences generate energy (electricity &
or a site performing a GHG or controlled by the entity. of the activities of the entity heat) as a by-product and/
emissions inventory. Example: emissions from but that physically occur or contribute to the re-use
Any entity which performs its combustion installations, at sites or during operations of materials or fuels.
inventory according to this landfills (fugitive emissions), owned or controlled by another Energy and material recovery
Protocol should apply the steps company-owned vehicles, etc. organization than the reporting can contribute to avoid GHG
and meet the requirements In accordance with the GHG entity. In accordance with emissions compared to
described hereinafter. Protocol, direct emissions the GHG Protocol, indirect a baseline scenario.
are also known as ‘Scope 1’ emissions can be distinguished Avoided emissions are not
emissions. into two categories known as included in or deducted from
Direct emissions of biogenic scope 2 and scope 3 emissions. direct and indirect emissions
carbon, resulting from biomass Indirect emissions resulting and should be reported
burning or decomposition, from imports of electricity, heat separately.
shall not be included in or steam not self-produced have For further details please see
direct emissions but reported to be accounted for as scope 2 section 4.5.
separately (see section 4.7). emissions.
It must be underlined that Example: electricity purchased
the term “direct GHG emissions” from the grid.
applies to the source type All other indirect emissions
of emissions. correspond to scope 3 emissions.
Example: waste transported
in vehicles not owned (or not
controlled) by the entity.
It must be underlined that the
term “indirect GHG emissions”
applies to the source type
of emissions, i.e. it does not
mean emissions of indirect
greenhouse gases but emissions
from indirect source types.
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
-> Transfer
Waste that is collected from communities,
individuals or companies can be directly
transported to a treatment or material
recovery facility or be firstly consolidated
in a transfer center in order to optimise
its transport to a treatment or material
recovery facility.
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
are then recycled by introducing them of methane. Produced biogas is captured Incinerators are equipped with energy
in the production cycle as a partial or total and combusted in flares or recovered recovery systems, enabling electricity
substitution (paper, glass, steel, etc.). to produce thermal and / or electric energy. and / or heat generation.
Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF) can be produced Furthermore, solid residues from
and then used in substitution of conventional -> Landfilling combustion (bottom ash) are recovered
fossil fuels. Landfilling refers to the more modern sites and scrap metal can be recycled.
where waste is placed in lined disposal areas Other thermal treatment exist such as
-> Physico-chemical treatment which are environmentally isolated, pyrolysis or gasification.
It consists of mechanical, physical and where waste is naturally degraded.
or chemical treatment of hazardous waste Within best practices, emissions produced -> Mechanical biological treatment (MBT)
in dedicated installations. by decaying waste (gas and leachate) are MBT is an intermediate treatment step
Alternative fuels can be produced. recovered through drainage systems between waste collection and the subsequent
and treated. The amount and quality of these treatment steps (landfill, thermal treatment,
-> Biological treatment emissions are variable in time and depend agronomic reuse, recycling or any other
(composting, anaerobic digestion) on the composition of the stored waste. existing form of treatment).
These processes can be applied Organic waste decomposition produces It is mainly used to treat municipal solid
to agro-food industry waste, green waste, landfill gas (comprised of methane waste with an adequate biodegradable
biowaste as well as sewage sludge. and carbon dioxide in nearly the same content to feed the biological step.
The composting process consists in organic amounts). The captured landfill gas is either In some cases, commercial and industrial
matter aerobic degradation and stabilisation. combusted in flares or recovered to produce waste or biowaste can also feed the plant.
It enables the production of organic thermal and/or electric energy. The configuration of the MBT process
amendment (compost) that can be used can vary, including more or less steps.
in agriculture, as a source of organic -> Thermal Treatment The process can start with the mechanical
matter to improve certain low quality soils, Incineration is a treatment process step and then a biological step or the other
e.g. in the restoration of brown field sites, applicable to hazardous and non-hazardous way round, depending on the target of the
or for landfill cap restoration. Anaerobic waste (municipal solid waste, industrial waste plant: compost production, SRF production,
digestion consists of controlled anaerobic and sometimes sewage sludge). energy production from biogas and/or
fermentation of organic waste in a digester, Waste is degraded through thermal stabilised product.
producing biogas which is mainly composed treatment in incinerators.
