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Strength Of Materials Review: α with the longitudinal

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STRENGTH OF MATERIALS – 1 8. Determine the shear stress in the glued joint if P = 10 kN.
a. 24.7 kPa c. 28.6 kPa
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following
b. 42.9 kPa d. 49.5 kPa
questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.
Situation 4: The two pieces of wood are glued together along the
STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.
plane that is at an angle α with the longitudinal
dimension. Allowable shear stress is 1.468 MPa
Situation 1: The bowstring has an unstretched length of 850 mm
while for the allowable normal stress it is 0.456 MPa.
and cross-sectional area of 400 mm2. It is recorded
Use α = 30°. See figure TDSM 67.01.
that the stress on the upper segment of the bowstring
is 50 MPa. See figure WDRF – 02.

1. Determine the average normal strain in the string.

a. 0.06604 c. 0.06064 9. What should be the dimension w so that the allowable shear
b. 0.05717 d. 0.05771 stress will not be exceeded?
a. 130 mm c. 90 mm
2. Determine the applied pull of the archer on the arrow. b. 110 mm d. 150 mm
a. 9.4 kN c. 13.3 kN
b. 19.7 kN d. 7.4 kN 10. What should be the dimension w so that the allowable normal
stress will not be exceeded?
3. Determine the tension acting on the lower segment of the string. a. 130 mm c. 90 mm
a. 9.4 kN c. 13.3 kN b. 110 mm d. 150 mm
b. 19.7 kN d. 7.4 kN
11. What should be the value of angle α so that the shear stress is
Situation 2: Two 1.75-in.-thick rubber pads are bonded to three maximum?
steel plates to form the shear mount shown in figure. a. 90° c. 45°
Consider the deformation of rubber only. Use E = b. 30° d. 60°
500 psi and ʋ = 0.48 for rubber.
Situation 5: A water tank 3 m in diameter and 6 m high is made
from a steel having a thickness of 12 mm.

12. When the tank is filled with water, determine the circumferential
a. 5.9 MPa c. 7.3 MPa
b. 3.6 MPa d. 4.1 MPa

13. Determine the longitudinal stress at the bottom of the tank when
it is filled with water.
a. 5.9 MPa c. 7.3 MPa
b. 3.6 MPa d. 4.1 MPa

14. If the circumferential stress is limited to 5 MPa, what is the

maximum height of water to which the tank may be filled?
a. 3.98 m c. 4.11 m
b. 5.20 m d. 3.47 m

4. Find the shear stress (psi) in the rubber. Situation 6: A 60-mm thick gas tank has an internal pressure of
a. 68.57 c. 13.33 13 MPa. See Figure DGA 45.
b. 26.67 d. 137.14

5. Find the shear strain in the rubber.

a. 0.17811 c. 0.05334
b. 0.07893 d. 0.13714

6. Find the displacement (in.) of the middle plate.

a. 0.2018 c. 0.2192
b. 0.1466 d. 0.1381

Situation 3: The 250 mm x 700 mm rectangular wood panel is

formed by gluing together two boards along the 30-
degree seam. See figure HKAHY 3. 15. Determine the maximum stress in the transverse joint.
a. 25 MPa c. 18 MPa
b. 30 MPa d. 45 MPa

16. Determine the maximum hoop stress.

a. 46.04 MPa c. 92.08 MPa
b. 184.17 MPa d. 32.50 MPa

17. A pressurized circular cylinder has a sealed cover plate fastened

with steel bolts. The pressure p of the gas in the cylinder is 290
psi, the inside diameter D of the cylinder is 10.0 in., and the
diameter dB of the bolts is 0.50 in. If the allowable tensile stress
in the bolts is 10,000 psi, find the number n of bolts needed to
fasten the cover. See figure STHQD 45.56.

7. Determine the normal stress in the glued joint if P = 10 kN.

a. 28.6 kPa c. 42.9 kPa
b. 49.5 kPa d. 24.7 kPa

Engr. Erickneil D. Realuyo, MSCE, ME-1, SO, MP

26. What is the resulting strain (mm/mm) in the cable as it lifts the
load W?
a. 0.00300 c. 0.00207
b. 0.00085 d. 0.00124

27. Due to a very heavy load, the steel cable breaks. The recorded
diameter at failure is 27.5 mm. Calculate the ductility (%) of the
a. 18 c. 16
b. 24 d. 20

Situation 10: A bronze bar is fastened between a steel bar and an

aluminium bar. Axial loads are applied at the
positions indicated. Assume that the assembly is
a. 13 c. 10
suitably braced. See figure STGH. 7012.
b. 11 d. 12

18. A solid steel shaft in a rolling mill transmits 20 kW of power at 2 Material A (mm2) E (GPa)
Hz. Determine the smallest safe diameter of the shaft if the shear Steel 500 200
stress is not to exceed 40 MPa and the angle of twist is limited to Bronze 700 83
6° in a length of 3 m. Use G = 83 GPa. Aluminum 350 70
a. 58.7 mm c. 48.6 mm
b. 61.3 mm d. 70.5 mm

Situation 7: The two steel shafts each with one end built into a
rigid support have flanges rigidly attached to their
free ends. The shafts are to be bolted together at
their flanges. However, initially there is a 6°
mismatch in the location of the bolt holes. Use G =
83 GPa and neglect deformations of the bolts and
flanges. See figure SOMKL – 08.

