Protocolos Totales
Protocolos Totales
Protocolos Totales
Traffic Class (3 bits) · CoS-mapped QoS marking Hello Address
Bottom of Stack (1 bit) · Indicates label is last in the stack Hello Port UDP/646 UDP/711
Time To Live (8 bits) · Hop counter mapped from IP TTL Adjacency Port TCP/646 TCP/711
Provider Network
Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)
PE P PE Standards-based label distribution protocol
defined in RFC 3036
show mpls interfaces show mpls ldp bindings [detail] (LIB) show ip cef [detail] (FIB)
show mpls ldp neighbors show mpls forwarding-table [detail] (LFIB) debug mpls […]
Association Management
Authentication Management Basic Service Area (BSA)
The physical area covered by the wireless signal of a BSS
Probe Management
Basic Service Set (BSS)
Beacon Management A set of stations and/or access points which can directly
Request to Send (RTS) Control communicate via a wireless medium
Distribution System (DS)
Clear to Send (CTS) Control
The wired infrastructure connecting multiple BSSs to form an ESS
Acknowledgment (ACK) Control Extended Service Set (ESS)
Data Data A set of multiple BSSs connected by a DS which appear to wireless
stations as a single BSS
Client Association Independent BSS (IBSS)
An isolated BSS with no connection to a DS; an ad hoc WLAN
A Frame
B Deferral Period
C Random Backoff
D Contention Window
Global Configuration
Generated by an ABR; advertises routes Area Types Message Types
Authentication Plain, MD5 MD5 Plain, MD5, AH (v3) Plain, MD5 MD5 ! Identify neighbors for NBMA links (OSPFv2)
between areas Standard Area 1 Hello 4 LS Update
Multicast Address N/A N/A neighbor IPv4-address [cost 1-65535]
ASBR Summary (Type 4) Default OSPF area type 2 DB Descr. 5 LS Ack
Injected by an ABR into the backbone to Stub Area ! Configure summaries on area border routers
advertise the presence of an ASBR in a non- 3 LS Request
Terminology RIP Configuration area area range { IPv4-address subnet-mask | IPv6-prefix }
RIP backbone area
External link (type 5) LSAs are replaced with
a single default route
Split-Horizon DR/BDR Election ! Summarize external routes (ASBRs only)
! Enable RIPv2 IPv4 routing External Link (Type 5)
RIP Implementations Mitigates routing loops by ensuring a Totally Stubby Area · The DR serves as a common summary-address IPv4-address subnet-mask [not-advertise]
router rip Generated by an ASBR and flooded throughout
route is never advertised back to the Type 3, 4, and 5 LSAs are replaced with a point for all adjacencies on a summary-prefix IPv6-prefix [not-advertise]
RIPv1 version 2 the AS to advertise a route external to OSPF
neighbor from which it was learned default route multiaccess segment
Original RIP implementation, limited to Group Membership (Type 6) ! Originate a default route
Poison Reverse ! Disable RIPv2 automatic summarization Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) · The BDR also maintains
classful routing (obsolete) Used by Multicast OSPF; unsupported by IOS default-information originate [always]
Learned routes are advertised back to no auto-summary A stub area containing an ASBR; type 5 LSAs adjacencies with all routers in
RIPv2 their originator as explicitly invalid NSSA External Link (Type 7) are converted to type 7 within the area ! Designate stub, totally stubby, or not-so-stubby areas
! Designate RIPv2 interfaces by network case the DR fails
Introduced support for classless routing, Generated by an ASBR in a not-so-stubby area; area area { stub | nssa } [no-summary]
triggered updates, and multicast Troubleshooting network IPv4-network External Route Types · Does not occur on point-to-
converted into a type 5 LSA by the ABR when
announcements (RFC 2453) point or multipoint links ! Create a virtual link
show ip[v6] protocols ! Identify unicast-only neighbors leaving the area E1
· Default priority (0-255) is 1; area area virtual-link router-ID
Global Configuration
RIPng (RIP Next Generation) neighbor IP-address Considers the cost to the advertising ASBR
show ip[v6] rip database OSPFv3 Link State Advertisements highest priority wins; 0 cannot
Extends RIPv2 to support IPv6 routing plus the external cost of the route