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
18 1. 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Vol. 1, General Guidance and Reporting, p.6
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Inventory Boundaries
3.1 ......... Organizational boundaries -> page 20
3.2 ......... Operational boundaries -> page 22
3.3 ......... Exclusions -> page 26
3.4 ......... Adjustments -> page 28
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Table 1 -> Synthesis of main direct & indirect source types met in waste management activities
Collection -> CO2 from fuel -> CO2 from N.A. -> CO2 from consumption
& Transportation consumption electric vehicles of biomass energy
-> HFC from A/C -> CO2 from (biofuels, bioliquids,
leakages outsourced transport solid biomass,
Transfer -> CO2 from fuel -> CO2 from purchased N.A. -> CO2 from consumption
consumption electricity of biomass energy
consumption (biofuels, bioliquids,
solid biomass, biogases)
Mechanical -> CO2 from fuel -> CO2 from purchased N.A. -> CO2 from consumption
Pre-treatment consumption electricity of biomass energy
(dismantling) consumption (biofuels, bioliquids,
solid biomass, biogases)
Sorting, Recycling -> CO2 from fuel -> CO2 from purchased -> Potential avoided GHG emissions corresponding -> CO2 from consumption
& Recovering consumption electricity to the difference between virgin raw material of biomass energy (biofuels,
-> HFC emissions from consumption production emissions and material recovery bioliquids, solid biomass,
WEEE dismantling emissions biogases)
-> Potential avoided GHG emissions corresponding
to the difference between burning fossil fuel
and solid recovered fuels (SRF)
Physico-chemical -> CO2 from fuel -> CO2 from purchased -> Potential avoided GHG emissions corresponding -> CO2 from consumption
waste treatment consumption electricity to the difference between burning fossil fuel of biomass energy
consumption and alternative fuels (biofuels, bioliquids, solid
biomass, biogases)
Biological Treatment -> CO2 from fuel -> CO2 from purchased -> Potential avoided GHG emissions corresponding -> CO2 from consumption
(composting) consumption electricity to the difference between use of chemical of biomass energy (biofuels,
-> Process emissions consumption fertilizer and compost spreading bioliquids, solid biomass,
(CH4 and N2O) biogases)
-> CO2 process emissions
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Table 1 (continued)
Biological Treatment -> CO2 from fuel -> CO2 from purchased -> Potential avoided GHG emissions corresponding -> CO2 from consumption
(Anaerobic Digestion) consumption electricity to the difference between biogas recovery of biomass energy
-> Process emissions consumption emissions (as power, heat and/or fuel) (biofuels, bioliquids, solid
(CH4 and N2O) and substituted energy production emissions biomass, biogases)
-> CO2 process emissions
-> CO2 from biogas combustion
Landfill -> CO2 from fuel -> CO2 from purchased -> Potential avoided GHG emissions corresponding -> CO2 from consumption
consumption electricity to the difference between landfill gas recovery of biomass energy
-> Diffuse CH4 emissions consumption emissions (as power, heat and/or fuel) (biofuels, bioliquids,
-> CH4 from incomplete and substituted energy production emissions solid biomass, biogases)
landfill gas -> Diffuse CO2 & oxidised CH4
combustion emissions
-> CO2 from landfill gas
combustion process
Thermal -> CO2 from fuel -> CO2 from purchased -> Potential avoided GHG emissions corresponding -> CO2 from consumption
treatment consumption electricity to the difference between energy from thermal of biomass energy
-> N2O process consumption treatment processes recovery (as power and/or (biofuels, bioliquids,
emissions heat) emissions and substituted energy solid biomass, biogases)
-> CO2 process production emissions. -> CO2 process emissions
emissions (only the -> Potential avoided GHG emissions corresponding (the biogenic carbone
fossil carbon share to the difference between virgin raw material share of the waste)
of the waste) production emissions and material recovery emis-
sions (e.g. slag, scrap, metals and bottom ashes)
Mechanical Biological -> CO2 from fuel -> CO2 from purchased -> Potential avoided GHG emissions corresponding -> CO2 from consumption
Treatment (MBT) consumption electricity to the difference between biogas recovery of biomass energy
-> Process emissions consumption emissions (as power, heat and/or fuel) (biofuels, bioliquids,
(CH4, N2O) and substituted energy production emissions solid biomass, biogases)
-> Potential avoided GHG emissions corresponding -> CO2 process emissions
to the difference between virgin raw
material production emissions and material
recovery emissions (compost production,
alternative fuels, material recovery...)
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
- 3.3. Exclusions -
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Veolia Environment and SITA Experiences Therefore, these sources are not considered for the completeness of its GHG report.
Estimations were made thanks to to be significant for waste treatment In case a source of emission is not
the “screening method” proposed activities and it may seem legitimate proposed in this Protocol, the user can still
by the HFC/ PFC Protocol5 and using to consider as complete a GHG report that calculate and add the GHG emissions by
the most conservative assumptions would not include one or all of these sources. using the space left available in the tool
proposed. Yet, the insignificance of these emissions at the bottom of each tab.
Veolia Environment estimated can vary from one activity / site to another
that HFC diffuse emissions from mobile A/C one. Users are therefore asked to carefully In the case where access to information data
devices did not represent more than 0.80% check whether the devices (age, size, is obstructed for any reason, it is highly
of a truck’s emissions due to fuel refrigerant gas) used on the perimeter recommended to refer to the GHG Protocol
consumption during a year. of their report is comparable or not. Corporate Standard6 to set up processes
SITA calculated leakages for buildings, and cross checks that will allow collection
using conservative average annual gas The Excel tool of this Protocol compiles all of detailed information relevant for future
recharge quantities. HFC diffuse emissions GHG emission sources identified up to date GHG emissions quantification reports.
represent 0.2% (collection); to enable the user to inventory, Any excluded source should be properly
0.9% (sorting facility); 1.5% (landfill) of these as exhaustively as possible, the source types explained and justified.
facilities’ total direct emissions. it is concerned by. A minimum threshold cannot be defined
However, the user is responsible to exclude some sources.
5. Calculating HFC and PFC Emissions from the Manufacturing, Installation, Operation and Disposal of Refrigeration
& Air-conditioning Equipment (Version 1.0), January 2005, http://www.ghgprotocol.org/calculation-tools/refrigeration 27
6. GHG Protocol, Chapter 7, Managing Inventory Quality
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
- 3.4. Adjustments -
-> Adjustments to the Source Type List -> Adjustments for loss of operational control -> Adjustments for taking over operational
Changes may relate to the entity’s group An entity can divest operational control control
structure or to its operations e.g. through over source types within its source type list An entity can acquire operational control
the acquisition or divestiture of subsidiaries through: over source types outside of its source type
or assets. It follows that the source types • a de-merger or divestiture, list through:
in the source type list may not be fixed over • outsourcing one or several activities, • a merger,
time. • a re-organization of operational • an acquisition,
Each time an entity changes its structure control (change of contractor …), • internalization of an activity,
or operations, adjustments must be made • termination of an activity (source type). • a re-organization of operational
to the source type list and corresponding Should an entity divest operational control control (contractor’s change …),
annual emissions calculations. over source types within its source type • opening a new source type.
Any adjustment to the source type list must list, that entity will be required to adjust its Should an entity acquire operational control
be completed by the end of the same year source type list and annual GHG emissions. over source types outside of its source type
in which the structural or operational change In case of closure of a source type, GHG list, that entity will be required to make an
occurred. annual emissions will be taken into account adjustment to its source type list and to its
until the final closing. The method to take annual GHG emissions. In case of start up of
into account structural changes must a new activity, GHG emissions will be taken
be explained. into account from the start date. The method
to take structural changes into account must
be explained.
