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Linear Programming and The Simplex Method by Ali Dhaher Hussein Supervisor by DR - Ekhlas Mhawi (2019-2020)

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Linear Programming and the Simplex Method

Ali Dhaher Hussein

Supervisor By
Dr.Ekhlas Mhawi


Linear Programming and the Simplex Method

This article is an introduction to Linear Programming and using Simplex method for
solving LP problems in primal form.

What is Linear Programming?

Linear Programming is the method of finding an optimal solution for a linear function F of
n variables, when the variables are under some linear constraints.
Here we introduce two famous problems in the field of linear programming:

Production Problem

The production problem involves determining the rate of production for n products, so that
the profit resulting from the products is maximum. Each product uses some resources,
which are finite and provide the constraints. Here is a formal statement of the production

Products P1,..., Pn are produced from resources R1,..., Rm . bi is the amount of resource Ri
available to the manufacturer. aij is the number of units of Ri needed for one unit of Pj. The
profit from producing one unit of Pi is known to be ci .
So the problem is to maximize

F(x1…..,x2)= nj=1 cjxj(xj representing the amount of pj produced)

Under the conditions

i=1 aij xj<bi for all j, 1<j<m

(and every xj non-negative).
Diet Problem
The diet problem is determining the least costly amount of food to be consumed, in order to
satisfy a minimum daily requirement of some nutrients(given the amount of nutrients for
each unit of food and the cost of each food unit).

Primal Form

In order to find a simple algorithm for solving LP problems, we need a standard form for
the problem to work with. This is called the primal form and it can be shown that every LP
problem can be transformed to a corresponding problem in the primal form.
Although we might want to find a minimum for the function F, problems in primal form
concern finding a maximum for F(which is called the objective function). Minimizing F (
lamda) is clearly equal to maximizing F (−lamda ) .

The constraints in LP problems in primal form are only in the form of

Constraints using ≤ or = can be transformed to this form.

All variables are non-negative in the primal form.( Although this is usually the case
in LP problems, when we need negative variables we can replace them with x’-x’’, where x’
and x’’ are non-negative.

Feasible Solutions

Any (x1,..., xn) satisfying the constraints of the LP problem is said to be a feasible solution
for that problem. If at this solution the objective function reaches it’s required maximum
or minimum, the solution is said to be optimal feasible solution (OFS).

The Solution of an LP Problem

In order to solve an LP problem, we must first find out whether at least one feasible
solution exist or not. If it exists, we must either find the OFS or show that it does not exist
(this happens when the objective function is not bounded in the required direction).

Example of an LP problem

Maximize f(x1, x2 )= -2x1+5x2 if x1+x2 ≤5,

2x2 ≤4,
First we see that (0,0) is a feasible solution. For all x1, x2, f (x1, x2 )= -2x1+5x2 ≤ 5x2.
≤ 10.(since x1, x2 are non-negative). So 10 is the upper bound of the objective function, and
since f (0,2)=10, (0,2) is the OFS.

Simplex Method
The Simplex algorithm for solving LP problems was discovered in 1947 by George B.
Dantzig . Nearly all practical LP problems are solved by a variation of the Simplex method.

We introduce here some notions that are useful in implementing Simplex method.
Condensed Tableau
The condensed tableau is a representation of a system of linear equations which is in
reduced-row echelon form. It is based on the contrast between pivot variables and non
pivot variables.
The condensed tableau below represents the system of linear equations:

What we have done, basically, is to eliminate the coefficients for the pivots,(since they are
1). The numbers j1... jm are the indices for pivot variables and k1... kp the indices for free

Now we explain how to change the role of a pivot and free variable. Suppose we want to
change the place of variables kq and ji (the first a free variable and the second a pivot).

All the elements of the tableau should change in this manner:

We can easily see that this is a normal row operation, and thus prove the method easily.

Simplex Tableau

Here we introduce some changes in the primal form of LP problems that makes it fir for
using Simplex method.
First we introduce slack variables. Slack variables are introduced to change all the
inequalities to equations. It is based on the observation that a ≤ b means there is some non-
negative c for which a+c=b. So each constraint aijxj ≤ bi can be changed to xn + i +
aijxj=bi. Now the only restriction on the primal form to make it fit for Simplex method is
that all bi are non-negative.

So we introduce slack variables for each equation (which is clearly pivot), and form the
following form, which has a row added for the objective function and is called the Simplex
tableau.(The indices remain the same, except for the objective row).

Since all bi are non-negative, we see that (0,...,0) is a feasible solution (and the item at the
last column, last row, which is called the corner number gives the F(0,...,0). Now it can be
shown that 1. The pivoting process explained above remains unchanged on the objective
row 2. If we select appropriate entries in the tableau, by doing the pivoting operation, we
get a corner number greater (or equal) to the current one. In other words, we get closer to
the maximum.

The basic solution of a tableau is the solution obtained from assigning 0 to all non-basic
variables( whose index is given at the top of the tableau).
The rule is to to choose a negative entry in the objective row. For every positive aij above it,
calculate aij/bi .(this is called the _-ratio). Choose the entry with the least _-ratio (if there is
a tie, choose one of them). Pivot that entry (The purpose of the _-ratio is to keep the bi for
all i non-negative, so that we can use the method in the next iteration). We can prove that
the corner number is greater or equal to the previous one. The only case when it is equal is

when we have a bi=0. This leads to a basic variable being 0 in the basic solution , which is
called degenerate case.

Now we can explain the Simplex algorithm.

1. See whether a negative entry exists in the objective row. If not, the basic solution is
the OFS (the corner number being the maximum).

2. If every negative entry in the objective row has at least one positive number in it’s
column, the objective function is unbounded above.

3. Choose a negative entry in the objective row, choose a positive entry in it’s column
which has the least _-ratio. Pivot the tableau at this entry. Go to 1.

It is clear that the Simplex algorithm allows a degree of freedom in choosing the entry to be
pivoted , and this leads to different method for implementing it.
In some cases, we might be stuck with a Simplex algorithm that returns to the same tableau
again and again( and thus, never stops). The following selection method guarantees that we
don’t have to face this problem.

Always choose the element with the smallest subscript, when two or more choices exist.

We must use this both for choosing entries in the objective row and the positive integer
above it. Its called Bland’s Termination Theorem.

Simplex Method in Practice


In this publication, the simplex method was used to solve a maximization problem with
constraints of the form of < (less than or equal to). In the next publication in this series, we
will discuss how to handle > (greater than or equal to) and = (equal to) con- straints. We’ll
also explore how to use LP as an economic tool with sensitivity analysis.


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Dykstra, D.P. Mathematical Programming for Natural Resource Management (McGraw-
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Hillier, F.S., and G.J. Lieberman. Introduction to Operations Research, sixth edition
(McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1995). 998 pp.
Ignizio, J.P., J.N.D. Gupta, and G.R. McNichols. Operations Research in Decision Making
(Crane, Russak & Company, Inc., New York, 1975). 343 pp.
Lapin, L.L. Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions with Cases, third edition
(Harcourt Brace, Jovanovich, Publishers, San Diego, 1985). 780 pp.
Ravindran, A., D.T. Phillips, and J.J. Solberg. Operations Research: Principles and
Practice, second edition (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987). 637 pp.


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