Astro Ready Reckoner - Revised
Astro Ready Reckoner - Revised
Astro Ready Reckoner - Revised
Indian Western
1Mesh Aries
2Vrishabh Taurus
3Mithun Gemini
4Kark Cancer
5Simha Leo
6Kanya Virgo
7Tula Libra
8Vrishchik Scorpio
9Dhanush Sagittarius
10Makar Capricorn
11Kumbh Aquarius
12Meen Pisces
If Ascendant or Lagna is : Aries (Mesha)—Jupiter, the Sun and Mars are benefics.
Jupiter is the best benefic. The next benefic is Mars. Saturn, Mercury and Venus are
malefics. Mercury being the greatest malefic as lord of the 3rd and 6th.
Vrishabha (Taurus).—The best benefic is Saturn as he owns the 9th and 10th.
Mercury, Mars and the Sun are also benefics. Jupiter, Venus and the Moon are evil
planets but Venus may be declared a neutral as he is lord of Lagna or ascendant.
Mithuna (Gemini).—Venus alone is the most beneficial planet for this Lagna. The
most malefic is Mars as he is lord of the 6th and the 11th. Jupiter and the Sun are also
evil. The Moon and Mercury may be classified as neutrals.
Kataka (Cancer).—Jupiter and Mars are benefics, the better being Mars as he is
lord of the 5th and 10th. Venus and Mercury are evil and Saturn, the Moon and the
Sun are neutrals.
Simha (Leo) — Mars and the Sun are benefics, the former being the most
auspicious. Mercury and Venus are malefics. Jupiter, the Moon and Saturn are
Kanya (Virgo).—Venus is alone the best benefic. Moon, Mars and Jupiter are evil
or malefics. Saturn, the Sun and Mercury are neutrals.
Thula (Libra). — Saturn, Mercury and Venus are benefics, Saturn being the best.
The Sun, Jupiter and the Moon are malefics. Mars may be taken as a feeble benefic.
Vrischika (Scorpio).—The Moon is the best benefic and Jupiter and the Sun are
also benefics. Mercury and Venus are evil. Mars and Saturn are neutrals.
Dhanus (Sagittarius)—Mars and the Sun are benefics. Venus, Saturn and Mercury are
evil and Jupiter and the Moon are neutrals.
Makara (Capricorn).—Venus is the most powerful benefic. Mercury and Saturn are also
benefics. Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are evil, the worst being Mars. Though the Sun is the
8th lord, he becomes a neutral.
Kumbha (Aquarius).—Venus is the benefic. The Sun and Mars are also benefics. Jupiter
and the Moon are malefics and Mercury is a neutral.
Meena (Pisces).—The Moon and Mars are benefics. Saturn, the Sun, Venus and Mercury
are malefics. Jupiter is of course a neutral.
MARS 17 -DO-
The following planets become yogakarakas for the ascendant (lagnas) mentioned
against each :-
In addition to ruling houses containing their signs, the planets also act as
significators for various houses. The various planets act as significators for the
houses indicated against each :-
2. Ta, Le, Sc and Aq are known as sthira rasis or fixed rasis. Shiva,
the Destroyer, rules them. Their nature is to be stable and constant.
The functional malefic planets for various ascending signs are as under:
The aspects are partial and full. In the Vedic system of Astrology, we are
concerned with only full aspects. Each planet is believed to aspect fully
the seventh house, reckoned from the placement of the former.
In addition to this i.e. the seventh aspect, planets posited outside the
orbit of the earth as well as Rahu and Ketu have additional special full
aspects as under:
a) Saturn aspects third and tenth houses from its location.
b) Mars aspects fourth and eight houses from its location.
c) Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu aspect fifth and ninth houses from their
When two or more planets are placed in a house, it is called the conjunction of planets.
The results of these conjunctions of planets will depend on whether they are benefics
or malefics from the lagna point of view. The conjunction of the Kendra lords or the
Kona lords or the Kendra or Kona lords is highly auspicious. These are calledRaja
yoga combinations. The Raja yoga combinations give rise to authority, power, position
and wealth. However, if a dusthana lord. i.e., 6th, 8th or 12th lord joins them it spoils
the rajayogas.