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Emissions calculations
4.1 ......... Reporting Period and data -> page 30 4.6 ......... Specific case of landfill diffuse emissions modelling -> page 36
4.2 ......... Methodologies used -> page 31 4.7 ......... Other specific cases -> page 37
4.3 ......... Calculation Tool -> page 32 4.8 ......... Base Year and Historic Emissions Recalculations -> page 40
4.4 ......... Global Warming Potentials -> page 33
4.5 ......... Avoided emissions Calculation -> page 34
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
The purpose of this section is -> Reporting Period -> Activity data
to outline a common approach This Protocol is designed for preparing a To calculate GHG emissions, the user has
GHG inventory on the basis of activity data to identify and collect activity data which
and methodology cumulated over a given period of time, are representative data of an activity taking
for quantifying GHG emissions, typically one year. place during a given period of time (typically
using the Excel calculation tool the reporting period). Data are linked
to the activity such as collected, treated,
associated to this Protocol. sorted or recycled waste tonnage; but also
quantities / volumes of fuel combusted
or of electricity purchased. These activity
data are determined by the emission source
type and can be influenced according
to the emission factors’ unit available
(m3 rather than tonnes for instance).
The entity is free to select activity data
as long as its choices are justified.
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
-> Calculation and/or measurements When measurements are involved, there can The Excel calculation tool gives
Different levels of accuracy can be achieved be accuracy differences between alternative the possibility to use either a measurement
depending on the type of methodology used measurement techniques. or a calculation approach to quantify
to assess GHG emissions: In case of continuous measurement emissions from each kind of source type.
• either calculation (use of activity data for instance, there might be several As previously explained, when calculations
and standard emission factors), sampling protocols applicable to perform are involved, there can be several emission
• or measurements (periodic a representative sampling for analysis. factors for the same source type.
or continuous), Likewise, when calculations are involved, The tool proposes default emissions factors,
• or a combination of both. for a same source type, several emission sometimes several for the same source type,
factors from different bibliographic sources with information on their perimeter
can be used. so the user can select the most adequate
factor for its defined case.
For example, regulatory measurements
This Protocol does not of CO2 emissions of stacks can be used by -> Reference Documents
the site manager in case of GHG emissions This Protocol is built on the GHG Protocol, i.e.
recommend one methodology due to hazardous waste incineration, it is compliant with all requirements
more than the other because it is as long as it can be justified that this method of the Corporate Standard.
extremely dependant on is more accurate than a calculation method It also refers to several external tools
using activity data and an emission factor. and models, such as: the Transport Protocol
the source type. In this case, the proper functioning of (EpE/ ADEME), GHG emissions generation
It is thus of the responsibility the emissions analyser should be verified, from landfill sites models (ADEME, LandGEM,
of the user to identify the most a preventive maintenance program should GasSIM, IPCC Tier II), the HFC Tool of the GHG
be implemented to avoid any deviation Protocol… Detailed references are given
accurate methodology for each of in the operation of the measuring device for the sources of default values, emission
the source types of its inventory. and maintenance record should be archived. factors and calculation methodologies within
The chosen method will depend Moreover, the user must avoid double the Excel calculation tool (step by step).
counting. Stack measurements apply to all
on the significance of the source of the incinerated carbon (waste as well
type and the uncertainties as additional fuels).
associated with the available It is therefore not necessary to do
a separated and dedicated calculation
methods of assessment. for the emissions due to additional fuels.
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
7. Source: IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007, Climate Change 2007: Working Group
I: The Physical Science Basis, 2.10.2 Direct Global Warming Potentials 33
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Accounting for methane captured in landfills Today, because of the very nature of the modelling
can be done using flowmeters placed exercise, no model is recommended over another,
on the landfill gas collection system and
composition analysis. as long as it uses first order equations.
However, field conditions make diffuse
emissions accounting difficult.
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
38 8. See for example: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Volume 1 – "Introduction": "Carbon dioxide from the combustion or decay of short-lived
biogenic material removed from where it was grown is reported as zero in the Energy, IPPU and Waste Sectors (for example CO2 emissions from biofuels, and CO2 emissions
from biogenic material in Solid Waste Disposal Sites." Volume 5 - "Waste": "CO2 is also produced in SWDS, wastewater treatment and burning of non-fossil waste, but this CO2 is of
biogenic origin and is therefore not included as a reporting item in this sector"
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Emissions sources
The sources of biogenic CO2 emissions It has to be highlighted that relevant
identified for waste treatment activities emission factors and activity data
are the following: to calculate biogenic emissions are not
• Waste incineration of biodegradable always easily available, especially
fractions for biological treatment alternatives.
• Biomass energy (biofuels, bioliquids, These emissions depend of a number
solid biomass, biogases) combustion. of parameters and complex phenomena
• Diffuse CO2 emissions from landfill sites that make the elaboration of emission
• Oxidised fraction of diffuse methane factors uneasy. The Protocol proposes default
emissions from landfill sites accounting methods and emission factors
• Biogas combustion emissions in the calculation Excel tool. Other emission
• Anaerobic digestion direct CO2 factors and default values can be used
emissions through leakages but must be clearly documented
• Composting CO2 process emissions and justified.
• Refuse derived fuels incinerated
(share of biogenic carbon)
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Managing Uncertainty
5.1 ......... Uncertainty in GHG emissions inventories -> page 42
5.2 ......... Uncertainty calculations -> page 44
5.3 ......... Reducing uncertainly -> page 46
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
By their nature, data inventory, evaluation Emissions totals reported by entities are
and collection lead to uncertainties. usually provided as a unique figure with
Assessing this uncertainty is essential in implicit or explicit confidence intervals.