28. What is the stress acting on the steel when the overall
deformation of the assembly is 4 mm?
a. 69.0 MPa c. 50.3 MPa
b. 25.2 MPa d. 34.5 MPa

29. What is the stress acting on the bronze when the overall
deformation of the assembly is 4 mm?
a. 49.3 MPa c. 24.6 MPa
b. 18.0 MPa d. 35.9 MPa

30. What is the stress acting on the aluminum when the overall
deformation of the assembly is 4 mm?
19. Determine the maximum shearing stress in the 1-m long shaft
a. 147.9 MPa c. 49.3 MPa
after the shafts are bolted together
b. 35.9 MPa d. 107.8 MPa
a. 99.05 MPa c. 43.48 MPa
b. 108.65 MPa d. 165.14 MPa
Situation 11: A built-up shaft is shown in figure SMAT 551. It is
known that the applied forces are P1 = 120 kN and P2
20. Determine the maximum shearing stress in the 2-m long shaft
= 50 kN.
after the shafts are bolted together
a. 165.14MPa c. 43.48 MPa
b. 99.05 MPa d. 108.65 MPa

21. The compound shaft is attached to a rigid wall at each end. For
the bronze segment AB, the diameter is 75 mm and G = 35 GPa.
For the steel segment BC, the diameter is 50 mm and G = 83
GPa. Given that a = 2 m and b = 1.5 m, compute the largest
torque T that can be applied as shown in the figure if the
Material L(mm) A (mm2) E (GPa)
maximum shear stress is limited to 60 MPa in the bronze and 80
A 600 500 200
MPa in the steel.
B 400 700 83
C 550 350 70

31. What is the stress acting on segment A?

a. 254.71 MPa c. 262.78 MPa
b. 218.98 MPa d. 204.92 MPa

32. What is the stress acting on segment B?

a. 3.15 kN.m c. 4.97 kN.m a. 28.47 MPa c. 18.92 MPa
b. 5.11 kN.m d. 8.07 kN.m b. 29.03 MPa d. 16.27 MPa

Situation 8: During a stress-strain test, the unit deformation at a 33. What is the stress acting on segment C?
stress of 78 MPa was observed to be 189 x 10-6 and a. 110.31 MPa c. 70.20 MPa
at a stress of 165 MPa, the unit deformation was b. 99.18 MPa d. 103.67 MPa
observed to be 650 x 10-6.

22. What is the modulus of elasticity?

a. 529.89 GPa c. 188.72 GPa
b. 199.99 GPa d. 431.67 GPa

23. What is the strain corresponding to a stress of 91 MPa?

a. 257.89 x 10-6 c. 412.34 x 10-6
b. 339.45 x 10-6 d. 501.76 x 10-6

24. What is the length of a member that elongates 300 mm when

subjected to a stress of 100 MPa?
a. 1163.31 m c. 981.76 m
b. 461.54 m d. 1587.30 m

Situation 9: A steel cable is used to lift a load, W.

W (Total load including weight of cable) = 175 kN
Properties of the Steel Cable:
Diameter = 30 mm
Length = 12 m
Modulus of Elasticity = 200 GPa

25. Find the elongation (mm) of the cable as it lifts the load W.
a. 12 c. 20
b. 15 d. 18

Engr. Erickneil D. Realuyo, MSCE, ME-1, SO, MP

STRENGTH OF MATERIALS - 2 Situation 4: A three-story steel column in a building supports roof
and floor loads. The story height H is 10.5 ft, the
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following
cross-sectional area A of the column is 15.5 in. 2, and
questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
the modulus of elasticity E of the steel is 30 x 106psi.
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.
P1 = 40 k and P2 = P3 = 60 k. See figure DSSGL –
STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.
Situation 1: The steel column of circular cross section is attached
to rigid supports at A and C.