debug ip rip { database | events } ! Originate a default route be elected interface type number
(RFC 2080); functions very similarly to Name v2 Equiv. E2 (Default)
default-information originate · DR preemption will not occur
RIPv2 and is subsequently as limited debug ipv6 rip [interface] 0x2001 Router LSA Type 1 The external cost of a route as seen by the ! Enable OSPF on the interface
! Designate passive interfaces unless the current DR is reset
ASBR; internal OSPF cost is not considered ip[v6] ospf process-ID area area
RIP Configuration passive-interface {interface | default} 0x2002 Network LSA Type 2
Virtual Links ! Identify neighbors for NBMA links (OSPFv3)
0x2003 Inter-area prefix LSA Type 3 Troubleshooting
! Modify equal-cost load balancing · Tunnel formed to join two ipv6 ospf neighbor IPv6-address
interface type number 0x2004 Inter-area router LSA Type 4 show ip[v6] ospf [process] interface
maximum-paths 1-16 areas across an intermediate
Interface Configuration
! Enable RIPng on the interface 0x4005 AS-external LSA Type 5 show ip[v6] ospf [process] neighbor ! Set interface cost manually
· Both end routers must share
Interface Configuration
! Modify timers ip[v6] ospf cost 1-65535
ipv6 rip name enable 0x2006 Group membership LSA Type 6 show ip[v6] ospf border-routers a common non-stub area
timers basic update invalid hold flush
! Configure manual route summarization 0x2007 Type-7 LSA Type 7 show ip[v6] ospf database [LSA-type] · At least one end must reside ! Configure DR election priority
! Enable RIPng IPv6 routing in area 0 ip[v6] ospf priority 0-255
ip summary-address rip IPv4-address subnet-mask
ipv6 router rip name 0x0008 Link LSA N/A show ip[v6] ospf virtual-links
ipv6 rip name summary-address IPv6-prefix · Transition tool; not ideal for ! Specify network type (broadcast, point-to-point, etc.)
! Toggle split-horizon and poison-reverse 0x2009 Intra-area prefix LSA N/A debug ip[v6] ospf […] permanent designs
! Enable MD5 authentication (RIPv2 only) ip[v6] ospf network type
[no] split-horizon
ip rip authentication mode md5 Network Types ! Modify interface hello and dead intervals
[no] poison-reverse
ip rip authentication key-chain key-chain ip[v6] ospf hello-interval seconds
Nonbroadcast Multipoint Multipoint
(NBMA) Broadcast Nonbroadcast Broadcast Point-to-Point ip[v6] ospf dead-interval seconds
DR/BDR Elected Yes No No Yes No ! Enable MD5 authentication (OSPFv2)
EIGRP Configuration
EIGRP Neighbor Discovery No Yes No Yes Yes ip ospf authentication message-digest
! Enable EIGRP for an autonomous system ip ospf message-digest-key key-id md5 key-string
Hello/Dead Timers 30/120 30/120 30/120 10/40 10/40
Metric Formula [ipv6] router eigrp AS-number ! Enable IPsec authentication (OSPFv3)
Defined By RFC 2328 RFC 2328 Cisco Cisco Cisco
K2 * bw K5 ! Specify a router ID formatted in IPv4 dotted-decimal ipv6 ospf auth ipsec spi spi-number { md5 | sha1 } string
256 * (K1 * bw + + K3 * delay) * Supported Topology Full Mesh Any Any Full Mesh Point-to-Point
256 - load rel + K4 [eigrp] router-id router-ID
· bw = 107 / minimum path bandwidth in kbps ! Disable automatic classful summarization (IPv4 only)
· delay = interface delay in µsecs / 10 ISO Routing Levels IS-IS Configuration
no auto-summary Integrated IS-IS
Packet Types Default K Values Level 0 Used to locate end systems
! Enable EIGRP on interfaces by network (IPv4 only) ! Enable IS-IS routing
Global Configuration
1 Update K1 1 network IPv4-address wildcard-mask NSAP Addressing Level 1 Routing within an area (IS-IS) router isis
3 Query K2 0 ! Modify maximum paths for equal-cost load balancing Interdomain Part Domain-Specific Part Level 2 Routing between areas (IS-IS) ! Specify one or more NET addresses
maximum-paths 1-16 Level 3 Inter-AS routing net NET
Global Configuration
4 Reply K3 1
5 Hello K4 0 ! Configure multiplier for unequal-cost load balancing System ID SEL
Terminology ! Set global routing level (default level-1-2)
Condensed Area
8 Acknowledge K5 0 variance 1-128 is-type { level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2-only }
Example 49 0005.80ff.f800.0000 0001 0000.0c00.1234 00 Type-Length-Value (TLV)
! Configure K values to manipulate the metric formula Variable-length modular datasets carried by PDUs ! Configure IPv4 route summaries
