Reading is a complex process that involves the interaction between the reader's vocabulary, knowledge, experiences, and the structure and meaning of the text. Effective reading strategies include scanning, skimming, comprehensive reading, analytical reading, and evaluative reading. When writing, the process includes prewriting, drafting and revising, editing, and publishing. Transitional devices help link different parts of writing. The writing should follow principles such as completeness, courteousness, conciseness, clearness, concreteness, correctness, credibility, and creativity. Language usage in writing avoids colloquial words and focuses on accuracy, credibility, and avoiding emotional impact.
Reading is a complex process that involves the interaction between the reader's vocabulary, knowledge, experiences, and the structure and meaning of the text. Effective reading strategies include scanning, skimming, comprehensive reading, analytical reading, and evaluative reading. When writing, the process includes prewriting, drafting and revising, editing, and publishing. Transitional devices help link different parts of writing. The writing should follow principles such as completeness, courteousness, conciseness, clearness, concreteness, correctness, credibility, and creativity. Language usage in writing avoids colloquial words and focuses on accuracy, credibility, and avoiding emotional impact.
Reading is a complex process that involves the interaction between the reader's vocabulary, knowledge, experiences, and the structure and meaning of the text. Effective reading strategies include scanning, skimming, comprehensive reading, analytical reading, and evaluative reading. When writing, the process includes prewriting, drafting and revising, editing, and publishing. Transitional devices help link different parts of writing. The writing should follow principles such as completeness, courteousness, conciseness, clearness, concreteness, correctness, credibility, and creativity. Language usage in writing avoids colloquial words and focuses on accuracy, credibility, and avoiding emotional impact.
Reading is a complex process that involves the interaction between the reader's vocabulary, knowledge, experiences, and the structure and meaning of the text. Effective reading strategies include scanning, skimming, comprehensive reading, analytical reading, and evaluative reading. When writing, the process includes prewriting, drafting and revising, editing, and publishing. Transitional devices help link different parts of writing. The writing should follow principles such as completeness, courteousness, conciseness, clearness, concreteness, correctness, credibility, and creativity. Language usage in writing avoids colloquial words and focuses on accuracy, credibility, and avoiding emotional impact.
Writing and Reader o Cycle of writing, getting feedback and Lexicon or Vocabulary rewriting Schema or knowledge o Clarify main ideas Experiences o Support with details and examples Syntax - structure o Make it flow (Organization and sentence Semantics - meaning structure) o Use great language Reading Strategies 3. Edit 1. Scanning o Correct the writing 2. Skimming o Spelling 3. Comprehensive o Grammar 4. Analytical and Critical o Punctuation 5. Evaluative and Judgmental o Capitalization 4. Publish Transitional Devices / Signal Words o Formal the writing 1. Addition - And, Furthermore, Moreover, In o Finished product addition, Additionally, Then, Followed by 2. Contrast - But, Nevertheless, On the contrary, In contrast, However, On the other hand, On one hand, Yet, Otherwise 3. Comparison - Similarly, In comparison to/with, In the same manner, In the same way, Likewise 4. Condition - If, Unless 5. Conclusion - Thus, Therefore, Lastly, Finally, In conclusion, To conclude 6. Enumeration - First, Second, Third, Lastly, Finally, The following, Namely, Such as 7. Illustration - To illustrate, To demonstrate, To cite 8. Exemplification - For example, For instance, Such as, Namely, The following C’s in Communicating One’s Ideas 9. Cause and Effect - Because, Due to, 1. Completeness Consequently, As a consequence, As a result, For 2. Courteousness its causes, For its outcome 3. Conciseness - Keep It Short and Simple (K.I.S.S) 4. Clearness WRITING 5. Concreteness - A form of communication that allows students to 6. Consideration put their feelings and ideas on paper, to organize 7. Correctness - Accuracy their knowledge and beliefs into convincing arguments, and to convey meaning through well- 8. Credibility constructed text. 9. Creativity
The Writing Process LANGUAGE
1. Prewrite 1. Avoids colloquial vocabulary - There are a lot of... o Think! Focus on ideas 2. Avoids contractions o Brainstorming 3. Avoids words with emotional impact - this had an o Gathering Info enormous impact... o Making an idea web 4. Avoids phrasal verbs - Look into can be o Free writing substituted by investigate o Using a graphic organizer 5. Uses linguistic hedges such as probably, in most o Creating an outline cases and might be to qualify generalizations
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