9. Which of the following gives the strain energy of the ground floor
a. 5040 in-lb c. 1192 in-lb
b. 3468 in-lb d. 6075 in-lb

10. Which of the following gives the strain energy of the second-floor
a. 705 in-lb c. 1355 in-lb
b. 1572 in-lb d. 982 in-lb

1. Find the maximum stress in the column caused by the 25-kN 11. Which of the following gives the strain energy of the third-floor
load. column?
a. 88.4 MPa c. 141.5 MPa a. 333 in-lb c. 150 in-lb
b. 133.7 MPa d. 72.6 MPa b. 467 in-lb d. 217 in-lb

2. Calculate the decrease in length of the segment BC. Situation 5: A beam with a length of 20 m is loaded with a
a. 0.171 mm c. 0.091 mm uniformly distributed load and a concentrated load
b. 0.053 mm d. 0.141 mm acting 7 meters from the right support. The beam is
300 mm x 600 mm. See figure BBS - 056.
Situation 2: The two vertical rods attached to the light rigid bar
are identical except for length. Assume that all the
connections are pinned. Before the load W was
attached, the bar was horizontal and the rods were
stress-free. See figure TGDF 20.01.

12. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum horizontal
shear stress?
a. 3.83 MPa c. 1.21 MPa
b. 2.99 MPa d. 4.56 MPa
3. Determine the load in the longer rod if W = 8 kN. 13. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum bending
a. 5.45 kN c. 2.86 kN stress?
b. 8.57 kN d. 7.27 kN a. 127.93 MPa c. 289.01 MPa
b. 117.54 MPa d. 255.87 MPa
4. Determine the load in the shorter rod if W = 8 kN
a. 2.86 kN c. 8.57 kN 14. Which of the following most nearly gives the horizontal shear
b. 7.27 kN d. 5.45 kN stress at a point that is 100 mm from NA? Circular section of 500
mm diameter is used.
Situation 3: The rigid bar AB is supported by the steel rod BC of a. 1.07 MPa c. 3.12 MPa
cross-sectional area 500 mm2. Use E = 220 GPa for b. 2.62 MPa d. 4.01 MPa
steel. The inclination of the steel rod is 45° with the
horizontal. Assume pin connection at B. See figure 15. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum bending
SMT 5.1. stress? Circular section of 500 mm diameter is used.
a. 375.30 MPa c. 233.40 MPa
b. 172.41 MPa d. 187.65 MPa

Situation 6: Given is the moment diagram of a simply supported

beam. See figure MERIT 101.

5. Which of the following most nearly gives the stress on the steel
a. 88.21 MPa c. 59.03 MPa
b. 73.54 MPa d. 67.88 MPa

6. Which of the following most nearly gives the vertical

displacement of point B?
a. 1.23 mm c. 2.72 mm
b. 2.47 mm d. 1.36 mm

7. Which of the following most nearly gives the reaction at A?

a. 31.91 kN c. 28.84 kN 16. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum
b. 20.16 kN d. 35.77 kN concentrated load?
a. 800 kN c. 300 kN
8. A steel rod has a square cross section of 10 mm x 10 mm and a b. 450 kN d. 200 kN
length of 2 m. Calculate the strain energy when a stress of 400
MPa is produced by stretching it. Take E = 200 GPa. 17. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum shear?
a. 70 J c. 90 J a. 680 kN c. 880 kN
b. 80 J d. 60 J b. 430 kN d. 520 kN

18. Which of the following most nearly gives the point of inflection
from the right end?
a. 8.33 m c. 8.67 m
b. 4.33 m d. 5.67 m

Engr. Erickneil D. Realuyo, MSCE, ME-1, SO, MP

Situation 7: A steel fabricated section is to be used as a beam. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING
Assume B = 300 mm. See figure OKS 71.
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following
questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
Properties of each channel:
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.
A = 12,000 mm2
STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.
d = 400 mm
bf = 200 mm
x = 40 mm
IX = 50 x 106 mm4
Situation 1: Given is a stress element. σx = 70 MPa, σy = 50
lY = 30 x 106 mm4
MPa and α = 20°.

1. Find the maximum normal stress.

19. Determine the moment of inertia about the strong axis. 2. Find the minimum normal stress.
a. 1700.0 x 106 mm4 c. 1826.4 x 106 mm4 3. Find the maximum shear stress.
b. 1539.1 x 106 mm4 d. 2100.0 x 106 mm4 4. Find the normal stress at AB.
5. Find the shear stress at AB.
20. Determine the maximum bending stress if a moment of 300
kN.m is acting along the x-axis. Situation 2: Solve the principal stresses and maximum shear
a. 61.76 MPa c. 32.85 MPa stress of following stress elements. Use θ = 30°.
b. 35.29 MPa d. 57.49 MPa Refer to figure SMAT 0183.