GHG emissions reporting. It does not aim at For example, reported total emissions of
questioning the validity of inventory data 125,000 tons of CO2 equivalent could be more
but to determine the level of reliability. accurately phrased as “total emissions likely
It also helps identifying possible areas of to be between 115,000 and 135,000 tons”
improvement in reporting accuracy, and to or “total emissions are 125,000 tons plus
direct methodological choices. or minus 10%”. The degree of uncertainty
will vary widely for different emissions
estimates, depending upon the emissions
source type, the calculation method used
and the level of effort expended to gather
and validate data.
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Flow meter Flow measurement for used natural gas 2% Commercial measurement or integrated in a preventive maintenance
for incinerators approach.
Constructor’s value cannot be used, it is necessary to take into account
real use and maintenance conditions. It is recommended to archive
calibration certificates and monitoring and maintenance documents.
Incinerators flue gas flow measurements 5 – 10% Difficult operating conditions (location of meter, variability of measured
flow); risks of equipment failure.
Tank levels Visual plotting of tank levels of additional 10% Uncertainty due to the imprecise methods to determine the fuel oil
liquid fuels or domestic oil tank levels.
Analyzers CO2 content determination of flue gas 5 – 10% Difficult operating conditions (localization); frequent failure risks.
using on site devices However, analyzers undergo strict regulatory monitoring.
Determination of the carbon content of fuel 5% Devices that require preventive maintenance and periodical calibration.
using laboratory analyzers It is recommended to archive maintenance monitoring documents.
(gas chromatography) It is necessary to have a sampling frequency that guarantees
the representativeness of the measured values and to document
the choice of the frequency.
Furthermore, it is noted that uncertainty principles cannot be applied to the The entity could refer to the Chapter 7 of the
principles apply to data from measures modelling that is performed to estimate Corporate Standard to make a calculation.
or analysis. This is the reason why these methane emissions from landfills.
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
2.1. Total Scope 1 & Scope 2 Emissions 2.5. Appropriate context for any significant The present Protocol adds the following
independent of biogenic CO2 emissions, emissions changes that trigger base year section which is not mentioned by the GHG
avoided emissions and sequestrated carbon emissions recalculations (acquisitions/ Protocol Corporate Standard:
• See Section 4 and use the calculation divestitures, outsourcing/insourcing,
Excel tool changes in reporting boundaries or 2.9. Total avoided emissions
calculation methodologies, etc.) • See Section 4, Paragraph 4.5
2.2. Emissions data separately for each scope • See Section 3.4
• See Section 4 and use the calculation Excel The public GHG emissions report may include,
tool 2.6. Emissions data for direct biogenic CO2 when applicable, the following additional
emissions, reported separately from the information:
2.3. Emissions data for all seven GHGs scopes • Emissions data from Scope 3 emissions
separately in metric tonnes • See Section 4.7 activities
• See Section 3, Paragraph 3.2 and use the • Information on the quality of the
calculation Excel tool 2.7. Methodologies used for calculations inventory (e.g. information, on the
• See Section 4, Paragraph 4.2. causes and magnitude of uncertainties
2.4. Year chosen as base year, and an in emission estimates) and an outline
emissions profile over time that is consistent 2.8. Any specific exclusions of sources, of policies in place to improve inventory
with and clarifies the chosen policy for facilities and/or operations quality - See Section 5
making base year emissions calculations • See Section 3, Paragraph 3.3 • Information on any GHG sequestration.
• See Section 4.8
The GHG emissions inventory report
is accompanied by a letter, signed by
management or a designated representative,
attesting that the data reported is a faithful
representation of the entity’s emissions, and
complies with the Protocol’s requirements.
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
- Verification -
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
- Annexes -
- of the Protocol -
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
- Annex 1
Comparative analysis
of the greenhouse gases models for landfills -
landfill gas oxidized within the cover layer
and diffused in the atmosphere – CO2 only
landfill gas diffusion in the atmosphere – CO2 and CH4
leak in the landfill gas collection system – CO2 and
landfill gas flared or recovered to produce energy
CO2 and potentially CH4 from incomplete combustion
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Model diversity
It is also necessary to keep in mind that Accounting for captured greenhouse gases Numerous models exist to assess pollutants
the lifetime of a landfill is made of several can be done using flowmeters installed in the emissions from landfills, whose goals and
phases, during which landfill gas formation landfill gas collection system and analysis complexity vary significantly. In this analysis,
and emissions conditions are different: of the gas composition. However, diffused we are interested in the models that allow an
emissions accounting shows a limit due to estimation of landfill gas production, so that
For instance : the difficulty, because of field conditions, we can assess greenhouse gas emissions.
1. Operating cell: aerobic conditions, no to assess the quantities of landfill gas
landfill gas recovering, emitted to the atmosphere. Diffuse emissions Models based on a theoretical production
2. “Completely filled” cell, not yet covered: measurements can indeed be done, but they calculation require knowledge of landfilled
aerobic and anaerobic conditions, important are complex and expensive to implement and tonnage. According to their accuracy, we
atmospheric diffusion, not optimum landfill are of limited accuracy. distinguish:
gas recovery,
3. Covered cell: aerobic and anaerobic To solve this difficulty, research has been • «0» order models (IPCC Tier 1 type):
conditions, optimum landfill gas recovery, done to model landfills atmospheric the methods used require emission
reduced diffusion. emissions. An inventory of these models and factors and take into account the tonnages
a comparative analysis of the main models landfilled on the year of the calculation.
The landfill gas quantity produced by a are presented below. It appears that landfill Resorting to standard values, they do
landfill and its composition (and therefore generated emissions modeling is a complex not take into account the complexity of
the quantity of greenhouse gases) depend on exercise that requires taking into account the landfill specific conditions and rather
several criteria. The main criteria are: numerous factors. aim at making estimated calculations,
typically at a regional or national level.
