(Activity 2.1.) : Heritage Tourism Sourcing Markets Study 1. Research Methodology
(Activity 2.1.) : Heritage Tourism Sourcing Markets Study 1. Research Methodology
(Activity 2.1.) : Heritage Tourism Sourcing Markets Study 1. Research Methodology
(Activity 2.1.)
Travel market intelligence is essential for new product development and decision making. The project Activity 2.1
provided for a Study of heritage tourism sourcing markets that would assist project partners in the process of new
product shaping and business planning (Activity Group 1), market channeling and communications (Activity Group
3 and 4). The study was planned to be conducted at initial project stage in each target country using the same
methodology. Partners shall coordinate study related activities in their regions and shall produce country level
reports that shall be further compiled into a joint report. The report shall be further used by project partners as a tool
for further project marketing and management decisions, and widely distributed among project stakeholders/
representatives of project target groups responsible for heritage preservation, operations of heritage based tourism
products and tourist sales. Related Output - 2.1. Number of market studies developed
The study report format is provided in the Annex 1 to this methodology. It is comprised of the heritage related
product/attractions overview, service sector overview (accommodation, catering sector, tourism retail sector, travel
organizers and booking sector, carriers etc), customers overview (foreign and domestic, tourists and visitors etc),
competitors overview (foreign and domestic), value chain overview (description and structure of distribution
channels (direct sales, intermediaries, information availability and bookability, Prices, Margins and Value Addition,
value chain linkages), stakeholders overview (including DMOs), workforce readiness, regulatory environment,
overview of factors that determine competitive dynamics (such as marketing, accessibility, infrastructure, resources,
safety, local policies, management practices etc), problems identification in reaching/serving end markets, business
enabling environment constraints specific to value chain, other development projects, recommendations / vision and
The study shall include analyses of challenges related to heritage preservation, current tourist offer, its growth
potential, research of prevalent practices within the well-established destinations, distribution channels; traveler
values-based segmentation; identification of potential market niches and market forecast, benchmarking etc.
It is proposed the Study of heritage tourism sourcing markets will consist of the following stages:
Desk research and review of background materials for including statistics related to tourism development in the
target regions.
Assessment shall be based on a data sources available including the visitor statistics (number of visitors, tourists
and day visitors, transport passengers, tourist overnights, tourism spending,), accommodation related statistics
(number of beds incl. in hotels and other types of accommodation facilities, loading capacity, revenues, number
of employees etc), attractions’ related statistics (number of visitors, number of employees, revenues etc)
anything which is available for the partners and in open data sources. The timing shall be at least for 2016-2019.
Other data sources may include reports and policy papers produced by other organizations and public
authorities in the target countries.
Identification of key stakeholders, consulting with stakeholders during the field missions (if any) or via
telephone (you can identify visitor profiles, review of relevant visitor/tourist statistics etc).
Strengths and weaknesses will be identified through communication / interviews / meetings with key local
stakeholders. Primary data sources also included the observations of project team members during possible site
The data collection and analysis will reveal a real substantial lack of high-quality information about tourism
demand. Therefore, a number of statements and conclusions will be presented as experts’ assumptions.
Official statistical data for 2019 will be available in summer 2020 at the earliest. Therefore the report may
contain figures only up to 2018
For the purpose of this marketing study the partners excepted that heritage tourism is an onward trend that is going
to grow on their domestic markets and internationally and will not refer to other types of tourism. However any
trends in use of technologies or travel patterns may be identified and used for the purpose of report drafting.