21. Determine the maximum bending stress if a moment of 300 Given:

kN.m is acting about the x-axis. Stress Element A: Stress Element B:
a. 35.29 MPa c. 61.76 MPa σx = 30 MPa σx = 60 MPa
b. 57.49 MPa d. 32.85 MPa σy = 20 MPa σy = 100 MPa
Ƭ=0 Ƭ = 30 MPa
Situation 8: A parabolic arch has a 100 x 100 mm cross section
and an equation of y = (36− x2)/6, where x and y are Stress Element C: Stress Element D:
measured in meters. Consider the internal force σx = 40 MPa σx = 75 MPa
system acting on section 1 of Figure SKB 11. σy = 0 σy = 0
Ƭ=0 Ƭ = 30 MPa

Stress Element E:
σ1 = 110 MPa
σ1 = 200 MPa

22. Determine the axial stress.

a. 72.5 kPa c. 83.2 kPa
b. 82.3 kPa d. 75.2 kPa

23. Determine the bending stress at a point that is 30 mm from the

a. 36.0 MPa c. 26.1 MPa
b. 19.2 MPa d. 21.6 MPa

24. Determine the shear stress at a point that is 30 mm from the NA.
a. 119.8 kPa c. 187.2 kPa
b. 172.6 kPa d. 117.3 kPa

Note: For Stress element A, solve also the stresses at plane CD.
For stress element E, solve the stress at plane x.

Situation 3: Refer to Fig. SMN 10.16, Point A and Point B of the

Mohr’s circle represent the stresses at the X – face
and at the Y – face of the element, respectively.

6. What is the value of the tensile stress, σx (MPa)?

a. 120 c. 90
b. 30 d. 60

Engr. Erickneil D. Realuyo, MSCE, ME-1, SO, MP

7. Find the value of the tensile stress, σy (MPa). 19. Determine the maximum principal stress at B.
a. 90 c. 30 a. 89.75 MPa c. 76.39 MPa
b. 60 d. 120 b. 77.67 MPa d. 88.23 MPa

8. Calculate the value of the maximum principal stress (MPa). 20. Determine the shear stress at A.
a. 140 c. 110 a. 89.75 MPa c. 76.39 MPa
b. 40 d. 70 b. 77.67 MPa d. 88.23 MPa

Situation 4: The U and V axes are the principal axes of the region 21. Determine the maximum principal stress at A.
shown in figure MORH 51. Iu = 7600 x 106 mm4, Iv = a. 114.59 MPa c. 102.67 MPa
5000 x 106 mm4 and Ø = 33.7̊. b. 163.56MPa d. 152.79 MPa

9. Calculate the moment of inertia about the x – axis.

a. 6800x 106 mm4 c. 5100 x 106 mm4
b. 5800 x 106 mm4 d. 6300 x 106 mm4

10. Calculate the moment of inertia about the y – axis.

a. 6300 x 106 mm4 c. 5800 x 106 mm4
b. 5100 x 106 mm4 d. 6800 x 106 mm4

11. Calculate the product moment of inertia about the xy – axes.

a. -1300 x 106 mm4 c. -1100 x 106 mm4
b. -1400 x 106 mm4 d. -1200 x 106 mm4

Situation 5: L 100 x 80 x 10 mm section is to be used as a truss


12. Calculate the maximum moment of inertia.

a. 2137 x 103 mm4 c. 953 x 103 mm4
b. 781 x 103 mm4 d. 2673 x 103 mm4

13. Calculate the minimum moment of inertia.

a. 824 x 103 mm4 c. 489 x 103 mm4
b. 741 x 103 mm4 d. 653 x 103 mm4

14. Calculate the angle of inclination of the principal axis measured

counter-clockwise from the horizontal axis.
a. 25.9̊ c. 32.0̊
b. 64.1̊ d. 51.8̊

Situation 6: A beam 50 mm x 200 mm is subjected to a force P =

100 kN. Use a = 50 mm, b = 500 mm and Ø = 30̊.
See figure SMAT 312.

15. Calculate the normal stress at A.

a. 60 MPa c. 70 MPa
b. 65 MPa d. 75 MPa

16. Calculate the shear stress at A.

a. 9.74 MPa c. 10.18 MPa
b. 7.55MPa d. 8.66MPa

17. Calculate the principal stress at A.

a. 71.3 MPa c. 89.3 MPa
b. 62.7 MPa d. 66.4 MPa

Situation 7: An assembly is to support a force of magnitude of

30kN. Dimensions a and b are 3 m and 4 m,
respectively. The diameter of the pole is 200 mm.
See figure BOOM 12.

18. Determine the maximum shear stress at B.

a. 89.75 MPa c. 76.39 MPa
b. 77.67 MPa d. 88.23 MPa

Engr. Erickneil D. Realuyo, MSCE, ME-1, SO, MP

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