When two planets exchange houses, i.e., let us say Mars is in Venus house
and Venus in in Mars house, it is called Parivartana Yoga or Exchange
Yoga. The Parivartana Yoga is a very powerful one. The Parivartana Yoga
becomes auspicious if the exchange is between two auspicious houses, i.e.,
between the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses. Similarly if two
dusthana lords, i.e., 6th, 8th and 12th, exchange houses then also it is
auspicious. However, if a benefic house lord exchanges houses with a malefic
house lord, like 9th lord with the 12th lord, then the exchange is inauspicious.
Main Governance
Sun governs soul. Moon governs mind. Mars governs strength. Mercury governs
speech. Jupiter governs knowledge and happiness. Venus governs potency.
Saturn governs grief.
These colors can be useful, for example, when predicting the color of one’s car.
For now, readers should just memorize these characteristics.
लालिकताब मे दो या दो से अिधक गहो के एक साथ िमलने पर एक नया गह बनने आ िववरण िदया गया है,जो गह तीसरे
गह के बराबर का फ़ल देता है,अकसर वैिदक जयोितष का काम हर गह का बखान करके पलला झाड लेना होता है,मगर
लालिकताब के दारा नकली गह को पकड कर उसका फ़ल कथन करना काफ़ी सहायक िसद होता है,जैसे सूयर और बुध
िमलकर नकली मंगल नेक का रप ले लेता है,सूयर का रप जवाला से है और बुध को पृथवी का रप मानने पर लगातार एक
ही भाव मे रह कर बुध सूयर की जवाला से मंगल की तरह से गमर हो जाता है,इस तरह से हर गह की िसफ़्त के अनुसार
बखान िकया जाता है,बुध और शुक िमलकर नकली सूयर का रप धारण कर लेते है,सूयर और गुर िमलकर चनदमा रप बन
जाता है,सूयर और शिन िमलकर मंगल बद बन जाता है,गुर और राहु िमलकर बुध का रप धारण कर लेते है,सूयर और शुक
िमलकर गुर का रप बन जाता है,गुर और शुक िमलकर शिन केवल केतु के समान बन जाता है,मंगल और बुध िमलकर भी
शिन का रप ले लेते है,लेिकन िसफ़्त केतु के समान ही मानी जाती है,मंगल और शिन दोनो िमलकर राहु उचच का माना
जाता है,शुक और शिन िमलकर केतु उचच का माना जाता है,चनद और शिन िमलकर केतु नीच का माना जाता है,जब भी
िकसी गह का उपचार िकया जाता है,तो िकसी भाव मे िमलने वाले दुषपभाव का पता इन नकली गहो को देखने के बाद शत
पितशत सही िनकलता है.
ग हो के बराबर के ग ह
लालिकताब मे सभी गह फ़ल देने के मामले मे एक दूसरे के बराबर के माने जाते है,जो गह एक दूसरे की बराबरी कर
सकता है,उसमे सूयर की बराबरी बुध कर सकता है,चनद की बराबरी शुक,शिन,गुर,मंगल कर सकते है,मंगल की बराबरी
शुक शिन राहु कर सकते है,बुध की बराबरी शिन केतु और मंगल गुर कर सकते है,गुर की बराबरी राहु केतु और शिन कर
सकते है,शुक की बराबरी करने के िलये मंगल और गुर को ही शिकत पापत है,शिन की बराबरी करने के िलये केतु और गुर
है,राहु की बराबरी करने के िलये गुर और चनद है,और केतु के बराबर चलने के िलये गुर,शिन,सूयर और बुध का बखान
िकया गया है,इसके बाद भी कुनडली मे देखना पडता है,िक जब सूयर और बुध एक ही घर मे होते है,तो बुध सूयर के तेज के
कारण बल हीन हो जाता है,मंगल और राहु के एक ही भाव मे होने के कारण राहु का बल खतम सा ही माना जाता है,कारण
मंगल अंकुश है,और राहु हाथी है,उसे मंगल के अनुसार ही चलना पडता है,राहु और चनदमा एक साथ होते है,तो चनदमा का
बल घट जाता है,केतु के साथ होने पर सूयर का बल घट जाता है.