(2 pages max – a short summary of the report findings to be drafted after the rest sections in the report are
List and provide short description of the key region’s heritage attractions and products (those activities
(experiences) that mark a destination in the mind of the tourist, giving instant association of the
attraction with its location). Provide the relevant story lines/features of each attraction, management
information, employment figures, visitation statistics and revenues, entrance fees/prices, capacity
information, market or catchment area etc when relevant. Distinguish between site-specific attractions
and temporary attractions like events, as well as built, paid, free, and natural attractions, and the
products (usually offered by the attractions which represent the resources/attributes that attracts visitors
in the first place resources+catering+interpretation+retailing+events). Describe UNESCO sites
Products / attractions – the components which comprises the activities of a person traveling to and
staying in places outside his/her usual environment for leisure, business and other purposes. It can be
anything that provides visitor with an experience. The attraction creates a desire to travel to a specific
tourist destination and offer leisure, comfort, adventure, or amusement. Heritage attractions are places
of interest where tourists visit, typically for their inherent or an exhibited natural or cultural value,
historical significance, natural or built beauty, offering leisure and amusement. They also are regarded
as reasons to come and stay in locality.
From a tourism perspective a product can be anything that provides visitor with an experience. We talk
about tours, infrastructure upgrades, interpretation of attractions, etc. Because the tourist uses
throughputs to create his own tourism experience, a product can be really anything that facilitates that
process. The key issue about a product (in the way the competition would promote it) is that somebody
owns it and manages. The management arrangement are key for the product to exist.
2.4. Heritage Travel Organizers this segment may be represented by tourism entities, working in
the field of inbound and domestic heritage tourism (travel agencies, inbound or local handling tour
operators, guides, online intermediaries). Provide the names and contacts of the entities, any available
customer data (statistics and customers profile, revenues, sales patterns, outstanding product/services,
relevant channels of distribution).
2.5 Transportation (the specified sector is represented by various carriers delivering visitors to the
destination. Analyze and provide short description of modes of transports (carriers) visitors used for
heritage trips, any outstanding features, description of the travel patterns etc.
For a destination - What is the collective ‘destination’ experience to visitors, and to heritage visitors in
particular. Are there any destination policy (strategy, branding etc); describe if any. Define the main
competitors for a destination and why they are considered competitors. Distinguish between foreign,
national or regional competitors.
+Modelling the present customer (visitor) journey (expectations, decision making patterns, triggers,
journey planning, getting there, while on a journey, after journey behavior)
Why they visit the heritage places, what is their motivation and interests, what are their values and
limitations – elaborate to the explicit special segments
+Modelling the segment customer (visitor) journey (expectations, decision making patterns, triggers,
journey planning, getting there, while on a journey, after journey behavior)
Why they might visit the Go52 heritage places, what is their motivation and interests, what are their
values and limitations – elaborate in relation to each specific segment
The segments are the groups of tourists based-upon shared characteristics such as demographics,
behavioral patterns, or cognition ratings. Once identified, these groups are referred to as particular
segments and able to be targeted by GO 52 product offerings, services, and tailored marketing messages.
Samples of segments - youth groups, families with children, empty nest couples etc. Please be more
specific in the segmentation and do not group the visitors as escapists, learners, planners, dreamers.
Base the segments of the following – the travel pattern (groups, couples, families), age, profession, but
not motives or type of travel.
What matters the first when we are trying to reach an audience for Go 52 is an assumption of who, and
from where. Why, how and when we will elaborate on.
Identify the main Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) for the GO 52 Heritage
weekends (the heritage products to be launched/promoted in the project) for your target regions
(Activitatea 2.1.)
Informațiile privind piața de călătorie sunt esențiale pentru dezvoltarea de noi produse și luarea deciziilor.
Proiectul Activitatea 2.1 a prevăzut un Studiu al piețelor de aprovizionare cu turismul de patrimoniu care
ar ajuta partenerii de proiect în procesul de modelare a produselor noi și de planificare a afacerilor
(Grupul de activități 1), canalizarea pieței și comunicații (Grupul de activități 3 și 4). Studiul a fost
planificat să fie realizat în faza inițială a proiectului în fiecare țară țintă, folosind aceeași metodologie.