Terminology metric weights 0 k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 Interdomain Part (IDP) IS-IS Hello (IIH) summary-address IP-address subnet-mask [level]
Reported Distance Portion of the address used in routing between autonomous systems; Establish and maintain neighbor adjacencies
The metric for a route advertised by a neighbor ! Explicitly identify neighbors on NBMA links ! Configure IPv6 route summaries
assigned by ISO Link State PDU (LSP)
neighbor IP-address interface address-family ipv6
Feasible Distance Domain-Specific Part (DSP) Carry TLVs encompassing link state information summary-prefix IPv6-prefix [level]
The distance advertised by a neighbor plus the cost ! Designate passive interfaces Portion of the address relevant only within the local AS Sequence Number Packet (SNP)
to get to that neighbor passive-interface {interface | default} Authority and Format Identifier (AFI) Used to request and advertise LSPs; can be complete ! Originate a default route
Stuck In Active (SIA) Identifies the authority which dictates the format of the address (CSNP) or partial (PSNP) default-information originate
! Enable stub routing
The condition when a route becomes unreachable [eigrp] stub [receive-only | connected | static | summary | redist] Initial Domain Identifier (IDI) Network Entity Title (NET)
and not all queries for it are answered; adjacencies An organization belonging to the AFI Unique router ID; includes area ID interface type number
with unresponsive neighbors are reset High Order DSP (HODSP)
interface type number Designated Intermediate System (DIS) ! Enable IS-IS on an interface
Passive Interface The area within the AS A pseudonode responsible for emulating point-to- ip[v6] router isis
An interface which does not participate in EIGRP ! Enable EIGRP for IPv6 on the interface System ID point links across a multi-access segment
but whose network is advertised ipv6 eigrp AS-number Unique router identifier; 48 bits for Cisco devices (often taken from an ! Specify interface routing level
Stub Router Ethernet MAC address) Adjacency Requirements isis circuit-type { level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2-only }
! Set the maximum bandwidth EIGRP can consume (can be >100%)
Interface Configuration
A router which advertises only a subset of routes, · Interface MTUs must match
Interface Configuration
ip[v6] bandwidth-percent eigrp AS-number 1-999999 NSAP Selector (SEL) ! Set interface metric
and is omitted from the route query process Identifies a network layer service; always 0x00 in a NET isis [ipv6] metric { 1-16777214 | maximum }
· Levels must match
! Configure manual summarization of outbound routes
Default Timers ip summary-address eigrp AS-number IPv4-address subnet-mask [AD] Network Types · Areas must match (if level 1) ! Designate the network as point-to-point
LAN (>T1) WAN (<=T1) ipv6 summary-address eigrp AS-number IPv6-prefix [AD] Broadcast Point-to-Point · System IDs must be unique isis network point-to-point
Hello 5 sec 60 sec ! Enable MD5 authentication DIS Elected Yes No · Authentication must succeed ! Configure DIS election priority
Hold 15 sec 180 sec ip[v6] authentication mode eigrp AS-number md5 Neighbor Discovery Yes Yes isis priority 0-127 [ level-1 | level-2 ]
ip[v6] authentication key-chain eigrp AS-number key-chain DIS Election
Hello/Dead Timers 10/30 10/30 ! Modify interface hello and dead intervals
Troubleshooting · Highest-priority interface elected isis hello-interval seconds [ level-1 | level-2 ]
! Modify interface hello and hold timers
show ip[v6] eigrp {interfaces | neighbors } ip[v6] hello-interval eigrp AS-number seconds Troubleshooting · Highest SNPA (e.g. MAC or DLCI) breaks tie isis hello-multiplier 3-1000 [ level-1 | level-2 ]
show ip[v6] eigrp topology ip[v6] hold-time eigrp AS-number seconds show [clns | isis] neighbors show isis [database | spf-log] · Highest system ID breaks SNPA tie ! Enable MD5 authentication
clear ip[v6] eigrp [AS-number] neighbors ! Toggle split horizon show clns interface debug [clns | isis] […] · Default interface priority is 64 isis authentication mode md5