" Serving one's father or helping old age needy persons. " Give wheat
soaked in water with 20 grams of jaggery (Gur) to a cow on Sundays.
" Surya Namaskar at sunrise.
" Observe law of the land meticulously.
" Serving one's parents.
" Give part of your breakfast or coarse grains to the birds.
" Donate for old age needy persons or lepers, twice a year.
" Giving away brown colored sweets to the birds.
These remedies are to be performed daily in the morning after bath and
before breakfast. In case the native is unable to do so as in the case of
sickness or out of town or in the case of children, these remedial
measures can be performed by parents or spouse. If the offering is not
accepted by a dog or cow, another dog/cow should be tried. The
remedial measures should be performed regularly and the performance
of any one of the suggested measures for a particular planet would
Sign Maraka
Mesha Mercury, Saturn
Vrishabha Jupiter, Mars
Mithuna Mars, Jupiter
Kataka Venus, Mercury
Simha Mercury, Venus
Kanya Mars, Jupiter
Thula Jupiter
Vrischika Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Dhanus Venus, Saturn
Makara Mars, Jupiter
Kumbha Mars
Meena Mercury, Saturn, Venus
Table 11: Divisional Symbol
Chart Significations
Divisional Chart
Rasi D-1 Existence at the physical level
Hora D-2 Wealth and money
Drekkana D-3 Everything related to brothers and sisters
Chaturthamsa D-4 Residence, houses owned, properties and
Panchamsa D-5 Fame, authority and power
Shashthamsa D-6 Health troubles
Saptamsa D-7 Everything related to children (and grand-
Ashtamsa D-8 Sudden and unexpected troubles, litigation etc
Navamsa D-9 Marriage and everything related to spouse(s),
dharma (duty and righteousness), interaction
with other people, basic skills, inner self
Dasamsa D-10 Career, activities and achievements in society
Rudramsa D-11 Death and destruction
Dwadasamsa D-12 Everything related to parents (also uncles, aunts
and grand-parents, i.e. blood-relatives of
Shodasamsa D-16 Vehicles, pleasures, comforts and discomforts
Vimsamsa D-20 Religious activities and spiritual matters
Chaturvimsamsa D-24 Learning, knowledge and education
Nakshatramsa D-27 Strengths and weaknesses, inherent nature
Trimsamsa D-30 Evils and punishment, sub-conscious self, some
Khavedamsa D-40 Auspicious and inauspicious events
Akshavedamsa D-45 All matters
Shashtyamsa D-60 Karma of past life, all matters
Qualities of the Planets
As a golden principle to avoid disgrace to the science and the astrologers, no attempt for
prediction should be made until and unless the horoscope has been cast properly with
divisional charts, the planetary strengths have been identified and the operating planetary
periods and sub-periods have been worked out.
The classics opine that the predictions made by astrologers well versed in calculating
planetary longitudes and proficient in astrological lore cannot go wrong. We believe the
predictions made after due consideration of the strength of planets, prevalent sub-periods,
etc., with a peaceful mind have greater probability of coming true.