• Landfilled waste quantity, They do not allow reaching the accuracy
• Age of landfilled waste, that is necessary for the emissions
• Composition of landfilled waste1, calculation that has to be performed in
• Environmental physico-chemical conditions the present Protocol.
(humidity, temperature, pH, etc), • 1st order model (IPCC Tier 2 type):
• Efficiency of the landfill gas collecting These models take into account a landfill’s
system, waste filling history or yearly average
• Cover type. inputs and the site operating life (years).
56 1. This factor is highly variable from one region to another (food habits, waste sorting efficiency etc.).
It explains the significant discrepancies that one might observe between the models of the different countries.
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
They are based on first order kinetic The implementation of the European
equation, and are more or less complex, Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
depending on whether they take into (E-PRTR), replacing the European Polluant
account recovered landfill gas, methane Emission Register (EPER) since 2006,
oxidation through the cover, or other accelerated the development of national GHG
types of parameters. emissions estimation models for landfills.
The most sophisticated models (known According to the regulation 166/2006 of the
as multi-phase) distinguish several waste European Parliament and of the Council (also
types according to the speed at which they known as E-PRTR), the activities registered in
degrade. the Annex I of the IPPC (Integrated Pollution
Prevention and Control) Directive and
The most frequently used models (older or exceeding the thresholds set in the Annex
more accomplished) in the literature are the I of the E-PRTR regulation must declare
IPCC Tier II model, Landgem (developed by their polluting emissions to competent
the US EPA), GasSim (developed by the British authorities. Landfills may fall under the 5.c
Administration) and the ADEME model in category «Installation for the disposal of
France. non hazardous waste (>50t/day)» or the 5.d
category «landfills (>10t/day).
As part of the E-PRTR reporting, Member
States have to collect data from sites that are
subject to declaration and transmit them to
the European Commission. Member States are
free to choose the model they use to assess
emissions. It should be noted that, according
to the E-PRTR, uncertainties remain in
assessing diffuse atmospheric emissions
from landfills in some countries.
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Within the European Union, the models used by the member states are listed below (source: E-PRTR 2004):
Table 1 -> National models used for E-PRTR
Germany National model Order 0 – adaptation of the tier 1 model from IPCC
+ some elements from tier 2 for CH4 emissions
Austria 2 (national) models depending if waste Order 1 – takes into account historical emissions
is residual (Tabasaran and Rettenberger Deduces captured landfill gas, cover oxidation – 2 waste types
methodology) or not (Marticorena (1-20 and 20-100 years half-life)
Belgium National model Order 1, based on IPCC tier 2 – Deduces captured landfill gas, cover oxidation –
only 1 waste type
Finland Adapted tier 2 IPCC model IPCC model: Order 1 with a change on methane corrective factor
France National models (ADEME) – one tier 2 type 1st model: order 1 – captured landfill gas, cover oxidation – 3 categories
model and another one based on captured of waste and 4 categories of waste age
landfill gas 2nd model: order 0 – uses the collecting device efficiency and the quantity
of captured landfill gas
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Table 1 (continued)
Ireland LandGem (USEPA) Order 1 – only 1 waste category, takes into account cover oxidation and captured
landfill gas – Formerly created to model landfill gas production and not diffuse
Netherlands 2 national models (TNO) The 2 models are order 1 models – Takes into account captured landfill gas, cover
oxidation. The difference between the 2 models is made on the number of waste
category: 1 or 3.
These TNO models are used by government to provide NOR reporting, but landfill
operators are using a variety of models, developed by various consultants.
United Kingdom National model Order 1 – takes into account cover oxidation and deduces recovering from cover
(GasSim) characteristics – 3 waste categories
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
The comparison presented below concerns All the studied models are based on a first- This formula is the models’ core equation.
models that are the most usually referred order kinetic equation of the following type: The number of years “x” when waste
to, and that are sometimes used outside was landfilled is summed.
their source country: QCH4 = L0 . M . k. e -k(t-x) L0 and M depend on “x”.
Where : The result is sometimes detailed
• ADEME model QCH4: Quantity of methane produced per year by waste categories, the L0, M and k values
(France, national E-PRTR model), (Nm3/year) depend on the waste categories.
• GasSim (UK, national EPER model), L0: methane generation potential (Nm3 CH4 / t Depending on the models, other parameters
• LandGem (USA, EPA model), of waste) can also be taken into account, such
• IPCC Tier 2 model M: tonnes of landfilled waste (t) as landfill gas capture, oxidation through
(international reference). k: kinetic constant (year-1) the cover, physico-chemical factors, etc.
x: year when waste has been landfilled
t: year of emissions inventory (t ≥ x) The following table summarizes the main
technical characteristics and default data
of the various models (source: Ogor and
Guerbois 2005).
In most models, the factors mentioned here
(L0, k, etc.) can be modified by the user to be
more representative of the modeled landfills’
actual conditions.
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Model type Monophase (1) Monophase (1) Multiphase (6) Multiphase (6)
Input data Historic of landfilled waste Historic of landfilled waste Historic of landfilled waste Historic of landfilled waste
tonnages + % of inert waste tonnages + % of inert waste tonnages + waste composition tonnages + waste composition
Methane generation potential 110 (does not take into account 170 (does not take into account Automatically calculated (2)
L0 inert waste) (5) inert waste) Fast: 88
Medium: 44
Slow: 0
Biogas capture efficiency Calculated (ratio capture / Calculated (ratio capture / Calculated (ratio capture / Capture
theoretical production) theoretical production)– maxi- theoretical production) efficiency average based on
mum at 85% cover type in proportion to the
surface areas (3)
Inputs due to capture Average flow of methane Average flow of methane Average flow of methane (4)
captured during the year captured during the year captured during the year surface area
every cover
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
(1) The terms multiphase or monophase refer (2) Takes into account the fact that the ADEME (3) Used capture efficiencies are
to the fact that the model takes into account considers that during the first year, methane the followings: no capture (0%), operated area
one or several types of waste. For LandGem, production is nil (aerobic conditions) – connected to a combustion unit (35%), semi-
its use in multiphase has been mentioned initial factors are respectively 100, 50 and 0. permeable cover (65%), natural impermeable
during the interviews with the companies’ cover (85%) and geomembrane (90%).
