Introduction To Global Positioning Systems (GPS) : Prepared For USDA
Introduction To Global Positioning Systems (GPS) : Prepared For USDA
Introduction To Global Positioning Systems (GPS) : Prepared For USDA
Maryland NRCS
Augustfor USDA
I. What is GPS?
GPS is a positioning system based on a network of satellites that continuously
transmit coded information. The information transmitted from the satellites can be
interpreted by receivers to precisely identify locations on earth by measuring
distances from the satellites.
GPS is funded by and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). The
system is called NAVSTAR.
Navigational Satellite Timing And Ranging
Three Components to GPS
Sources of Error…
that decrease the accuracy of your GPS readings
• Number and geometry of satellites visible
• Signal multi-path
• Orbital and Satellite Clock errors
• Ionosphere and troposphere delays
• Receiver clock errors
GPS position is not perfect . Some errors you have some control over. As a GPS
user, you have some control over the first type of error - you can wait for the
satellites to move into better geometry or plan your data collection for a good time
of day. You cannot control multi-path error, but you do need to recognize when it
may occur and pay close attention to the measurements that you are taking.
Orbital and Satellite Clock errors as well as atmospheric delays are invisible to
you, but you can avoid them by using differential correction. There is nothing that
you can do about your receiver clock errors. GPS receivers will generally report
an estimate of the accuracy of the position being reported by the unit at the time.
Differential Global Positioning Systems
• DGPS improves the accuracy and integrity of standard GPS
• DGPS works by placing a GPS receiver at a known location,
this is called a reference station
• The reference station knows its exact location, and therefore
can calculate the difference between the GPS derived
positions and the true position.
The reference station calculates the errors in the GPS signals by comparing its known
position to the position derived from the satellite signals. The stations actually calculate the
differences between measured and actual ranges for each of the satellites visible from that
station. This calculated difference is called the “differential correction” for that satellite. In real
time DGPS, the correction signals are broadcast from the reference station and used
immediately by the roving GPS to correct the position data being collected. There are two
main sources of real time DGPS that USDA uses.
Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System
The type of frequency that the NDGPS uses is “ground following”, meaning
that it will not be blocked by most terrain features in its operating range. This
means that the GPS user does not need to have a clear line of site to the
DGPS transmitter. GPS users can use this signal if they have specialized
receivers like the MBX-3 that is included in the USDA GPS configuration 1.
Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System
t i o n s i gn a
t ia l corr
re a l time
Mobile GPS unit sent i
Known Position
Wide Area Augmentation System
The target accuracy of this system is 7 meters horizontal and vertical, testing has
found it to be in the 3-5 meter range.
WAAS has some serious limitations for users on the ground because the L1
frequency is “line of sight”, meaning that it can be blocked by terrain, buildings,
Wide Area Augmentation System
GPS Satellites
WAAS Satellite
S ign
i on
or rect
nt ial C
i ffere
GPS Error NOT Addressed by DGPS
GPS Error NOT Addressed by DGPS
• DGPS can eliminate some errors that were discussed in the last slide
but not all of them.
• Satellites that are bunched in the sky will give a less accurate position
than if those satellites were more evenly distributed in the sky.
• If the satellites are hidden by trees, buildings etc then they can not be
used to determine position.
• As you gain experience, you will get an idea of where satellites are in
the sky at different times of the day. This will help you to plan when to
get GPS data in difficult areas.
• The signal can be bounced around by buildings and other flat reflective
surfaces. This can cause some error because a bouncing signal will
take longer to get to you and will therefore tell you that the satellite is
farther away than it really is. This is called multipath interference and
you just need to be aware that it exists.
Accuracy varies by type of GPS unit
II. GPS Applications in NRCS
II. GPS Applications in NRCS
GPS allows the user to obtain, record and manipulate precise positions on the
face of the earth. This basic functionality can be used to accomplish the core
tasks listed in the previous screen.
If you know the coordinates of your destination, then the GPS can show you the
distance and direction to that point.
The key function of GPS…
to locate your position on the Earth
Barn Location
Latitude 39.5673 N
Longitude 115.345 W
GPS can be used to measure areas
# #
Route Straight
between line
two # between
points two
The solid line on the slide shows an example of the straight line
between the points labeled start and the finish.
The GPS will report the length of the entire route as well as the
lengths of each of the segments between waypoints.
GPS Mapping
GPS data can be used to map point, line and area features.
GPS Mapping
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# ###
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The data collected using GPS can be used to make maps of natural
resources, physical infrastructure or any other geographic features.
In the slide the field is an area defined by 4 corner points, the road is
a line, the lake is and area defined by a series of points.
III. Data Collection
Garmin GPSMap 76
Required Accuracy Levels
Stand-Alone GPS -
Accuracy should be less than or equal to 20 ft.
Use for: Basic Conservation Planning
Resource Inventories
Layout and Button Functions of
the Garmin GPSMap76
Back of the unit
Antenna Cable
Open the battery compartment by turning the steel D-ring 1/4 turn counter-
clockwise and then pulling straight away from the unit.
Turning on the Map76
Setting the Map76 to Simulator
You will want to set theMap76 to simulator mode any time you have the
GPS unit powered up inside. This save batteries by not powering the
antenna, it also prevents you from getting messages telling you that the
unit can not see any satellites.
Pages on the Map76
GPS Information Page
Receiver Status
Main Menu
Interface Setup
Backpack – DGPS Beacon Receiver
Set the “Beacon” field to User and then set the Frequency and bit rate for the NDGPS
station that you want to use. This is often more effective and predictable than the Scan
setting. Baud rate setting is a parameter of the communication between the GPS and
the Beacon receiver and can not be adjusted by the user on this screen.
Note Accuracy
Mark A Waypoint
A waypoint is the coordinate definition of a position stored on
the GPS.
To mark a waypoint:
Press and hold the Enter key (also called the Mark key) until
the waypoint dialog box appears on your screen. Use the
Rocker key to highlight the name field, located on the top right
of the dialog box. Press Enter to begin editing the waypoint
name. Waypoint names can be up to 10 characters long. The
characters for each field are selected one at a time using up
and down on the rocker key. Press enter to accept a name for
the point.
Waypoints are automatically saved when you press the Mark button. Pressing the
Quit button before the waypoint information is edited will prevent the waypoint
from staying in the memory. Otherwise, if you find that you have created a
waypoint that you do not want, select the delete button on the waypoint screen
and press enter. The GPS unit will ask you for a confirmation before it deletes the
Using the Averaging Function
The averaging function can be used to reduce the inaccuracy of
waypoints. To use averaging, start marking a point like you would
normally. Before naming the point or accepting it, press the Menu
key. Press Enter to accept “Average Location.”
The End