Partenerii coordonează activitățile legate de studiu în regiunile lor și produc rapoarte la nivel de țară care
vor fi compilate în continuare într-un raport comun. Raportul va fi utilizat în continuare de partenerii de
proiect ca instrument pentru continuarea deciziilor de marketing și gestionare a proiectului și distribuit pe
scară largă între părțile interesate / reprezentanții grupurilor țintă ale proiectului, responsabili de
conservarea patrimoniului, operațiunile produselor turistice bazate pe patrimoniu și vânzările turistice.
Rezultatul asociat - 2.1. Numărul de studii de piață elaborate
Formatul raportului de studiu este prezentat în anexa 1 la această metodologie. Este alcătuit din
prezentarea de ansamblu a produsului / atracțiilor legate de patrimoniu, privire de ansamblu a sectorului
de servicii (cazare, sector de catering, sectorul de vânzare cu amănuntul turistic, organizatori de turism și
sectorul de rezervări, transportatori etc), prezentare generală a clienților (străini și autohtoni, turiști și
vizitatori, etc), prezentare generală a concurenților (străin și intern), prezentare generală a lanțului valoric
(descrierea și structura canalelor de distribuție (vânzări directe, intermediari, disponibilitatea informațiilor
și rezervare, prețuri, marje și adăugare a valorii, legături în lanțul valorii), vedere generală a părților
interesate (inclusiv OGM), pregătirea forței de muncă, reglementare mediu, imagine de ansamblu asupra
factorilor care determină dinamica concurențială (cum ar fi marketingul, accesibilitatea, infrastructura,
resursele, siguranța, politicile locale, practicile de management etc.), identificarea problemelor în
atingerea / deservirea piețelor finale, activități care permit constrângerile de mediu specifice lanțului
valoric și alte dezvoltări proiecte, recomandări / viziune și strategie.
Studiul include analize ale provocărilor legate de conservarea patrimoniului, oferta turistică curentă,
potențialul său de creștere, cercetarea practicilor predominante în destinațiile bine stabilite, canalele de
distribuție; segmentarea bazată pe valori de călător; identificarea potențialelor nișe de piață și prognoza
pieței, evaluarea comparativă etc.
Evaluarea se bazează pe surse de date disponibile, inclusiv statistici ale vizitatorilor (numărul de
vizitatori, turiști și vizitatori de zi, pasageri de transport, nopți turistice, cheltuieli turistice), statistici
legate de cazare (număr de paturi, inclusiv în hoteluri și alte tipuri de cazare) facilități, capacitate de
încărcare, venituri, număr de angajați etc), statistici legate de atracții (număr de vizitatori, număr de
angajați, venituri etc.) orice este disponibil pentru parteneri și în surse de date deschise. Calendarul va fi
cel puțin pentru perioada 2016-2019. Alte surse de date pot include rapoarte și documente de politică
produse de alte organizații și autorități publice din țările țintă.
Punctele tari și punctele slabe vor fi identificate prin comunicare / interviuri / întâlniri cu părțile interesate
locale. Sursele de date primare au inclus, de asemenea, observațiile membrilor echipei de proiect în
timpul unor vizite posibile pe site.
• Colectarea și analiza datelor vor evidenția o reală lipsă substanțială de informații de înaltă calitate
despre cererea turistică. Prin urmare, o serie de declarații și concluzii vor fi prezentate ca presupuneri ale
• Datele statistice oficiale pentru 2019 vor fi disponibile cel mai devreme în vara anului 2020. Prin
urmare, raportul poate conține cifre până în 2018
În scopul acestui studiu de marketing, partenerii au excepționat faptul că turismul patrimonial este o
tendință continuă care va crește pe piețele interne și pe plan internațional și nu se va referi la alte tipuri
de turism. Cu toate acestea, orice tendințe de utilizare a tehnologiilor sau a modelelor de călătorie pot fi
identificate și utilizate în scopul întocmirii raportului.
(Maximum 2 pagini - un scurt rezumat al constatărilor raportului care urmează a fi redactat după
finalizarea secțiunilor de odihnă din raport)
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