debug ip[v6] eigrp [neighbor] [no] ip[v6] split-horizon eigrp AS-number show isis [ipv6] topology · Current DIS may be preempted, unlike OSPF isis authentication key-chain key-chain
Standard ACL Syntax Actions
! Legacy syntax
access-list <number> {permit | deny} <protocol> <source> [<ports>] <destination> [<ports>] [<options>]
! Modern syntax
ip access-list extended {<number> | <name>}
[<sequence>] {permit | deny} <protocol> <source> [<ports>] <destination> [<ports>] [<options>]
00000001 00000000 01011110 00001110 00111001 00000110 GLOP (RFC 3180) Admin-scoped
Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) Common Groups
Verifies that multicast traffic travels in the reverse direction of All hosts
unicast traffic, away from the tree root All routers
Cisco Group Management Protocol (CGMP)
A proprietary protocol used by switches to obtain multicast Cisco RP Announce
membership information for end hosts (deprecated) Cisco RP Discovery
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)
Hosts send IGMP requests to local routers to join multicast groups Distribution Trees
IGMP Configuration A common set of links which carry all
IGMP Support Router(config-if)# ip igmp [version <#>] multicast traffic; statically configured
IGMP Snooping Switch(config)# ip igmp snooping
Provides the shortest paths from the
Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) source to receivers
Classless interdomain routing was developed to Variable-length subnet masks are an arbitrary length
provide more granularity than legacy classful between 0 and 32 bits; CIDR relies on VLSMs to define
addressing; CIDR notation is expressed as /XX routes
Address Formats
Source Address
Global unicast
Link-local unicast
Version (4 bits) · Always set to 6 Interface ID
Traffic Class (8 bits) · A DSCP value for QoS
64 64
Flow Label (20 bits) · Identifies unique flows (optional)
Payload Length (16 bits) · Length of the payload in bytes
Group ID
Next Header (8 bits) · Header or protocol which follows
8 4 4 112
Hop Limit (8 bits) · Similar to IPv4's time to live field
Source Address (128 bits) · Source IP address EUI-64 Formation
Address Types
Unicast · One-to-one communication
Multicast · One-to-many communication · Insert 0xfffe between the two halves of the MAC
Anycast · An address configured in multiple locations · Flip the seventh bit (universal/local flag) to 1
1 Area Addresses Hello, LSP 6 IS Neighbors Hello, L2 LSP 128 IP Internal Reach. LSP
2 IS Neighbors LSP 8 Padding Hello 129 Protocols Supported Hello, LSP
3 ES Neighbors L1 LSP 9 LSP Entries SNP 131 IDRPI SNP, L2 LSP
5 Prefix Neighbors L2 LSP 10 Authentication All 132 IP Interface Address Hello, LSP
Configuration Example
Area 1 Router A2 interface FastEthernet0/0
description Area 1
ip address
A3 ip router isis
A2 isis circuit-type level-1
router isis
A1 net 49.0001.0000.0000.00a2.00
Router B2
Area 2 Area 3
interface FastEthernet0/0
description Area 2
ip address
ip router isis
B2 C2 isis circuit-type level-1 !
B1 C1 router isis
B3 net 49.0002.0000.0000.00b2.00
Router A1 Router B1
interface FastEthernet0/0 interface FastEthernet0/0
description Area 1 description Area 2
ip address ip address
ip router isis ip router isis
isis circuit-type level-1 isis circuit-type level-1
! !
interface Serial1/0 interface Serial1/0
no ip address no ip address
encapsulation frame-relay encapsulation frame-relay
! !
interface Serial1/0.1 point-to-point interface Serial1/0.1 point-to-point
description To Area 2 description To Area 1
ip address ip address
ip router isis ip router isis
isis circuit-type level-2-only isis circuit-type level-2-only
! MD5 authentication (keychain not shown) ! MD5 authentication (keychain not shown)
isis authentication mode md5 isis authentication mode md5
isis authentication key-chain <keychain> isis authentication key-chain <keychain>
frame-relay interface-dlci 101 frame-relay interface-dlci 101
! !
interface Serial1/0.2 point-to-point interface Serial1/0.2 point-to-point
description To Area 3 description To Area 3
ip address ip address
ip router isis ip router isis
isis circuit-type level-2-only isis circuit-type level-2-only
frame-relay interface-dlci 102 frame-relay interface-dlci 103
! !