First of all, the position of the lord of ascendant and the ascendant is to be seen as the
whole activity revolves around the ascendant. The lord of the ascendant would be
applicable only to those ascendants which contain mooltrikona sign of a planet, but in all
cases we have to see the influences of the various planets on the first house either by
placement or conjunction/aspect over its most effective point. All the results of the chart
are to be felt by the native concerned and in case the ascendant is weak or the longevity is
less, the various effects of the chart would be of no use to the native. Next comes the
strength of the Moon as only a sound mind can provide the native opportunities for rise in
life. If the Moon is strong and has the help of a favorable Mercury and Jupiter, the native
can make best use of opportunities available to him. The Moon is also the significator of
mother and, if strong, it would bless the native with motherly comforts for proper
development of life. Then comes the Sun and the ninth or fourth house, whichever
contains first a mooltrikona sign, both factors related with father, who supports the native
in the early years of life so to say till the child is competent to lead his/her own life. If the
Sun, the ninth house and the fourth house are weak and afflicted, the father of the native
has short life or lacks the power to support the native. In fact, if all these factors i.e. the
ascendant, the Moon, the Sun, the ninth house and the fourth house are strong in a
nativity, the native would get opportunities for advancement in life; so to say he/she has
the capacity and chance to learn and to make use of it. Where there is no mooltrikona
sign in the ninth and fourth houses, as happens with Libra ascendant, we examine about
the father from the Sun and the influences on both houses.
The horoscopic influences are studied through the natal conjunctions, aspects and
placements. The conjunctions and aspects help us in identifying the auspicious and
inauspicious planetary configurations. The placement of a planet in a particular house
links the significations of its mooltrikona house with the significations of its house of
placement. A planet placed in a malefic house indicates suffering for the significations
ruled by the said planet in the nativity.
Step I
Double check the correctness of birth data. If any doubt subsists, rectification should be
done before anything else.
Step II
After the horoscope has been cast properly with divisional charts, identify the functional
nature of the planets from the ascendant, the most effective point, the most malefic planet
and the most benefic planet. Underline the functional malefic planets.
Step III
Find out the strength of planets, check to see if any planet is weak for several reasons,
identify the natal auspicious and inauspicious close conjunctions/aspects and encircle
planets/MEPs closely afflicted, identify the natal placements and have a comprehension
of the weak and strong areas of the chart.
Step IV
Find out the current operating dasas (the main and sub-period lords) for the date in
question. Identify the house where the mooltrikona sign of the sub-period lord is placed
and the natal/transit houses occupied by the sub-period lord. In this approach we will
primarily consider the sub-period lord.
Step V
For the transits on the date in question, find out the natal and transit strength of the sub-
period lord and determine the triple transit triggering influence i.e. from Transit to Natal,
Transit to Transit, and Natal to Transit (not forgetting the special aspects of Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Rahu and Ketu). Identify also forthcoming TTT auspicious and inauspicious close
Step VI
Assess longevity: If a mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant, pay special attention to the
longevity by seeing the strength of planets and the functional nature of the operating
planets i.e. the main and sub-period lords. Most of the planets being weak and afflictions
to the ascendant or to the ascendant lord with operating period of functional malefics give
short life. Similarly placed planets with operating period of functional benefics give
middle span of life. Weak planets keep the significations to a lower level, if unafflicted.
Severely afflicted planets cause tragedies or fatal diseases. The operating periods
reduce/increase the impact. Pay special attention to the transit strength of operating
Step VII
By using the dasas and transits, combine these to see the current and future trends. Make
your predictions for the different planetary periods.
The general assessment of the chart will indicate the significations of the houses/planets
which will prominently surface in life depending upon the strength of planets. The
specific trend results will be indicated at any particular time by the operating sub-period
lord depending upon its functional nature and natal and transit strength. For analysing any
particular significations, strength of the house, the lord of the house and the significator
of the house is considered. If the ascendant is having a mooltrikona sign and its lord is
weak, the other weak planets show that the physical parts of the body ruled by such weak
planets will suffer.
Important combinations
Ju and Mo together give Gaja Kesari Yoga. Well Known and lot
of fame
Words: 5 Source is the 5th house. Positive energies from the 5th
house are taken and directed the destination.
Weaknesses in the 7th house is strengthened and boosted by the devatha in the 9th house
(Shiva, guru, dharma, house of protection)...7th house is maraka sthana, 8th house is
ayursthana, any malefic afflicting your maraka will be removed and protected by Shiva in the
9th house. Its auspicious to have Shiva sit in the 9th house.