By Gopalsamy Rajendran
By Gopalsamy Rajendran
By Gopalsamy Rajendran
Gopalsamy Rajendran
$ uname -a
What is Nmap?
Target Specification
Host Discovery
Scanning Techniques
Version Detection
Timing and scan speed
NSE ( Nmap Scripting Engine )
What is Nmap ?
Network mapper
Network Discovering Tool
Identify Live hosts in the network.
Open Ports, Service version Detection and OS Detection.
Vulnerabilities Discovery
Target Specification:
-iL Include List of IP
--exclude Port Range scan
--excludefile Exclude list of IP
Host Discovery:
-sL Include List of IP to scan
-sP Ping Scan
SYN - Synchronize
ACK - Acknowledge
RST - Reset
FIN - Final
NULL - Nothing
TCP Connect Scan (-sT)
Full Open scan
Establish connection to the target
Uses three way handshake ( syn,ack,rst )
High chance of getting logged
Find only TCP port not UDP
Command: nmap -sT <target>
Port Reachable
nmap -A -oN <target>
nmap -A -oX <target>
nmap -A -oA <target>
nmap -A <target> --open
ndiff result.xml result2.xml
Doubts ??
@hackison @hackison.official
@infosectamil @infosectamil