router isis router isis
net 49.0001.0000.0000.00a1.00 net 49.0002.0000.0000.00b1.00
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![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg) <img src="/path/to/img.jpg" alt="Alt text"/>
Lists Formatting
<ul> ''Text'' <i>Text</i>
* Sizes <li>Shapes</li> '''Text''' <b>Text</b>
* Shapes <li>Colors '''''Text''''' <i><b>Text</b></i>
* Colors <ul>
** Blue <li>Blue</li> <ins>Text</ins> <ins>Text</ins>
** Green <li>Green</li>
</ul></li> <del>Text</del> <del>Text</del>
</ul> <tt>Text</tt> <tt>Text</tt>
# First <li>First</li> Templates
# Second <li>Second</li>
Unnamed variables Books by {{{1}}}
# Third <li>Third</li>
</ol> Invoking the template {{Author|Palahniuk}}
[[packet switching]] <a href="Packet_switching">packet switching</a>
[[Image:photo.png]] <a href="Image:photo.png"><img src="photo.png" /></a>
{| Starts a table ! Table header
! Inside Inside Local Inside Global
interface FastEthernet1
ip address
ip nat outside Outside Outside Local Outside Global
E2 (Default) · Cost of the route as seen by the ASBR · Tunnel formed to join two areas
across an intermediate
· Both end routers must share a
show ip [route | protocols] show ip ospf border-routers common area
show ip ospf interface show ip ospf virtual-links · At least one end must reside in area 0
show ip ospf neighbor debug ip ospf […] · Cannot traverse stub areas
Configuration Example
Router B Router C
interface Ethernet0/0 interface Ethernet0/0
description Area 0 description Area 9
ip address ip address
ip ospf 100 area 0 ip ospf 100 area 9
! !
interface Ethernet0/1 interface Ethernet0/1
description Area 2 description Area 2
ip address ip address
ip ospf 100 area 2 ip ospf 100 area 2
! Optional MD5 authentication configured ! Optional MD5 authentication configured
ip ospf authentication message-digest ip ospf authentication message-digest
ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 FooBar ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 FooBar
! Give B priority in DR election ! Give C second priority (BDR) in election
ip ospf priority 100 ip ospf priority 50
! !
interface Ethernet0/2 !
description Area 1 !
ip address !
ip ospf 100 area 1 !
! !
interface Loopback0 interface Loopback0
ip address ip address
! !
router ospf 100 router ospf 100
! Define area 1 as a stub area ! Define area 9 as a totally stubby area
area 1 stub area 9 stub no-summary
! Virtual link from area 0 to area 9 ! Virtual link from area 9 to area 0
area 2 virtual-link area 2 virtual-link
ST (Straight Tip)
SC (Subscriber Connector)
RJ-21 (25-pair)
LC (Local Connector)
Cisco GigaStack
1000Base-SX/LX SFP
DB-25 (Male)
DB-60 (Male)
X2 (10Gig)
Ethernet Class of Service (CoS) 3-bit 802.1p field in 802.1Q header 56 111000 Reserved 7
Frame Relay Discard Eligibility (DE) 1-bit drop eligibility flag 48 110000 Reserved 6
ATM Cell Loss Priority (CLP) 1-bit drop eligibility flag 46 101110 EF 5
MPLS Traffic Class (TC) 3-bit field compatible with 802.1p 32 100000 CS4
34 100010 AF41
IP QoS Markings 4
36 100100 AF42
IP Precedence
The first three bits of the IP TOS field; limited to 8 traffic classes 38 100110 AF43
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) 24 011000 CS3
The first six bits of the IP TOS are evaluated to provide more granular
26 011010 AF31
classification; backward-compatible with IP Precedence 3
28 011100 AF32
QoS Flowchart
30 011110 AF33
No 16 010000 CS2
Software Queue
18 010010 AF21
HW Yes 2
Queuing Hardware
Queue Software Queue 20 010100 AF22
Decision Queue
Software Queue 22 010110 AF23
8 001000 CS1
First In First Out (FIFO) Priority Queuing (PQ) LLQ Config Example
mpls.bottom mpls.oam.defect_location bgp.aggregator_as bgp.mp_reach_nlri_ipv4_prefix mpls.oam.defect_type bgp.aggregator_origin bgp.mp_unreach_nlri_ipv4_prefix mpls.oam.frequency bgp.as_path bgp.multi_exit_disc
mpls.exp mpls.oam.function_type bgp.cluster_identifier bgp.next_hop
mpls.label mpls.oam.ttsi bgp.cluster_list bgp.nlri_prefix
mpls.oam.bip16 mpls.ttl bgp.community_as bgp.origin
bgp.community_value bgp.originator_id
bgp.local_pref bgp.type
icmp.checksum icmp.ident icmp.seq
bgp.mp_nlri_tnl_id bgp.withdrawn_prefix
icmp.checksum_bad icmp.mtu icmp.type
icmp.code icmp.redir_gw HTTP
IP Voice
Early Deployment (ED)
Offers new feature, platform, or interface support
General Deployment (GD)
IP Base A major release considered qualified for deployment on
critical devices
Limited Deployment (LD)
Advanced Enterprise Services A major release prior to reaching its GD milestone
Deferred (DF)
Known defective images; should not be installed
Advanced IP Services Enterprise Services
IOS Version Verification