(4) A second approach has been developed (5) The Tier 2 methodology does not set any (6) 3 waste categories: highly degradable,
by the ADEME. It uses the same capture rates value for the methane generation potential moderately degradable, and inert. For highly
as in the theoretical models, but is applied but indicates a calculation method according and moderately degradable waste, 3 kinetic
to the measured production. to the quality of the landfilled waste. constants are considered (fast, medium,
The value reported in the table above slow), respectively associated to 15, 55
and used in the VEOLIA PROPRETÉ internal and 30% of waste.
study was calculated under the hypothesis
of a composition of 25% of putrescible waste
and 30% of papers & textiles, but has
to be adapted for every site.
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
All models show some complexity and Studies were done to compare the different The comparison between the estimated
require time to have a thorough knowledge models, and also to compare them with results of diffuse methane emissions and
so that they can be used in the best typical landfills. The results of these studies their in-situ measurements is much more
conditions, and be an accurate image of vary significantly and show the extreme random, and tendencies are not easily found.
a landfill characteristics. The ADEME and complexity of modelling (the results are very
GasSim models are considered to be more sensitive to factors’ variation, notably k and • According to the type of measure done,
complex than the others, since the EPA and Lo). The difficulty to measure diffuse methane the results on the quantity of methane
Tier2 models only allow to consider one type should be pointed out; the different methods diffused in the atmosphere range from 1
of waste . The calculation codes underlying used in the comparative studies can show to 10 (even if it is possible to explain part
the models are not complex2. It has to be highly significant deviations. of these gaps),
noted that the equations used by GasSim • For the models that substract
are integrated in the calculation software To solve this methodological difficulty, the measured quantity of captured
and are therefore, unlike in the other tools, the best way we can use to assess models’ methane from the estimated production,
inacessible by the users. performances lies in the comparison of the result is sometimes negative, therefore
In all cases, it came out of the discussions the estimations made for each model of inconsistent. The ADEME model eliminated
that the initial parameters of a model are the total methane production within the this problem through its unique approach
not relevant to reflect the specific situation cells as compared to the captured methane (capture rate estimation) and the EPA
of each site. It is therefore essential to quantity. This comparison inevitably induces model defines a capture rate threshold
know how to modify the model’s key factors a bias due to uncaptured landfill gas but, at 85%.
(especially waste composition and kinetic in the case of high capture output, it allows • In cases where results are not negative,
constant) to adapt them to site specific validation of the order of magnitude of the it is not possible to identify tendencies:
conditions. This work has to be part of a long models’ results. the results of these models vary
term approach, which makes constancy a significantly, whether we compare
primary target in the model choice. Such a study shows that: the results of the different models or
the models with field measurements.
Furthermore, it is sure that all available • When tests are done on several landfills, • The uncertainty for measured emissions
measured data (captured gas measurement net tendencies appear: some models is much higher than for theoretical
that has to be completed by diffuse gas (EPA, Tier 2) systematically predict higher production.
measures) constitutes a reliability and productions than others (GasSim, Ademe).
refinement source for the parameter setting The estimations vary almost from simple
of the used model. to double, regardless of the landfill,
• However, the total production estimations
made by the models are sometimes below
the captured gas quantity (and therefore
below the quantity of landfill gas actually
2. Remark: the term "complex" refers here to the model’s conception and use (necessary input date,
implemented calculation types, etc.). The complexity of model and of the implemented calculation 63
methods is not necessarily linked to the final results accuracy.
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
-> Conclusions
General Conclusion
The outcome of this study is that, because of They each have their pros and cons model can give a better representation
its very nature and unless costly emissions and can show wide variations in their of the landfills’ situation.
monitoring devices are set up, the best numerical results. Today, because
means for diffuse emissions estimates are of the very nature of the modeling Validity of the models
the use of emission models. exercise, no model is recommended over
Modelling is a difficult exercise, because another. Nonetheless, it is advised • In the present state of our knowledge,
of the diversity of physical, chemical and to resort to the model accepted by local it is impossible to validate the models’
mainly biological factors that governs the authorities for regulatory declarations. results on the quantity of diffuse methane.
waste degradation process. However, several If there is no locally accepted model, It is also in vain to suggest an estimation
models exist, that try to simulate the actual the entity should use a model that is of the uncertainty of these results,
landfill conditions. published, accepted and available • Total methane production assessments
in scientific and technical literature, seem consistent, when we compare
As a consequence, and the parameters of the model should the different models and as compared
be adapted to reflect the site’s specific to captured landfill gas measurements.
• The use of models is essential to assess situation. The choice of the model as well An uncertainty of +/- 50% is conceivable
diffuse emissions as the parameter adaptation should be on these results,
• Among the diversity of existing models, documented and justified. • The determination of a ranking based
only the order 1 models can today take • Because of the necessary adaptation of on model’s performance seems unrealistic,
into account the various factors that have the model’s parameters, the reporting for two main reasons:
an impact on landfill gas production. entity will have to make sure the same - The uncertainties due to the entire
It is therefore advised to favor these model is used every year, unless another modelling exercise are too important,
models and to avoid using order 0 models - There is a great sensitivity of the results
(or models using standard emission to input factors (notably k and L0),
factors). so that the results obtained for one single
• It is necessary to keep in mind that model can have a wide range of variations.
the use of these tools implies a very high Furthermore, a model that has used only
level of uncertainty, a level difficult default values does not seem pertinent;
to assess. This level of uncertainty cannot it has to be considered as a gross tool
be compared to the one that can that needs to be refined to reflect the local
be reached in GhG emissions calculation situation,
in other industrial facilities. • On the long term, methane production
• The different existing models were created potential is a crucial parameter since it
to reflect certain condition and include will influence directly the total cumulated
standard factors that can be adapted. methane production from a landfill.
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
It is therefore important to make sure that hypothesis with precision. recommended that the sites’ operational
these parameters’ values are consistent • It is also recommended that the user staff work in close collaboration with
from one model to another, converts the landfill gas production the reporting entities’ management.
• Methane oxidation through the cover results in Nm3 so that a consistent base The entity should provide pertinent
has been set at 10% in almost all models, of comparison with other sites is available. indicative elements on input parameters
according to the IPCC recommendations. and perform a consistency check on
However it is difficult to validate this Recommendations for use the calculated data, even make
the calculation using data given by
• Multiphase models are more accurate the operators on site.
in biochemical mechanisms’ modelling • The “management” of a model’s constants
and should allow sites to gain a more according to the measured results
accurate image of their emissions, (captured and diffuse landfill gas) appears
• The ADEME model (in both versions) shows to be an important source of progress
the non-negligible interest of suggesting in making the models more accurate.
an estimation of the diffuse landfill gas But this work needs to be done with
quantity in all cases, unlike the other extreme care:
models. This model was drawn up to show
the 30-year evolution of a landfill. - So that the output of the capture system
• The measurement of the captured landfill is not overestimated, inducing a reduction
gas remains by far the most accurate data. of the diffuse emissions (this would lead
It can therefore be interesting to use it. to bring the total methane production
However there is no method today in line with the captured methane
to assess the efficiency of the collection quantity),
system (or the cover efficiency), - Technically, diffuse methane
• Good use of a landfill’s emissions measurements are uncertain and need
estimation model requires a real to be done in good conditions to make sure
competence (essentially because of the results are representative.
the great sensitivity of input data). - It is also recommended to update
The accuracy of the results also highly the parameters every year so that
depends on the knowledge of the landfill the waste characteristics’ variations are
to be modelled (biogenic carbon rate, considered.
waste age, collection system efficiency),
as well as cultural criteria (food, habit
of waste sorting). This is why it is
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
-> References
ADEME: Calculation tool of emissions to air and Projections of Greenhouse Gas Emissions UK Environment Agency: GasSIM – landfill gas
of CH4, CO2, SOx, NOx from waste storage sites from Waste’ (2005) risk assessment tool (2002)
and comparable – user manual (2003)
GIEC: Tier 2 method, Revised 1996 IPCC USEPA: LandGEM User’s Manual Landfill Gas
COWI: A Study on the Economic Valuation Guidelines for National Emission Greenhouse Emissions Model - Version 2.0 (1998)
of Environmental Externalities from Gas Inventories – Manuel de reference
Landfill Disposal and Incineration of Waste, Workshop on Inventories and Projections
Final Appendix Report for the European JACOBS J., SCHARFF H.: Comparison of of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Waste –
Commission (2000) methane emission models and methane Organized by the European Environment Agency
emission measurements (2004) – Copenhagen (Denmark), 2 – 3 may 2005
EPER: Supporting Document for the http://air-climate.eionet.eu.int/docs/
determination of diffuse methane emissions OGOR Y., GUERBOIS M.: “Comparison of meetings/050502_GhGEm_Waste_WS/
from landfill sites (2004) Landfill Methane Emission Models: a Case meeting050502.html
Study”, Proceedings Sardinia 2005, Tenth
European Environment Agency: Waste International Waste Management and Landfill
Management in Europe and the Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari,
Directive – Background paper from the ETC/ Italy, 3-7 October 2005
RWM to the ETC/ACC workshop ‘Inventories
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
- Annex 2:
Carbon Sequestration in Landfills and Soils
after compost spreading -
Carbon is considered as stored when it is What exactly is the role of the waste sector
removed from the global carbon cycle over in carbon sequestration? Two activities
long time periods. are concerned: landfilling and compost
spreading. Both contribute to carbon
Carbon is present under gaseous form in sequestration: more precisely, they prolong
the atmosphere, especially in the form the phenomena of sequestration over time
of greenhouse gases (mainly carbon (cf. Figure 1) and, in this sense, play the role
dioxide). Carbon storage, whether natural of carbon sinks.
(photosynthesis, ocean absorption) or
artificial (manufactured products of biogenic
origin), helps to reduce the amount of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Therefore, it participates positively in
climate change mitigation.
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Sequestration of carbon in raw Sequestration of carbon Decrease of the quantity Residual stored carbon over long
material (photosynthesis) in manufactured products of stored carbon during waste time periods
of organic origin treatment
Carbon stored (landfilling or composting)
Organic wastes and compost contain organic part of its carbon thus remains in soils. prevents some cellulose and hemicellulose
matter whose carbon has been sequestrated biodegradation.
during the production of the raw material In landfills, wood and paper decay very
(via photosynthesis) and the product slowly and accumulate in the landfills (long- In the same way, after compost spreading,
manufacturing (wooden board production for term storage). Carbon fractions in other part of the carbon present in compost is not
instance). During landfilling or composting, waste types decay over varying time periods. mineralized but retained in the soil. Indeed,
the organic matter contained in such Lignin does not decompose to a significant the stable organic matter has a turnover of
products decomposes and part of its carbon extent because of the anaerobic conditions. 100 to 1 000 years and thus a fraction of the
is emitted as CO2 and/or CH4, back to the Cellulose and hemicellulose decompose, carbon is bound in soil for long periods.
atmosphere. but the extent of their decomposition
depends on the environmental conditions In both cases, the result is that a fraction of
However, part of the organic matter does not in the landfill (e.g. pH and moisture). In biogenic carbon contained in organic waste/
decompose completely or very slowly and addition, the presence of lignin actually compost remains stored in soils.
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
There are two distinct organic carbon cycles: it is then emitted as CO2 again, when • Fossil carbon is involved in the long-term
the short-term cycle (biogenic carbon) plants decompose. Assuming a sustainable organic carbon cycle. Instead of decaying,
and the long-term cycle (fossil carbon). biosphere, while plants are decomposing, part of the organic matter is being buried
others are growing and CO2 emitted by and incorporated into fossil fuels deposits
• Biogenic carbon is involved in the short- the previous is thus absorbed by the latter. or sediments. This process is very slow
term organic carbon cycle which reflects A neutral equilibrium of carbon is resulting. since it extends over geological timescales
carbon interactions between the atmosphere (thousands and millions of years).
and the biosphere. Carbon, as CO2, is first The residence time of carbon in geological
absorbed during the green plants growth reservoirs is estimated at more than 200
(photosynthesis). Temporarily sequestrated, millions years.
Atmosphere Atmosphere
Sequestration Sequestration
Soil Soil
Figure 2 describes the impact of landfilling landfilling and compost spreading avoid landfilling has no impact. It does not avoid
and compost spreading in both biogenic and carbon emissions, by extending carbon any carbon emission since fossil carbon,
fossil carbon cycles. It shows that: sequestration in the soils; initially extracted from soil, simply returns
• In the case of biogenic carbon, • Whereas in the case of fossil carbon, to the soil.
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Yard Trimming
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
PROGNOS proposes emission factors for the carbon sink equals 300 kgCO2 equivalent
landfilling of residual waste both with and per tonne of landfilled waste.
without the accounting of the carbon sink.
In its calculations, PROGNOS considered that
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
RECORD 2008 bodies and researchers can engage in management activities” in which a literature
In 2008, RECORD, - a French network open collaborative research projects -, has review of carbon storage factors is made.
to all public or privately owned published a study entitled “Application The results of this work are presented in
organizations in which industry, public of the Bilan Carbone method to waste the Table below.
Table 2 (continued)
Food Discards
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Table 4 -> Carbon storage factors from Boldrin A. and Favoino E.’s article
Carbon sequestration in landfills and soils Besides, it is important to adopt a position calculating this sequestration such as
has been and continues to be a subject that would be coherent with the approach the IPCC model). Under no circumstances,
of debate which requires further research. considered for methane emissions from this sequestrated carbon should be
landfills. In the Protocol, the emissions subtracted from the direct emissions
In an annual reporting approach, such as occurring in year N (reporting year) due or presented as avoided emissions in
the one described by the Waste Sector to the waste disposed up to and including the reporting entities’ inventory.
Protocol, taking into account carbon year N are taken into account; the Protocol As such, this sequestrated carbon can only
sequestration is a challenging task because does not consider the emissions that will be reported for information purposes.
of the confrontation of two time horizons. occur on year N and afterwards originating
On the one hand, carbon sequestration from the waste disposed during the
is most often based on a 100 year time reporting year.
horizon whereas on the other hand,
the time period for reporting is typically one In the case of carbon sequestration in
year. However, this carbon, that will only be landfills and soils through carbon spreading,
considered as sequestrated if stored the Protocol’s position is to display the
for more than 100 years after its disposal carbon stored under the heading “carbon
in the soil, is effectively present in the soil sequestration” if adequate information is
right from the first year. available (for example if the reporting entity
has made use of a first order decay model
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
- Annex 3:
Composting – N2O, CH4 and biogenic CO2 Emissions Factors - 1.
149.5 0.4
210.6 0.6
382 0.7
Heres07 69 [40 – 100] Default [min – max] Vegetable, fruit and garden
waste (VFG)
Recommended values
76 1. Factors found in littérature, compiled thanks to a BIO Intelligence Service study carried out in 2007
2. WW = Wet Weight
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities
Heres07 170 [80 – 300] Default [min – max] Vegetable, fruit and garden
waste (VFG)
130 Greenwaste
Recommended values
Protocol for the quantification Version 5.0
of greenhouse gas emissions from october 2013
waste management activities
30900 Greenwaste
Remark: EF for direct CH4 emissions should be in coherence with EF for composting biogenic CO2 in order
to respect to total carbon balance.
ADEME05: ADEME (2005), Impacts CITEPA13: CITEPA (2013), Organisation et Heres07: Research determining indicator
environnementaux de la Gestion Biologique méthodes des inventaires nationaux des for methane and laughing gas composting
des Déchets. émissions atmosphériques en France plants. (Onderzoek bepalen kentallen
(OMINEA), 10e Edition. methaan en lachgas composteerbedrijven),
Bar02: Barton, P. K. and Atwater, J. W. R-J Heres, Tauw BV, Deventer, 22 November
(2002), Nitrous Oxide Emissions and the Cl03: Clemens J., C. Cuhls, (2003). Greenhouse 2007 (in Dutch).
Anthropogenic Nitrogen in Wastewater gas emissions from mechanical and
and Solid Waste Journal of Environmental biological waste treatment of municipal waste. IPCC06b: IPCC (2006), Guidelines for National
Engineering 128(2):137-150. Environmental Technology, 24(6):745-754. Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Chapter 4:
Biological treatment of solid waste
Bec01: Beck-Friis B., S. Smars, H. Jonsson, ERM06: Fisher, K., Aumonier, S. (2006) Impact
H. Kirchmann, (2001). Gaseous emissions of Energy from Waste and Recycling Policy on FNADE09: Guide d’aide à la déclaration
of carbon dioxide, ammonia and nitrous UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions, ERM for DEFRA. annuelle des émissions polluantes et des
oxide from organic household waste in a déchets des installations de compostage,
compost reactor under different temperature He98: Hellebrand H.J., 1998. Emission FNADE, validation ADEME, February 2009
regimes. Journal of Agricultural Engineering of nitrous oxide and other trace gases
Research, 78(4):423-430. during composting of grass and green
waste. Journal of Agricultural Engineering
Research, 69(4):365-375.
Version 5.0 Protocol for the quantification
october 2013 of greenhouse gas emissions from
waste management activities